Photoshop :: How To Copy A Seletion Of Linked Layers?
Jun 4, 2009
way to take multiple layers that I have linked together, then select an area on the image, and copy the linked layers that are within this area so that I can paste them somewhere else in the image and each layer will remain intact, so that after copying this selection of layers I can still turn them on and off along with the original layers they were on. basically want to copy a selection of multiple layers while allowing them to stay linked together. I can copy a selection of multiple layers, but they merge together instead of staying on separate layers.
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Sep 30, 2013
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
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Mar 11, 2013
I found an old thread from 2011 about the same problem and the mod reported it to the devs, but as far as I know no solution has ever been offered.(maybe in cs6? we are still using cs5)For one or two layers it's no problem to do it manually, but with say 40 layers with corresponding linked layers we need a better solution.
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
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Aug 9, 2004
Im wondering if anyone out there knows of a way to merge linked layers into a new layer, i.e. i have 4 shapes i want to put a stroke around but i still want all 4 layers can i create a new layer copy from the 4 shapes without copying each layer twice?
as of right now i merge the layers drag it into to another document then i undo my merge and drag the merged copy back into my working works but gets kind of annoying...
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Oct 26, 2012
In webdev it is not unsual that design involves multiple variations like "pages" where mostly header and footer stays the same while its "content" (the page itself) changes. And then simulate a navigation by means of hiding and unhiding each respective "page" folder. Where also the site's menu tranforms as "navigation" evolves.
It is a bit frustrating in order to achieve this to have to create a lot of duplicated menu folders and place'em under every "page" just to represent this selected links. And then if you have to redesign that menu, you have it spreaded throught several folder locations.
I think being able to hide/unhide linked layers at a glance of a click would be nice to have and would allow you a more strealined work while redesigning linked portions.
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Mar 15, 2012
This may be a very simple question (or not):
As shown here, I have a Photoshop project that has many layers in it. All of the layers have pretty much the same pictures in it, but with minor differences. I'm trying to find a way to change the color of ALL of the layers without having to go into each individual one.
I want all the layers to have the exact same color different than what is shown.
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Nov 20, 2012
I created a smart object with linked adjustment layers. I made them into a group. (I also tried this with the layers just being linked, and not grouped.) I want to move the smart object, with its adjustment layers, into another document. Ideally, I'd like to do this using "replace contents." When I do so, the smart object comes into the destination document flattened with its adjustment layers. Is there some way to keep those adjustment layers linked, not flattened, to move with the smart object layer?
The workflow I'm trying to achieve is to remove blemishes, etc. and make my all changes to my layer that I'd want to have made no matter what size and context I use that layer in. That is, make one smart object I can slot into a postcard, a 14 x 11 print, and other products. I don't sharpen until I have moved the layer/smart object into my target document, so that sharpening is appropriate for the final print size. Depending on the size and context, I may want to make changes to the levels/curves/hue saturation type adjustment layers though, so having these flattened when I bring the smart object in to my target document is disappointing.
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Dec 27, 2012
This bug is still an issue, even with the latest update ( Is there any a chance of a fix before the next update?
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Dec 22, 2013
Using Revit 2014, I link in a dwg file. I open a view and using V/G overides for Imported Categories, I turn off the Acad layers I don't want to see. Then the next time my dwg file is updated, the V/G will remain the same and I won't have to reset the layer views. Now I duplicate this view for additional views I need in my project. But I need to apply a different View Template to each view. This destroys the original V/G settings that I had set up for the dwg file.Is there a way to set up my linked file so that it retains the layer on/off settings through each update and lock it. Then I can apply different View Templates to introduce other characteristics without altering the desired layer settings.
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Mar 17, 2013
I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.
Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .
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Dec 4, 2012
1, the commands DO work if the text is confined to just ONE page, even if there are multiple linked text frames.
2, it's only the Copy command that doesn't work. Once copied, text does paste irrespective of the amount of text or linked pages.
And do I have to wait for 6.3 to get a resolution ? On Win 7, 64 bit
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Jan 22, 2013
I don't have the option to Copy CSS from layers | Creative Cloud. i have reinstall the product as they told me and change to English International and still no luckthe latest version i got everytime I update is
Adobe Photoshop Version: .13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x32
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Jan 4, 2005
i made a photo collage in 20"by30", i want to copy it to a 25"by35" "new blank image" the problem is that when i copy the collage it only copies on layer, i have around 50 layers in that collage. I tryed to flaten the collage so it turns into one layer, but then i am stuck with just one big layer in the 25"by35". i want to add new pictures in the collage but its hard to blend them together when i have just one big layer.
Is there any way i can copy all the layers without having to flatten them first so i can keep they layers intact in the bigger image?
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Jan 25, 2014
My designer has created an Illustrator file on his Mac that has linked images. When he sends me the all the files and I open the ai file in Illustrator CC on my Windows PC, I need to re-link the images. One image can't be found at all.
However, if I open the file in CS4 it finds the linked files no problem.
Is this some bug in Illustrator CC for Windows?
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Jul 5, 2012
How can I copy layers from one image file to another?This is a useful technique if you have to reprocess a raw file in Lightroom to take advantage of newer features such as chromatic aberration correction. After reprocessing, you can paste all of your selection/editing layers from the old file on to the new file.
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Jun 10, 2009
I've edited a picture of an old house.... made it look like it was taken in the 1920's. Love the way it looks, I used multiple tools... gradient overlays, noise, sepia tones....on and on..... Now I want to take every action I used from my layers pallet and apply them to the next 20 photos. I'm using CS3
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Apr 26, 2013
I am editing figures for a journal and I need arrows for multiple images. Is there a standard arrow? I can only see free hand. If I use a free hand arrow I then want to copy it to the other images for consistency. How do I copy or share layers between images?
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Mar 27, 2012
I need to make multiple duplications of the same layer. This will solve my problem, however after I get the results I want, if I merge the layers, it reverts to the look as if I only had one single layer again. This will also happen if I do not merge the layers but save it as a PDF to get it ready for print. This results in a very muddy/neutral results. I have tried to simply select the layers and copy as merge, select everything and copy merge into a new document, and flatten/merge the image. None of them worked and reverted the image to the original one layer look.
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Mar 31, 2013
Here are a few copy merged layers, which I dragged in from another image; now I need to remove the extra stuff;
clicking on the mask icon gives the prohibitory sign.
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Jun 8, 2006
Okay, likely a stupid question - I have a map I created as a .psd with multiple layers. I would like to create a document with two copies of this map in it so I can print two maps on one sheet of paper (i'm trying to save paper).
How do I copy all layers over to this new document? Is there an easy way to make a new document with 2 instances of my map?
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Feb 7, 2005
way of making a merged copy of a number of layers?
I know the Alt/Ctrl/Shft/E shortcut, but this requires turning evertything off except the layers to be merged. In a large doc with some layers already turned off, turning everything on and off quickly is not always straight forward.
Is there a way of merging linked layers perhaps?
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Mar 9, 2014
I have a photo open in Expert with a blank layer above it. I selected the quick selection tool and drew a complete circle around the object I want to copy from this photo and to paste the selected area to the layer. However, I get a pop up box stating that the copy command cannot be completed because no pixels we selected.
I followed book and online instructions on selection tool uses while in Layers and can't seem to get past this pop up box.
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Mar 27, 2013
Why are my edit commands (copy and cut) grayed out / unavailable? When trying to copy a selected layer or object, all my editing commands are grayed out and unavailable. Even if I convert something to a smart object, no joy. The only thing I seem to be able to select and copy/cut/paste is text in the text edit mode. makes no sense and is rendering PS unusable.
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May 27, 2012
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6, latest version as of 05/25/12.I have 19 layers, each has a 1200x1200px texture. These are of course overlapped, so setting them all to visible will only show the top layer.
All layers are rasterized, and contain 1200x1200px:
1) I select all 19 layers using shift+click, all are highlighted (in the layer pane).
2) I select a region using the selection tool, in this case a rectangular region that is 172px high and 35px wide.
3) I right click the selection, and then select: layer via copy. (Note, Layer via cut is disabled for some reason)
4) *problem* It creates 19 new layers with the full image from the selected layers and not the selection which is what I wanted to place in the new layers.
5) *problem* when I right click the selection and select "Free Transform", the transform box surrounds the entire canvas and not the selection.
6) *problem* when I skew, it skews the entire image and not just the selection.
7) *problem* Previously, I have been able to select a layer from the layer pane, go to image menu, select adjustments, brightness/contrast, and adjust the brightness/contrast for just that layer. Now it wont let me.
8) *related problem* If I have 3 layers (background, 1, and 2) on a 1200x1200 canvas, with the image in layer 1 being 150px, and the image in layer 2 being 150x, each rasterized, and then stack the images on 1 and 2 over eachother, then select both layers, then select a region inside the stacked images, then select free transform, the free transform selection embodies all pixels inside the canvas (not the entire canvas this time) and performs the transform on these pixels and not the original selection.
If I do it making all the layers visible as well as selected, it behaves the same.What appears to be happening is Photoshop is ignoring the selection and for some reason is using a pixel region (or if pixels cover the entire canvas, the whole image) when performing actions intended for the selection.
What's strange is when I made these textures, I started out with 19 150x150 pictures, I set the canvas size to 1200x1200, selected all the layers in the layer pane, selected the 150x150 image in the middle, and was able to move all 19 textures to the top right corner, able to switch to transform on all 19 pictures, able to rotate 180 degrees all 19 pictures, was able to flip horizontal all 19 pictures, then able to copy all 19 pictures to new layers, move the 19 pictures all at the same time to the right 150 pixels, rinse and repeat, to eventually come out with 19 1200x1200 textures tiled from the 150px pictures. In other words, I did exactly what I am attempting to do with the 1200x1200 pictures with the 150x150 pixtures and it worked like a champ.
The end goal of course is to take a selection of all 19 of the 1200x1200 pictures, transform, then skew that image to make a collage of images applied to an added background. Performing this on all 19 textures and getting the same exact skew, etc would take days considering I need to do about 15 of different portions of the tile.
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Sep 24, 2011
I've got a large project with an object that's dependent on a multitude of layers (over 17).
I don't want to flatten them because it's a large no no, and with they way the whole image is setup, idk if it's possible.
I want to just copy all the layers into a new .pdn file and save it separately so I can experiment with flattening without wrecking the big picture, as well as just having it for versatility for use in future projects.
So is there any way to copy an entire layer over? I don't mean magic wand it over to a new project (I just tried that.). I need all the settings with the layer, the opacity, filter settings, Title etc etc.
Pasting it over won't work since a lot of layers have filter settings like Overlay and the such.
I tried manually reapplying the settings, but there's so many different layers it's virtually impossible to figure which one needs which settings. It would be easier if AT LEAST the layer titles were transferred over, that way I could at least figure out which layers I'm looking at between the two projects, but I haven't figure a way to do it yet.
So is there any way to do this? Or any alternative?
And if not can it be added to a 4.X version? I think this would be a killer feature. I can think of a few other occasions
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Dec 14, 2011
Is there a way to copy layers and all the objects associated with it from one drawing to another?
For ex: I am trying to copy office numbers and names (on one layer) from one drawing to another furniture plan drawing. Is there a way to import that layer and all the objects (the office numbers and names in this case) instead of copy/paste each object?
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Nov 24, 2012
I have pdn file that has multiple layers so when I go to the one I want to copy to another canvas entirely, I used the lasso selection tool and copy.
Well, it did but what it copied was a blank lasso with the nubs around it. I think (I was just trying any and everything to get it to copy the image not a blank.) I think! I made a duplicate layer and then it showed up.
Is that the way to transfer one layer's image into another canvas? Or is there a surer and easier way.
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Apr 4, 2013
I have about 25 layers and within my layers are sublayers and groups etc . I wanted to paste them to a new document but when I do this everything is pasted all on separate layers. Is there a way so it pastes as is with the current layer configuration?? I dont want to have to regroup and organise everything all over again.
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Jun 17, 2013
I have AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. How do I copy/move objects such as lines and arces between layers that are in the Task Pane window, not the regular layers? I can't find the Layer Manager.
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Sep 29, 2013
I have a company template file with standard layers that I need to match the layer properties of with a drawing I have already created. How do I do this?
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