AutoCAD .NET :: Open DXF File From Windows Form Button
Nov 26, 2012
I got a problem to open a dxf file. If I use command method then I can easily do that. But I want to open that file by clicking a button from my windows form. I did the coding for that specified button like below:
Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim strFileName AsString
LoadDXF.InitialDirectory = "C:"
LoadDXF.Title = "Open DXF File"
[Code] ......
After invoke that button I got a error like below:
How can I open the drawing without commandFlags.session? I want to use the button of my form to open that dxf file.
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Oct 8, 2012
One of the features I was really looking forward to in CS6 was creating fillable forms with ONE application. I created a form following the step by step instructions in classroom in a book for CS6. When I opened the exported form in Reader X, I get a "This operation is not permitted" error. I opened the completed "end" document in the lesson to make sure I didn't commit an error, and I got the same message when exporting. I have looked for places in menus to modify security restrictions and I can't find any. I installed the updates and that didn't solve the issue.
I saw one solution posted which is to open the document in Acrobat, then do a "save as" option. Is there anything we can do that doesn't involve buying additional software? If this is not the case, then Adobe seriously needs to change its training and advertising about this functionality.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
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Sep 25, 2012
In this lesson we will consolidate code to prevent code reuse. Follow along as we demonstrate by doing the following and more:
Apply a color to a form command button, loop form controls, and save and get the color from registry
Part 2 of 7
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Jul 10, 2012
I have a VBA macro that is using at some point a full path in order to get data from an Excel file. I am changing the data from the original file to the file that is localized in the full address. Now I want to use a Browse button and generate the Save As Window to capture the data directly from source file.
Is there a piece of code that open the Save As window that I need and return the full path so I can use it in my original code? I am sending a word document with a picture that shows the window that I want to call
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Apr 24, 2013
How do you open a .htm file and set it as the focused window within an Inventor VBA prog from a button on a userform?
I just want to add a quick page for a program I've cobbled together.
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May 10, 2012
I am working on an application that uses map to query data, then saves the data to a file, and repeat. It works flawlessly when I use a commandmethod with commandflags.session, But, when I try to run the same code from a form button, I get "drawing is busy". The command from the form button ignores the commandmethod and the commandflags. I am guessing that "sendstringtoexecute" would work, but I would prefer to not do it that way.
What am I missing? Is there another way to lock the session?
Here is what I am trying to do.
drawing1 is open and the user presses the button
data is queried and saved as 1.dwg
close and discard drawing1
open a new doc drawing2
data is queried and saved as 2.dwg
close and discard drawing2
open a new doc drawing3
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May 25, 2011
i would like to implement a functionality similar to plot or hatch forms, where you can expand/collapse part of the form with additional functions
is there some easy way to add the round button with the aradd the round button with the arrow?row?
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Aug 21, 2013
Our Council has been updating our school system. We have the design suite and have chosen Inventor 2013, AutoCAD 2013, Inventor Fusion.
The issue is that in Inventor the EDIT FORM tool isn't on the Ribbon. It also isn't on the add in's for Inventor 2013 either.
We also downloaded the suite direct from AutoDESK.
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Jan 22, 2013
I wish to create a form that with multiple buttons. Each button will place another component (platform, stairs, ladder, railing).
I wish to place them using 'Place iLogic Component"
I know you can call this command by:
But is it possible to automatically browse to and open a file this way using a path "C:CPSVaultPlatformComponentsStairs.iam" within this command?
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Nov 2, 2011
When I want to open my inventor files on windows explore or my computer window then i click double on file (ipt, iam, idw) then my files opening in different inventor program windows.
I mean i have a open innetor window and i want to see in single inventor program window when i click double on file. But now always opening new inventor applications. Then i lost time and memory.I have Windows 7 (64 bit) and Autodak inventor 2012.
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Apr 1, 2013
When I choose Open Drawing and the window pops up, it would be nice if the full path name of the file showed up on the bar where it shows the file name (see attachment). As it is I can't tell if this file is on my c drive or my back-up drive.
The individual drawings show the full path name once they're open, can the same be achieved with the Open Drawing window?
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Mar 15, 2012
I have created a basic add-on that shows a modal windows form. The only issue I am running into is that I am completely unable to capture any key events in the form. I just want to make the escape key close my form, but I'm having no luck. Here is my basic setup:
<CommandMethod("myCommand")> _Public Sub myCommand() Dim myForm As Form1 = New Form1Autodesk. AutoCAD. Application Services. Application.ShowModalDialog(myForm)End Sub
Then in the form code, I have this, for testing purposes:
Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress MsgBox("keypress") End Sub
I've also tried KeyUp and KeyDown. Key presses are working inside the form (I can use the keyboard to select an item in a combobox, for example), but I never hit the event handlers.
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Mar 10, 2013
system info: win8 64bit, autocad 2013 64 bit,
if open autocad program first, every thing is fine , ribboon is working good. but if derictly open a .dwg file when autocad is not running, the ribbon panel is gone, i tried every method i can find -- reinstall, repair install, type "ribbon" command, reset cui, swich to other worksapce then swich back--- but the ribbon just don't come back.
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Feb 9, 2012
i developed a windows form based stand alone application in 2010 that calculates all the geometry data needed for a Spur Gear ,my final goal is to send all Calculated data needed in Autocad 2012 and draw automatticly the Spur Gear.
At first i started to experiment my self with a simple only task (created a new project only for this) to draw 4 circles with the same center (radius1,2,3,4) in autocad with a simple click of the command button.
The code i used is the following (for 1circle) but it returned a error like this>> SendACommandToAutoCAD()-->>Could not load file or assembly 'Acmgd, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
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Jan 8, 2014
I am struggling to populate a list view on my windows form. I have tried various methods but its not working. I can get the values into the listview but where i need 2 columns with many rows, i am just get 5 columns.
my list view needs to populate 2 columns. the first column is visible and shows a part name. the second column is hidden and holds a different value. I recursively loop through records and i need to add a row per record. This is captured with j. How can i add the correct amount of rows per j and the columns to hold the correct data?
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Jul 5, 2012
I am having trouble with my AutoCad Civil 2013. If I want to open or save an existing file the program only allows me to input the file name in the command line. It does not open a browsing window to select the file path I want to save or open to.
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Mar 21, 2013
I am trying to create a windows form within iLogic. Everything works except the lines defining the location on the controls. I keep getting the following error: 'New' cannot be used on an interface. The error refers to lines in the code that try to set the control location on the form. (i.e. "button1.Location = New Point(10,10)") Ihave pasted the code below and have it attached as well. I am in Inventor 2013.
AddReference ("C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Drawingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.dll")Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceTry oOccurrence = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(1)Catch MessageBox.Show("Please select a component before running this rule.", "iLogic")
[Code] ........
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Dec 23, 2013
When I tried to open a file on Windows 8, Illustrator CS6 is stop working. How to solve this problem?
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Aug 21, 2013
When I turn on my compagny computer everything is alright. Photoshop CS6 13.0 x32 start correctly. I can work on picture as expected.But during the day, Photoshop doesn't want to open other file (any other file).I can continue to work on a picture that still open and can save it, but I can not open anything else.
Restart Photoshop doesn't work. I must reboot the computer to correct this and open other file.I'm on windows 7 SP1 with administrator rights..No plugin installed.
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Jun 17, 2013
restore the the ability of Photoshop to open with a preview on windows machines. That is; a single click on a file from within Photoshop gives a small preview image to tell you what it is you are opening. This is crucial to professional photographers in the industry working quickly with lots of images as I do in the medical/scientific photography field.
Every other version of Photoshop has had this feature and I can tell you a lot of power users like myself are not using CS6 just because a single click doesn't preview what you are opening. My company just spent $10,000 upgrading six machines and no-one is using CS6 for work - they are sticking with CS5. CS6 is only good for 'playing around' with photos, if production is key, then to save time, we need to see what we are opening on a single click - it's a no brainer! Check the forums to see this that is true, and if you are reading this and agree with me, write and tell adobe to fix this - pronto!
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Mar 29, 2012
I'm running PS CS4/mac on a Apple 30" display and have all my tool windows set up on the left side of the screen in three columns. When I open up a file, it is placed BEHIND my tools in the upper left hand corner so I have to keep moving it over to the right - is there a way when you open or create a new file that the window opens to the right of my tools?
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Mar 24, 2012
I have installed both version 2.6.11 and also version 2.4.7 of the Windows version of Gimp that I have downloaded from here [URL]
When I launch Gimp, and select File / Open from the main menu, neither TIF/TIFF nor JPG/JPEG files are listed when "All Images" is selected in the file type drop-down listbox. If I select "All Files", and then select either a TIFF or JPEG file, then an error message appears stating "Unknown file type". The specific types listed in the file type drop down list box include:
GIMP XCF image (*.xcf)
bzip archive (*.xcf.bz2, *.bz2, *.xcfbz2)
Dexktop Link (*.desktop)
G3 fax image (*.g3)
GIF image (*.gif)
gzip archive (*.xcf.gz, *.gz, *.xcfgz)
Photoshop image (*.psd)
I have read here: [URL] that, "Some of the file types, such as JPEG and TIFF, require extra libraries (described elsewhere)." I have no idea where "elsewhere" is.
I have completely uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled both version 2.6.11 and 2.4.7 with the exact same results each time. The program otherwise works as advertized, with no errors or problems that I am aware of.
Am I missing something here? All indications are that GIMP (Even the Windows version) natively supports TIFF / TIF and JPEG / JPG files, but that is certainly not my experience!
I am specifically interested in opening TIFF / TIF files.
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Oct 2, 2012
I have CS5 and began a file yesterday only to have multiple problems today when I tried to open it. First it said,
"File is not readable"
Yet when I opened it on my schools computer it was able to open. Then my other file did open but when I tried to save it it said,
"When spot colors are used with transparency,changing them to process colors outside of illustrator can generate unexpected results."
Then when I cancelled that it began to read,
"Saving to a legacy format may cause some changes to your text layout and disable some editing features when the document is read back in"
I don't really understand how I could fix this issue because obviously its the file inside. Now I did have a lot of imaged in the file that I made in photoshop where I took away the background, made it transparent then saved as a png. Is that the issue? Most of my images on the file are .png and were edited with photoshop.
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May 23, 2013
I'm wondering if there is a way to either close or hide an open form with iLogic? Something like the opposite of iLogicForm.Show.
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Aug 3, 2004
I have a .psd file that was created by someone else for my friends web page. The psd file is the background, logo, and navigational bar for her home page. Each button is a "slice" I think because there are lines around each button on the left side navigational bar (not a true navigational bar just created by buttons) and around the head and body etc. (The lines are blue if that tells you anything - each section is numbered with a little tiny icon that looks a little like the back of an envelope.)
My question - we wanted to change the word on one of the buttons - I did that saved the psd file - no problem. Then I cropped out the button that we had changed. When I saved it to the web (as a jpg) the button looks like a button (a box around it - not a line a raised area that looks like a button.) The other buttons do NOT look like a button (even though the layers are named buttons.)
How can I change it so it looks flat (not button like) like all of the rest of the items on the navigational bar.
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Oct 7, 2013
Every time that I open a new drawing and select the path, open file dialog appears empty and If I click "ok" button, then appears the following message:
I´m using Civil 3D 2014+hotfix1.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit
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Jul 11, 2012
I have an assembly with a dozen or so rules and a form in it.
After selections have been made on the form, one of the rules saves the assembly as a new assembly (save as).
This closes the first assembly and opens the "saved as" assembly, BUT the form from the first assembly stays open.
It appears the first assembly gets closed so quickly the form does not close also.
I can just hit "done" button on the form to close it in new assembly, but would rather the form close automatically.
Is there code that I can add to close the form ??
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Jul 10, 2012
We installed acad 2010 on a brand new computer with windows 7 64Bit.
Acad runs fine. Only frequently after closing a drawing the application crashes.
I've tried to reinstall acad but that doesn't fix the problem.
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Dec 13, 2011
Why can't you show the file name on a form (without using iLogic to link it to a property)?
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Aug 7, 2007
How i can open an existin drawing from a button or pull down? I need the script
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