Photoshop :: Deleting History From An EXIF File? (CS4)
Feb 28, 2009
i'm using PSCS4 and i'm trying to delete the "history" portion that was originally saved in my XMP data. i've gone to the "file info"->"advanced" window pane (tab) and deleted the "history" folder (like you suggested in your article a photoshop history lesson"), but the folder continues to reappear with all the initial history data. it appears like i delete the history folder, but then when opening up the "file info" window again, all the history is there like it was before i attempted to delete it.
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Dec 16, 2004
Is there an easy way to delete several of the History lines all at once without getting rid of all the History.
I've been dragging each line to the trash bin but it's slow going if you have a lot to get rid of.
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Nov 22, 2012
Can i remove the fx history ? for example i render a cfx clip. then i want to keep the render only and disconnect the relationship with its 'cfx history' . And is there any practical benefit of it ? You maybe will ask me : 'why do you wanna do it?' , my answer is " i don't know man, it just came across my mind .
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Apr 16, 2013
I am having a problem with Maya 2013 (Mac) crashing when I delete history. I have had this happen a few times in the past but only if I go a long time without deleting the history. I do it on a more regular basis now but this past week it has been doing it every time. I created a button on my shelf as a short cut for this and when I was first having the problem I found that if I just do it from the edit drop down then it worked first. Now it is crashing even when I do it from there. One instance I saved before I deleted the history and it crashed when I deleted. Then I restarted my computer and the first time I deleted it worked but next time it crashed. I have both service packs, I'm not sure why it is doing this all of a sudden.
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Aug 7, 2012
How can i get my Photoshop to erase all the exif data associated with a file? And also prevent Photoshop from saving to "Photoshop CS6" to the "program name"
exif data included that i want to be removed is shutter speed, GPRS location, lighting, time, etc. I would like to get ALL of the data removed.
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Mar 7, 2009
I participate in an online photography challenge group. In order for your photo to be legal you have to be able to submit the original file, with unaltered exif, as proof that the photo was taken during the right dates, and that the editing steps you took were legal.
I have never had an issue, however there is now some debate amongst a few people.
A certain photog claims that she shot a photo in jpg, used PS (it might have been elements though) to edit the photo, then used "save as" to save it as a different file name. When she had to submit the original file, the exif was changed and she was dq'd. She is blaming PS for changing the original file even though she never saved over the original.
My own stance is that she must hae used the "import photos" command to get the pics from her camera to her HD, and that is likely what changed the exif on the original. (I always use a copy and paste into a new folder on my HD)
So my question is... who is correct? Does PS Or PS Elements change your original file just by opening it, even if you do not ever "save", and only use "save as"? Or am I correct in saying the only way that could happen is during an "import from camera" command?
Please let me know so we can put this issue to rest. It is causing the whole jpg vs raw thing to flare up again, since you cannot save to a camera propriatary raw file.
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Nov 8, 2013
Since today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
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Sep 20, 2012
I'm trying to get photos (JPG files) I've edited in Photoshop and placed on an SD card to display on a Panasonic plasma television (TC-P42X1). The televison will only recognize JPG files with DCF or EXIF standards in tact. I'm assuming photos taken with a digital camera (unedited) already build in these stanards, as those photos view just fine. I'm also assuming that Photoshop strips the JPG file of these standards since the error I'm getting is "Cannot Read" with edited images.
Of course Panasonic says, "It's an Adobe issue." Adobe would probably tell me "It's a Panasonic issue." Using Photoshop, I've opened an image, gone to File/File Info (given the photo a description), selected "OK" and saved the image as a JPG file (did not use the "Save for Web" path). This has gotten me a step closer. Now I can see a thumbnail image on the television when in menu view, but it still says, "Cannon Read" when trying to view the images with the slide show option. What is the trick is using Photoshop to correct this issue? I'm open to other options as well.
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May 1, 2012
I've been playing around with Exif orientation data, and CS4 always shows the orientation as "Normal" in File -> File Info. However, looking at the same EXIF information with other programs (e.g. Picasa), I see the appropriate rotation information, which is consistent with how I took the photos. Is this a bug in Photoshop CS4? I took the photos with an iPhone 4, by the way.
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Aug 20, 2013
I am trying to learn layers and layer masks. I loaded an image, than control J to duplicate it. I then added a layer mask. Everything good so far. I then went to filters chose a blur. Then went to brushes with black as my foreground color, I just wanted to brush away the blur, and got an error message. "could not use the history brush because the history state does not have a corresponding layer."
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Mar 24, 2013
Everytime I try to use my history brush, that error pops up and I have no clue why. If I try to just open a blank document and use the brush it does not give me this error and I can "use" the brush but you cant see anything on the project.
so when this error happens im trying to do a project and say I place a file(picture) into the project and this is the very first thing I do. I place it, then I size the image down some. I then make a new layer to use the brush for behind the picture and then this is when I get the error. I have no clue what is wrong
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Nov 17, 2012
In Photoshop CS4, my File>Info window is now blank (empty) and modal, i.e., I must close Photoshop via Task Manager (Windows 7).
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Jul 30, 2011
I've been an amature Photoshop enthusiast since version 4.0... I remember when the history palette came out and it was so cool..
I have given Photoshop a break quite sporadically over the years.... but now I have come back in an attempt to unleash the wrath of its power and so far I have been quite impressed. Generally all I need to do is think "I wish there was a feature to do this" then apply usually not much more than a few seconds of discovery to locate the actual that exist previously unbeknown to me....
With the work I am doing right now the history and history brush feature is proving very useful... However sometimes not being able to save my history when I close photoshop or take a extended break... has proven to cost me hours of time.This is utterly unacceptable. I really hope CS6 fixes this. How can Adobe make such a great software with such a blatant flaw?
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Feb 2, 2013
I have a problem where LR4 on import seems to rewrite the xmp-files, and in that process data is lost, notably GPS-data, is lost.
My workflow:
Create xmp-file with Exiftool from CR2-files (sets copyright etc)
Geocode with Geosetter
Color labels with Photo Mechanic
Import to LR4
After import geo data is gone for around 30% of the files. It seems like files that have received a color label by PM is not affected, and many files without color label are correctly imported.I never loose any data before importing to LR4.
I use a Canon 7D, Exiftool and Geosetter are updated to latest versions, LR version is 4.3. I couldn't find how to attach files, but how the xmp looks before and after LR4 import, I could copy-paste the code in an answer.
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Oct 30, 2013
When I try to open any file in PS6 (jpg, png, psd), it shows open in the history but the file doesn't show up on the work space. I have never had this happen to me before! I've updated everything available, too.
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Feb 2, 2013
I have elements 10 and am using it in windows 7. The manual says that "As you edit your images, Photoshop Elements automatically keeps track of the file's edit history and adds this information to the file's metadata". That's what I want. But when I look in the History tab in the File Info, it's always blank.
How do I get it to turn on and keep track of the edits I've made to the image? (Note -- I'm not talking about the Undo History panel -- that works and shows the edit history. I'm talking about the History tab in "File Info".)
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Jun 5, 2012
I use lightroom 4.1 on win 7 64bit. I i have a NEF file with all the details, iso, shutter speed, etc. I click on file and tell it to edit with photoshop cs6.
I edit my file, make adjustments, etc then I save for web and put i in subfolder where the NEF file was originally. Now I go back to lightroom and tell to sync the folder where i saved the file.
The problem is the JPEG file has all the exif data wiped out.
I routinely always edit my images in photoshop as i find it much more powerful than using lightroom but what bums me out is when saving it as a jpeg it stripped of all data, and I'm wondering is this caused my lightroom or photoshop.
So to inspect further i open file in windows explorer do file properties and theres no info on it. yet the NEF file has everything on it. So maybe photoshop is somehow removing all this.
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May 7, 2012
I am using Paint Shop Pro V7.04. When I save a file as a JPG, it strips EXIF info and the tags describing the camera settings for the image. Is there any way of preventing this on this version of PSP?
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Sep 15, 2012
Is it possible to fill IPTC Date Created Field from the raw-file properties at import to LR4?
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Oct 8, 2008
I can only see how to delete the entire history in the history panel. Is there a way I can remove only selected states? I am using LR 1.4.
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Mar 26, 2012
I've installed newly purchased Photoshop CS5 on my relatively new (4 months old) Macbook Pro computer. I've uninstalled/reinstalled 3 or 4 times; same results each time. What happens is I can open the program once normally, right after install, and begin to work on a new project. Shortly thereafter it crashes, and from then on I cannot use the software unless I hold down shift-option-cmd to delete the preferences file, every time I open it. If I don't delete the preferences file, the software will open but nothing in it works. Everything is non-responsive or acts weirdly, until I hit certain buttons which just causes it to crash. As long as I've deleted the preferences file when starting it, all is well. If I don't do that, I can't use the software.
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Feb 28, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro running Lion, OS X 10.7 that I purchased two months ago so it's relatively new. Just bought Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended and installed it on the computer a day ago. Software will not operate unless I hold option+command+shift when starting so that the preferences file is deleted.
I suspect that the problem stems from a plugin that I deposited into the plugins folder, because the software was working at first. I didn't piece this together until after the fact, but once I fired up the software a couple times after installing it, it worked fine each time. I noodled around and checked some things out to see what's new in CS5, then I went ahead and deposited a favorite plugin into the plugins folder. Things stopped working after this. Not positive the plugin is related, but thought I should mention it.
I removed the plugin of course, to no avail. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software three times. No difference. When I open the software without deleting the prefs file, it's just buggy and non-responsive. Can't start a new project, and thing just end up crashing every time. The software is useless without deleting the prefs file when firing it up.
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Jul 2, 2013
I am working on a project for my online class and am having difficulties with the History Brush. Note that both files are identical in size etc.
1. I created a color text file and saved it with a specific name.
2. I copied an existing photo from iPhoto, as I couldn't import into PhotoShop, and pasted it in a new file. I then removed the white background layer and then saved it with its now specific name and closed the file.
3. I re-opened the Color Text File.
4. I then re-opended my photo.
5. I performed a "Select All" from the menu bar of my active Photo then selected Edit - Copy and then closed my Photo file.
6. From my Color Text File I selected Edit and then Paste from the menu bar.
7. I selected Layer and Flatten Image from the menu bar.
8. I right clicked the background image from the Layers Panel and created a snapshot (which is my photo)
9. I selected the History brush and verified that this also displayed in the gray box associated with the Color Text file within the History Panel.
10. I verified that my photo image was displayed in my work area.
11. I start to fill the photo with my History Brush and the only color I get is White.
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Mar 8, 2012
Autodesk 3D map closed in a wrong way ,,and the next time i opened it had a problem with field...i fixed it ,but now i cant see my drawing history ...what should i do to fix this .
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Feb 22, 2013
In Civil 3d 2011 I have always used the windows start menu file history to open recent documents. Its no longer populating that field, but other windows applications are.
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Dec 11, 2012
Can history be traced or viewed after saving the file?
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May 24, 2012
I have noticed in Photoshop CS5.1 and CS6 strange behaviour when saving for web file as PNG-24.
case1.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and layer mask hide selection (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 131.4k
case2.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and delete pixels (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 66.93k
Both pictures got same square transparent hole, but sizes are so different. Using mask do not reduce size of the file PNG24. Why is like that, bug ?
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Dec 11, 2012
My Mac PS CS5.5, vs. 12.1 is behaving strange when more than one photo is open. I don't like tabs, so I've turned that off in preferences. I need to have several photos open at once, and like to spread them over the desktop to see them all at the same time. When I click on one photo, the others are behaving erratically: some are changing to show the same photo I clicked on or part of it. It's as if each window is connected. How do I turn that off or otherwise fix the problem, so that I can view each individual photo and even make changes to it, without it effecting the other open photos?
I have already tried rebooting and deleting the settings file by booting PS while holding down the command, option, and shift buttons. And I checked for updates, but looks like I have the latest.
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Jun 16, 2012
would it be possible sometime in Paint.Net to save/export to the clipboard the history box as a text list of what we did ?
since I use many effects and settings in a given PDN, I sometime wants to write me some notes about how i did something and the steps i used to do it, before my old memory lets me down.
I know that the PDN it self has the history, but now I need to go over all the list and manually write/type down in notepad the list , which most of the time is very long.
Having the ability to save/export the history box text to a file or to the clipboard, make it easy to edit the list and keep track/notes of steps and ways to do something.
I don't need the settings used in the effect/adjustments , but just the TEXT names of the steps taken as shown in the history box.
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Mar 26, 2012
I've been killing myself with trying to get the following (acet-getvar '("BNS_EDITTIME_TOTAL")) in standard time format
rather than julian and then printing it to a file. I never found a way. So I'm figuring the next best thing is to just run the edittime command and then set a custom variable to report the last line of the command history. Then I can open a file and print it to the file. But alas my skills are lacking.
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Jun 28, 2013
First of all, some details as to what we are working on:
Mac OSX 10.6.8
Illustrator CS6
Accessing files on a shared network drive
I have been working on a file for a number of months now with no problems at all. Right at the point of it being signed off today I opened it to prep for printing (outline fonts, check colours etc.). When I opened it I noticed a number of the graphics (embedded graphics, not linked files) and areas of text were missing. Completely missing. No text boxes, no sign of any images having been there, just GONE. I closed the file without saving and opened it in CS5 - neither the graphics or the text appeared in CS5 either.
Nobody except myself and the other guy has access to these files (nor the softare to open them). The file has not been opened since June 6th when I last made a change (and everything was fine!).
This is not the only file we have discovered this problem with - there was another occurence of this with a completely different file yesterday which we put down to a small glitch, but this is now getting worrying. Yesterday it was graph items, so we thought it was something to do with those. Today it is bog standard graphics and text (no font issues either).
Now, I have also noticed something else with this particular file - it is acting more like an imported PDF than an original Illy file in that items are linked together (un-linked by right-clicking and selecting 'release clipping mask'). I don't know if this could be related? It was definitely created from scratch in Illustrator, and none of the items were linked in such way, or imported from another file.
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