AutoCAD 2010 :: XRef File - All Layers Invisible
Sep 28, 2012
I am working on my xref file and all of a sudden in my layer properties, all of my layers are missing. It's as if they are still there but invisible, I put my cursor over them and a box comes up with the layer, but I still can not see it or modify it.
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Mar 20, 2012
I am currently updating and coming up with a better system for are plant layout file for AutoCAD. When this project is complete, it will be set up so if someone needs to make a change they can just make a copy of the X-Ref file for the area they will be updating and hand it back in when there done. I will review the updated X-Ref then switch out the old X-Ref file for the updated one.
Problem: the problem I am having is when I am in the master drawing that contains all the X-Ref files, the layers list becomes enormous. There are about 30 to 40 different X-Ref files with 15 layers each. Those 15 layers contain the exact same information but you have to edit them individually.
Question: Is there a way to make the 15 layers in the master effect the corresponding layer in all the X-ref files? For instance, you hide the “Machines” layer in the master and it hides the “Machines” layer in all the X-ref.
Side Note: If you were going to make the suggestion “use Xbind” I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work well because “Xbind” creates a new layer you have to assign to things instead of making the layers relate to one another.
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Mar 2, 2012
Lets say I have file 1 and files 2,3,4, file 1 contains several layers and is an xref in files 2,3,4.
Can I somehow set a layer to off or frozen in file 1 and it will make sure to be switched off in my files 2,3,4 aswell? I have played around with New VP Freeze but if I add a layer at a later time and files 2,3,4 already have several viewports that doesn't do me very good.
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Aug 9, 2009
I work on DWG importer and every now and then I come across some files which behave strange. To take as an example, I am working on a file reported to be having unwanted entities when loaded through our importer. This file when loaded in AutoCAD shows proxy entity and nothing else. When I do "zoom to extents" and select the visible entities by selection window, it shows
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 5767 found, 1988 groups
Now if I do the selection and say "select: all" instead of using selection window it shows:
Select objects: all
5805 found
9 were on a locked layer.
2 were not in current space.
So apparently there are 38 (5805 - 5767) objects which are either invisible or ignored by AutoCAD when I do "zoom to extents".
1. Is there any way in AutoCAD to make all the objects visible?
2. Why "Zoom to Extents" must be ignoring these objects?
3. What is the meaning of "2 were not in current space."? Does that mean, that the drawing file is simultaneously referring to two Coordinate Systems?
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Sep 1, 2011
When a drawing is printed using PLOT the drawing is printed fine. If I batch plot (or publish) it prints all the frozen layers of the xref and also prints the layers as assigned by the XREF drawing and not the new colours I have specified for this drawing.
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Aug 31, 2013
Do the people that develop (anti-endusers ) the upgrades ever think like an end user? Having the Layer Properties Manager set up with default filters that show "ALL" layers or "Xref" layers without a default for "Layers Local ONLY" is so counterintuitive and non-user friendly! This is just another example of how Autodesk has absolutely no regard for the end user.
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Oct 24, 2012
I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.
I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.
Here is the problem:
When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.
If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1
If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2
The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.
If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files
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Jun 7, 2013
How not to carry some layers when i xref a file into another.
for example,
i have a base file with x-1,x-2,x-3 layers. when i xref the base file into a main file, i only want x-1 & x-3 layer to show up in the main file.
is there any way to control what layers can be see in xref with out using freeze/off commands.
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Apr 18, 2013
I have a strange problem with some xrefs and I don't know why it is suddenly happening on a few of my drawings.
The xrefs have been successfully loaded in my drawings with no issues until now.
I have an xref that is loaded as an overlay, in the xref manager it is there yet in the drawing it is invisible.
Yet if I click in some blank space on where the xref should be it appears visible and then disappears as soon as I escape!
I know it's loaded - its just as if it's loaded behind everything else and it makes the geometry in the drawing all jagged and out of sorts ?!
I've tried bring to front command and detaching and reloading it but to no avail.
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Feb 26, 2013
When inserting an xref, which I have prepared with a file name etc in a drawing, Autocad prompt me this message" The file you have chosen cannot be used as a block name or is greater than 8 characters. Autocad has assigned a shortened block name. Enter an Altenate name "
why so? This happen not with all file!
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Mar 5, 2013
Can I convert a DWF into a DWG without it being a XREF file ?
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Jul 18, 2013
I am using an AutoCAD 2012, when a revised Xref floor plan was send but on a binded file. How to declare or make an Xref file based on the binded file????
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
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Nov 15, 2013
I know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?
I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.
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May 9, 2013
I have been working on a detailed section drawing in AutoCad 2013
I saved the file in different files as i gone along, I have been trying to open the file everytime i do all the layers are there but only two are visible all the other seem to be invissible.
I tried it with each file on different computers, same version of AutoCad no success.
It apears that in the preview before opening the file it is all there but when actually opening the file its only a random two layers that come up, missing around 10 others which have the majority of the drawing /details on there.
I tried the unhide, changing line weights in the layer menu, opening the back ups. is there anything else I can try.
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Jul 29, 2012
Is there a method to import Layers from existing DWG file to another? I want to import all layers with their names.
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Nov 21, 2012
I have a DWG with 334 layers, Many have been Pasted in. I would like to reduce the file size of 30Mb and reduce the layer count. Can you produce 3 or 4 different DAG. by combining layers and save as a different DWG?
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Feb 10, 2012
I want to create a whole load of layers (approx 150) by importing them from a xls spreadsheet into my AutoCAD layer manager. How this is achieved without having to create each layer at a time by manual entry? Note that I created a .las file (attached as a .txt version) based upon exporting an existing set of layers to a .las file and then amending it. However, after saving the amended .las file it would not re import into the layer manager.
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Apr 23, 2012
This is one issue that I really hate most in the mids of my drawing progress. Why my cursor are suddenly become invissible although it still active? My only option here to make visible again is to save and re-open it .
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Oct 28, 2011
I have a huge file that I am working with. I keep getting fatal errors. I am trying to make the file size smaller. Within the file there are 1836 layers, I am trying to reduce that number greatly. There are also lots and lots of blocks. I have heard that it is possible to make all of the objects on one layer and also compress layers.
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Jul 14, 2013
A friend asked me to make an animated forum signature for him but their forum has a rule the sig size must be 650x200.
So i thought i would fit it in my own 650x200 signature and cutting everything outside that out using the wand tool on every layer (125) I made them visible cut out the outskirts and made it invisible again one by one , with the little eye next to the layer.
After u import Video frames to layers only the first one is visible , but in order to cut in a layer i needed to make it visible , and apperently after u make a layer visible its invisible in the saving (Save for Web option) After i was finished all i had left with was one layer that was visibile the other 5 seconds were just invisible
how to fix this , i ran into it a couple of times now its getting pretty annoying.
(I'm trying to fit video frames in here)
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Sep 3, 2008
I can't find a way in Gimp 2.4 to delete all invisible layers, is there one?
When working with a slightly complex file I use to have multiple layers which I show, hide and duplicate as needed. After a while my layers dialog gets cluttered and I need to delete layers I don't need anymore, most of these layers are invisible and going one by one to delete takes much time, an option to remove all invisible layers would be great.
There's an option to delete invisible layers on "Image > Merge Visible Layers" but this, as the name says, merges all other layers.
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Feb 28, 2013
I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 and when selecting a new layer to work on, it then switches to another layer which becomes the selected one.The only way I can definitely select the layer I want to work on is to make all other layers invisible.
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Mar 12, 2013
I have some blocks with invisible attributes that I use to put information a wiring schedule. How to have those checked in a spell check? I can see that they are misspelled in the table but when I run a spell check it will not fix them.
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Nov 12, 2012
if there is a plugin or a way to select all the invisible layers from a photoshop file autmatically with just one click?This would be really handy when it comes to huge photoshop files with lots of folders & layers...
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Jun 10, 2013
For some time now i experience a really strange problem with my layer masks: the parts of a layer I hide with a black layer mask are still slightly visible in my picture - like these pixels still have an opacity of about 5%. The colour in the mask is definitly black and not dark grey (this was my first guess what could be wrong). I have no idea when this problem started, but I believe it was not there when I started to use CS6 (which I still do and on which the problem appears).
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May 12, 2011
To reduce file size when working with 100+ layers, can I delete multiple invisible layers before saving?
If not, is there a plug-in for this procedure? For a multi-page tutorial with over 100 layers, pdn is slow when opening or saving the file. I would like to save each page of the tutorial as a separate .pdn file for faster loading/editing/saving. Unfortunately, to save each individual page, I must delete many layers one-at-a-time which is very time consuming.
I need to delete all invisible layers before saving, to save each page separately and keep the original multi-page intact for backup until all individual pages are saved.
How many layers can PDN handle?
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Jun 20, 2013
I have a dwg with (dynamic) blocks and when i do a find and replace, it finds ivisbile text that aren't there. i did allready purge, there is no freezed or off layer. even when i copy the whole drawing into another empty dwg it appears.
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Oct 19, 2012
When you clip an something from a file you insert, is there a way not to have the outline that you clip show?
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Oct 4, 2012
One of my co-workers is having trouble with pdfs. He can bring them into the drawing, but they show up as dots, and he cannot see anything else.
When I open the same file, the pdf is there plain as day.
Already re-installed CAD.
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Feb 11, 2012
Working in Autocad 2011, PC version.My drawing has blocks that contain (1) visibible and editable attribute. Also contain (4) invisible and constant attributes. I need to update text information in the (4) invisible attributes. Using BATTMAN seemed the easiest way to do this, but when "Sync" ing the changes, the rotation angle/placement of the Visible attribute changes globally in the drawing.
(Many of the Visible attributes location were adjusted to prevent overlapping with other drawing lines.
How can I update text values of invisible attributes without rotating/adjusting the placement of my visible one?I've tried -attedit & attredef - neither of them did what I needed.
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