Paint.NET :: Layers / Delete All Invisible Before Saving
May 12, 2011
To reduce file size when working with 100+ layers, can I delete multiple invisible layers before saving?
If not, is there a plug-in for this procedure? For a multi-page tutorial with over 100 layers, pdn is slow when opening or saving the file. I would like to save each page of the tutorial as a separate .pdn file for faster loading/editing/saving. Unfortunately, to save each individual page, I must delete many layers one-at-a-time which is very time consuming.
I need to delete all invisible layers before saving, to save each page separately and keep the original multi-page intact for backup until all individual pages are saved.
I can't find a way in Gimp 2.4 to delete all invisible layers, is there one?
When working with a slightly complex file I use to have multiple layers which I show, hide and duplicate as needed. After a while my layers dialog gets cluttered and I need to delete layers I don't need anymore, most of these layers are invisible and going one by one to delete takes much time, an option to remove all invisible layers would be great.
There's an option to delete invisible layers on "Image > Merge Visible Layers" but this, as the name says, merges all other layers.
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
To save my photo, the program ask me to merge all my layers. But what if I want to change my photo after? Is it impossible to recover my layers after saving?
I recently made some frames for an animate gif with PDN, and all the frames are in layers on one PDN file. Is there any way to mass save the layers as separate gifs? The PDN file consists of 100+ layers, and I want to avoid flattening, saving, and undoing X 100 :shock:
I have a large number of objects, paths, multiple copies, texts etc. under the visible (on the top) object which is larger and completely covers all unusable object bellow. How can I easily delete or weld INVISIBLE objects from composition?
A friend asked me to make an animated forum signature for him but their forum has a rule the sig size must be 650x200.
So i thought i would fit it in my own 650x200 signature and cutting everything outside that out using the wand tool on every layer (125) I made them visible cut out the outskirts and made it invisible again one by one , with the little eye next to the layer.
After u import Video frames to layers only the first one is visible , but in order to cut in a layer i needed to make it visible , and apperently after u make a layer visible its invisible in the saving (Save for Web option) After i was finished all i had left with was one layer that was visibile the other 5 seconds were just invisible
how to fix this , i ran into it a couple of times now its getting pretty annoying.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 and when selecting a new layer to work on, it then switches to another layer which becomes the selected one.The only way I can definitely select the layer I want to work on is to make all other layers invisible.
if there is a plugin or a way to select all the invisible layers from a photoshop file autmatically with just one click?This would be really handy when it comes to huge photoshop files with lots of folders & layers...
For some time now i experience a really strange problem with my layer masks: the parts of a layer I hide with a black layer mask are still slightly visible in my picture - like these pixels still have an opacity of about 5%. The colour in the mask is definitly black and not dark grey (this was my first guess what could be wrong). I have no idea when this problem started, but I believe it was not there when I started to use CS6 (which I still do and on which the problem appears).
I have been working on a detailed section drawing in AutoCad 2013
I saved the file in different files as i gone along, I have been trying to open the file everytime i do all the layers are there but only two are visible all the other seem to be invissible.
I tried it with each file on different computers, same version of AutoCad no success.
It apears that in the preview before opening the file it is all there but when actually opening the file its only a random two layers that come up, missing around 10 others which have the majority of the drawing /details on there.
I tried the unhide, changing line weights in the layer menu, opening the back ups. is there anything else I can try.
I am working on my xref file and all of a sudden in my layer properties, all of my layers are missing. It's as if they are still there but invisible, I put my cursor over them and a box comes up with the layer, but I still can not see it or modify it.
There are some layers in my drawing that won't delete in the layers properties manager. I don't know why. It gives me 4 possible reasons:
- It might be layer 0 or a Defpoint (whatever that is). - It is the current layer - It is an Xref dependent layer - It is a layer containing objects
But none of these, to my knowledge, apply. There could be things on the layer that I'm just not seeing, but I've looked thoroughly. I even zoomed out to the extents, highlighted the whole area, and clicked the erase tool, but it still won't go away. I got the file from another computer, so it might be an Xref dependent layer and the Xref'ed files just didn't come with it. How would I be able to tell - and how could I remove the Xref dependency?
Other than that, is there any other reason a layer won't delete? Can I force it to delete?
I recently started having this problem in Photoshop CS6 where using the transform or selection tools makes all the layers other than my background layer disappear so I can't see what I'm selection or transforming. This happens randomly out of nowhere. I can be using those tools all day with no problem, and then out of nowhere it starts making things invisible.
There doesn't seem to be any other programs running that would cause it (not that that should be an issue, my computer could easily run all my Adobe programs at once if I wanted it to), and the only thing that seems to fix it so far is restarting Photoshop. But that gets old really fast when I have to do it over and over again. I tried calling Adobe, but somehow they're always closed, even during their supposed hours of operation.
I work with .dds texture files a lot in modding the games Oblivion and Skyrim, and whenever someone else releases a mod that I like, I usually change it to my preferences (solely for personal use, of course). This occasionally means editing their textures, but some people have a way of making the texture "invisible" (as in totally transparent), yet still readable by the game as well as some plugins like Emboss. This makes it impossible for me to do anything with the file, and as a result some become completely unusable. what this "invisibility" is caused by, and a way to reverse it?
I was editing some .png s that are transparent other than the picture itself in the middle, what i would do is edit it and save it and it would keep the transparent/invisible background thing. Now when i save the png it automatically makes the background white, i go through and erase all the white but it is regenerated when i save the png again. i dont think i changed any settings, what do i do?
I have been using PSP X4 for over a year with OpenType fonts. Suddenly this morning, all OTF have quit working in PSP, but TrueType fonts work just fine. I can choose an OTF from the font name window and see the first 6 character preview. However, when I type, there is nothing visible with the OTF. The cursor moves, but nothing shows. After I have typed with the invisible OTF, the text box exists in the appropriate size for what I have typed, but you can't see anything -- completely invisible. I can highlight my invisible OTF typing and change it to TrueType, and the text is there. Likewise, I can type in a TTF, highlight my typing and change it to an OTF and the text becomes invisible.
So PSP is recognizing the text, it just won't display it in OTF.
I can open previously-created files that used OTF in the text, and the OTF text is not visible, either.
I've never had any problem with OpenType fonts in PSP before -- they've always worked just like the TrueType for me.
The OTFs work fine in all other programs on my computer -- only problem with OTF is in PSP.
How do I delete a layer? I am unable to even though the layer is not current, is not layer "0" or "Defpoints",is not a Xref dependent layer, nor does the layer contain any objects.
I have ACAD LT 2002 and when I go into layer control and try to delete layers that I no longer need, it wont let me.So I turn all of these layers on (and all others off) and delete everything visable, purge all complete and they still are there.
How do I get rid of unwanted layers that acad wont let me delete?
When i import a dwf it auto generates a layer for each piece of geometry in the file. There is no way to merge the layers during import that i know of.
So i just select every object and place them into the default layer0... takes 20 seconds.
Now i want to cleanup all the unused empty layers so i can make new layers later on. When i select the first layer... then SHIFT click the last layer 3dsmax lags then freezes.
When i do this same thing in 2010 the layers select properly... but once i hit delete 3dsmax freezes again! Now i know 3dsmax.. even if it freezes as long as its using any form of cpu its just processing. So i waited OVER-NIGHT just to delete a bunch of layers, and it worked! Deleting the layers one by one take 30seconds each... not going threw a thousand layers like that!
My questions: Why does deleting or even selecting a bunch of layers take a very very long time? Or even deleting one layer take a long time when theres alot of layers? Anyway to make this faster?
I created some render layers by copying the master layer and some of them seem to be connected to the master layer in some way and I cannot delete them!
When I select the render layer they are grey and the master layer is also selected and is blue. I cannot delete the copied layer even if I empty it.
I have created other layers the exact same way but when I select them they are not attached to the master layer and are blue when I select them and I can delete them.
What do I have to do to delete the layers that seem to be connected to the master layer? This is really annoying! I try to do one thing and end up spending the entire day trying to delete rogue render layers! The only work around I found is to select everything in the scene and export it and then import it into a new scene.
I have imported a dxf file from our Trimble handheld unit. The dxf has layers built into it that come straight from the trimble software. (ei, FENCE, TANK, WELL HEAD, FIELDLINE) I have custom built layers and linetypes for my .dwt file in Cad so I dont need the layers that followed the dxf file.
For some reason I am unable to delete those layers, I get a warning box saying: The following layers cannot be deleted:
. layers 0 and Defpoints . The current Layer. . Layers containing objects. . Xref-dependant layers
I am not on the current layer, I am pretty positive there is no objects on the layers I want to delete ( i have deleted my gps points and blocks that were imported)
I am using layer translate to convert from one set of standards to another. I have created a translation file with all the desired settings and everything works fine, except the old layers remain in the drawing after translating. Is there a way to delete all of the old (unused) layers after translation?
I switched from CS5 to CS6 and now everything that I save, when I go back to it, it is merged into one layer.
The layer box is checked in the save dialog. The one thing that I did do was make a pdf of of the file also in the save as menu.
I have done this a ton of times before in ealier versions and my files were never merged. what is wrong? I have put in hours of work and now I can't edit anything. Can I get the layers back?
I've been working on a picture and, of course, have been using a lot of layers. Whenever I choose to put the drawing up for a while, I'll come back to it later and notice that all my layers are gone. Is there a way to save these layers?