I installed PaintShop Pro Ultimate X3 several months ago. It worked fine initially, but then stopped running and gave me an error message pertaining to a language error. In an effort to fix the problem, I have completely uninstalled the application and removed all of its registry entries. I then reinstalled the program, which appeared to be successful, however, now it simply will not run and gives no error message whatsoever. When you click the desktop icon, it tries to load momentarily, then does nothing more.
I have removed my virus protection and my User Account Control.
I'm a casual user, making "blinkies" and scrapbook pages for personal use...I have been using PSP for a long time now (I remember the first version!), but always did animating through animation shop. I just purchased the X3, which came with the KPT collection. I'm wondering if I can use these KPT plug ins to do animations or do I need a separate animation software?
Why is PSP X4 freezing up when I try and use the Watermark command to add a visible watermark to my picture? This is happening everytime I try and use this command. Thought it was maybe my computer not being able to handle it so I closed everything I could and it still happens.
I just installed PSP X3 Ultimate on my second data drive on a new computer and it will not take the updates.It says you have to have PSP installed first because it's trying to install the update on my operating system drive and not the drive I have PSP installed on.What can I do?
Also where is that Corel uninstall tool as I can't get this mess uninstalled.
I've just downloaded the creative collection which was around 450mb and installed it but I can't find what it has installed. The blub says something about extra backgrounds, where do I find them. What else was installed? The pack installed very quickly for the size so I'm wondering if it installed correctly.
The jpeg and png optimizer in X6 doesn't work correctly and keeps the .pspimage file extension in the 'Save Copy As' dialog box. I either have to delete the extension or overwrite with .jpg/png to save in the appropriate format.
I have Paint Shop Pro X5 installed with SP1 on a Windows 8 Enterprise machine. This is not a beta or developer preview of windows 8, it is the final product downloaded from Microsoft Volume Licensing (they do not post betas there).
The installation of X5 was smooth, and the program itself seems to load fine.The first time it ran, it detected an update needed (SP1) which I agreed and applied it.
Next time I ran the program, whenever I click on FILE/OPEN, it does not bring me the windows to browse thru my directories looking for a picture. It freezes completely at that moment until I kill the application with the task manager (as soon as I select OPEN, the program goes into NOT RESPONDING).If I right-click a picture on my disk and select OPEN WITH COREL PAINTSHOP PRO X5, the program works fine and I can work with that picture.
I am unable to associate any files with PSP 12 Ultimate or 9. I go in under preferences/file locations then choose the type file (plugin, mask...) then choose the particular file to load but nothing happens.
I purchased PSP-X4 Ultimate in a box. I was able to install the program itself onto my netbook but neither the Ultimate Pack nor the ProX4-KPT download could install because the popups are so big the buttons to click are inaccessible.
I tried changing the resolution and some other generic workarounds I found in a net search, to no avail.
The program itself was a little difficult to install for the same reason, but there was just barely enough of the buttons accessible to successfully click on them.
If I open a new image Raster background (white) RGB-8bit/channel and put the size in inches centimetres or millimetres I get a black 1px line horizontal and vertical on the image. I either have to paint over it or open the image using pixels as the sizing.
Example: New image 1black spot saved.
I have only just found out how it occurs. It also is the same if I install PSP on Laptop (win7 64 bit)I make animations and can use upto 50 images replicating from the 1st image so if I forget to paint out the lines on number 1 image (as I did last week) and then put them through an animator and then scream when I see the black lines on the finshed animation. At least I now know to always use pixels as the size of the images.
Of course now I know I will try and use pixels when opening a new image (but would sooner use the other measurements )
This is a strange thing : I have PSP X5 under my computer for about one year, and this morning it does not start when I click on PSP icon. When I look at the process monitoring, the exe appears and disappears 3 seconds later. I tried the restore database, nothing changed. I tried to rename the database file, no more success.
I installed PSP X6 Ulitimate and when I first pulled it up I saw Instant Effects Thumbnails under the Adjust Tab. I experimented with a few then had to get off. When I reopened the program all the thumbnails were gone. No matter what I do I can't get the Instant Effects to show up in any of the tabs. Sometimes I'll scroll the mouse over the area, click it, and the photo will have one of the instant effects applied, e.g. black and white. That doesn't do me any good because I can't see what is being applied before clicking if the thumbnails aren't showing. how to get the instant effects to show back up?
After installing the latest fix/update/patch Paintshop Ultimate X6 crashes continuously. After startup it goes for a minute or so and then crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it without any change. I've emptied the temp directory.
filter to apply that gives a watercolor effect such as can be made to work in PS Elements. I really like the way Elements handles it but would prefer to do it all in PSP. Are there such things a plugins for PSP that would work like that?
What is a VERY good noise filter plugin for X4 or X5? In the past few months I demo's Adobe's Lightroom which had an excellent noise removal capability.. AMAZING really. The problem with Lightroom was NO support for PNG files.. and I have 10's of thousands of them. Many of my images need such a noise filter, and the stock one isn't so hot.
how the user filter dialogue works? I am sent to a web page that refers to user filter.I did a search on the forums but came up emptyhanded...I forgot to mention that I am using PaintShop Pro X5, but I believe this filter dialogue has been around as early as PaintShop Pro 8, which I also own.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
I have been obsessed with this effect, but have never been able to manage it (at least not on pictures of me). Apparently it's not a secret, because people have figured it out, like in these two album covers I have attached. (Fallen by Evanescence and Burlesque) Now, I also realize it's possible that Photoshop may be the only program that can achieve this (with the masking tool maybe?) and Paint.net can't. I just need to know these things. It's difficult for me to attempt, how to phrase my question without photos.
I have a photo and need to blur/distort out a face. When I use one of the blurs or distorts it does the whole photo. If I use the elliptical thingie it just makes the ellipse, but I don't know how to apply the blur to that spot.
I'm looking for a function that lets me take a rectangular face viewed from an oblique angle, and square it up as if I were looking straight at it.
For example (can't draw pictures to show you what I mean), suppose I take a photo of an apartment building while I'm standing across the street and off to one side. I need a tool that lets me click on the four corners of the building's face and un-distorts the face, making it rectangular.
I have used a non-PDN tool (GIMP? Photoshop?) that had this capability. We used it to model the buildings at [URL] .... from actual photos.
Now I'd like to do this with PDN. I read about Evan Olds' Quadrilateral Reshaping and dpy's Perspective Effect. I've installed both plug-ins, and while they can do the trick with a little nudging, they're not exactly what I'm looking for.
When you try to select a human face (and maybe body) from a complicated background then seperate it. You'd end up with this face having small parts coming off its edges (ends). You might try to use the eraser to some extent. Still the face or body will not look smooth. How to smooth it?