Paint Shop Pro :: Save JPEG Without Substantially Reducing File Mb Size?
Oct 29, 2012
In vX1 I could save jpeg without substantially reducing file Mb size. In vX4, whenever I edit and save a jpeg file (using save & save as), it results in a reduced number of Mb's. Options in the 'save as' dialog are set at best. It would appear that PSP X4 is automatically optimising. Is there any way that the original file size can be retained on saving after editing?
I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
Tips on reducing my JPG images in PSP X4 without loosing too much quality. I know that it isn't possible to not lose some picture quality but if you have any pointers that would be fantastic.
How come the file size when I export from Lightroom is substantially smaller than the original file size? My original image file was 6MB, but when exported from zlightroom the file size for that file is only 2MB. I want to export full size files so that they can be published or enlarged.
PSP X4: I capture my images and do all processing in Adobe RGB. Now I want to save a low-res version as a JPEG file in sRGB color space. The save dialog tells me it will embed Adobe, but I want to save it as sRGB.
How do I change the color space before or while I save the JPEG?
I have a picture file(JPEG) with a text in Japanese that I want to copy from. I've tried the trick with Microsoft Office One note & word(for those of you who know it) but it didn't work. Is there anyway to do it in PSP?
Program that I use call Sketchup. In SketchUp you draw model of a building to post it in google Earth but it can't be any larger 10 MB what makes the file size grow is the pictures that you applied to your model, (Downsample all texture files that have been used to paint the surfaces. Take each texture into a photo editor and reduce the resolution) this will supposedly minimize the file size? Is this possible when I transfer my photos from SketchUp back into Corel , how do I reduce the resolution so it would reduce my file size?
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
I'm new to this, but have noticed that whenever I choose the "save as" command for an open photo file, the saved file is much smaller. Even when, for example, I name a picture and make no other changes, the file size goes from say 2.4MB to 640 or so. And these are jpeg to jpeg saves. I have to think this diminishes resolution and options for future edits. Is there a way change some save settings or something?
I use PSP x3 and I have a 3mb photo. When I edit and crop the photo, I then "save as". When I go back and ck the photo properties of the photo I saved after editing it has saved it at only 131kb. When I tried to get a large print developed, I was told the resolution was too low and the picture was pixelated. How do I save the edited photo and keep it at 3mb?
When I try to save a small jpg file I get the following:
"Because of the limitations of the specified file (and possibly the save options you've selected) the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
How do I get X4 to open with the same folder tree view I closed with? Like the first picture below. It always opens like the second photo, forcing me to drill down on the folder where I store most of my photos.
I already have "keep last view" checked in preferences. This was discussed in the link below for X3, but doesn't work with X4. [URL] .....
I've just instaled PSPP x3 on a new computer (i5-2500k / 8GB / Intel mainboard / ATi HD5450 with 512MB / Win 7 Pro - 64-bit), followed by the 4 patches.
When I start PSPP everything appears OK. I dragged an image into the program and worked on it.
When I came to save it (using the floppy disk icon or File / Save) PSPP immediately went into the 'Not Responding' state. When I restarted it, the same thing happens, but also with file open icon and File / Open as well. Editing functionality seems unimpaired.
I followed the 'complete uninstall' process; CDS 2010 Clean-Up ver1.8.exe, folder cleanup and registry cleanup. I turned off User Account Control, rebooted, disabled my anti-virus, and then reinstalled. Exactly the same as before.
I want open a PSD-File (CMYK) and save it as PNG (RGB). The Problem is, that the colors are completely wrong (orange is brown and so on). I tried something with Colour Management and -Workspace but nothing solves the problem.
If i take a look with XN View the Colours looks good. Same problems with JPG in CMYK (MS Paint shows correct colors, PaintShop wrong).
Example.png Example (237.38 KiB) Downloaded 462 times
I am using Paint Shop Pro V7.04. When I save a file as a JPG, it strips EXIF info and the tags describing the camera settings for the image. Is there any way of preventing this on this version of PSP?
I designed artwork for a large banner (84" x 32") so my AI artboard is that large. As you can imagine, with all the text and graphics I used, this file size is 22.8 MB. I need to email this art to the printer, but the file size is too large to email. How do i go about reducing the file size in AI so it still maintains large format print resolution? Will saving to a PDF lose the print quality?
Working in Adobe Photoshop CS. I have a tif file that is 36"x36" at 150dpi. Flattened image; Grayscale mode. File size is 28.499MB. Is there any way to reduce the file size other than change it to a jpeg? I need to email it somewhere and they can't accept files over 20MB.
I can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
I made a 8GB video in PAL sometime ago. Some of my relatives in Canada cannot view it. As I do not have the original footage, I imported the DVD into X3 and tried to create a DVD in NTSC format. The final size came to 9.3 GB and it appears X3 will not burn or create VIDEO_TS folders if the size is more than 9GB. I was hoping I could use DVDShrink to reduce the file size to fit a 8GB disc once the VIDEO_TS folder is created on the computer.
I have a 3D model that consists of a large number of "small" objects that i created earlier in separate files. The problem is that now my model is 50Mb and I am having trouble working with it. Is there a way of reducing size, or is there any other solution that would not change the geometry of my model?
Working with Intel Quad Core, 6Gb of ram and ATI Radeon HD3800.
i have produced a drawing and have copped and pasted quite a few photograhs on it showing details etc. however bnow my drawing has a very large file size. i have purged drawing, it is the photographs
I had a question on reducing the image size after editing in Photoshop.
After doing my changes in Lightroom, I typically make edits in Photoshop and then do some final touchups back in Lightroom. The RAW file from my camera is approximately 24 MB. After making my edits in PS, the TIFF file it produces (with all layers flattened) is in the 60 MB range.
My question is, if before sending in back to LR, I change the image size in PS say to 12 MB or so, am I basically creating a lossy jpg file? Meaning -- by reducing that TIFF file size down to 12 MB am I throwing out important information such that when I go back to LR I am losing information and won't have as much control as the 60MB TIFF file?
keep upwards of 80MB per image (due to the RAW + edited file). I don't want to lose imporant information so I will if I have to, but would prefer not.
I have a number of files which were prepared in Corel Draw which I would like to post online. The designer has supplied the PDF versions of these files, however, the files sizes are too large for web usage. A 8 pg document is 5Mb. I have tried reducing the sizes by compressing in Acrobat; importing the PDFs into Corel Draw and re-creating PDF files with reduced resolution; recreating the PDF without the bitmap images (there are about 10 images)..yet the file size of the PDF does not change significantly.
What else can I do to reduce the file size of the generated PDF files? The files are newsletters, so most of the content is text and a few shapes and lines.
I have just produced .dxf files from .shp files using Surpac. The problem is that the final .dxf's are that huge in terms of memory that is really dificult to open the .dxf with any version of AutoCAD
I am having a problem when exporting surface data into an .xml format using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. I am using LIDAR information to create a surface over an area of approximately 3 hectares in order to undertake future flood modelling. When I have created my surface in Civil 3D the overall file size is around 5MB, however when the surface exported to a .xml format the file is approximately 860MB. I have tried to create a new surface from contour information to decrease overall fle size but with no avail. Any recommendations to decrease the .xml file size without having excessive loss of accuracy for my modelling.
Lidar information that I am using to create surface can be found at URL.....
I am using photoshop 7, I am trying to reduce jpg images around 1 mb sized at about 2400 x 1800. I am trying to reduce the image down to about 5 centimeters and retain the sharpness. I have found that my images are blurring a fair bit.
My intention was to convert a 3DS-File into an IPN-File, to use it in Inventor.As I did not managed to do this in Inventor, I importet the 3DS-File in CATIA V5 and converted it into a CATIA-CatPart and from there in an IGES.Then I was able to open it in Inventor and made a IPN out of it.
The PROBLEM: The original 3DS-File had 700 kilobyte but the actual IPN 54 MegaByte !
We were sent some step files of valves from a company - what would be the best practice to make this into (clean up) a useful part to be used in our assemblies. Interested in converting it into a useful part but reduced in size. (Compared to other valves we use - this is easily 10 times the size).