Photoshop :: Way Of Making A Merged Copy Of A Number Of Layers?
Feb 7, 2005
way of making a merged copy of a number of layers?
I know the Alt/Ctrl/Shft/E shortcut, but this requires turning evertything off except the layers to be merged. In a large doc with some layers already turned off, turning everything on and off quickly is not always straight forward.
I download an image of the net of a dog with a .png transparent background. open in paint it's showing the transparency which is great, now say i make another image (not a layer) of 400px, by 400px, and fill it white, I'm so used to in photoshop just dragging transparency masks/layers from one image directly into a new image,
I've tried everything in even tried making a new layer, filling that white, bringing the transparency image to the front. so the white layer is behind the transparency one, then copy/cut to the new image with a filled in "white" background.
but all that copies across is the transparency layer, unlike Photoshop there's no copy merged, move merged option. so how do you get to cut/move a bunch of layers as 1 into a new image either by drag and drop, or cut and paste?
I'm working on a tutorial for doing a website mockup in Adobe PS. In one of the steps, it says:"With the header area selected with a mask press CMD+SHIFT+C to Copy Merged, then paste on a new layer."
This doesn't make sense to me because I don't know what reason there would be to add a mask to the header layer. And even when I try it doing what they say, it doesn't do anything.Here's a link to the tutorial: URL]....
I exported a project as a pdf by clicking Save As under the file menu, then I saved the original psd by choosing Save As again and selecting PSD this time. When I came back to the project today all the layers had been merged into one. I _never_ merged them myself. Is there any way I can recover all that work or have I been hosed by this "feature"?
I don't see a "Copy Visible" function, does one exist that does it? Basically I have 10 layers, but I want to copy/paste the 'visible' area to stick in a test harness without having to manually flatten the image first.
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
I am unable to save a completed project as a jpg file even after carefully merging the layers. The only way I can do that appears to be to use Save for Web - and I do not want to compress the images as web images. Also, in Elements 9 I could open a PSE file in layers and continue to edit - in 12 I cannot do that. I'm really very discouraged and wish I had my Elements 9 back.
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
I've recently reopened a piece of art in illustrator but the layers are now merged. Is there a way to separate the layers to the way they were or do I have to start all over?
I've been fiddling with settings and layer orders for a while now, but I still get issues!
Everytime I export a PSD from my Illustrator CS5 file, it wants to merge the last few layers together! If you look at the pics, there is nothing special, or different about the layers that get merged (the last 3 in the layer order on the pics). I've tried even putting a blank layer in between to see if it would just merge that, but then it'll merge the last 3 layers, along with any blank spacers I've put in!
In Photoshop, there is a shortcut that does the following:
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E — You’ll get a new layer at the top of the layer stack containing a merged representation of all visible layers (handy for sharpening adjustments, etc.).
I tried this in PSP X3 and it doesn't work. Does it even possible to do this in PSP? I know how to merge all the layers in PSP but all the merged layers then disappear. The Photoshop feature keeps all the visible layers and merges them into a combined merged visible layer.
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
I was doing some multicam editing a week ago in Premiere CC, and it worked great. But today, pressing the number keys during playback doesn't do anything. I can still make cuts by clicking on the thumbnails in the Multicam Monitor, but I can't figure out why they keys aren't working.
Is there a quick and easy way to get the total number of layers in a photoshop document? I've searched high and low, and everything I've found involves scripting, which I haven't gotten into - and don't really want to spend much time on this.
I tried to set up a save as action and simply turn on and off the layers im saving and press play. Should be simple BUT it keeps overwriting the original saved file
in CS6 13.0.4 x 64, the PDF process is iffy for me. Sometimes it's fine. But other times, an incomplete image results. Is this related to the overall type bugginess that Adobe recommends we fix (which I've not yet done)...?
I'm lazy, but also, I don't have a lot of confidence I'll do it correctly, and I have a myriad of deadlines every week.
While I've your eye, here's another question relating to the layers palette:
Layers sometimes stick to my curser and I can't unstick them until I go back to the palette and try to place them back where they orignally were. (I'll be really embarrassed if this is a new feature of CS6 that I've not figured out yet...)
how to make a layer cut from another pic look more part of the background it's being placed on. I try to keep the pics relatively the same size then I'll usually use quick selection tool and get the item outlined how I want, then adjust the "refine edge" settings and drag onto the new background. I can get it to look pretty good messing with the Enhance features including defringe layer and maybe mess with the erase tool a little to feather a little more, but it still seems to look a bit as though it's sitting on top..
Before I start looking for work on transforming PSD's into working websites, I would like to learn some of the functions and features of Photoshop Creative Suite 5.1.
I recently learned:
Ctrl + Win + Click on Desired Layer… To make a selection around the layer
Then I clicked on, "Refine Edge"… I was able to make a perfect selection around what I wanted using this feature. Very nice, by the way.
There were multiple layers, I merged the visible ones to make one layer. All of the stuff that makes up the banner, at the top of the page. My question is:
Can I make a selection around multiple layers, i.e. buttons, other pictures, etc.?
Side note question:
Does the document size have any effect on the overall size? Meaning: let's say that banner up top is 775 pixels across & maybe about 450 pixels tall… That's about the size of the image (the selected layer). The document size is laying on, is also 775 pixels across… But, 950 pixels tall. Will that document size have any effect on load time for a webpage?
I'm working on an illustration, and I would like to reduce the number of layers I have to work with, and I'm wondering if there is a way to "flatten" two or more layers together without flattening all of them. is there a pluggin out there that would let me do that?
I have a simple hexagon block with one attribute, i need to be able to copy it and as i do it increases the number by one.
the Block name is note1-2006 the attribute name is NOTENUM. I have tried using some other Lisps but i cant ge them to work. Sometimes i have to put 40 of these on a sketch i hate copying and changing the attribute by one everytime. so it would be nice to copy and as i pick mutliple spots it increase number. Dont know if there is a way to ask user to keep same number or increase. This would save me so much time.
here's a macro I wrote to copy the filename to the Part Number iProperty for all parts and sub-assemblies contained in a top-level assembly. I wrote this after using a bunch of custom iParts and all the Part Numbers were the same for each part! (my fault of course, but a pain to fix one at a time).
Public Sub SetAllComponentPartNumbersToFileName() Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oAsmDoc = GetActiveAssembly If oAsmDoc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub SetAssemblyComponentPartNumbersToFileName oAsmDoc End Sub
I'm using DPro7 and am having trouble making a bitmap copy of an object, with a 3 colour linear fill, each time I get a serious error message box.It works OK with a 2 colour fill,
I don't have the option to Copy CSS from layers | Creative Cloud. i have reinstall the product as they told me and change to English International and still no luckthe latest version i got everytime I update is
i made a photo collage in 20"by30", i want to copy it to a 25"by35" "new blank image" the problem is that when i copy the collage it only copies on layer, i have around 50 layers in that collage. I tryed to flaten the collage so it turns into one layer, but then i am stuck with just one big layer in the 25"by35". i want to add new pictures in the collage but its hard to blend them together when i have just one big layer.
Is there any way i can copy all the layers without having to flatten them first so i can keep they layers intact in the bigger image?