Photoshop :: Deleting Duplicate Layers Linked To Others Make Remaining Layers Invisible?
Aug 6, 2013
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
I found an old thread from 2011 about the same problem and the mod reported it to the devs, but as far as I know no solution has ever been offered.(maybe in cs6? we are still using cs5)For one or two layers it's no problem to do it manually, but with say 40 layers with corresponding linked layers we need a better solution.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 and when selecting a new layer to work on, it then switches to another layer which becomes the selected one.The only way I can definitely select the layer I want to work on is to make all other layers invisible.
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
I was watching one of the tutorials by Scott Georgeson on on Corel X6. It was on the polygon tool where he was making a polygon and adding different colored duplicate layers on top to make it multicolored. He said to hold the plus+ key and then grab handle to shrink one of the layers down to show some of the underlying layer. When I try this the layers aren't isolated and the whole thing moves. I saw a check box in the settings to edit layers separately but didn't work.
A friend asked me to make an animated forum signature for him but their forum has a rule the sig size must be 650x200.
So i thought i would fit it in my own 650x200 signature and cutting everything outside that out using the wand tool on every layer (125) I made them visible cut out the outskirts and made it invisible again one by one , with the little eye next to the layer.
After u import Video frames to layers only the first one is visible , but in order to cut in a layer i needed to make it visible , and apperently after u make a layer visible its invisible in the saving (Save for Web option) After i was finished all i had left with was one layer that was visibile the other 5 seconds were just invisible
how to fix this , i ran into it a couple of times now its getting pretty annoying.
if there is a plugin or a way to select all the invisible layers from a photoshop file autmatically with just one click?This would be really handy when it comes to huge photoshop files with lots of folders & layers...
For some time now i experience a really strange problem with my layer masks: the parts of a layer I hide with a black layer mask are still slightly visible in my picture - like these pixels still have an opacity of about 5%. The colour in the mask is definitly black and not dark grey (this was my first guess what could be wrong). I have no idea when this problem started, but I believe it was not there when I started to use CS6 (which I still do and on which the problem appears).
Im wondering if anyone out there knows of a way to merge linked layers into a new layer, i.e. i have 4 shapes i want to put a stroke around but i still want all 4 layers can i create a new layer copy from the 4 shapes without copying each layer twice?
as of right now i merge the layers drag it into to another document then i undo my merge and drag the merged copy back into my working works but gets kind of annoying...
In webdev it is not unsual that design involves multiple variations like "pages" where mostly header and footer stays the same while its "content" (the page itself) changes. And then simulate a navigation by means of hiding and unhiding each respective "page" folder. Where also the site's menu tranforms as "navigation" evolves.
It is a bit frustrating in order to achieve this to have to create a lot of duplicated menu folders and place'em under every "page" just to represent this selected links. And then if you have to redesign that menu, you have it spreaded throught several folder locations.
I think being able to hide/unhide linked layers at a glance of a click would be nice to have and would allow you a more strealined work while redesigning linked portions.
As shown here, I have a Photoshop project that has many layers in it. All of the layers have pretty much the same pictures in it, but with minor differences. I'm trying to find a way to change the color of ALL of the layers without having to go into each individual one.
I want all the layers to have the exact same color different than what is shown.
way to take multiple layers that I have linked together, then select an area on the image, and copy the linked layers that are within this area so that I can paste them somewhere else in the image and each layer will remain intact, so that after copying this selection of layers I can still turn them on and off along with the original layers they were on. basically want to copy a selection of multiple layers while allowing them to stay linked together. I can copy a selection of multiple layers, but they merge together instead of staying on separate layers.
I have 2 opened files in photoshop, and I duplicated a layer in file 2 to the file 1. When I click on the file 1, I can see in the layers box the layer that i had duplicated, but I can't see the image on the screen.
I created a smart object with linked adjustment layers. I made them into a group. (I also tried this with the layers just being linked, and not grouped.) I want to move the smart object, with its adjustment layers, into another document. Ideally, I'd like to do this using "replace contents." When I do so, the smart object comes into the destination document flattened with its adjustment layers. Is there some way to keep those adjustment layers linked, not flattened, to move with the smart object layer?
The workflow I'm trying to achieve is to remove blemishes, etc. and make my all changes to my layer that I'd want to have made no matter what size and context I use that layer in. That is, make one smart object I can slot into a postcard, a 14 x 11 print, and other products. I don't sharpen until I have moved the layer/smart object into my target document, so that sharpening is appropriate for the final print size. Depending on the size and context, I may want to make changes to the levels/curves/hue saturation type adjustment layers though, so having these flattened when I bring the smart object in to my target document is disappointing.
I'm duplicating layers one at a time. I have to duplicate the same layer for a total of 108 layers and this seems ridiculously time consuming. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to make a large number of duplications at one time?
I am printing a program that is half of one 8.5x11 sheet, so I'd like to print 2 programs per sheet - I have resized the canvas of the document to 8.5x11, but is there an easy way to copy all the layers in the .PSD over to the other side of the sheet? I know I could flatten the image and copy it, but I'd like to retain the layers.
I can't find a way in Gimp 2.4 to delete all invisible layers, is there one?
When working with a slightly complex file I use to have multiple layers which I show, hide and duplicate as needed. After a while my layers dialog gets cluttered and I need to delete layers I don't need anymore, most of these layers are invisible and going one by one to delete takes much time, an option to remove all invisible layers would be great.
There's an option to delete invisible layers on "Image > Merge Visible Layers" but this, as the name says, merges all other layers.
To reduce file size when working with 100+ layers, can I delete multiple invisible layers before saving?
If not, is there a plug-in for this procedure? For a multi-page tutorial with over 100 layers, pdn is slow when opening or saving the file. I would like to save each page of the tutorial as a separate .pdn file for faster loading/editing/saving. Unfortunately, to save each individual page, I must delete many layers one-at-a-time which is very time consuming.
I need to delete all invisible layers before saving, to save each page separately and keep the original multi-page intact for backup until all individual pages are saved.
I recently started having this problem in Photoshop CS6 where using the transform or selection tools makes all the layers other than my background layer disappear so I can't see what I'm selection or transforming. This happens randomly out of nowhere. I can be using those tools all day with no problem, and then out of nowhere it starts making things invisible.
There doesn't seem to be any other programs running that would cause it (not that that should be an issue, my computer could easily run all my Adobe programs at once if I wanted it to), and the only thing that seems to fix it so far is restarting Photoshop. But that gets old really fast when I have to do it over and over again. I tried calling Adobe, but somehow they're always closed, even during their supposed hours of operation.
Using Revit 2014, I link in a dwg file. I open a view and using V/G overides for Imported Categories, I turn off the Acad layers I don't want to see. Then the next time my dwg file is updated, the V/G will remain the same and I won't have to reset the layer views. Now I duplicate this view for additional views I need in my project. But I need to apply a different View Template to each view. This destroys the original V/G settings that I had set up for the dwg file.Is there a way to set up my linked file so that it retains the layer on/off settings through each update and lock it. Then I can apply different View Templates to introduce other characteristics without altering the desired layer settings.
I have been working on a detailed section drawing in AutoCad 2013
I saved the file in different files as i gone along, I have been trying to open the file everytime i do all the layers are there but only two are visible all the other seem to be invissible.
I tried it with each file on different computers, same version of AutoCad no success.
It apears that in the preview before opening the file it is all there but when actually opening the file its only a random two layers that come up, missing around 10 others which have the majority of the drawing /details on there.
I tried the unhide, changing line weights in the layer menu, opening the back ups. is there anything else I can try.
I am working on my xref file and all of a sudden in my layer properties, all of my layers are missing. It's as if they are still there but invisible, I put my cursor over them and a box comes up with the layer, but I still can not see it or modify it.
I scan images to go into my website on a regular basis. I scan them bring them into photoshop, use the marquise tool to move individual images to be corrected and made ready to put in website, then I save them and delete that layer from photoshop. I then go to the next image and when I use the marquise tool the previous image keeps coming on the screen.
I am unable to delete permanently that first image so I can move on to the next image. Then I ran into the problem of not being able to more an image from the clipboard. It isn't highlighted so I can click it. Don't know what to do and I have to resolve this ASAP to keep up with my work.
I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.
Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .
I can't add and/or duplicate layers. I want to make a button (which I've made many times) But I can't add the appropriate amount of layering (in fact, I can't add any at all!
I run into the problem where I copy from one project to the next to save time, also from templates and what not. Well there isn't really a uniform nature to my drawings as i started doing them under necessity rather design.
So, i try to delete duplicate layers.. or Layer's and it continues to give me errors... stating every time:
The following layers cannot be deleted:
Layers 0 and Defpoints The current layer Layers containing objects Xref-dependent layers
Well, its not Layer 0 or Def Points, Its not the current layer and i even deleted all pages except the one mandatory and CTRL+A - DEL... Zoom extents on model and do the same thing, and i cannot get rid of the layer....
How do i get rid of the pesky layers? Can i type a command that changes all XXXX layer to XXX layer and can dump the ones into such as "0" layer and be unconcerned about it freeing it up to delete the unwanted un used layer?
I'm looking for a method of deleting unused layers (in this instance, all layers that don't contain "w2g") with script, is there a way of doing this? Or am I going to have to find a different way to specify the surplus layers?
So I'm trying to create a fairly simple script that will measure the size of art on the artboard for making printing plates. That part I have working. But once I have made one file, I have to delete the measurements layer manually (which is where the script puts them) so that I can make the next one. I need the script to check and see if there is a layer called "measurements" delete it and then create a new one called "measurements" in which to put the dimensions of the (new) artwork. This way I can keep making files and "saving as" with a new name.