Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Ultimate Crashes When Opening Large JPEG File?
Mar 16, 2012Whenever I try to open jpeg files larger than 2MB PSP 4 crashes.
The files open fine in PSP 3
Whenever I try to open jpeg files larger than 2MB PSP 4 crashes.
The files open fine in PSP 3
The jpeg and png optimizer in X6 doesn't work correctly and keeps the .pspimage file extension in the 'Save Copy As' dialog box. I either have to delete the extension or overwrite with .jpg/png to save in the appropriate format.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter installing the latest fix/update/patch Paintshop Ultimate X6 crashes continuously. After startup it goes for a minute or so and then crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it without any change. I've emptied the temp directory.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have migrated to a new PC with Windows7 64-bit. I installed my copy of PSPP X3 and it works fine except for two issues. The File Open dialog always crashes the program when I use it although Drag&Drop and Recent Files work fine.
Another (related) issue is that I cannot use Customize Scripts either.
I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a picture file(JPEG) with a text in Japanese that I want to copy from. I've tried the trick with Microsoft Office One note & word(for those of you who know it) but it didn't work. Is there anyway to do it in PSP?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI installed PaintShop Pro Ultimate X3 several months ago. It worked fine initially, but then stopped running and gave me an error message pertaining to a language error. In an effort to fix the problem, I have completely uninstalled the application and removed all of its registry entries. I then reinstalled the program, which appeared to be successful, however, now it simply will not run and gives no error message whatsoever. When you click the desktop icon, it tries to load momentarily, then does nothing more.
I have removed my virus protection and my User Account Control.
Just wondering if there was a PSPPX3 Ultimate pdf. I am opening the help file, but it always wants to open in html.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI somehow managed to change the settings so that now when I open a file, I can't see the picture I want to edit. I get a black box with vertical colored lines through it. How do I get rid of this, or get back to the system defaults?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI noticed, that in X4 my file ( in which I'm working) is lost, if I open a new file from the organizer.
In older versions, I could have a lot of pictures on my screen and switch between them.
Is this a "bug" in X4, or is there a way to put this feature back like X2.
Hope the question is clear??
I'm a casual user, making "blinkies" and scrapbook pages for personal use...I have been using PSP for a long time now (I remember the first version!), but always did animating through animation shop. I just purchased the X3, which came with the KPT collection. I'm wondering if I can use these KPT plug ins to do animations or do I need a separate animation software?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy is PSP X4 freezing up when I try and use the Watermark command to add a visible watermark to my picture? This is happening everytime I try and use this command. Thought it was maybe my computer not being able to handle it so I closed everything I could and it still happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy hard drive was failing and had to be replaced. Fortunately I was able to retrieve most of my images and documents. However, that got complicated. Burning CD's and DVD's wasn't working so I had to transfer files to a flash drive, then to my laptop from the PC, and only then could I burn the stuff to a DVD.
So .. now a new hard drive .. programs and images are re-installed. In only one folder of images am I finding this problem ... When trying to open a file (cartoon-type image, smalll file size of 2 MB or less) I get the message "Not a valid Paint Shop Pro X2 Image file". When double-checking by right clicking and then clicking on "properties" it most certainly IS a PSP X2 image file. In this folder of 192 files I can only open a couple dozen.
In vX1 I could save jpeg without substantially reducing file Mb size. In vX4, whenever I edit and save a jpeg file (using save & save as), it results in a reduced number of Mb's. Options in the 'save as' dialog are set at best. It would appear that PSP X4 is automatically optimising. Is there any way that the original file size can be retained on saving after editing?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed PSP X3 Ultimate on my second data drive on a new computer and it will not take the updates.It says you have to have PSP installed first because it's trying to install the update on my operating system drive and not the drive I have PSP installed on.What can I do?
Also where is that Corel uninstall tool as I can't get this mess uninstalled.
I've just downloaded the creative collection which was around 450mb and installed it but I can't find what it has installed. The blub says something about extra backgrounds, where do I find them. What else was installed? The pack installed very quickly for the size so I'm wondering if it installed correctly.
Using Win 7 64bit
Is there any way to create a 3D image in PSP X4 Ultimate? How about animated gifs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Paint Shop Pro X5 installed with SP1 on a Windows 8 Enterprise machine. This is not a beta or developer preview of windows 8, it is the final product downloaded from Microsoft Volume Licensing (they do not post betas there).
The installation of X5 was smooth, and the program itself seems to load fine.The first time it ran, it detected an update needed (SP1) which I agreed and applied it.
Next time I ran the program, whenever I click on FILE/OPEN, it does not bring me the windows to browse thru my directories looking for a picture. It freezes completely at that moment until I kill the application with the task manager (as soon as I select OPEN, the program goes into NOT RESPONDING).If I right-click a picture on my disk and select OPEN WITH COREL PAINTSHOP PRO X5, the program works fine and I can work with that picture.
(using PSP-X3 ) I cannot find anyway to set the default of FIT TO WINDOW when opening a file.
All files seem to come in very large and I then have to do a "Window > Fit To Window" to get it right.
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
View 14 Replies View RelatedInstalled the Face Filter package that comes with PSP X6 Ultimate?
I am only using X6 64-bit (no 32-bit installed) and the Face Filter was installed in Program Files (x86) under Reallusion as v3.02 Standard.
When I run it, it runs as a stand-alone program, not as a plug-in.Is this the same for you?
I gave it one go and it said images are limited in size to 1920x1920 which is odd...(I ignored the options to Register and to Upgrade to v5.5;)
I am unable to associate any files with PSP 12 Ultimate or 9. I go in under preferences/file locations then choose the type file (plugin, mask...) then choose the particular file to load but nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased PSP-X4 Ultimate in a box. I was able to install the program itself onto my netbook but neither the Ultimate Pack nor the ProX4-KPT download could install because the popups are so big the buttons to click are inaccessible.
I tried changing the resolution and some other generic workarounds I found in a net search, to no avail.
The program itself was a little difficult to install for the same reason, but there was just barely enough of the buttons accessible to successfully click on them.
Win 7 64 bit PSPX2 Ultimate (12.50)
If I open a new image Raster background (white) RGB-8bit/channel and put the size in inches centimetres or millimetres I get a black 1px line horizontal and vertical on the image. I either have to paint over it or open the image using pixels as the sizing.
Example: New image 1black spot saved.
I have only just found out how it occurs. It also is the same if I install PSP on Laptop (win7 64 bit)I make animations and can use upto 50 images replicating from the 1st image so if I forget to paint out the lines on number 1 image (as I did last week) and then put them through an animator and then scream when I see the black lines on the finshed animation. At least I now know to always use pixels as the size of the images.
Of course now I know I will try and use pixels when opening a new image (but would sooner use the other measurements )
This is a strange thing : I have PSP X5 under my computer for about one year, and this morning it does not start when I click on PSP icon. When I look at the process monitoring, the exe appears and disappears 3 seconds later. I tried the restore database, nothing changed. I tried to rename the database file, no more success.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have received my new product paintshop pro x6 ultimate and installed it on a windows 8 64bit os.
When starting I can add folders to search.
When I quit and start paintshop pro again, the folder is not there anymore and I have to add it again.
I have a Macbook Pro ver. 10.6.8 i7 Core, 8 Gb Ram, and I am running Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I have a document that is 18" x 42" and contains drop shadows. It was created using CS6. When I apply a graphic style (gradient and drop shadow) It has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes. I recreated the document, and I am having the same issue repeatedly.
In order to do what I needed, I had to ungroup the letters recieving the graphic style and apply it to each letter individually. If I try applying it to more than one object, the freeze happens again.
I saved the file I created, and now I can not open it. On load it has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes.
I can open the same document in CS4 on the same system with no issues, it takes less than 5 seconds to load.
I installed PSP X6 Ulitimate and when I first pulled it up I saw Instant Effects Thumbnails under the Adjust Tab. I experimented with a few then had to get off. When I reopened the program all the thumbnails were gone. No matter what I do I can't get the Instant Effects to show up in any of the tabs. Sometimes I'll scroll the mouse over the area, click it, and the photo will have one of the instant effects applied, e.g. black and white. That doesn't do me any good because I can't see what is being applied before clicking if the thumbnails aren't showing. how to get the instant effects to show back up?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was scanning a roll of drawings on a large format scanner, and I ended up with JPGs that are larger than 30k pixels wide. (I understand this is a limitation PS has)
The issue is, I spent hours scanning all these rules, and now I have a few JPEGs files that are very large (45k x 10k pixels), that I cannot open at all).The JPGs open fine in the windows viewer, so I know they are not corrupt.
If I can find someway to open them, I can then resize them slightly to fit within the limit, or save them as (PSB - Large Format).One of the ideas I had was to find some other software that I can use to open and re-save, or to split the JPGs in 2 or 3 pieces, and then piece them back together in Photoshop.
I just large sign for a hockey rink. I created it in Photoshop and saved it as an eps( the printer requested it be submitted in this form.) The file is very large( 600 mb) and now that I need to open it to edit it Photoshop just crashes. I am using Photoshop cs5 on 3.06 ghz duo core mac with 4 gb of ram.
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