Paint Shop Pro :: Open CMYK File And Save It As PNG
Sep 17, 2010
I want open a PSD-File (CMYK) and save it as PNG (RGB). The Problem is, that the colors are completely wrong (orange is brown and so on). I tried something with Colour Management and -Workspace but nothing solves the problem.
If i take a look with XN View the Colours looks good. Same problems with JPG in CMYK (MS Paint shows correct colors, PaintShop wrong).
(237.38 KiB) Downloaded 462 times
I've just instaled PSPP x3 on a new computer (i5-2500k / 8GB / Intel mainboard / ATi HD5450 with 512MB / Win 7 Pro - 64-bit), followed by the 4 patches.
When I start PSPP everything appears OK. I dragged an image into the program and worked on it.
When I came to save it (using the floppy disk icon or File / Save) PSPP immediately went into the 'Not Responding' state. When I restarted it, the same thing happens, but also with file open icon and File / Open as well. Editing functionality seems unimpaired.
I followed the 'complete uninstall' process; CDS 2010 Clean-Up ver1.8.exe, folder cleanup and registry cleanup. I turned off User Account Control, rebooted, disabled my anti-virus, and then reinstalled. Exactly the same as before.
I have PaintShop Photo Pro X3 running on Windows 7 x64. I have created artwork for an ad that I am purchasing in a trade publication. The contact person at the magazine tells me that they need my artwork in CMYK format and in a file type of eps. They need the CMYK format in one file as opposed to being broken out into separate channels. They are using Quark software. How I can get my artwork into the format that Quark needs?
I'm using Paintshop Pro X4 to create images. As these Images are for printing, I need JPG and CMYK. Therefore I use a Internet page called
But as I upload my files, the dpi is set up from 300 to soething unbelivable high. The Pixel stay the same and so the image gets verry small. If I save them with the old Paintshop Pro 8 I do still have on my Computer, it works perfectly.
So I think, the new Paintshopversion does save a watermark or anything similar on the file and the website can't work with that. How can I fix that??
I use PSP x3 and I have a 3mb photo. When I edit and crop the photo, I then "save as". When I go back and ck the photo properties of the photo I saved after editing it has saved it at only 131kb. When I tried to get a large print developed, I was told the resolution was too low and the picture was pixelated. How do I save the edited photo and keep it at 3mb?
When I try to save a small jpg file I get the following:
"Because of the limitations of the specified file (and possibly the save options you've selected) the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.
How do I get X4 to open with the same folder tree view I closed with? Like the first picture below. It always opens like the second photo, forcing me to drill down on the folder where I store most of my photos.
I already have "keep last view" checked in preferences. This was discussed in the link below for X3, but doesn't work with X4. [URL] .....
I am using Paint Shop Pro V7.04. When I save a file as a JPG, it strips EXIF info and the tags describing the camera settings for the image. Is there any way of preventing this on this version of PSP?
I have migrated to a new PC with Windows7 64-bit. I installed my copy of PSPP X3 and it works fine except for two issues. The File Open dialog always crashes the program when I use it although Drag&Drop and Recent Files work fine.
Another (related) issue is that I cannot use Customize Scripts either.
In vX1 I could save jpeg without substantially reducing file Mb size. In vX4, whenever I edit and save a jpeg file (using save & save as), it results in a reduced number of Mb's. Options in the 'save as' dialog are set at best. It would appear that PSP X4 is automatically optimising. Is there any way that the original file size can be retained on saving after editing?
My Corel ProX4 program will not open a pic with a .tif file extension. I received the pic from an iMac. I know the pic contains layers with names typed in to identify the individuals in the pic. How can I get Corel to open these pictures? I have Corel on a pc running windows 7 professional.
We wanted to run an advert in a magazine and the publishers have asked for a particular format. We've nothing that can do this and I wondered if Paintshop Pro was able to do this?
Requirement :
PDF files should be Acrobat 3.0 compatible; Composite PDF, CMYK colour space; contain one page per PDF document; Colour bitmap images, CMYK – effective resolution 300 dpi; Greyscale bitmap images – effective resolution 300dpi; Monochrome bitmap images (linework) – effective resolution 1200 dpi; 3mm bleed should be included on all sides where necessary; Crop marks should be included and offset by 10pt.
I have PaintShop Photo Pro X3 Yes I know it's getting on a bit now? but I use Photoshop elements. My question is can PaintShop Photo Pro X3 convert from RGB to CMYK or can I work in CMYK it so frustrating seeing the colour I want on the screen & the printed work totally different?
a) I have postscript (.ps) files for my company's logo which are in process color (CMYK).
b) These files open fine in PSP, and the colors are displayed properly. However, I understand that the files were actually converted to sRGB space, that is, I can't actually make changes in CMYK space, only in sRGB.
c) I need to make some changes to the logo, so I figured I would make the changes, then save a TIF file, using the CMYK space. My printer requires a CMYK file only.
d) Therefore, I simply saved the file opened in b) as a TIF file with a CMYK color space.
d) When I do the Save As in PSP, the file looks exactly like it did when first opened in PSP. (Update - if I close the TIF file in PSP, then reopen it, it does look different - greenish tinge, but not as bad as other viewers) But when I look at the file in other programs (IrfanView, MS Publisher, etc) the image is overly green, for example, my olive green logo components are almost bright green, and almost everything else seems to have a slightly greenish tint.
e) By comparison, if I open the postscript file in Irfanview, it renders correctly.
I thought Irfanview would input CMYK files (and apparently it does for .ps files) but my colors are wrong. Is this a TIF output issue with PSP? Or do I need to find another viewer to properly see the TIF file.
I use PSP X3 for web image editing and am sometimes sent jpeg files which are in CMYK format. Unfortunately PSP does not display the colours in these files correctly. Yellow will display as brown, pale blue as turquoise and pink as purple for example.
If I open the same file in almost any other programme, including the humble "Paint", the colours display fine and my workaround up until now has been to open in another programme, copy the picture to the clip board and then paste it into PSP as a new image. The colours are then fine but it greatly increases my work time, especially when I have many images to process.
Surely there must be a way to get these images to display correctly. It has nothing to do with monitor or gamma adjustment otherwise they would display incorrectly in all other programmes also.
Maybe it is a bug or just something that Corel have overlooked. RGB jpegs display fine, the problem only occurs with CMYK images.
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
A client sent me four images taken with his Canon camera - they are in Canon Raw (.CR2) file format. I can't get them to open and then save them as a .jpg or a .pspimage format in either PSP9 or in X3. In X3, when I click on the pic, it brings up the "Canon RAW Lab" dialogue box, showing a black and white image but with a deep pinkish cast to it. And there is no options to save it. What do I do from here?
I select "save as" pick a place, and the program appears to save the file, with the progress bar at the bottom - but it doesn't! It doesn't save a file, not always. If i then select save as again, it save the file.
I haven't really used PSP for doing custom graphics, mostly for working on photos; but before that I was using Adobe Photoshop and I liked (and still do) how it made saving easier than PSP does. Unfortunately Photoshop is horribly expensive so this is a better option.
I can't figure out for the life of me how to save .psd or .eps with the layers? It keeps telling me that due to how I am saving or the file format the alpha layers will be lost and so on.
When I open an image from my NAS, edit the image, and then attempt to save it as the default jpg type I get the following error message: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."
This error doesnt happen with any other image filetype. It doesnt happen with local hard drives. It doesnt happen with unedited images. It just appears to happen with edited images, the default jpg filetype, and my NAS.
When I actually type in ".jpg" at the end of the filename it works.
Its an annoyance i would like solved because I do this a lot.
I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS. I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012. It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears. AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager. I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly. However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations. I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop. AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations. I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager.
When I Save a workspace, I untick Include Open Images. I have always done this. When I save a workspace in X5, the 'Include Open Images' is always ticked. I un-tick it and save the workspace. X5 then asks me if I want to save changes to the open images in the workspace. Why? I click on No, repeated for all the images that are open at this time.
I then click on Save a Workspace again and yes, the Include Open Images is ticked again. In previous versions of PSP this remained unticked until the user ticked it again.
Paint shop pro 4. Patches up to date. I am unable to save files my files as .jpgs. I can save them as .psp files however. I was able to save them last week, so something has changed in my settings, but where to look. 10 years using PSP and I have to say...dislike all versions after PSP XI.
It's been a few days now that when I try to save a picture (either with "save", "Save as", or "save copy"), I get the following message popping up:
"because of the limitations of the specified file format (and possibly the save options you've selected), the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
I have hit ok to that and the software would save the picture, but when I checked the size of each picture I noticed a dramatic drop in size (from 6.5MB to roughly 1.3MB). Just for the record, the editing I did to these pictures was minimal, just a little rotation and a removal of maybe 2mm from each size.
First of all, is it normal to get this message?
And then, is such a drop in size normal?
it's pictures in JPEG taken from the camera and saved as JPEG.
I have an image, whose outline is well defined, which I am preparing for laser cutting/engraving. I am trying to find a quick and easy way of creating a cutting path around the edges of the image. Tracing in Corel Draw is not good enough. PhotoPaint will convert the mask to a path but it is not well defined. I can easily create an accurate mask with Paint Shop Pro, and even fill it with black colour, but that is as far as I can get. I have tried pasting as a new image but there is an undeleteable and unmoveable layer created which stops the image being visible. Instead of crisp black image I just get a blank white square.
I don't understand two things about the workspace tabs:
First, if I right click on a file in a file list like Windows Explorer and select "Open in PSPX4", the file opens in the X4 Edit workspace but disappears if I then click on the Adjust tab. Click back on the Edit tab and it is still gone. But if I click on a file in the X4 Organizer the image appears in all three workspaces, Manage, Adjust, and Edit. In X3 I could toggle back and forth between Express Lab and Full editor and the image would appear in both, no matter if it was opened through Explorer or from Organizer. Apparently X4 only want users to open files from its own organizer?
Second, I don't understand why after making edits to an image in one workspace, like Adjust, I cannot then switch to the Edit tab and make further edits without having to first save the changes made in Adjust. If I happen to go back and forth a few times making edits in two work spaces and am forced to save the file each time, don't these multiple file saves degrade JPEG files due to compounded compression? If so I would rather save only once at the end of all edits. Or am I not understanding the meaning of "save" in this context (a likely possibility). And part B, after making an edit and clicking on a different tab, why am I prompted to save when I have Auto save enabled?