AutoCAD Map 3D :: Importing ASC File And Creating Contour Layer
Jul 27, 2012
I need to create a truncated contour map based on data from a .asc file. I have connected the .asc file but there is no option for adding with query so I have brought the whole file in.
I then created a contour layer and added to map (all good so far) but when attempting to query this layer for my area of interest nothing appeared on screen.
I then did some manipulation of the sdf to create polylines at the contour elevation and tried to MAPTRIM but I stopped Civil 3D after having "not responding" for 15 minutes
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I want to create a whole load of layers (approx 150) by importing them from a xls spreadsheet into my AutoCAD layer manager. How this is achieved without having to create each layer at a time by manual entry? Note that I created a .las file (attached as a .txt version) based upon exporting an existing set of layers to a .las file and then amending it. However, after saving the amended .las file it would not re import into the layer manager.
I have several .dwg files from an architect each with several hundred layers. I set up a Layer State in one drawing with just the layers I need. I want to use the same Layer State in the other drawings. I opened the Layer States Manager, selected my layer state, and clicked export, selected a location and closed the window.
I double checked in the file manager in Windows 7 that the .las file was where I had exported it. Then I opened the next .dwg, opened Layer States Manager, navigated to the file location and the .las file does not show up.
When I go back to the original drawing and click Import, the .las file is not visible either, but it is if I click Export.I am working on drawings on my hard drive not a network, and saving the .las file to my hard drive.
I have drawing giving to us for a senior design project. I'm trying to create a surface to so that I can analyze cut/fill. Not sure if what i'm doing is right or wrong, I've never used civil 3d. But i'm getting break-line errors whenever i'm trying to create the surface from the contour lines.
Heres a link i took of what i'm doing on youtube [URL]........
I am using Civil 3D 2011 and wondering how to create just one contour on an existing surface at a specific elevation. I need to show where floodwaters would get to at a specific elevation so that contour would be the easiest way if I can contour the surface with just 1 elevation. I don't want to have to create 0.1' contours all over the site and then remove all the extras.
How to develop 2D contour diagrams for noise contour diagrams. If you look at examples essentially it is just taking plotted noise data over layed on top of a particular drawing showing representative noise measurements. From my understanding of creating contours it is a matter of triangulating the data points.
When importing an SVG file, I woould like the top level SVG groups to be imported as separate Illustrator layers. Instead, Illustrator creates a single default layer on importing teh SVG file, and adds the tree of groups under that layer.
I am working on a project, I was given a file with the contour already mapped out. I am tasked with finding volume of a fill I had to create. I made a 3-D polyline at the elevation I want my fill to start from and going down to my final grade. How can I make surfaces with my map. I do not have any files to make the surface off of. What is the easiest way I can make a layer, TIN has already been done but no surfaces are in the file.
I have two contour label styles (major and minor) both separate layers. When I bring in a label style (single) for those layers it puts those labels on layer 0. How do I stop this. I wish to have these labels placed onto the layers on which they are created.
I'm working in 2011. Just labeling some contours in a new drawing, using the 'Multiple' setting. I found I could only draw one tangent of Contour Label Line. If I continued, I could click but no labels were created and on finishing the command I could see that those clicks had been ignored. What gives?
I found that the labels were on the current layer, instead of the layer they're meant to use.I also realised that my current layer was locked (from the previous task).
if the current layer is locked, the contour labels ignore the layer setting that they are meant to use, and come in on the current layer instead. And you can only draw one tangent's worth of contour labels at a time before finishing the command and restarting.
Solution: make a different layer current or unlock your layer.
are contour labels generally created on the current layer and then moved to their proper layer?Is that why it hit a snag: it wasn't permitted to move the object to a different layer because the one it was on was locked?
I was comparing a few drafting and was curious if CorelDraw X6 had the ability to create contour plots using 3-dimensional spatial data (e.g., topographic surveys). Basically, what I was looking to do was import a table (say from excel) with a number of data points which each have three coordinate locations (X, Y, Z). I would be looking for the program to take these data points and be able to draw lines or shading between them in essentially what would be a topographic map (contour map). In the past, I have used another program called Surfer to create the contour maps, and have then had to import the exported image to an older version of CorelDraw.
Is there a way to change the outline color around a large group of images all at once?
I am trying to create an outline color for contour cutting and I have the outline color in my spot colors but now I was wondering if I could apply these change to all the images at once instead of changing each one.
In some earlier Photoshop version, you could edit the contours (looking like curves) that shaped layer effects like Drop Shadow or Bevels. To do this, you opened the contours drop-down library within a style dialogue like Drop Shadow; then you double-clicked onto a contour icon and you got the "Contour Editor", a dialogue looking like a small Curves dialogue.
But in CS6 i find no way to edit the contours provided. I can create new ones, which doubles the last contour activated, and i can add more contours provided by Adobe. But double-clicking on a contour icon only applies this contour and there is no way, it seems, to get to an "Contour Editor".
I'm on Windows 7/64 bit with ample RAM, with PS CS6 Extended.
I downloaded a bunch of GIS files for Baltimore City and am trying to compile them to make base tiles we can use for different projects. I have tried using MapImport and MapConnect to bring in the shp file for the contours. They come in but without the elevation. The elevation is brought in as Object Data with MapImport, but is there a way to assign that to the elevation field in the polyline properties? MapConnect brings the elevation in as part of the table but again how do I get that elevation assigned to the elevation field in the polyline properties? I just assigned the elevations manually for the 10' contours in one tile. I have to do about 50 tiles, and it seems like there must be a much better way to do it.
I'm using Autocad 2013 and i have a file with contour lines, with set elevation (z coordinate). I need those elevations to be visible - i mean i need their elevation in a text box near each line. Something like this - [URL]........ How do i go about it?
Within the layer style window under the >bevel and emboss >Contour the option displaying images or list of contours is only opening to contour editor.
It's not displaying the contours within my collection I must've tripped off setting for displaying them but I can't find where that setting is, or if it's even available anymore? I don't believe I've used it since CS 3 or4. I'm using CS6 now but contours seems to have changed.
I am generating autocad drawings with from scratch. One of the items that needs to be created in the drawing is a dynamic block. There are two ways which come to my mind to accomplish this tast. Either create a block in the new drawing or import it from somewhere. But I do not have a clue as to how either of them can be done.Pointers to the relevant statements should be sufficient.
I want to import a shapefile into acadmap; this file has contourlines, and in the attribute tables there also is the Attribute for the elevation of the repective line, noted as integer number
after import all lines are on elevation 0
how can I filter all those with same elevation attribute, change them to an AutoCAd object (polyline) and have them moved up to the respective elevation which can be read out from the attribute table?
I think that we can control tones under all the opaque areas of a layer with the contour editor for shaping layer effect ... and after that with the choke and size sliders, we can control the extend of its appearance. But, I think that, in fact, I could not soundly understand how it is functioning.
I am using ACAD 2005 and am trying to copy&paste several objects from a layer I created in one .dxf file to one of the 2 standard layers (0 or Defpoints) in a new blank .dxf file.
My problem though is that if I copy and paste all of the objects (or even one of them) and them move to the new file and paste, it pastes the objects, but also "imports" into the new file the original file's layer that these objects were on.
For clarity, the new file only has the 2 standard layers and then after copy/pasting an object, the file manager shows the 3rd layer from the original file.
I have a list of layers that need to be used for one of our projects but are not currently set up in any template file or anything (basically a hard copy of layer names) Is there a way of typing them up in Word or Notepad than importing them into ACAD. Im sure i can right a script that I can run at the beginning of a drawing that will create them.
Can you import layers from a file other than the AutoCAD types, e.g. .dwg, .dwt etc? I have made a list of layers in Excel that I would like to import into AutoCAD without having to manually create each layer at a time (there are approx 150 layers).
I'm sure many of you have done it, gone onto a photoshop, etc brush site and helped yourself to the brushes they have there. what i would like to do is start experimenting and creating my own brushes. Though i have no idea about how to go about it, is it a simple case of changing the file extension to .ABR or is there more too it? (i think theres more to it, because the brushes i have downloaded usually have more then one brush per pack)
When I manually add a new layout from a template, I do NOT get any extra layers, but when I use VB to do the same thing, I get extra layers.
In the original drawing, I have layers called "SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT" (among other layers).
In the template where I get my new layout, I also have the same layer names ("SHEET", "TEXT", and "VIEWPORT").
After the new layout gets read in, I now have extra layers called "$0$SHEET", "$0$TEXT", and "$0$VIEWPORT". Why does this happen using VB, but not when I do it manually? Is there anything I can do to the code to change this? I understand the layer names are the same, but they're the same whether I do it manually or by code.
Public Function importLayout(ByVal templateFileName As String, ByVal templateLayoutName As String) As ObjectId Dim idLayout As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim oLock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument() Dim
After a little re-organizing, lightroom has started putting new files into a new 2011/date folder, rather than continuing the old. It's driving me nuts, because I can't figure out how to get it to align again.
How do I get it to continue the dating, rather than starting over? I've already tried exporting the catalog and re-opening with it. Still doesn't continue.
I am transitioning from ACAD2008LT to ACAD2012 and am having a new problem when trying to create a new layer. I use many layers in my drawings and I set up specific layer naming conventions and use many layer property filters (filtered by layer name - for example, dimension layers named '*-Dim' and a property filter for '*-Dim') to manage the many layers.
In ACAD2008LT you could create a new layer while in a property filter view (in the Layer Properties Manager) and could type in the new layer name from that filtered view. If, after entering the new layer name, it matched the current property filter, it would remain in view, if it did not, it would automatically be moved to the appropriate filter or to the 'All Layers' view. That seems very logical.
In ACAD2012, as soon as I create a new layer while in a property filter view, the default layer name 'layer' does not match the filter parameters (say '*-Dim') and the new layer immediately moves to 'All Layers' before a new name can be entered. I have to then switch filter views back to 'All Layers' and find the new layer now named 'layer' and rename it there, trying to match the desired property filter name.
Am I missing something or is this an intended change from earlier versions? It was really nice to be able to see the layers in the property filter view while creating a new layer with a naming convention that matches that filter. In fact, I often create multiple new layers matching a property filter by copying and pasting similar layer names and just changing a character or two. In ACAD2008LT I could do that all from the appropriate property filter view.