Paint Shop Pro :: V7.04 Stripping EXIF Tags When Save File As JPG

May 7, 2012

I am using Paint Shop Pro V7.04. When I save a file as a JPG, it strips EXIF info and the tags describing the camera settings for the image. Is there any way of preventing this on this version of PSP?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Save Options / Saving EXIF

Aug 20, 2012

It seems I can either save work at a lower quality jpeg, or export to get higher quality and lose the EXIF. I never want to use the lower quality, never, but I cannot seem to find anything in the Preferences to avoid having to manually set the quality. Is there a way to save at a higher quality than currently provided by PSP X4 by default?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Stripping The EXIF Data

Nov 10, 2008

Everytime I "save for web" my EXIF data is stripped when using CS3.

I have been told to "save as", instead, but that function doesn't allow me to "save as" jpg's. I assume I must be doing something wrong or have an incorrect preference set.

If I am unable to save my EXIF in jpg's using CS3, can I do so, if I upgrade to CS4?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Losing EXIF Data With HDR

Sep 18, 2013

I process three images with PSP X5 using the HDR feature and the EXIF data is dropped.

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Paint Shop Pro :: EXIF Data Not Available To Plug-ins

Sep 1, 2013

I am the author of PTLens, software for correcting lens distortion.


The software functions by reading EXIF data and, based on this information, determines the camera, lens, and focal length, and automatically corrects lens distortion.

The plug-in is compatible with Photoshop on both the Mac and PC. Unfortunately, EXIF data is not available for plug-ins under PSP. Without EXIF data the user must manually enter camera make, model, lens, and lens focal length. This is a bit onerous for users with zoom lenses.

Work at your end, assuming you have access to a pointer to EXIF data, is trivial. I estimate less than one hour of developer time. As a result, users will have access to automatic correction for distortion via the PTLens plug-in.

I am willing to work with a developer on your end to see this feature implemented in your software.

Technical information follows.
intptr_t simpProp;
Handle compProp;
int32 rc;


A call to getProperty returns zero, indicating all is okay. But a call to getSize returns zero, indicating no EXIF data. I tried a different approach. A PSP script, to obtain EXIF data, was successful. But there is no way to pass this information to a plug-in.

Setting an environment variable in the script, and reading the variable in the plug-in, won't work because I need to set an environment variable in a parent process. This is not permitted.

Writing a file from the script, and then reading it back in the plug-in, doesn't work because the script is running in a protected environment where writing files is not allowed.

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Paint Shop Pro :: EXIF White Balance Data?

Dec 9, 2012

I use a Pentax K-r and the white balance icon above the EXIF data panel only shows if I have used Auto White Balance. If I have used any of the other modes available in the camera, no icon is shown and the EXIF data lists the shot as taken with manual white balance. The other two icons (metering mode and JPG/DNG) work correctly. The white balance issue means that I have to note the white balance setting of each shot while the card is in the camera and put it by hand against the shot in PaintShop Pro. This is very time-consuming and seems to be a serious omission.

I have since found that the white balance icon works with my Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-150 camera, although the EXIF data still shows the shots as taken with manual white balance, so it seems to be a compatibility problem that needs to be resolved.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Way To Print Exif And Iptc Data Using X4

Dec 10, 2012

Is there a way to print exif and iptc data using paintshop pro X4 ?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Original EXIF Information Reduced After Saving

Mar 10, 2012

I use Paintshop Pro Photo XI. When opening my unedited picture in Irfanview I can read a long list of information under "EXIF", but as soon when I open the photo in Paintshop and save it a great part of the original EXIF information is "gone" and replaced by a very brief survey, including Paintshop information.

What can I do to preserve the original EXIF information?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Access EXIF Information Inside Software

Jun 7, 2011

I know how to access the EXIF information inside PSP software OR from within WINDOWS but how to access it in terms of a text/DOC file so that it could be printed or used in other software?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Search By EXIF Info Specifically Lens?

Mar 1, 2012

How do I search by EXIF info, specifically lens ? The online help says it's possible but doesn't provide any examples.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Save Edited File

Sep 22, 2011

I use PSP x3 and I have a 3mb photo. When I edit and crop the photo, I then "save as". When I go back and ck the photo properties of the photo I saved after editing it has saved it at only 131kb. When I tried to get a large print developed, I was told the resolution was too low and the picture was pixelated. How do I save the edited photo and keep it at 3mb?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Unable To Save Small JPG File?

Mar 23, 2013

When I try to save a small jpg file I get the following:

"Because of the limitations of the specified file (and possibly the save options you've selected) the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"

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Paint Shop Pro :: Cannot Save Canon CR2 Raw File As JPEG

Jun 10, 2012

I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Save Last File Folder View (X4)

Oct 10, 2011

How do I get X4 to open with the same folder tree view I closed with? Like the first picture below. It always opens like the second photo, forcing me to drill down on the folder where I store most of my photos.

I already have "keep last view" checked in preferences. This was discussed in the link below for X3, but doesn't work with X4. [URL] .....

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Paint Shop Pro :: File Open / Save Causes X3 To Hang?

Jan 19, 2011

I've just instaled PSPP x3 on a new computer (i5-2500k / 8GB / Intel mainboard / ATi HD5450 with 512MB / Win 7 Pro - 64-bit), followed by the 4 patches.

When I start PSPP everything appears OK. I dragged an image into the program and worked on it.

When I came to save it (using the floppy disk icon or File / Save) PSPP immediately went into the 'Not Responding' state. When I restarted it, the same thing happens, but also with file open icon and File / Open as well. Editing functionality seems unimpaired.

I followed the 'complete uninstall' process; CDS 2010 Clean-Up ver1.8.exe, folder cleanup and registry cleanup. I turned off User Account Control, rebooted, disabled my anti-virus, and then reinstalled. Exactly the same as before.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Open CMYK File And Save It As PNG

Sep 17, 2010

I want open a PSD-File (CMYK) and save it as PNG (RGB). The Problem is, that the colors are completely wrong (orange is brown and so on). I tried something with Colour Management and -Workspace but nothing solves the problem.

If i take a look with XN View the Colours looks good. Same problems with JPG in CMYK (MS Paint shows correct colors, PaintShop wrong).

(237.38 KiB) Downloaded 462 times

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Paint Shop Pro :: Save JPEG Without Substantially Reducing File Mb Size?

Oct 29, 2012

In vX1 I could save jpeg without substantially reducing file Mb size. In vX4, whenever I edit and save a jpeg file (using save & save as), it results in a reduced number of Mb's. Options in the 'save as' dialog are set at best. It would appear that PSP X4 is automatically optimising. Is there any way that the original file size can be retained on saving after editing?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X2 Deleting Tags

Aug 18, 2010

In PSP X2, it doesnt seem to be possible to delete tags from pictures. Although there is an option to delete a tag, it always seems to re-create itself. Any way to actually delete an unwanted tag from a picture?

[URL] ...

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Paint Shop Pro :: Handling Tags In X4

Feb 28, 2012

When managing images, I am found some difficulties on handling tags.

The main problem is that PSP is creating tags automatically to all images I have. It is especially undesirable because a plenty of images come from internet, fotolia etc and have tags I don't want. So, my "desirable" tags are mixing with the "undesirable".

a) I tried to find out in PSP "preferences" any option to stop tagging automatically. And I couldn't find it.

b) Other problem is to delete the tags I don't want. If I delete the tag in tags tree (manage/collection) it appears again. The only way I found is deleting tag by tag, image by image, what is madness of doing to a plenty of images.

Any way of deleting the "main" tag in order to delete automatically the related tag in each image?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 - Tags Won't Delete

Nov 7, 2012

I have PSPProX5. There is a very long list of tags under the Collections tab. The tag list came with the program, I didn't add them. I'm trying to delete some of these tags that I'm sure I will never use. To delete (per instructions), I right click on a tag, and click on 'delete.' Problem is, the tag deletes for only a short time, and then reappears. I had the same problem with PSPProx4, and finally just quit trying to delete some of that long list of tags. I would like to get my tags list the way I want it though. Is there anything I can do to delete tags and have them stay deleted?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Organizer And Tags

Sep 30, 2010

I've recently reinstalled Windows and PSP. In the organizer, the cataloging doesn't seem to be working - at least from a tag standpoint.

My photos have tags on them and windows explorer sees all the tags but the tag list that is in the organizer only sees ones that I update with existing tags or add new tags to them. It does not seem to catalog the existing tags on photos.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How Many Tags Are Allowed

Jun 15, 2012

I am using PSP X3. I would like to know how many tags are allowed per photo and how many tags are allowed for all pictures?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Update Tags And Explorer

Jan 23, 2012

my prior editing program was Serif Photoplus x5 and ACDSee Pro 5 for management.I purchased PSPx4 to see if I could get photo editing and photo management in one program .I've been able to figure most things out but I have a problem with the following:

1. Tags: my keywords are embedded in the file but when I looks at PBP tags they only show a couple of photos. I did notice if I selected one of the photos it was added to the tag list. I even tried selecting more files (at one time) but no luck. So, my questions is, how do I update PSP tags?

2. explorer view: is it possible to select the parent folder and view the contents of the children folders?

3. in ACDSee you can select the parent folder and it give you a count of the keywords (beach = 50, lake = 30, etc.,) in all folders. Is this possible in PSPx4?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Saving People Tags To The Actual Files?

Oct 7, 2012

I'm testing the new People tagging feature... organizing and searching seems to be no problem at all... My question though is whether this "tag" information is saved back to the actual files themselves, or whether it is kept separate in a corel database file??? i.e If I reformat my harddrive and then reimport my pictures, will the photos still have their tags!?!?! (photos area stored on a different networked drive)

The "date modified" data of the file has not changed after tagging... I only want to use this feature if the tags can be permanently written to the files.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Smart Collection Fails To Find Pic With Two Tags

Dec 10, 2011

I've used Corel Photo Album in the past and am familar with the tag/search feature. Here's my problem. I created two tags - test1 and test2. I tagged a photo with both test1 and test2. I created a Smart Collection as follows: Find photos that match ALL, TAG contains TEST1, TAG contains TEST2. when I click PREVIEW no photos are found. If I click on the individual tags Test1 or Test2 the photo is found. Am I missing something?

I tried removing and reinstalling Paintshop Pro X4 but I am getting the same result. I have ran this test in Corel Photo Album and it works fine.

I am running PSP X4 SP1
Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2
Intel i7 CPU950 3.07ghz, 9.0 gb ram

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Photoshop Elements :: EXIF Data And Tags

Jun 8, 2013

As  I understand it, the EXIF that the camera captures has all of the details about when the picture was taken.  Including time picture taken, camera settings & model number, if flash fired or not etc,etc.  Some cameras have much more data than others & this can include GPS location & perhaps even more that I'm unaware of.
When I use PSE & add tags I have the option of having the EXIF data on each individual photo file overwritten or added to what it had originally.  Is this correct?
What if any other programs read this data, Windows perhaps? And & if so how is this done? Can any other programs make use of this data?  For instance if I were to export a reduced size copy of one of my picture & emailed it to someone are they likely to be able to see this data?

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Paint.NET :: Stripping Out Text At Bottom Of Image

Jun 19, 2011

I have received an image from someone which has text all over it. I'd like to strip out a little of the text at the bottom of the image. The background is kind of a grainy, paper-looking beige texture. And, in a perfect world, I'd be able to select only text and delete it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Save RAW (CR2) Image

Aug 25, 2012

A client sent me four images taken with his Canon camera - they are in Canon Raw (.CR2) file format. I can't get them to open and then save them as a .jpg or a .pspimage format in either PSP9 or in X3. In X3, when I click on the pic, it brings up the "Canon RAW Lab" dialogue box, showing a black and white image but with a deep pinkish cast to it. And there is no options to save it. What do I do from here?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 Pretending To Save?

Oct 3, 2011

I select "save as" pick a place, and the program appears to save the file, with the progress bar at the bottom - but it doesn't! It doesn't save a file, not always. If i then select save as again, it save the file.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Save PSD Or EPS With Layers

Apr 22, 2013

I haven't really used PSP for doing custom graphics, mostly for working on photos; but before that I was using Adobe Photoshop and I liked (and still do) how it made saving easier than PSP does. Unfortunately Photoshop is horribly expensive so this is a better option.

I can't figure out for the life of me how to save .psd or .eps with the layers? It keeps telling me that due to how I am saving or the file format the alpha layers will be lost and so on.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Save As Type JPG

Mar 31, 2013

When I open an image from my NAS, edit the image, and then attempt to save it as the default jpg type I get the following error message: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

This error doesnt happen with any other image filetype. It doesnt happen with local hard drives. It doesnt happen with unedited images. It just appears to happen with edited images, the default jpg filetype, and my NAS.

When I actually type in ".jpg" at the end of the filename it works.

Its an annoyance i would like solved because I do this a lot.

Windows 7 Professional
Corel Paint Shop Pro X4

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