Photoshop Elements :: Deleting Photos Off Organizer
Mar 17, 2014
I've just deleted hundreds of photos off my desktop from My Pictures, which took about 2 hours, presuming that that process would also delete the photos from the Hard Drive, and thus also at the same time from Photoshop Elements 12( on both Organizer and Editor). Yet all of those photos I’ve just deleted from My Pictures (and again, presumably from the Hard Drive), are still showing up in Elements 12! Why do these photos still show up in Organizer if I’ve deleted them from My Pictures (again, presumably also from the Hard Drive)??
When I mark a thumbnail in Organizer and click the Delete key, I get a new window, where I can click OK to delete it. But if I also want to delete it from my HD, I must first click in the small window and THEN click OK.Constructors who are able to think and not least to imagine the users need, would make three clickables:
Cancel Delete from album Delete from album and fro, HD.
Then you need only one click instead of two.
Just a small thing, if you are sorting 400 pictures.
I have moved folders on my hard drive and want to delete the old links in elements organiser but the delete option is greyed out. I have tried to reconnect but this simply generates a new folder leaving the old one. I am new to photoshop and simply want to start oragising over again and delete all folders but cant. I have tried uninstalling and re installing but it installed listing all old links again..
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.
Once I have created a product collage using various photos saved on my desktop from the Internet and saved it as a JPEG, is it safe to delete those photos from my computer?
I am using PSE 12. When I delete photos the program is moving automatically to the bottom or top of my catalog rather than staying in place. So if I am deleting photos 1000 - 1005 it will reload at the bottom or top of my catalog. This is a huge annoyance given I have 12K photos. Other times it simply freezes and crashes.
I'm using PSE10 on a Win7 (64bit) OS. When I delete a picture (from catalogue and harddrive) the PSE-Organizer tends to jump down several pictures (Haven't been able to determine a fixed number), so I have to go up again and browse through the same pics a couple of times.
I am new to PSE and have version 10. My photos are organized by year and within a year by dates and events. I cannot seem to bring those pictures into the Organizer.
I have succeeded in bringing a single photo into Organizer but would really like to bring in entire folders at a time.
I have installed Elements 12 and successfully indexed my media files and performed facial recognition, however now in the organiser, not all files are displaying. Some are and others come up with an image like a broken link (See image). All the photos are fine (not corrupted) and can be viewed by other media viewers.
First, all of the photos in my albums and folders disappeared from Organizer leaving empty album and folder categories. The next day, the album and folder titles disappeared, leaving one big blank space. how I can retrieve all of my photos and why this would have occurred in the first place?
I have Elements 10 Core Version 10.0 Language Version 10.0 fully updated (or so Elements reports on asking to check updates) running in Windows 7 64 bit.
I have over 20,000 photos on C drive in jpeg or fine jpeg format mainly shot with a Nikon D70 over several years. I took photos last Friday/Saturday with a new Nikon D7000 (jpeg) and uploaded to Elements 10 (C drive) via SD card reader. They uploaded OK, were saved to Elements Organiser and I deleted some, edited others and emailed several. Today these photos are missing and possibly other shots taken after 10th Feb 2013 too some of which might have been taken with the D70.
Both Elements Reconnet and Find Photos and Videos fail to find any photos not already in the Organiser. I tried Recuva to search the PC's hard drives for deleted photos. It didn't find any as such - only eBay etc jpegs.
I have 120kb copies of the emailed photos attached to the emails in the Outlook Sent box. I noted the reference number of a photo and searched Windows 7 for it. Windows doesn't find it.
Before I looked at Elements today Windows was installing update KB2656351 concerning NET framework 4 and we had a power cut part way through. I have no idea if this is relevant but I menton it in case it is.
There are no photos in the Organiser after 10th Feb 2013 and there should be several hundred. I can take the loss as they probably weren't vital photos but I am very keen to know where they went to do my level best to ensure it doesn't happen again with more valuable photos.
I have phoned Abobe but they only support Elements 11 now, they said. I have searched without success both their FAQ's and the FAQ's on this forum.
my computer was running very slowly so I ran some diagnostic and "fixit" programs on it. After that, I am no longer able to see the photos that were in the albums I created - if I try to reimport them, it says they are already in the catalogue. All I see are white boxes!! I cannot see them in the photo bin of the editor either. I checked and all my photos are in their original folders where I off-loaded them from my camera. Obviously my fixit program broke the links. how I can get the photos back, or even just delete the albums and catalogue so that I can start again?
the really weird thing is that I can do a slideshow of the supposedly missing photos -- but they still don't show up as thumbnails in the albums!
Is there any other way to compare photos in the pse 11 organizer U.S. version other than going to full screen and using the task bar on the film strips? There is no Display function in the upper right hand corner of the organizer so I cannot using the other method of prerssing f12.
I have just started using Photoshop Elements and have uploaded all my photos from my computer's hard-drive, and am displaying them using the 'Folders' view in Organizer. Unfortunately, all the photos are being displayed twice - once within 'Pictures' and once within 'Macintosh HD'>' Users'>' Amy'>'Pictures'. I would like the photos to appear only once so that I know which set I am working from.
Have followed all instructions for emailing photos from organizer in photoshop elements 11 but unable to send out as photomail or as an email attachment.
I have of a sudden lost the ability to drag photos in the organizer. Instead of getting the usual miniature of the thumbnail I get a stop symbol (circle with line through it). Just to be clear, all I want to do is place a photo which sometimes randomly gets misplaced into its correct site, e.g 1550 suddenly found next to 1405.) My hunch is that I "did something" that switched or blocked the function.
I have used PSE 9 and there was a line at bottom that told the total number of photos in the Organizer. I now have PSE 11 and I can find no such line, and I have not found a way to tell the total number of photos in my Organizer. Where is this information hidden?
I downloaded some photos to a file under my Photos. When I go to get photos from the file, they aren't there (in windows explorer). What is locking these out?I've tried other downloads, they work fine. Running version 10. I uninstalled & re-installed with no luck.
This should be an easy task and I am familiar with editing a photo taken from the organizer and then returning it to an album or folder. My problem is with a photo sent to me as an attachment to an email in another program (often Picasa). This photo can be opened in Elements Editor and worked with in the usual fashion but I am stumped on how to then move it in my Organizer and appropriate folder or album.
The PE6 won't even boot up on my computer. Mostly I use it for the phot organizer. Now I cannot access the organizer to find my photos. I do not see that organizer with the CS5.5 program. Is there another way to access those photos. Or can I reinstall the PE6?
Just a few days ago I had about twelve folders of photos in my Organizer. Now I have only two folders that have content. When I click on the other ten folders I see this message in the Media Browser, "No media to be displayed."
I have both Adobe Premiere Elements 11 and Photoshop 11 which I got three weeks ago. The only thing new on my computer is the software that came with my Nikon camera - NX2 - a photo storage and photo editing program. My photos are still in my Windows Pictures program.