Lightroom :: Deleting Originals To Clear Space On Hard Drive

Mar 11, 2012

I am undertaking the endeavor of going through the 20,000 pictures I have stored on my MacBook/first external hard drive. I am deleting the unnecessary images and am planning on exporting the ones I want to keep to another external hard drive. My question is: once I've exported the images I want to keep, can I then delete the original images taking up space on my hard drive? If I have the export (JPG) but not the original file (RAW), will it show up as "image is missing" or cause some type of pathway problem? I'm hoping to keep this as streamlined as possible but also want to preserve the integrity of my images.

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Lightroom :: Deleting Photos On An External Hard Drive?

Dec 11, 2013

I work with an external drive in Lightroom 5.  I used to import hundreds of photos into folders and while reviewing them i could delete and individual photo and get a pop up message confirming "delete from disk".  If I clicked that the file would be deleted and I could continue reviewing photos.  Suddenly now when i delete a photo in the review process I get the first message, "delete from disk" and if I click that I get a second message now that says "The files are on a volume that does not support trash, permanently delete files from disk?" If I click that, my screen goes blank and I have to search where I was in the flow in reviewing the photos.  It is impossible to quickly go thorugh and delete photos!!
I do not use preview to delete photos before they are imported, I feel I need to see the full file and then decide if I want to delete it.

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Lightroom :: DNG Conversion Of RAW Files Not Reducing Available Hard Drive Space

Apr 3, 2014

I am converting my proprietary RAW files on my hardrive and LR4 catalogue to DNG files for the main reason of gaining extra space on my hard drive. I have ticked the 'delete original files after successful conversion' and they no longer appear on my hard drive, only the DNG files do but the space remaining on my hard drive is shrinking? Why is my drive not reading the extra space that should be now available?

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Lightroom :: Delete Old Or Empty Catalogs To Free Space On Hard Drive?

May 23, 2013

Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat.   My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat.  When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use.  I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them. 

I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB).  Is this not recommended?  And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: Deleting Files From Album AND Hard Drive

Dec 29, 2012

Is there a setting where I can have this the default, instead of having to check the box each time? Running Elements 7 on my PC, Elements 10 on my laptop (which I haven't yet installed, trying to pare down my backup first).

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 And Hard Drive Space?

Jan 5, 2012

I have PSP x3 on my computer, it uses over 1 gig of space on my hard drive. I just installed PSPx4 on my computer and it only uses a little less than 400 megabites. Is this correct, or is something not right here. Also did they replace Express Lab with Adjust?

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Photoshop :: Disappearing Hard Drive Space

Nov 9, 2005

When I rebooted and reopen the program, it would not allow me to open my project giving me a scratch disk full error. I checked my hard drive and noticed I was down to around 6GB of free space which seemed odd given that I have a 55GB harddrive. So I deleted a bunch of huge multimedia files, freeing up an additional 6 or so GB. Again it ran fine for awhile, then froze. I checked again, down to 3GB. At this point photoshop was closed, so it should not be using any resources. I repeated the process - deleted 7GB of files, reopened photoshop and worked until it froze. When I rebooted, I was down to 2GB of free space. I have freed up a little more room now (6.71GB total) and I can open and work in photoshop. When I do, the harddrive space goes down to around 1-2GB, but when I close the program, it goes back up to 6.71 so clearly this is temporary usage. However, I'm afraid to actually use it because it might freeze again. That seems to be the problem - when it freezes, the scratch disk space that is occupied does not get freed up the way it would if I closed the program of my own accord.

It now has approximately 15-20GB of space that is eaten up with nothing and I want it back.

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Photoshop :: Hard Drive Space Going Mega Fast!

Apr 30, 2005

I have 2 hd`s one 160gb and one 15gb. my 15gb is down to just 98mb again. last week I cleard space for an extra 3gb and just a week later its down to 98mb again! Is windows saving files without me knowing? I only save work on my 160gb.

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Lightroom :: Move Or Migrate Hard Drives To Another Hard Drive

Feb 15, 2012

I have several hard drives. Say D, E and F. I want to migrate or move the folders that are listed under each hard drive in my lightroom to say Hard Drive G. How do I do this so that all my keywords, and selects and color codes move with it? and that in lightroom G hard drive would be my only hard drive listed? I want to do this to get everything nice and orderly

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Picture From Laptop Hard Drive To Larger External Hard Drive?

Sep 25, 2013

I am not changing anything in my system.  I am using windows 7 and will continue to.  No change in elements version (10).  how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures.  I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera  I will connect to the external hard drive. 

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Lightroom :: Lost Adjustments When Move Images From Hard Drive To External Drive

Mar 1, 2012

I moved images from my harddrive to an external drive.

I opened Lightroom.

Noticed there was a question mark by the photo folder I needed.

I synchronized the folders. Nada.

I rememebered I moved the images (first line ^^)

I re-imported the images from the external drive into Lightroom.

These images (other than one that was marked previously with a blue label) look completely untouched - completely original files - even though I spent hours working on them.

I am glad the images weren't deleted BUT re-doing 600 images will be a MAJOR FAIL if I can't figure out how to import the images with the settings / developments I did beforehand.

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Lightroom :: Moving Library From External Drive To Computer Hard Drive?

Dec 26, 2013

I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive.  I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive.  Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?

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Lightroom :: 3 Can't Find Files After Copying Previous Hard Drive To New Lacie Thunderbolt Drive?

Mar 5, 2012

I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing.  Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?

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Photoshop Elements :: Import Function In 11 Is Deleting RAW Originals?

Nov 20, 2013

Since I recently purchased a camera that the manufactor released after I aquired Elements11, I downloaded the update for thr RAW converter.
A problem has occurred.  Eventhough I clicked the box in the Photo Downloader that says "After copying, do not delete originals" , the Import program deletes the RAW originals.  It does not delete the JPEG originals that were downloaded at the same time as their twin RAW images. 
how to get the import program to stop deleting the RAW originals?

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Photoshop Elements :: Move Photos To External Hard Drive To Free Up Internal Space?

Oct 19, 2012

I am running out of space on my internal hard drive on a MACBookPro and would like to move my photoes to an external disk and keep the catalog pointing to them. They are currently in nicely named folders and I would like to keep them that way. How can I do this?

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Lightroom :: Same Hard Drive Used For Two Computers With LR5?

Feb 11, 2014

I have my desktop and laptop with LR5 CC.

How do I configure a unique catalog in order to be used in both computers?
Is there a way to do it? So as soon as I return home, I connect my hard drive to the desk top and work with it, etc.

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Lightroom :: Need To Direct LR4 To New Hard Drive

Apr 7, 2013

When I first installed LR4, I used an external HD, which I called Photo Library, for all my images. I also had a second Ext. HD, which I called Photo Library Backup. Unfortunately, Photo Library crashed. I have now replaced it with another, which I now call New Photo Library. For many of my images in LR, when I access them, I get the message that they are either missing or offline.
My question: I now want LR to find ALL my images on New Photo Library. There are 4 folders which I recently downloaded, which are on New Photo Library, but most are not. Many are on Photo Library Backup, and those LR can find. But I'd still like them all to point to New Photo Library.
All the images that are in LR are now in the HD called New Photo Library.

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Lightroom :: Publishing To Hard Drive

Feb 9, 2013

What is the advantage of publishing to hard drive. Why not just export to hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Not Able To See A Photo On Hard Drive

Apr 6, 2014

I am using a Mac with Mavericks OS and LR 5.3.  I imported some photos inot my lap top's hard drive.  I was running out of room, so I moved the photos to an external drive and removed them from my lap top.  When I go to look them up in LR, it can see most of my photos, but not the ones I had worked on previously in LR.  I ca  see these photos in Finder, but I cannot get LR to 'see" them.  What do I do? 

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Lightroom :: Folders In L/R But Not On Hard Drive

Oct 30, 2012

L/R 4 shows my folders and subfolders but oddly, when I go to folder 2012 on my hard drive, it shows 25,000 images loose in the folder, no subfolders. I did move these folders to an external drive and then put them back. Maybe that messed things up.

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Lightroom :: Installing Second Hard Drive?

Dec 16, 2013

As my image collection grows I need more space. How is it best to use LR with two drives?

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Lightroom :: Error Deleting Files From External Drive In 5?

Jun 12, 2013

I am getting "trash is not supported on this volume" errors when trying to delete rejected photos from two different firewire volumes on OS X 10.8.4.
This is not an issue with internal hard drives and is not an issue in LR4.4 on the same external drives.

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Lightroom :: Moving Pictures To Another Hard Drive?

Nov 19, 2013

For some reason have a lot of my pictures been saved on two harddrives on my computer.
I now need to delete all the copies so I only have pictures on one harddrive.
How will I know which photos of the duplicates I can delete, so that Lightroom can work with them later on?
And, if I delete the original file, can Lightroom use the copies?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete DNGs From Hard Drive

Aug 14, 2013

My start up disc is filling up and I have to delete a couple of thousand DNG's.  When I go to do so, I am told that metadata has to be changed before I can do so.  What do I actually have to do ? 

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Lightroom :: Recognize Images On New Hard Drive?

Jun 16, 2012

Have 20,000 photos in Lightroom 4.1 and need to replace hard drive.  Was able to transfer images to new drive.  How do I get Lightroom  to recognize images on the new drive?

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Lightroom :: Losing Location Of A Hard Drive?

Mar 9, 2013

Using a portable hard drive ,when I re-attach to the computer using same USB port I find that it is assigned a different location (eg hard drive L rather than G as before) Therefore LR says the associated files are missing.

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Lightroom :: Why Does DNG File Not Open In Hard Drive

Sep 2, 2012

I exported my raw, DNG files from Lightroom to my hard drive. But when I click on the DNG file  in my hard drive, the file will not open. I cannot seem to designate Lightroom 3.6 as the default program.

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Lightroom :: Transferring Catalog From One Hard Drive To Another?

Feb 16, 2014

All my images are currently stored on a 3 Tb hard drive and recently I purchased a DROBO with 15tb of memory.  At the momeent I am using the Drobo as back up until the 3tb becomes full.  That time has come and I want to use the Drobo as the main drive for my images which contains exactly the same files as the 3tb.  I also copied the catalog file onto the Drobo so I thought that all I needed to do is open the catalog in the Drobo and it will automatically access the files in the drobo drive but this is not the case as it still accesses the 3tb files.  I tried diconnecting the 3tb thinking that it will try to access the files on the Drobo but then I get ?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Photos From Hard Drive

Jul 25, 2012

LR cant see all my folders in My Pictures to Add photos

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Lightroom :: Best Way To Fix Folders In V4 Catalogue And On Hard Drive?

Mar 27, 2012

only have 200 photos in V4.  I made the mistake of moving and deleting folders on my hard drive and not in LR, now my folder organization is a mess and doesn't match.  Can I delete the catalogue and reorganize my hard drive the way I want it then re - import it all to LR?  If so how do I do this. Does this remove the folder organization in LR, as it is not correct either. My catalogue has not been backed up yet.    I have HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook and Win 7.?

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Lightroom :: Adding External Hard Drive?

Nov 27, 2012

My HDD is getting full and I want to be prepared for when it happens.
I want to add an external HDD. From what I have read already, I am supposed to import the photos to my new drive, no problem with that. I also don't want a new catalogue.

Question. Let's say the newly added extenal drive is not connected and i want to search from some pictures, let's say of my one son, Gideon. But I know I have pictures of him on both drives, will LR tell me to connect the external drive also? Does it keep track of where my pictures are in such a way that it can tell me which drive to connect, should it happen that I later on have 2 external drives?

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