Paint Shop Pro :: X5 - Tags Won't Delete

Nov 7, 2012

I have PSPProX5. There is a very long list of tags under the Collections tab. The tag list came with the program, I didn't add them. I'm trying to delete some of these tags that I'm sure I will never use. To delete (per instructions), I right click on a tag, and click on 'delete.' Problem is, the tag deletes for only a short time, and then reappears. I had the same problem with PSPProx4, and finally just quit trying to delete some of that long list of tags. I would like to get my tags list the way I want it though. Is there anything I can do to delete tags and have them stay deleted?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X2 Deleting Tags

Aug 18, 2010

In PSP X2, it doesnt seem to be possible to delete tags from pictures. Although there is an option to delete a tag, it always seems to re-create itself. Any way to actually delete an unwanted tag from a picture?

[URL] ...

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Paint Shop Pro :: Handling Tags In X4

Feb 28, 2012

When managing images, I am found some difficulties on handling tags.

The main problem is that PSP is creating tags automatically to all images I have. It is especially undesirable because a plenty of images come from internet, fotolia etc and have tags I don't want. So, my "desirable" tags are mixing with the "undesirable".

a) I tried to find out in PSP "preferences" any option to stop tagging automatically. And I couldn't find it.

b) Other problem is to delete the tags I don't want. If I delete the tag in tags tree (manage/collection) it appears again. The only way I found is deleting tag by tag, image by image, what is madness of doing to a plenty of images.

Any way of deleting the "main" tag in order to delete automatically the related tag in each image?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Organizer And Tags

Sep 30, 2010

I've recently reinstalled Windows and PSP. In the organizer, the cataloging doesn't seem to be working - at least from a tag standpoint.

My photos have tags on them and windows explorer sees all the tags but the tag list that is in the organizer only sees ones that I update with existing tags or add new tags to them. It does not seem to catalog the existing tags on photos.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How Many Tags Are Allowed

Jun 15, 2012

I am using PSP X3. I would like to know how many tags are allowed per photo and how many tags are allowed for all pictures?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Update Tags And Explorer

Jan 23, 2012

my prior editing program was Serif Photoplus x5 and ACDSee Pro 5 for management.I purchased PSPx4 to see if I could get photo editing and photo management in one program .I've been able to figure most things out but I have a problem with the following:

1. Tags: my keywords are embedded in the file but when I looks at PBP tags they only show a couple of photos. I did notice if I selected one of the photos it was added to the tag list. I even tried selecting more files (at one time) but no luck. So, my questions is, how do I update PSP tags?

2. explorer view: is it possible to select the parent folder and view the contents of the children folders?

3. in ACDSee you can select the parent folder and it give you a count of the keywords (beach = 50, lake = 30, etc.,) in all folders. Is this possible in PSPx4?

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Paint Shop Pro :: V7.04 Stripping EXIF Tags When Save File As JPG

May 7, 2012

I am using Paint Shop Pro V7.04. When I save a file as a JPG, it strips EXIF info and the tags describing the camera settings for the image. Is there any way of preventing this on this version of PSP?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Saving People Tags To The Actual Files?

Oct 7, 2012

I'm testing the new People tagging feature... organizing and searching seems to be no problem at all... My question though is whether this "tag" information is saved back to the actual files themselves, or whether it is kept separate in a corel database file??? i.e If I reformat my harddrive and then reimport my pictures, will the photos still have their tags!?!?! (photos area stored on a different networked drive)

The "date modified" data of the file has not changed after tagging... I only want to use this feature if the tags can be permanently written to the files.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Smart Collection Fails To Find Pic With Two Tags

Dec 10, 2011

I've used Corel Photo Album in the past and am familar with the tag/search feature. Here's my problem. I created two tags - test1 and test2. I tagged a photo with both test1 and test2. I created a Smart Collection as follows: Find photos that match ALL, TAG contains TEST1, TAG contains TEST2. when I click PREVIEW no photos are found. If I click on the individual tags Test1 or Test2 the photo is found. Am I missing something?

I tried removing and reinstalling Paintshop Pro X4 but I am getting the same result. I have ran this test in Corel Photo Album and it works fine.

I am running PSP X4 SP1
Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2
Intel i7 CPU950 3.07ghz, 9.0 gb ram

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Paint Shop Pro :: Possible To Delete ImageDB File?

Nov 23, 2013

As I observed Paint Shop Pro X2 creates (under Win 7) in


a big file


I guess it contains meta information about previous edited pictures. Can I prevent in PSP creation?

Can I simply delete it? Will it be re-created on-demand?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Can't Delete Files After Editing In X5

Dec 5, 2013

Sometimes after editing jpeg files in PaintShop Pro X5, attempting to save them raises an error and they can only be saved to a different file name. After closing out of PSP, the original file cannot be deleted in Windows Explorer. Shift-Delete removes the file from the list momentarily, but a refresh brings it back. Normal delete (to Recycle Bin) raises an error that admin authority is required, but clicking to proceed fails. Starting Windows Explorer as administrator does not resolve the problem. Process Explorer doesn't show PSP or any component of it that I recognize still running (and perhaps having exclusive control of the file). After a reboot, the file can be deleted. I have observed this problem on both machines where the software is loaded and registered. Both machines are malware-free. Both are running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Could very well be a Windows problem, but I don't have a similar problem with files that are created or modified with any other application.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Delete Crop Presets

Dec 1, 2013

I created some crop preset sizes that I no longer need, but I can't figure out how to remove them from the dropdown list of crop sizes. Reset to Default doesn't refresh the list.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - How To Delete Tags

Feb 16, 2013

How do you delete tags in Elements 11 (the Mac version)??

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete People Tags In 11

Mar 23, 2013

During face recognition i mistype some names. Now i have unwanted tag names in the people tag catalog without any reference to pictures.
How can i delete those tags? I'm working with a germen version.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete Or Disable Smart Tags

Aug 25, 2012

How do you delete or disable smart tags.  They work so poorly as to be worse than useless.

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Photoshop Elements :: 9 Delete Keyword Tags Pops Up During Find?

Dec 18, 2012

This has been occurring for a while, and is quite consistent, but I've never bothered to ask.  When I select Find/From History/Imported On, a window pops up with "Delete Keyword Tags" and a progress bar which starts to move.  I always immediately hit cancel, and then the "Select one or more groups you imported" window comes up, so I select the date and things work fine.
So what is going on with the "Delete Keyword Tags" window?  I've not noticed any tags get deleted, but am I risking losing them if I didn't immediately hit cancel?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Paint Shop Pro :: Will Animation Shop Run On Windows 7 Next To X4?

Oct 28, 2011

I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Tell Organizer 11 That Imported Keyword-tags Are Person / Face-tags

Apr 2, 2013

I'm using Organizer 11. First time evething was ok, persons/faces were detected correctly, then after a few month Organizer doesn't detected new faces and said every time that all faces were detected already also when I imported new fotos from my camera...
(I use the german version, so I can not tell you the exact error message in english, hope you unserstand what I mean.)
As I found no solution, I created a new catalog and imported all photos including their tags newly to this empty catalog. But allready tagged persons are not persons anymore - their tags are now in the "imported keyword tags" (German: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags") and not in the "person/face tags".

How can I tell the organizer that the imported Tags are persons/faces to having no douplicates in the person-tags and normal keyword-tags?

Here some Background Information about my system:

PSE 11, Windows 8, 64 Bit 8GB, Intel i7.
3 catalogs with each 8000-10000 photos. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Keyword Tags Didn't Get Converted Into People Tags

Oct 21, 2012

I have just upgraded my Swedish PSE7 to an English PSE11. Of course the people keyword tags did not get converted into people tags because People is called Folk in Swedish. I was not aware of this mechanism prior to upgrading. How can I convert those keyword tags now?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Print Layout Similar To That In Paint Shop Pro?

Sep 25, 2012

Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro? 

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Paint Shop Pro :: Paint Brush And Eraser Stopped Working

Apr 9, 2011

My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.

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Revit :: Get Window Tags To Behave Like Door Tags?

Dec 24, 2011

Is there any way to get Revit window tags to behave like the door tags? The door tags seem to be instance parameters while the window tags are type parameters. I would like to use separate numbers for each window even though they are the same type. This would allow me to specify header required for each window in the schedule. I understand that I could edit the window families and save them as different files but this is time consuming. Is there an easier way?

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Photoshop Elements :: No People Tags In Tags Pane

Feb 17, 2013

I just converted from PSE 10 to PSE 11.
Now, in the Media view, over in the Tags/Info pane, I have Events, Other, and Places Tags, but no People Tags. However, when I look at individual photos in my converted catalogs, the people's names are still attached to them; the people icon is still associated with each photo so marked.
In PSE 10, when you imported new photos, you could drag People Tags from the Tags pane to one or more selected photos to quickly tag the subjects. Now, apparently, I'll have to group any new photos with people in them by hand and retype names over and over again — although those tags are already available in the catalog.
This is clearly insane. Surely Adobe hasn't taken something easy (dragging a people tag over from the right pane to a newly added photo) and turned it into something cumbersome and inefficient?
How do I get the Media view to populate the People Tags in the Tags pane along with the Existing Events, Other, and Places Tags?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Create Paint Drips In Design

Aug 20, 2011

if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change Color Of Paint Brush In X3?

May 15, 2012

I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.

Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?

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Photoshop :: Delete, Clone And Paint Tools Do Not...

Jul 22, 2009

i have photoshop cs3 running on windows xp.  the delete, clone and paint tools do not work on any layer.  (other tools do work. susch as red eye removal) .  the layers are not locked.  i have used these tools on many many occasions.  they just stopped working.   i have tried: resetting the tool preferences to their defaults, restarted my computer, restarted photoshop.  i hope to avoided having to re-install cs3. 

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Paint.NET :: Layers / Delete All Invisible Before Saving

May 12, 2011

To reduce file size when working with 100+ layers, can I delete multiple invisible layers before saving?

If not, is there a plug-in for this procedure? For a multi-page tutorial with over 100 layers, pdn is slow when opening or saving the file. I would like to save each page of the tutorial as a separate .pdn file for faster loading/editing/saving. Unfortunately, to save each individual page, I must delete many layers one-at-a-time which is very time consuming.

I need to delete all invisible layers before saving, to save each page separately and keep the original multi-page intact for backup until all individual pages are saved.


How many layers can PDN handle?

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Paint.NET :: Illustration - How To Delete Transparent Background

Aug 14, 2013

I am trying create an illustration in that will later become a button in another program that an end user will click on.  This button needs to be the shape of a circle.  Unfortunately, when the circle button has a square transparent background, the user can also click on the background to trigger the action.  I dont want that to be an option, so I am trying to delete the transparent background so that all I have is the circle image.  Is this possible to do? 

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Paint.NET :: How To Delete Cars Maintaining The Road

Jun 2, 2013

I woudl like to delete the cars but put at bottom the colour of the road.
What is the best way ?

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Paint.NET :: Can't Delete The Megalo Plugin Pack

May 6, 2013

I recently installed this pack, it seemed too much for me and lagged a lot. So I decided to delete it. I didn't know how to, so I just re-installed, and then came back on it, and all of the effects are still there. I tried manually going into the Effects folder to delete them, but it just pops up saying I don't have permission to delete that file.I'm stuck with this and can't get back to normal

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