Illustrator :: Layers Merged - How To Separate

Jul 8, 2012

I've recently reopened a piece of art in illustrator but the layers are now merged. Is there a way to separate the layers to the way they were or do I have to start all over?

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Export To PSD Merges Layers That Shouldn't Be Merged

Jul 6, 2011

I've been fiddling with settings and layer orders for a while now, but I still get issues!
Everytime I export a PSD from my Illustrator CS5 file, it wants to merge the last few layers together! If you look at the pics, there is nothing special, or different about the layers that get merged (the last 3 in the layer order on the pics). I've tried even putting a blank layer in between to see if it would just merge that, but then it'll merge the last 3 layers, along with any blank spacers I've put in!

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Illustrator :: How To Keep Layers Separate When Save Picture

Jul 8, 2012

For my presentation in class tomorrow, I have to be able to show each individual layer of my vector portrait to show midtones, highlights, shadows, etc. How can I keep my layers separate when I save my picture? Everytime I save it, when I reopen it, the layers are merged into one layer.

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Illustrator :: Export Layers To Separate Files?

Apr 22, 2010

Any way within AI CS4 to export layers to separate .ai files? Or third party plug-in to do the same? Preferably retaining the layer name as the new file name.
I have a layered .ai file with 40 layers of logo versions that I need to export to separate files and I'd like to avoid the obvious "save as" and delete layers route.

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Photoshop :: How To Recover Merged Layers

Apr 23, 2012

I exported a project as a pdf by clicking Save As under the file menu, then I saved the original psd by choosing Save As again and selecting PSD this time.  When I came back to the project today all the layers had been merged into one.  I _never_ merged them myself.  Is there any way I can recover all that work or have I been hosed by this "feature"?

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Photoshop :: Saved Files In CS6 Have Merged All Layers Into One?

Nov 21, 2012

I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.

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Photoshop :: Saved File With Merged Layers

Oct 20, 2012

I accidentally saved my PS file with merged layers, then quit. I can't believe I did that! Is there any way to reverse it?

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Paint.NET :: Copy / Cut Merged Layers To New Image?

Feb 9, 2014

I download an image of the net of a dog with a .png transparent background. open in paint it's showing the transparency which is great, now say i make another image (not a layer) of 400px, by 400px, and fill it white, I'm so used to in photoshop just dragging transparency masks/layers from one image directly into a new image,
I've tried everything in even tried making a new layer, filling that white, bringing the transparency image to the front. so the white layer is behind the transparency one, then copy/cut to the new image with a filled in "white" background.
but all that copies across is the transparency layer, unlike Photoshop there's no copy merged, move merged option. so how do you get to cut/move a bunch of layers as 1 into a new image either by drag and drop, or cut and paste?

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Photoshop Elements :: Save Merged Layers As JPG In 12?

Oct 19, 2013

I am unable to save a completed project as a jpg file even after carefully merging the layers. The only way I can do that appears to be to use Save for Web - and I do not want to compress the images as web images. Also, in Elements 9 I could open a PSE file in layers and continue to edit - in 12 I cannot do that. I'm really very discouraged and wish I had my Elements 9 back.

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Photoshop :: How To Make A Mask For A Few Copy Merged Layers

Mar 31, 2013

Here are a few copy merged layers, which I dragged in from another image; now I need to remove the extra stuff;

clicking on the mask icon gives the prohibitory sign.

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Photoshop :: Name Merged Layers According To Original Bottom Layer's Name Instead Of Top?

Dec 14, 2012

I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.

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Photoshop :: Way Of Making A Merged Copy Of A Number Of Layers?

Feb 7, 2005

way of making a merged copy of a number of layers?

I know the Alt/Ctrl/Shft/E shortcut, but this requires turning evertything off except the layers to be merged. In a large doc with some layers already turned off, turning everything on and off quickly is not always straight forward.

Is there a way of merging linked layers perhaps?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Layer Stack Containing Merged Representation Of All Visible Layers

Dec 19, 2011

In Photoshop, there is a shortcut that does the following:

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E — You’ll get a new layer at the top of the layer stack containing a merged representation of all visible layers (handy for sharpening adjustments, etc.).

I tried this in PSP X3 and it doesn't work. Does it even possible to do this in PSP? I know how to merge all the layers in PSP but all the merged layers then disappear. The Photoshop feature keeps all the visible layers and merges them into a combined merged visible layer.

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Illustrator :: Why Does Shape Made Using Clipping Mask Disappear When Merged

Feb 14, 2013

I have a pretty simple design. Some text and shapes all expanded and turned into outlines. I have one shape that was created by using a clipping mask. I am putting a vector distress pattern over the whole design (like I usually do and it works fine) well I merge them together and everything is completely fine except the shape created with the clipping mask it disappears..
more info: i actually released the clipping mask and I am still having the same problem with this object, it disappears when merged with the vector distress pattern.

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GIMP :: Separate Layers To PNG?

Oct 6, 2012

How to separate layers in gimp and save them in png format, theres a function for this in photoshop, so how do you do this in gimp? Basically i designed a template and i want to be able to click any layer and save it in png format but its not letting me, or how to save all layers automatically?

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Photoshop :: How To Separate Colors Into Layers

Dec 1, 2011

I have several icons that I would like to recolor. My thought was to figure out how to normalize and image colors (based around your 9 basic colors, black, white, red, green, orange, blue, yellow, purple, brown). Then I want to separate those colors into their own layer. I would prefer to doe this in an action as well.

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Photoshop :: Separate Shape Layers?

Jul 31, 2006

I try to use the circle, rectangle or line tool, it forms a new layer wich cannot be edited directly. I found a way to get around the "not being able to edit directly" part (by rasterizing the layer) but I don't know how to get all the shapes into one layer.

For example, when I draw a rectangle, it forms a new layer which I have to rasterize. Then when I draw lines in rectangle, it is part of a new layer, which once again, I have to rasterize. Now that I have these lines in a rectangle, I tried coloring 1/3 of the rectangle blue using the first line as a closing line. It ended up coloring my whole screen. I tried grouping the layers and then coloring.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Separate Layers From One Another And Export

Jun 12, 2013

I am very new to AutoCAD (1 day of playing around).

My company is an independant environmental consultancy company that uses GIS (QGIS/shapefiles/.dxf is compatable) to create maps etc. We are generally sent AutoCAD .dwg or .dxf from out clients for the technical drawings of their projects. I have a few questions:

The files I am sent are not georeferenced, no background map, no connection with the real world, is there a better way to georeference these drawings than the "Set Location" tab (this is a good tool if I could set the location before I begin, but it only has 1 point of reference and when the client sends a road alignment, for example, the single point of reference does not allow me to keep consistent scale/orientation etc?If the client sends a drawing with many layers (bore holes/road/solar panals/site office/power lines) how do I seperate these layers from one another and export them as individual .dxf for use in our GIS and mapping programs?

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GIMP :: How To Separate Layers In Image

Jun 4, 2012

I have some very old GB postage stamps which can be identified by their plate numbers. The plate number, which is engraved in the design of the stamp, has an effect on the stamp's value. Unfortunately on a number of stamps the cancellation mark obliterates the plate number. I would like to be able, in a digital image, to lift the image of the cancellation mark to reveal the design underneath.

I have tried using Adobe and Corel imaging software without luck.

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Photoshop :: Flattened Image Looking Different Than When Layers Are All Separate

Nov 11, 2013

I have an image that I've made in illustrator / Photoshop and I noticed that when I save the image as a JPEG out of Photoshop after it is finished it looks way different that it does while in Photoshop.

I merged the layers just out of curiosity and it looks that way after all of the layers are merged. Why it is doing that. Is there something I can do to change this? it is just happened to one of my images. I have multiple pieces in this style and it hasn't happened to any of the other ones.

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Separate Layers In Paths Tab

Jul 2, 2013

how to merge objects in the paths tab. Here is an example: [URL].....
I have created different areas of outlines of a picture and placed them in separate paths. I would like to know how to either merge the paths (so that the 'banner' path is on top of the others), or how to move them into the 'Layers' tab.

I would like to view all these paths/outlines at once, as of now it doesn't let me while in the Paths tab - It only lets me view one path at a time.
I am using Windows 7, Photoshop Version 12.0 x32

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Photoshop :: Saving Layers Out To Separate Files

Jul 28, 2004

way to save out all the layers in my document (the .psd I mean) to tiff files each with either a number or the name of the layer.

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AutoCad :: 2 Separate Layers For Leader And The Label?

Nov 21, 2012

I have a leader that I do NOT want to explode with text at the end of it. Problem is, I need the leader part to be on a layer with a certian line type and a certain layer and I need the text on a different layer. How is this possible!? Also, I have AutoCad LT if that makes a difference (no express tools for example).

...Maybe some way to create a new text style that is linked to a certain layer since that is the only option in the props for the leader that seems like it would control that...?

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GIMP :: How To Separate 4 Layers Into Individual Images

Aug 3, 2012

I'm new to GIMP. I want to use it to create/test colour (or greyscale) separations for a woodcut, but I'm finding it hard.

For example I have attached a black and white image. kirsty.JPG (84.7K)

Number of downloads: 3

I open the image in GIMP, then from Image I choose mode - indexed, 4 colours. So far so good as this gives me the 4 greyscale levels I need to create a two block woodcut. Now I use the 'select by colour' tool to find the first colour, and I paste this into a new layer. That works fine. Then I select the next colour and try to paste that into a second new layer, but it doesn't work. It produces another layer called 'Floating Selection (pasted layer)' and won't paste the second or third layers.

How can I separate the 4 layers into individual images??

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Photoshop :: Saving Layers As Separate Image Files?

Jun 24, 2013

I am trying to save all the layers I have in my PSD file as separate layers in a folder that I created.  I trying to do this by going to File- Scripts- Export Layers to Files but when I set it up and do this I get an error message saying:
"General Photoshop error occured.  This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop. -The command "Duplicate" is not currently available."
I am not sure why this is saying "this version" considering I installed  it not too long ago and the document has been made a few days ago meaning I never even used another version of photoshop.  I have all the layers visible too and even selected them.  I am using Photoshop CS6 by the way.

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Photoshop :: Text Alignment Separate Layers Individually

Jan 10, 2013

I'm attempting to migrate from Fireworks to PS so I can access and learn more features and tools. One of the reasons I like FW is that simple things like aligning objects and layers, for example, to the center, top or bottom of the page is easy.  I can't seem to achieve this very simple task in my version of PS CS5. For instance, to center a  layer, I'm supposed to select another layer to reference it to?  However, when I do this, the align function realigns the other layer I'm using as a reference too. I keep reading that the align tool can't affect a single layer.  If this is the case, why have an  alignment tool at all?  It's a very confusing feature!
My question is this: can  photoshop align seperate layers individually? Or should I continue to do that work, layout and design, in Fireworks and then save and import as a .psd file to finish my work in PS? (I know that PS is a great photo editing tool but I'm not sure if it is optimized for graphic design work like Fireworks is.)

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Photoshop :: Linking Adjustment Layer To Two Separate Layers

Jan 3, 2013

I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.

The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.

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InDesign :: Place Multiple Images On Separate Layers?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm working with InDesign CS5.5 on a Mac and need to import multiple images into separate layers. The imprint project has a base layer template and several company logos that need to go into their own layer. Is there a way to bring all the logos in at once and have them create their own layer without manually creating each layer and placing images one by one? Can InDesign do this automatically or is there a script? I can't seem to find a way to automate this process.

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Photoshop :: How To Overlay Watermark Onto Many/ Separate/ Individual Layers Of Animation

Aug 22, 2013

For theoretical purposes, let's say that I am building an animation and that I have 10 layers in this animation thus far.  Now, let's say that I would like a watermark to be overlay on every single one of these individual layers.
The only way that I would know how to do this would be to make a layer with the watermark, duplicate it nine times so that there were a total of ten layers with the watermark and then painstakingly go about the process of merging one layer of the animation with with one layer of the watermark and then repeat this process nine more times.
Whenever this situation comes up, whether it is a watermark or a correction of some sort that belongs on ALL LAYERS and I do this the only way that I know how, I think to myself that with something as powerful as CS 5, there has GOT to be an more automated and easier way of going about this. 

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Photoshop :: Saving Layers As Separate Files With One Persistent Layer

Mar 30, 2011

I have a few layers and one overlay. I would like to be able to export all the layers to separate png's however can I do that with one persistent layer that is saved with every other one?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Proper Way To Separate Layers On Image

May 25, 2012

How to separate layers on an image prior to printing?

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