AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To Open File Explorer Windows / When Select Open / Save From File Menu
Mar 1, 2011
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
I am having trouble with my AutoCad Civil 2013. If I want to open or save an existing file the program only allows me to input the file name in the command line. It does not open a browsing window to select the file path I want to save or open to.
Civil 3D 2013.One of the problems my team has is that we have a number of remote offices that all work on the same drawings. To ensure integrity of the drawings, we use a Wide Area file replication and locking service to ensure the files do not become out of sync and corrupted between offices.
AutoDesk seems to open and save files and their subordinate xrefs serially in a single thread instead of in a multi-threaded manner. Because of this there is a Huge time impact on just opening and saving files at remote sites as a result of Civil 3D having to wait for the home office file lock check on each and every file before opening the next file.
We have 100Mbit down / 20Mbit up transmission links at both sites dedicated to the file replication, with Gbit backbone in both offices.
note that the remote site has a full copy of all files in its replicated share. These local files are what Civil 3D is opening. No Files are being transferred during file open unless a remote change has just occurred (proven through replication logs).
When the drawing file is opened for editing, a file lock check is performed and Windows waits for the response to ensure it can be opened for editing before telling Civil 3D. When Civil 3D has this file open, it has a list of all the xrefs for this file. Civil 3D then seems to open each file in sequence.
This is a problem when a large latency is introduced through our 3rd party Wide area file system by a remote site file lock check.
This is not AutoDesk's fault but the compounding of the two system's operational behaviours, causing a Very long wait on file open, Save, PaperSpace operations (30 minutes for large drawings).
I would like to see a multithreaded (threadpool) file open occur against the entire list of xrefs (during save as well). Then recursively executed for all subordinate xrefs of those files until the operation is complete.
As long as a file list is maintained during the operation and updated as each file operation completes (which obviously it is) in the primary thread, this should not cause any problem. All dependancies can be opened in sequence once the initial file operations are complete and when a particular file in the list is required but not open yet, it's priority can be raised in the threadpool.
Windows Explorer set to open image files with PSE11, but when I double click on image in WE it launches PSE11, but I then need to click on Open tab in PSE11 to get it into work window. PSE10 did not have this problem
I have CS5 and began a file yesterday only to have multiple problems today when I tried to open it. First it said,
"File is not readable"
Yet when I opened it on my schools computer it was able to open. Then my other file did open but when I tried to save it it said,
"When spot colors are used with transparency,changing them to process colors outside of illustrator can generate unexpected results."
Then when I cancelled that it began to read,
"Saving to a legacy format may cause some changes to your text layout and disable some editing features when the document is read back in"
I don't really understand how I could fix this issue because obviously its the file inside. Now I did have a lot of imaged in the file that I made in photoshop where I took away the background, made it transparent then saved as a png. Is that the issue? Most of my images on the file are .png and were edited with photoshop.
The problem is: From within Windows Explorer, I can only open 1 Illustrator file at a time. To get a different file to open, I either have to drag and drop the second file into the tabs under the menubar, or I need to quit Illustrator and re-open it. Also, I can not open additional files from Explorer one-at-a-time if one is already open.
If I go to File -> Open I can select multiple files from within the Open File dialogue window and they open just fine. but i can't do it from within windows explorer.This used to work and now it doesn't.
Seriously? 137 views and no replies? No one has run into this before?
I have recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 to 2001. Now when opening a file from windows explorer (desktop vs the AutoCAD browser) and AutoCAD is not running. AutoCAD will startup and open a new drawing as well as bring up the dialog box for finding a file to open, which I cancel, THEN open the drawing that I have selected. I have not seen this before and am wondering what variable or option is causing to happen. I am also seeing two icons for the same drawing file in the Windows task bar.
if i need to rename or change anything in the iproperties of ipt, im doing it from the problem is that, when i change something in iproperties of an ipt thru vault, i have to open the idw to update it.
as most of the iproperties in ipt shows in the idw.
its easy to change the properties in vault. but its deleting its purpose if i have to each idw to make sure i have the updated there a code where i can open all idw and save the same file and checking to the vault automatically?
If I double click a CDR file and CorelDraw X5 is not open, it will open and the file will be loaded. But once Draw is open and minimized and I double click a second file from Explorer or on my desktop, the second file refuses to open in Draw. I have to Restore Draw and either use the file open command or double click the file again from Explorer once it's restored.
Since upgrading to LR 3.6 I am unable to export .jpg photos from Windows Explorer directly into Lightroom 3. I always use to be able to right click on any photo and 'open with' Lightroom 3 (.exe) before this upgrade.
Also, in the library files I could do the same with my RAW photos - i.e. right click on one of them and 'open with' the LR3 icon in the list, but am unable to do this now.
I know I can open up LR3 and import the photos, but I simply prefer going into Windows Explorer to pick and choose the ones I want. My OS is Win 7.
When I first installed Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was unable to run Photoshop or Bridge CS6. Photoshop would give me an error about "could not open a scratch file because the file is locked. If I ran either of these programs as an administrator they would run without issue, this led me to believe that there was a permission issue somewhere. After some digging I found out the both Bridge and Photoshop try to create a temp file (similiar to Photoshop Temp2777223910092) on the c: drive of the computer. In my case the user that I was logged in with did not have access to write to the root of the C: drive. Note that you run the program as the administrator and change the scratch disk location as that changes the preference for the administrator user and not the user that you are currently logged in as.
I first had to give the user that I was logged on with write permissions to the root of the C: drive. Next try and run Photoshop, you will get an error another error about the scratch disk and about and invalid or missing setting file. To correct this you need to have run Photoshop as an administrator, next you can go to Users AdminAppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and copy Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs and/or Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs to Users<your logged in username>AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.
From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.
Recently I installed an update to Corel X6 after I had updated CS6 of Photoshop. Now despite choosing Photoshop as the default application, jpgs open in Acrobat.
Just choosing Photoshop as the default application doesn't change anything. They still open in Acrobat unless I first start Photoshop and open the file I want.
I recently installed a student version of Maya 2012 on my home computer so I didn’t have to work from college for a project, but I have run into some issues.
Not sure what is going on with my Maya but it won't open files unless I actually go to it in the browser and double click on the file. Even once I have done that I can only save over it, save as doesn't work. I also can't create or set projects. There are probably more problems but these are the ones I noticed/really need.
This is what appears in my output window:
Could not find maya.utils._guiExceptHook. Invalid Python Environment: Python is unable to find Maya's Python modules Python Environment: PYTHONHOME = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in PYTHONPATH = C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2012in;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/MayaPlugIn2012//scripts;C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX for Maya/Maya 2012/scripts [code]....
I have AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When I launch the program it opens up without any problems. But, when I go to the menu and select "File" then "Open" to open up my CAD files nothing happens. My screen just hangs and the ribbon turns a faint white color. I can't open any of my CAD files from the program. In order to stop CAD from hanging and doing nothing, I press the ESC key and everything is back to normal. I am wondering why CAD will not let me open any of my files from the menu.
I'm using Autocad Civil3D 2011, Version 3. Just yesterday I noticed that the file date shown in Autocad's open file dialog box shows an earlier time than Windows Explorer, which shows the file date and time correctly. When I enter the "time" command on the autocad command line, the correct time is shown for the "last updated" time.
For example:
The Autocad open file dialog box shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 3:54 PM
Windows Explorer shows the file having a time/date of 4/23/2013 4:10 PM
"TIME" command at autocad prompt returns the following:
Current time: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:55:35:454 PM Times for this drawing: Created: Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:49:57:104 PM Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:10:56:299 PM Total editing time: 17 days 15:31:26:967 Elapsed timer (on): 17 days 15:31:26:967 Next automatic save in: 0 days 00:09:58:237
I rebooted and restarted autocad, and resaved my file with the same results (although with different times-but again the autocad open file dialog box showed an incorrect, earlier time). I have never had this problem before, and it is driving me crazy as I usually sort my files by date to assure that I am working with the latest file.
When I want to open my inventor files on windows explore or my computer window then i click double on file (ipt, iam, idw) then my files opening in different inventor program windows.
I mean i have a open innetor window and i want to see in single inventor program window when i click double on file. But now always opening new inventor applications. Then i lost time and memory.I have Windows 7 (64 bit) and Autodak inventor 2012.
I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS. I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012. It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears. AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager. I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly. However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations. I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop. AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations. I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager.
I got a problem to open a dxf file. If I use command method then I can easily do that. But I want to open that file by clicking a button from my windows form. I did the coding for that specified button like below:
Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click Dim strFileName AsString LoadDXF.InitialDirectory = "C:" LoadDXF.Title = "Open DXF File"
[Code] ......
After invoke that button I got a error like below:
How can I open the drawing without commandFlags.session? I want to use the button of my form to open that dxf file.
When I use File > Open or Place Component the Windows file browser opens in List mode which means that I have to use the horizontal scroll bar to browse the directory. I would like it to open in Detail mode [List and Detail are some of the view choices under the View Menu of the Windows file browser window] allowing me to browse with the vertical scroll bar. -- I think it's ergonomically eaisier.
I can make the change from the View Menu but it doesn't hold. I have checked to see that Windows 2000 is set for Details when using Windows Explorer.
Are there any settings in Inventor to force Detail mode?
I have an IDW file of my assembly, which is bombing out during opening. II can create pack and go file and post it in your designated folder. File is large.
When I choose Open Drawing and the window pops up, it would be nice if the full path name of the file showed up on the bar where it shows the file name (see attachment). As it is I can't tell if this file is on my c drive or my back-up drive.
The individual drawings show the full path name once they're open, can the same be achieved with the Open Drawing window?
On the menu file list it comes up as there a way that it can come as thumbnails instead of list..I find it annoying to change that setting all the time..or is there nothing that can be done
I am having trouble opening a step file. I actually opened it a couple of days ago fine but now when i try it tries to load for a few minutes then just crashes. I have tried other step files and they open fine.
The file is 260MB not sure if it will attach here.
I have to open the files which are converted from Unigraphics NX6, and run some routines, but I am not able to open the Autocad through .net api, my code is as follows
Dim Filename As String = OpenFileToConvert.FileName ' I am selecting the Dwg through OpenFileDialog Dim acDocMgr As DocumentCollection = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager acDocMgr.Open(Filename, False)
Even if I open the dwg manually and then save it again to Autocad, I am not able to achieve any success.
Using Inventor 2009. For some reason (all of a sudden) it will not open a step file. When I go to search for the file I would always use the file drop down an there would be a lengthy list of options. For some reason now it will only list the basic native formats... part, assembly etc. How I can get these back?
if open autocad program first, every thing is fine , ribboon is working good. but if derictly open a .dwg file when autocad is not running, the ribbon panel is gone, i tried every method i can find -- reinstall, repair install, type "ribbon" command, reset cui, swich to other worksapce then swich back--- but the ribbon just don't come back.