Photoshop :: Opened File Shows In History But Not In Workspace

Oct 30, 2013

When I try to open any file in PS6 (jpg, png, psd), it shows open in the history but the file doesn't show up on the work space. I have never had this happen to me before! I've updated everything available, too.

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Photoshop :: Cannot See Image When Opened - Only Tab Shows File Name

Jun 26, 2013

I cannot see my image after opening in PS6.  The tab shows the file name and I can see the image in the tile when I go to "File-Open". 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Shows Everything But No Model Shows Up On Workspace Screen

Jul 20, 2012

It was working fine.  Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out.  The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back.  So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back.  I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen.  In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible.  I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened.  I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank.  I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine.  I just can't see my main assembly.  I have Inventor 2012.  It shows no errors or messages.  I have even rebooted.  

I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical.  I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 - Can't See Opened Workspace

Apr 24, 2012

When I open photoshop, the workspace won't appear. It's layers show up on the layer menu, but the image and workspace are no where to be found. Entering full screen mode freezes. If i open photoshop and delete my settings, it fixes everything, but i am getting tired of setting all my settings back up every time i do this.

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Photoshop :: Workspace Shows Finder Screen

Feb 16, 2012

For some reason, in CS3 I have an opening in the editing space which allows other applications, or the finder, to show through.
How can I grey out that space so it isn't transparent?

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AutoCad :: Shows One Layer In Model Space When Drawing Opened On Mac

Feb 24, 2012

I have done a drawing on my auto cad 2011 on windows and when i open it up on my auto cad 2011 for mac it only shows one layer in model space all the layers are on and thawed. how can i get the rest of my drawing to show up?

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Photoshop :: Couldn't Use History Brush Because History State Doesn't Have A Corresponding Layer

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to learn layers and layer masks.  I loaded an image, than control J to duplicate it.  I then added a layer mask.  Everything good so far.  I then went to filters chose a blur.  Then went to brushes with black as my foreground color, I just wanted to brush away the blur, and got an error message. "could not use the history brush because the history state does not have a corresponding layer."

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Photoshop :: Could Not Use History Brush - History State Lacks Corresponding Channel - CS6?

Mar 24, 2013

Everytime I try to use my history brush, that error pops up and I have no clue why. If I try to just open a blank document and use the brush it does not give me this error and I can "use" the brush but you cant see anything on the project.

so when this error happens im trying to do a project and say I place a file(picture) into the project and this is the very first thing I do. I place it, then I size the image down some. I then make a new layer to use the brush for behind the picture and then this is when I get the error. I have no clue what is wrong

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Photoshop :: File Info Function (from File Menu Or Key Shortcut) Shows Only Empty Box

Jun 23, 2013

file info in Photoshop shows only an empty box yet works in bridge.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save History With File

Jul 30, 2011

I've been an amature Photoshop enthusiast since version 4.0... I remember when the history palette came out and it was so cool..

I have given Photoshop a break quite sporadically over the years.... but now I have come back in an attempt to unleash the wrath of its power and so far I have been quite impressed. Generally all I need to do is think "I wish there was a feature to do this" then apply usually not much more than a few seconds of discovery to locate the actual that exist previously unbeknown to me....

With the work I am doing right now the history and history brush feature is proving very useful... However sometimes not being able to save my history when I close photoshop or take a extended break... has proven to cost me hours of time.This is utterly unacceptable. I really hope CS6 fixes this. How can Adobe make such a great software with such a blatant flaw?

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Photoshop :: Deleting History From An EXIF File? (CS4)

Feb 28, 2009

i'm using PSCS4 and i'm trying to delete the "history" portion that was originally saved in my XMP data. i've gone to the "file info"->"advanced" window pane (tab) and deleted the "history" folder (like you suggested in your article a photoshop history lesson"), but the folder continues to reappear with all the initial history data. it appears like i delete the history folder, but then when opening up the "file info" window again, all the history is there like it was before i attempted to delete it.

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Illustrator :: OS X 10.8 Saving Opened / Edited CS5.5 And CS6 File Rewrites File Permissions

Dec 5, 2012

Open an .AI file saved on a netapp or windows shared directory with full permissions (prior to saving I noted that all security groups are intact in file properties as we have 2 for read and write access)Make any changesTry to save and get the prompt:  Can’t save preview, but all other information was saved successfully. The file couldn’t be found. ID = -43  (file is now corrupted and looking in security group file properties the 2 security groups designated for read and write access for the directory is now gone and shows an unknown security group????)

Save as works without a problem. Try to press save again and get This file has been modified outside Illustrator. Do you want to continue?Continue and prompted This file cannot be foundObviously the file preview icon goes from a thumbnail of the file to a generic iconWhen I try to open the file I get: Can’t open the illustration. The file is locked or in use.It led me to believe the issue was either OS X or CS5.5. I was able to open the file fine on Windows Illustrator CS5.5 make a slight change and resaved (which fixed the file and opens again in OS X and read/write security groups show up again?)Optionally, I was also able to fix the file to where I could open it in OS X by simply giving myself Read/Write access to the file from Get Info 

Notes:No issues with the same file in 10.7.x.

I've tested on all available Mac Pro / MacBook Pro machines and issue doesn't seem to happen on MacBook Pro retina?Photoshop and InDesign not affected

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saves File That Is Just Opened?

May 16, 2013

When someone opens a file on our server just to look at the image and then closes it without making any edits and does not save, the file has a new modification date and act like it was saved. How can I keep this from happening?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - How To Get History Tab To Turn On In File Info

Feb 2, 2013

I have elements 10 and am using it in windows 7.  The manual says that "As you edit your images, Photoshop Elements automatically keeps track of the file's edit history and adds this information to the file's metadata". That's what I want. But when I look in the History tab in the File Info, it's always blank.  

How do I get it to turn on and keep track of the edits I've made to the image? (Note -- I'm not talking about the Undo History panel -- that works and shows the edit history. I'm talking about the History tab in "File Info".)

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Photoshop :: File And Image Distortion When Opened In CS6

Mar 21, 2013

I recently upgraded to a new computer and I am experiencing strange black bands blotches when opening many of my old Photoshop files or even when opening common files types (jpg/png).  The problem doesn't occur with all file, some open just fine.  The distortion only appears within Photoshop,

when I try to save the file for display everything looks fine as long as I don’t open the saved file in Photoshop. I feel like I’m missing something basic but I’ve used PS for years and never encountered this. All of my profile settings are exactly the same as they were on the old computer (basically default) so I don’t think there is a mismatch. 

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Photoshop :: How To Adjust Curves In File Opened From PDF

Sep 5, 2013

I need to include several pages of pdfs in a book. The pdfs are scanned text documents, image only, with no security applied. When I open the pdf on my mac pro with photoshop cs6, I can make adjustments in the curves dialog, but when I close the dialog the adjustments disappear. The history pallette shows the action, but nothing happened. Also can make visible changes in a curves adjustment layer, but when I flatten the image the changes disappear. I've tried opening the pdf as grayscale, rgb, and cmyk; same result. I've also saved it in several different formats, then reopened it; same result. The file initially opens as a background layer with a locked symbol in the layers pallette. If I duplicate the layer and delete the background, the locked symbol disappears, but photoshop still won't accept changes made in the curves dialog. I tried it with cs4, and had a friend try the same things with on a pc; same result. Levels adjustment won't work, either.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Increases JPG File Size When Opened

Jul 25, 2008

I am a newbie - so sorry if this is a dumb question. But when I open a JPG file with CS3 it will make it very large. For example - when I open a 2.75MB JPG file taken from a digital camera, CS3 somehow increases the file to 14 MB. When I open a 2MB JPG image sent from a graphic designer, CS3 shows the image as 31MB.

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Photoshop :: PSD File Saved In Elements, Can't Be Opened In CS2?

Aug 18, 2008

if there's a way for my PSD file, which I created and saved in Elements, to be opened in CS2?

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Photoshop :: Opened Saved File And It's All Blurry?

Dec 31, 2007

i've just been using the brush tool to draw and paint around with, and today when I tried to open up a saved project from last night, It came up all blurry and very undetailed compared to when i saved it. I think it might be the saved file was 16 bit, and maybe it's opening it up in 8 bit which is making it blurry? Or maybe my computer can't handle the 16bit and my resolution on the saved file was too high?

Also, I was wondering some recommended starting specs (like when I open a new window)

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Photoshop :: No Image Displayed When File Opened

Aug 15, 2009

I have installed Photoshop CS4 x64 on Windows 7 x64 (RC) and when I open an image (any image file), it is not displayed in Photoshop. This is on a fresh install on a new PC. I see the tab (and the window) that photoshop displays for an image, but there is no image data in it. The only way I can see the image is if I drag the tab (converting it into a window), once I drop the window, the image data is again not visible. I am getting the same issue with Photoshop CS4 (x86). Has anyone else seen this before? I have updated my video card drivers, and I installed the drivers for my monitors (even though I don't believe in monitor drivers!). 

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Lightroom :: Delete Part Of History In History Panel?

Oct 8, 2008

I can only see how to delete the entire history in the history panel. Is there a way I can remove only selected states? I am using LR 1.4.

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Photoshop :: Illustrator File Losing Quality When Opened

Oct 19, 2012

I have simple line drawings in illustrator (outlines of clothes) that I wish to open in photoshop to add colour and effects to. When i have tried to copy and paste (as normal paste, smart object, pixels, path and shape layer) the quality is lost.

I have also tried to open or place the file in photoshop as a .psd, .ai , .pfd and still the quality is lost.I have saved with different resolution settings too, but it always loses quality when it is opened in photoshop.
Is there any way to have a clear line drawing like it is in illustrator in photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Locate File Recently Opened Photos?

Sep 12, 2012

How can I locate file recently opened photos in photoshop. Photos from like 4 days ago.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can JPEG File Be Opened In Raw Format

Jan 4, 2014

Can a jpeg file be opened in raw format in photshop elements 11?

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Photoshop :: History Brush Only Painting White On Picture Instead Of Colors From Text File?

Jul 2, 2013

I am working on a project for my online class and am having difficulties with the History Brush.  Note that both files are identical in size etc.
1.  I created a color text file and saved it with a specific name.
2.  I copied an existing photo from iPhoto, as I couldn't import into PhotoShop,  and pasted it in a new file.  I then removed the white background layer and then saved it with its now specific name and closed the file.
3. I re-opened the Color Text File.
4.  I then re-opended my photo.
5.  I performed a "Select All" from the menu bar of my active Photo then selected Edit - Copy and then closed my Photo file.
6.  From my Color Text File I selected Edit and then Paste from the menu bar.
7.  I selected Layer and Flatten Image from the menu bar.
8.  I right clicked the background image from the Layers Panel and created a snapshot (which is my photo)
9.  I selected the History brush and verified that this also displayed in the gray box associated with the Color Text file within the History Panel.
10.  I verified that my photo image was displayed in my work area.
11.  I start to fill the photo with my History Brush and the only color I get is White.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Drawing File History

Mar 8, 2012

Autodesk 3D map closed in a wrong way ,,and the next time i opened it had a problem with field...i fixed it ,but now i cant see my drawing history ...what should i do to fix this .

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Photoshop :: My CS3 Shows Error When Opens Any File

Jun 20, 2008

my CS3 Extended (ENG ver. ) stopped open any file (new, photos, files any format...).

The CS3 shows error when I try to open any file. After that windows XP closes the application Sometimes CS3 opens small .jpg but very, very slow (1MB last about 3 min).
Yesterday I did reinstalation but without results.

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Illustrator :: Placing Photoshop File In CS5 - Nothing Shows Up

Jul 13, 2010

I frequently place Photoshop files into Illustrator CS3 without issue.... the PS file places right into the file with transparent surroundings.
I just upgraded to CS5 and for some reason, I "Place" the Photoshop file, but nothing shows up in Illustrator.  I must not have a preference set correctly.

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Photoshop :: Error / Could Not Apply Workspace Because File Is Locked

Jul 26, 2013

"Could not apply the workspace because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder."
Creating a new image I get the above message.  I've uninstalled and re-installed and still get the problem.

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Photoshop :: Custom Workspace / File Image To Fit Area?

Aug 15, 2012

iMac 27' OS Lion CS4 - I have built a new custom workspace where I have about 10 palettes permanently on the desktop and unlike my older Mac G5 running Tiger, when I open an image file it occupies the whole screen (depending on original size) and is occupying space also under the palettes. I would like for the image to open or if not open then when I keystroke cmd+0 for 'fit screen' so it only occupies the area of the screen that is free.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File History Is Not Populating

Feb 22, 2013

In Civil 3d 2011 I have always used the windows start menu file history to open recent documents. Its no longer populating that field, but other windows applications are.

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