AutoCAD 2010 :: Importing / Creating Layers From XLS / CSV / LAS File
Feb 10, 2012
I want to create a whole load of layers (approx 150) by importing them from a xls spreadsheet into my AutoCAD layer manager. How this is achieved without having to create each layer at a time by manual entry? Note that I created a .las file (attached as a .txt version) based upon exporting an existing set of layers to a .las file and then amending it. However, after saving the amended .las file it would not re import into the layer manager.
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Jul 29, 2012
Is there a method to import Layers from existing DWG file to another? I want to import all layers with their names.
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Jul 27, 2012
I need to create a truncated contour map based on data from a .asc file. I have connected the .asc file but there is no option for adding with query so I have brought the whole file in.
I then created a contour layer and added to map (all good so far) but when attempting to query this layer for my area of interest nothing appeared on screen.
I then did some manipulation of the sdf to create polylines at the contour elevation and tried to MAPTRIM but I stopped Civil 3D after having "not responding" for 15 minutes
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Jun 18, 2013
In CS6, I could import (open) DWG files and it would correctly categorize the input objects into separate layers. In CC, it is putting them into a group in a single layer, which is a big usability regression. Is there a fix for this?
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Oct 17, 2012
How could I be bringing up the Rename Dialog Box when I am in the Layer Dialog Box creating new layers? It seems to happen from now and again mostly when I go to change the color of the new layer. This shouldn't be an issue but once the box comes up, all my work inside the layer dialog box will be lost when I close it and reopen it.
Doesn't matter if I pick "OK" "CLOSE" or the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the box. Rename command, just what I hit, strike or click that brings it up and hopefully a means to change my CUI so I don't do it anymore.
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May 11, 2012
How can I import a csv file produced from a total station survey containing the NEZ data from the points surveyed into AUTOCAD?
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Mar 20, 2012
I am trying to create a centralized .arg file, so that if I make a change to this default profile all the machines will immediately see the change.
Currently I can only get this to work by importing the new profile, and i can't really ask 40 or so draughtsmen to re import when a change has been made.
AutoCad see's the file but does not update any changes.
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Nov 8, 2012
We are having an issue where users are you autocad and are working on the drawing as they go to save Autocad pops up and says someone else is using the drawing and then creates a read only file. We are 99% sure that there is no one else using the drawing.
After a bit of a google on various forums I have came across a post which says that it maybe a network issue with the drawing creating DWL files (locked) and then it taking time to update on the network.
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Nov 21, 2012
I have a DWG with 334 layers, Many have been Pasted in. I would like to reduce the file size of 30Mb and reduce the layer count. Can you produce 3 or 4 different DAG. by combining layers and save as a different DWG?
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Sep 28, 2012
I am working on my xref file and all of a sudden in my layer properties, all of my layers are missing. It's as if they are still there but invisible, I put my cursor over them and a box comes up with the layer, but I still can not see it or modify it.
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Nov 8, 2012
We are using a file created by another company and making additions to it for Interiors. While working in this file we have added some new layers and have begun to hatch new walls. While hatching some of these wall my boss received a message saying that the file had errors. He saved and closed the file at that point. When he re-opened the file a number of lines were missing from the file.
They appear to be completely random - i.e. parts of chairs are missing but not the whole chair, parts of walls but not whole walls. The things missing were not all on the same layer and were not necessarily items that had been hatched.
Note - we are running 2012 and the files were created in 2007
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Nov 1, 2012
I'm a relative beginner with AutoCAD and was looking to find a way to quickly import a selection of survey points (X & Y coordinates) and their labels from an excel spreadsheet using a script file.
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Oct 28, 2011
I have a huge file that I am working with. I keep getting fatal errors. I am trying to make the file size smaller. Within the file there are 1836 layers, I am trying to reduce that number greatly. There are also lots and lots of blocks. I have heard that it is possible to make all of the objects on one layer and also compress layers.
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Aug 12, 2013
We use AutoCad to name our dxf files for our Burn Table and whenever we get a new part it is a repetitive task to input layers and common text. So what I am curious is can AutoCAD input the layers and text automatically using a Macro?
I want the Macro to put in 6 layers and choose the layer color and title then input text boxes with word in 3 different layers. There will be about a total of 10 different text boxes with text already put in the boxes by the Macro.
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Mar 20, 2012
I am currently updating and coming up with a better system for are plant layout file for AutoCAD. When this project is complete, it will be set up so if someone needs to make a change they can just make a copy of the X-Ref file for the area they will be updating and hand it back in when there done. I will review the updated X-Ref then switch out the old X-Ref file for the updated one.
Problem: the problem I am having is when I am in the master drawing that contains all the X-Ref files, the layers list becomes enormous. There are about 30 to 40 different X-Ref files with 15 layers each. Those 15 layers contain the exact same information but you have to edit them individually.
Question: Is there a way to make the 15 layers in the master effect the corresponding layer in all the X-ref files? For instance, you hide the “Machines” layer in the master and it hides the “Machines” layer in all the X-ref.
Side Note: If you were going to make the suggestion “use Xbind” I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work well because “Xbind” creates a new layer you have to assign to things instead of making the layers relate to one another.
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Oct 22, 2010
I am generating autocad drawings with from scratch. One of the items that needs to be created in the drawing is a dynamic block. There are two ways which come to my mind to accomplish this tast. Either create a block in the new drawing or import it from somewhere. But I do not have a clue as to how either of them can be done.Pointers to the relevant statements should be sufficient.
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Jul 3, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way to import a bunch of detail drawings into my template, without all the layers that go along with the details.
See, sometimes I need to use details from other companies within my drawings, and they have crazy annotations and a lot of different layers. It would be nice if I could import their details as one big block into my template that I like to work with when doing my work. Is there a way that I can import that details block (including its color codings and such, not changing anything) onto ONE LAYER. Otherwise is there a way to create like a folder within the layer manager that I can dump all those layers?
It's just such a mess once I drop their details into my work, it would be nice if I could isolate all that stuff, yet keep everything as it looks on their files..
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Jan 24, 2013
I 'm looking for a method to import the layers that I have exported from Civil 3D 2013 and have edited in Excel.
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Jan 19, 2012
Can you import layers from a file other than the AutoCAD types, e.g. .dwg, .dwt etc? I have made a list of layers in Excel that I would like to import into AutoCAD without having to manually create each layer at a time (there are approx 150 layers).
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Jun 7, 2012
I am having problem convertin this SLDPRT file to inventor.
I am currently using 2012. I tried importing the file but nothing shows up when I import it. All I get is this translation report with error.
translate this SLDPRT file to .ipt file?
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Oct 11, 2012
if it's possible to import a list of coordinates into a drawing so that it places points in the drawing at the specified locations?
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Sep 25, 2003
I'm sure many of you have done it, gone onto a photoshop, etc brush site and helped yourself to the brushes they have there. what i would like to do is start experimenting and creating my own brushes. Though i have no idea about how to go about it, is it a simple case of changing the file extension to .ABR or is there more too it? (i think theres more to it, because the brushes i have downloaded usually have more then one brush per pack)
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Jan 3, 2012
I'm new (again) to using AutoCAD and am a GIS user. I just wanted to know if there was a way to import an ESRI shapefile (.shp extension) into AutoCAD 2011. This is the only version I have and don't really have any extensions with it. Can I do this or do I need different software?
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May 9, 2012
I am changing from AutoCAD 2011 to 2012. I created a custom tab in AutoCAD 2011 with custom panels that had all the buttons I use most often. Despite saving the workspace and the profile as I was told, it hasn't shown up in 2012.
How can I get my custom tab to show up in the 2012 ribbon, without recreating it from scratch?
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Mar 28, 2012
i Have the dwg drawing in which a table is made by simling joining the lines & putting the text in those line.Can that data in actual be converted into the table?
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Aug 2, 2011
I am trying to import Solidworks 2010 *.sldasm files, but I can not view them. The system sees the file, but nothing is displayed
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Aug 1, 2013
I'm experiencing a strange behavior when i import a DXF with a plugin for AutoCAD 2012, but only when i'm on Win7 64bits.
The plugin normally (in WinXP) would load the .dxf file, then if it has a reference for an ortophoto picture, it places the picture on the right place and "visible" (you'll get what i mean by this later).
On the other hand, on win7 64bits when i import the dxf file using the plugin, it only shows the frame of the picture, but no picture inside!
But, if i close the file i just opened and open the .dxf using Autocad "default" open, on the layout the picture is showing just like it was supposed to...
So, now i've opened the .dxf using Autocad, let's try again to open it using the plugin and.... voilá! The picture is displayed, bright and shinny! A miracle i must say!
And if i open it again using the "default" open from Autocad, not only it displays the picture on Layout but also on the Model!
I'll attach the dxf with the external .tiff file.
DXF File
Tiff File
I wasn't able to upload the picture, so i've placed in a zip file and attached it to the post.
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Sep 7, 2011
I'm an ACAD LT 2008 user demo'ing ACAD LT 2012.
In ACAD LT 2008 you can create a new layer (or layers) from a layer property filter and can edit all of the new property characteristics and the filters will not sort until you are done (apply). This is useful for creating multiple layers (especially matching your current filter) that you can copy and paste layer names. However, in ACAD LT 2012, as soon as you select "New Layer", a new layer named "Layer 1" automatically sorts/filters and it is gone from view, requiring you to find it before you can rename it and edit its properties. Is there a way around this?
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Jan 19, 2012
I am trying to import a Polyface Mesh of a road plan to use in Terramodel. Terramodel handles .dwf and .dxf perfectly, but I seem to be having trouble preserving the elevations when importing. The polyface mesh imports in as polylines and without preserving the given elevations. I have used autocad in the past and have access to Autocad Civil 3d 2012 if need be.
Is there an import tool or command I am missing or unaware of that will allow the import to take place successfully?
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Oct 16, 2013
So everytime I import a layout from my template, the scale comes out wrong. The border is way too big, viewport, and the stamp is also way to big. It's being scaled by approximately by 12.28 times.
Here's what I can share:
- both drawings are in inches in both files
- all that 'insunits' stuff is set to zero in both files
- 'measurement' and 'measureinit' is set to zero in both files
- using AutoCAD 2012
- xyz scale is all at 1.00
- the titleblock itself almost imports correctly, only some of my att text doesn't come out properly as well.
As far as i can tell it's the command 'from template' issue. Because when i cut and paste the templates layout contents, it comes out fine.
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Feb 21, 2012
I want to import my excel table to autocad. but when i try to do this, the table is not correctly import. Im using paste special command and past to link. if i paste my file excel, image and other formats, i can not plot my draw. i attach my excel file.
Note: i found a software that name is auto table. but its 150$. we don't want to buy an other software.
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