Photoshop Elements :: Deleting Layers Permanently - Same Image Comes Up Repeatedly
Mar 23, 2014
I scan images to go into my website on a regular basis. I scan them bring them into photoshop, use the marquise tool to move individual images to be corrected and made ready to put in website, then I save them and delete that layer from photoshop. I then go to the next image and when I use the marquise tool the previous image keeps coming on the screen.
I am unable to delete permanently that first image so I can move on to the next image. Then I ran into the problem of not being able to more an image from the clipboard. It isn't highlighted so I can click it. Don't know what to do and I have to resolve this ASAP to keep up with my work.
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
Photoshop keeps recovering the same image over and over. How can I make it stop?I don't need the image. I already tried saving it to multiple locations.
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
The problem is, whenever I insert e.g. a picture or want to create a font, this is as small as a point and each time when opening Photoshop CS6. Is there a way to solve the problem so that's the image a lot more bigger directly?
Every time I download new photos, I have to change the download location from pictures to my work folder. How do I change the download location permanently?
I am relatively new to Photoshop Elements. I followed the instructions to add a watermark to multiple photos. I am unhappy with the results and want to remove the watermark. Despite not saving my watermarked photos, I see the watermark. Is there a way to preview the watermark before anything gets permanent? Is there a way to remove the watermarks on all the photos and start all over?
How do I insert an image(jpg or png) into AutoCAD such that when I e-mail it to others, they can also see the image?
I did it before but i'm not sure what I did to make it "stick". Right now, some images just appear on my PC, but after I send it, they disappear and just show the filename. I used Attach by the way.
I am editing figures for a journal and I need arrows for multiple images. Is there a standard arrow? I can only see free hand. If I use a free hand arrow I then want to copy it to the other images for consistency. How do I copy or share layers between images?
I run into the problem where I copy from one project to the next to save time, also from templates and what not. Well there isn't really a uniform nature to my drawings as i started doing them under necessity rather design.
So, i try to delete duplicate layers.. or Layer's and it continues to give me errors... stating every time:
The following layers cannot be deleted:
Layers 0 and Defpoints The current layer Layers containing objects Xref-dependent layers
Well, its not Layer 0 or Def Points, Its not the current layer and i even deleted all pages except the one mandatory and CTRL+A - DEL... Zoom extents on model and do the same thing, and i cannot get rid of the layer....
How do i get rid of the pesky layers? Can i type a command that changes all XXXX layer to XXX layer and can dump the ones into such as "0" layer and be unconcerned about it freeing it up to delete the unwanted un used layer?
I'm looking for a method of deleting unused layers (in this instance, all layers that don't contain "w2g") with script, is there a way of doing this? Or am I going to have to find a different way to specify the surplus layers?
So I'm trying to create a fairly simple script that will measure the size of art on the artboard for making printing plates. That part I have working. But once I have made one file, I have to delete the measurements layer manually (which is where the script puts them) so that I can make the next one. I need the script to check and see if there is a layer called "measurements" delete it and then create a new one called "measurements" in which to put the dimensions of the (new) artwork. This way I can keep making files and "saving as" with a new name.
Is there a way to edit layers without deleting them and starting a new layer?
Example: I am creating a border on a separate layer. When I created the layer I set the X and Y sizes. As it turns out, I need to adjust the X and Y sizes. So far the only way I've been able to adjust this is by deleting the border layer and creating a new one.
How do i delete old images in my gurus folder here, i have loads in there now and its taking ages to load before i can upload my next victim, i mean great member
I use Photoshop CS2 all the time. Now from somewhere also have Adobe Image Ready CS2 which I do not want or need. My publisher images try to open in Imageready but can't. How can I delete Imageready without deleting Photoshop as well.
how to delete layers/items from the 3D layers panel? Specifically, 3D layers that have been merged. I merged few 3D layers and need to remove some unwanted items that are left behind.
It would seem like a simple task but I've ended up with one 3D layer in my layers palet and a list of layers in my 3D palet that are all locked. Is this normal? Attached is a screenshot of both layers palets and my doc mode, just in case.
I am somewhat new to PSE 10 and would like to know how to delete portion of a background--buildings that are somewhat blurred. Also, how to add clouds to that respective space?
I spent 2+ hours trying to find the instruction, but finally gave up.
I have moved folders on my hard drive and want to delete the old links in elements organiser but the delete option is greyed out. I have tried to reconnect but this simply generates a new folder leaving the old one. I am new to photoshop and simply want to start oragising over again and delete all folders but cant. I have tried uninstalling and re installing but it installed listing all old links again..
I've just deleted hundreds of photos off my desktop from My Pictures, which took about 2 hours, presuming that that process would also delete the photos from the Hard Drive, and thus also at the same time from Photoshop Elements 12( on both Organizer and Editor). Yet all of those photos I’ve just deleted from My Pictures (and again, presumably from the Hard Drive), are still showing up in Elements 12! Why do these photos still show up in Organizer if I’ve deleted them from My Pictures (again, presumably also from the Hard Drive)??
Since I recently purchased a camera that the manufactor released after I aquired Elements11, I downloaded the update for thr RAW converter.
A problem has occurred. Eventhough I clicked the box in the Photo Downloader that says "After copying, do not delete originals" , the Import program deletes the RAW originals. It does not delete the JPEG originals that were downloaded at the same time as their twin RAW images.
how to get the import program to stop deleting the RAW originals?
Bridge CS6 has problems updating the previews of images that get edited.While creating preview from scratch is rather swift, updating previews takes about six minutes on a MacBook Pro retina with 16Gb RAM.After one minute the preview gets updated, but then the busy signal in the low left corner just keeps turning and turning for five more minutes.Why is this happening? Is Bridge still busy with those previews? Why? The preview has already been updated, why those extra five minutes of business?
2. Image deleting is painfully slow.
You type Command + Delete, and nothing is happening for five, six seconds.Only then the images get deleted. Has noticed these two hold-ups?
I just went back after writing and editing this post, and Bridge is still busy with the preview update. This is now 15 minutes after the image had been edited. The busy signal in the lower left corner just never turns off again.
It feels like Bridge has also problems working in the background. As soon as you open e.g. a browser to bridge the waiting for bridge, Bridge seems to keep the busy signal rotating, but not actually doing anything until you close the browser again. Which is why I just had a 15 minute wait for an image preview to finally update. The time spent in the browser did not "count".
When I mark a thumbnail in Organizer and click the Delete key, I get a new window, where I can click OK to delete it. But if I also want to delete it from my HD, I must first click in the small window and THEN click OK.Constructors who are able to think and not least to imagine the users need, would make three clickables:
Cancel Delete from album Delete from album and fro, HD.
Then you need only one click instead of two.
Just a small thing, if you are sorting 400 pictures.
This is weird, there is one item in my catalog that I cannot delete. Whenever I try I get a dialog box 'Error Deleting media'. I've run 'Repair Catalog'. but that didn't fix it. I've tried deleting the file it is connected to but it still won't let me (either directly or via Find> All Missing Files').
The only other occurrence of this I've traced in the forum is at [URL] .... and that didn't seem to get resolved either. Fortunately though in my case it is just this one file, I can still add files and delete others.
Is there a setting where I can have this the default, instead of having to check the box each time? Running Elements 7 on my PC, Elements 10 on my laptop (which I haven't yet installed, trying to pare down my backup first).
Once I have created a product collage using various photos saved on my desktop from the Internet and saved it as a JPEG, is it safe to delete those photos from my computer?