Photoshop Elements :: Import Function In 11 Is Deleting RAW Originals?
Nov 20, 2013
Since I recently purchased a camera that the manufactor released after I aquired Elements11, I downloaded the update for thr RAW converter.
A problem has occurred. Eventhough I clicked the box in the Photo Downloader that says "After copying, do not delete originals" , the Import program deletes the RAW originals. It does not delete the JPEG originals that were downloaded at the same time as their twin RAW images.
how to get the import program to stop deleting the RAW originals?
I am undertaking the endeavor of going through the 20,000 pictures I have stored on my MacBook/first external hard drive. I am deleting the unnecessary images and am planning on exporting the ones I want to keep to another external hard drive. My question is: once I've exported the images I want to keep, can I then delete the original images taking up space on my hard drive? If I have the export (JPG) but not the original file (RAW), will it show up as "image is missing" or cause some type of pathway problem? I'm hoping to keep this as streamlined as possible but also want to preserve the integrity of my images.
- does this program have an organizational feature to see pictures in a calendar format older photo aalbum 3.2 had .. page for month showing dates like a typical calendar on wall would look like?
-- currently in media i have both original and edited versions of some pictures. Is there a way to delete the originals for the pones with edited images ?
LR 4.3 was working perfectly till today when I attempted to import some images. I successfully imported images yesterday but today when I click the Import button the screen goes gray and lightroom shows 'not responding'. I have rebooted, checked for updates, created a new empty catalog, checked that there are no video files in the source drive, placed all the image files to be imported into temporary folder on the hard drive to avoid problems with card readers, and still have the same issue.
Occasionally the import page does appear but the source column is empty. When I click the Source + the screen goes gray again and no activity appears other than the popup that asks if I want to close the program or wait. The computer is running Win8, 12gbRAM, corei7/6 cores, plenty of drive space (4tb)
how to delete layers/items from the 3D layers panel? Specifically, 3D layers that have been merged. I merged few 3D layers and need to remove some unwanted items that are left behind.
It would seem like a simple task but I've ended up with one 3D layer in my layers palet and a list of layers in my 3D palet that are all locked. Is this normal? Attached is a screenshot of both layers palets and my doc mode, just in case.
LR 3.6 Import function has stopped working. Worked fine one day and stopped working the next. No Files Found to Import yet you can see the files trhough LR in the import step while the little message in the bottom right corner says "Finding Files".
I am somewhat new to PSE 10 and would like to know how to delete portion of a background--buildings that are somewhat blurred. Also, how to add clouds to that respective space?
I spent 2+ hours trying to find the instruction, but finally gave up.
I have moved folders on my hard drive and want to delete the old links in elements organiser but the delete option is greyed out. I have tried to reconnect but this simply generates a new folder leaving the old one. I am new to photoshop and simply want to start oragising over again and delete all folders but cant. I have tried uninstalling and re installing but it installed listing all old links again..
I've just deleted hundreds of photos off my desktop from My Pictures, which took about 2 hours, presuming that that process would also delete the photos from the Hard Drive, and thus also at the same time from Photoshop Elements 12( on both Organizer and Editor). Yet all of those photos I’ve just deleted from My Pictures (and again, presumably from the Hard Drive), are still showing up in Elements 12! Why do these photos still show up in Organizer if I’ve deleted them from My Pictures (again, presumably also from the Hard Drive)??
When the import dialogue box is open in Premiere Pro CC, I sometimes need to use the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the dialogue box. The system will allow me to enter a search term, but it will not do the search. I'm using Windows 8.1 64 bit. Are others experiencing the same problem?
My Lightroom catalog contains a lot of PSD files (created in old versions of Photoshop, before TIFF was the default save format). They have layers. I want to convert these PSDs to TIFFs -- ideally TIFF+ZIP compression, since that seems to reduce the file size pretty significantly.
Is there any way to automate this? My current workflow goes like this: Open a PSD in PhotoshopFile > Save As, choose TIFF+ZIPDelete the PSD file.Lightroom detects the file is missing. Choose Locate on the file, select the .TIF version of the file, click OK.Click Confirm when prompted that the filenames don't match.Now I have a .TIF original in my catalog. This process requires a lot of manual effort. I can (kind of) automate the PSD > TIF conversion using Photoshop's Image Processor, but: Image Processor only allows LZW compression, not ZIP.After I delete the .PSD, Lightroom requires me to browse for each missing file and "Locate" it individually -- I can't do this with several files at once.
Other stuff I tried: Lightroom's Convert to DNG feature. This discards the layer information from my PSDs, so it won't work.Lightroom's Rename function. I thought I could rename the .PSD files to .TIF before converting them, thus saving the manual step of having to use "Locate" on each file. But Lightroom will not rename files to a different file extension, so this fails.Lightroom's Export feature with "Add to catalog" enabled. This is not what I want either, because it exports a file with LR edits applied. I want to replace the original file with a different format, while retaining all its LR metadata and edits in the catalog.
I have used Lightroom since the first edition. I understand the (?) and connecting missing links. I have done it before with no problem. I have a book and have tried every site I can find but I do not know what the problem is. I have whole folders of images showing the ? but when I try to locate they are not showing anywhere in my finder. There is a whole group from August to October 2012. I am at my wits end. Have spent two nights on this and am not sleeping.
we recently were trying to import an excel table via data link function. Initially this works fine and the table appears in the drawing however when we want to break the link by deleting it in the data link table autocad tells me that the link is in use. We routinely do this in autocad mechanical 2010. The reason we do this is to be able to bring in the table and preserve formatting. How can we easily delete the data link in 2010 LT?
I was working on a project in Premiere Pro 6. I had imported about 200 files and almost completed the project. I tried to import another file and the import function would not work. In addition, it disabled about 90 percent of the program. Menu selections had turned grey. I closed the project and program and restarted, opening a much smaller project. Worked OK until I tried to import. The import wouldn't work, and the program was disabled. This is not a case of actually selecting a file to import. The function crashes before you have a chance to actually select a file. On deadline.
I recently had pictures, 1827 of them, somehow get deleted off my computer, therefore it resulted in me not being able to do anything with them in Lightroom since they are now considered 'offline'... is there any way a person can somehow get these images off the lightroom program, so I can save them & still have access to them?
When I mark a thumbnail in Organizer and click the Delete key, I get a new window, where I can click OK to delete it. But if I also want to delete it from my HD, I must first click in the small window and THEN click OK.Constructors who are able to think and not least to imagine the users need, would make three clickables:
Cancel Delete from album Delete from album and fro, HD.
Then you need only one click instead of two.
Just a small thing, if you are sorting 400 pictures.
This is weird, there is one item in my catalog that I cannot delete. Whenever I try I get a dialog box 'Error Deleting media'. I've run 'Repair Catalog'. but that didn't fix it. I've tried deleting the file it is connected to but it still won't let me (either directly or via Find> All Missing Files').
The only other occurrence of this I've traced in the forum is at [URL] .... and that didn't seem to get resolved either. Fortunately though in my case it is just this one file, I can still add files and delete others.
Is there a setting where I can have this the default, instead of having to check the box each time? Running Elements 7 on my PC, Elements 10 on my laptop (which I haven't yet installed, trying to pare down my backup first).
Once I have created a product collage using various photos saved on my desktop from the Internet and saved it as a JPEG, is it safe to delete those photos from my computer?
I scan images to go into my website on a regular basis. I scan them bring them into photoshop, use the marquise tool to move individual images to be corrected and made ready to put in website, then I save them and delete that layer from photoshop. I then go to the next image and when I use the marquise tool the previous image keeps coming on the screen.
I am unable to delete permanently that first image so I can move on to the next image. Then I ran into the problem of not being able to more an image from the clipboard. It isn't highlighted so I can click it. Don't know what to do and I have to resolve this ASAP to keep up with my work.
I am using PSE 12. When I delete photos the program is moving automatically to the bottom or top of my catalog rather than staying in place. So if I am deleting photos 1000 - 1005 it will reload at the bottom or top of my catalog. This is a huge annoyance given I have 12K photos. Other times it simply freezes and crashes.
I have a catalog with all photos imported from a trip I just got back from. But when I compare the catalog to the actual photos in the folder, there are 104 pics missing from the catalog. If I try to sync the catalog, it says 104 pics need to be imported, but the import process says there are no new photos.
I created a new catalog and tried to import the folder again, but its still missing the same 104 pictures.