Paint Shop Pro :: Layer Stack Containing Merged Representation Of All Visible Layers
Dec 19, 2011
In Photoshop, there is a shortcut that does the following:
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E — You’ll get a new layer at the top of the layer stack containing a merged representation of all visible layers (handy for sharpening adjustments, etc.).
I tried this in PSP X3 and it doesn't work. Does it even possible to do this in PSP? I know how to merge all the layers in PSP but all the merged layers then disappear. The Photoshop feature keeps all the visible layers and merges them into a combined merged visible layer.
If you've ever created an image having multiple assorted layers, and want to apply a modification to the final image while keeping those original layers intact, here's the script to do that:
Select allfrom PSPApp import * def ScriptProperties(): return { 'Author': u'Ken Arway', 'Copyright': u'2013', 'Description': u'Copies all visible layers to a newly created ra' u'ster layer.',
Just use your favourite text editor to copy that code into a text file, and save the file as "CopyVisibleMergedToNewLayer.pspscript" in your user scripts directory. Doesn't matter if it's the "Restricted" or "Trusted" directory.
As the name implies, all the visible layers will be copied and merged, so it's easy to first "hide" the layers you don't want merged before running the script.
Yes, it's just a series of recorded actions; but the key is its use of the "Select All" and "Paste Into Selection" actions -- that ensures that the resulting merged layer maintains the same positioning as the individual layers. In other words, if your original layers have a transparent background and opaque areas that are off-center, simply using Edit...Paste As New Layer will center those opaque areas in the canvas, which is not what you want....
I don't see a "Copy Visible" function, does one exist that does it? Basically I have 10 layers, but I want to copy/paste the 'visible' area to stick in a test harness without having to manually flatten the image first.
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
Where do I tell PSPx4 not to give me this warning?
"Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
I have been through the Preferences / Warnings & Auto Actions and can see no place to set it. I resolved it in PSPX2 but I can't remember how I did it. I have compared the 2 version's settings & can't see any difference.
I just installed the X4 trial. I still have X3U installed but not open. I keep the layer palette open all the time.
I open an existing image and the current layers are displayed correctly. I open another image and it looks fine too. I then copy the 2nd image or a layer from the 2nd image and paste it as a new layer onto the first image. No matter which image is active, the layer palette continues to show the layers from the 2nd image until I close it. At that point there are no layers displayed in the layer palette at all; not even the background. If I do a paste as new image or even just create a new image, there is nothing in the layer palette then either. It doesn't change if I close and reopen the layer palette. The only way I have found to get the layers to display is to click on something outside of PSP X4 such as an open browser screen and then go back to PSP X4.
I download an image of the net of a dog with a .png transparent background. open in paint it's showing the transparency which is great, now say i make another image (not a layer) of 400px, by 400px, and fill it white, I'm so used to in photoshop just dragging transparency masks/layers from one image directly into a new image,
I've tried everything in even tried making a new layer, filling that white, bringing the transparency image to the front. so the white layer is behind the transparency one, then copy/cut to the new image with a filled in "white" background.
but all that copies across is the transparency layer, unlike Photoshop there's no copy merged, move merged option. so how do you get to cut/move a bunch of layers as 1 into a new image either by drag and drop, or cut and paste?
I have tried everything that I know to do but cannot get the materials palette (and some others) to show in X3. I need to have the materials palette show so that, among other matters, I can change the color of text I add to the image. I did not have this issue with X2 and this issue is forcing me to go back to that older version.
When I load a dwg file, i set all invisible layers to visible!The layer properties has been set to visible, but the entities on those invisible layers still can't see.After that I change the layout,just change the 'model' to 'layout1' Then change back to 'model' . All entities is visible!
private void AddNewLayer(Document doc) { if (doc.IsReadOnly) return; using (DocumentLock m_DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument()) { [code]....
Layers are shown in the drop down menu from the ribbon but when I open the layer manager no layers are visible. I can click in the empty space and the layer will highlight. See attached.
In PSP X5 I got the file names below each thumbnail but in PSP X6 I do not see the file name below the thumbnails. Is there a setting to get the file names or is it again a "new and extra ordinary function" which takes of the file names? I cannot work without the file names.
I reset preferences using the shift key and the instructions on the cited web site. neither worked I also restarted the computer. If I open paint shop X5 the paper edges can be seen behind the image but if you look at the enclosed screen print you can see paper edges are not visible in paint shop pro X6.
I am trying to create a visible watermark to apply to pictures. How to create one to use in Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate? I know how to apply one but I'm uncertain on how to make the actual watermark.
Working with many layers 60+ is great, but most of the time we have many that are not selected i.e. visible.sometime 30+ those layers are most of the time not needed anymore or make it too crowd in the layer box, making layer selection and handling messy.
The best way is to remove them from the PDN, while keeping only the visible selected. But removing the "not selected" layers one by one is time consuming and again, accidents happen.
Three solutions .
A simple way to do it, is just add under "edit menu" or the "Layer menu" the following. "Create new PDN from selected visible layers"..
add to the "Save As" the option to "Save selected visible layers only"
OR the long way, that has its good things in it too.
Add the option to INVERT the layers visibility selection, and then the option to remove/delete selected layers. (of coarse add an approval "are you sure box")
This option would even be great for other uses when we need to switch back and forth between many visible layers. for example when making animations etc.
when i resize an image for example to 27 x 18 cm there is no problem however, when i try and print the image and the preview window comes up there seems to only be a tiny part of the picture visible? its basicly a tiny square in the top left corner of the preview page and its just big enough to see its a minute part of the image i want to print. If i try and print the image anyway i just get "could not start print job".I never had any issues before then suddenly a few weeks ago the problem happened in version x2 on any pictures i tried to resize and print , so i updated to x3 in the hope it would correct the error but its still there. Any setting somewhere , i tried using a trial version of a rival program and that worked fine and showed the print preview exactly how it should.
Add a new menu item "Edit->Copy Flattened" which allows one to copy the selection from ALL the visible layers, instead of just the currently selected layer.
I'm new to Paint shop. Is it possible to clip an adjustment layer or image to just the layer below it like in Photoshop? Or maybe Paint shop calls it something else?
In AI CS5 Version 15.0.2 for Windows 7 64-bit; Is it possible to hide a hierarchal layer from one that is lower in the layer stack? I would like to make visible one of the bottom layers and hide a layer near the top that is on a separate artboard.
I exported a project as a pdf by clicking Save As under the file menu, then I saved the original psd by choosing Save As again and selecting PSD this time. When I came back to the project today all the layers had been merged into one. I _never_ merged them myself. Is there any way I can recover all that work or have I been hosed by this "feature"?
I've recently reopened a piece of art in illustrator but the layers are now merged. Is there a way to separate the layers to the way they were or do I have to start all over?
I haven't really used PSP for doing custom graphics, mostly for working on photos; but before that I was using Adobe Photoshop and I liked (and still do) how it made saving easier than PSP does. Unfortunately Photoshop is horribly expensive so this is a better option.
I can't figure out for the life of me how to save .psd or .eps with the layers? It keeps telling me that due to how I am saving or the file format the alpha layers will be lost and so on.
I have Paint Shop Pro X4 which I am using to try and manipulate images of postage stamps. I scan the stamp using a film/slide scanner and using the cmyk splitter can produce a good images of the watermark and postmark cancellation, which I save separately. On a lot of the older stamps the plate number, from which the stamp is printed, is engraved into the design of the stamp and quite often this number is obliterated by the black cancellation mark. Is there any way using layers, or any other X4 feature, I can lift the cancellation mark from the image to see what is underneath?
I'm using 3-5 adjustment layers on some of my work. Even though I have larger files, without Adjustment layers, once I add an Adjustment Layer to ANY piece of work things slowdown big time. For example a 'normal' curves application is almost instant. But if I add a curves Adjustment Layer then what took 1-2 second takes 10-15 seconds using an Adjustment Layer.
So is there something that Adjustment Layers are doing that is a computer hog? Or am I overlooking something? Or are they just configured in such away that they are naturally slower? [URL]....
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
I am unable to save a completed project as a jpg file even after carefully merging the layers. The only way I can do that appears to be to use Save for Web - and I do not want to compress the images as web images. Also, in Elements 9 I could open a PSE file in layers and continue to edit - in 12 I cannot do that. I'm really very discouraged and wish I had my Elements 9 back.