i tried to use polar coordinates, but as you get to the outer part of the circle, you see that the picture spreads and you get that blur to it. i want to know how you make it go out from the center and not get that side effect.
I'm working on a UDK level for a college assignment.
I want to create a circular shaped elevator with a circular fence around it that's roughly half the size of an average sized character standing on it. I then wish it import this as a static mesh into UDK.
Here are 2 sketched up designs of the elevator, what I want to create.
1st image: [URL].... 2nd image: [URL]....
I am very new to 3DS Max so I would prefer a list of steps to follow to create this elevator with a a fence,
I have a question about using Panoramic. I shot a quick 3 pics I wanted to stitch together. I was wondering if there is a manual way to stitch them together?
I used Bridge>Tools> Photshop.PhotoMerge>Reposition and Auto ~ Ended up with this. (see pic) I would like to stitch these together if possible. I am practicing for making Environment layers in After Effects.
The attached panorama is a composite of 4 other images. I am very satisfied with the overall result since there is a minimum of distortion and the color is more than decent. I am not satisfied with the two gray triangles that are in the center of the image. What would be the best way to get rid of those shadows? Is it possible to adjust the images prior to making the panorama which would reduce or eliminate those gray triangles. I should point out that the 4 images used were "perfect" without any gray areas.
I want to make a panoramic picture to say something like 20"x10" using cs3, when i go to upload it to a printing company i.e. photo box, the image always appears smaller.
I have tried using Genumne Fractals 5 but i do not seem to get any luck there either. What i need is a complete idiot`s guide on how to create and print succesfully a panoramic image.
I have stitched together some photos from my Canon digital camera using the bundled software to get a panorama photo in jpeg format (the photos were taken in panorama mode on the camera). Now I want to do something seemingly simple: split up the huge created image (14251 x 1596) into handy 6x4 chunks so I can upload them to ofoto (or whatever) and get them printed as cheap 6x4 prints that I can paste together on my wall. So for 6x4 I'd like to split it into 2394 x 1596 images at the original quality (with the last image in the set being padded with white so it matches the other slices in height). I've tried using the slice tool in photoshop 7.0 but there there are 2 problems: a max slice width of 1000 pixels and Image Ready only allows creating a useless gif file. Any ideas (apart from writing the tool myself in Java or C)?
I have been tasked with creating a time lapse video of a building being built. I have been supplied with the time lapse pictures that go back over 18 months so there are a large number of files.
The problem I have is the pictures were taken by a motorized web cam - basically it took a picture to the left, move about 40 degrees take a picture straight then another 40 degrees and took a picture right to fit the whol building in. 3 shots were taken a minute so for every minute there is the whole building.
When initially looking at the 3 seperate shots it looks like it would be fine for them to line up BUT there is a problem. The left and middle pictures have a small amount of overlap and can be automatically stiched together BUT the picture on the right will but up but has no overlap, is there anyway I can automate 2 different functions on the 3 pictures or do a 2 step automation that would firstly stitch the left and middle pic then but up the right pic to the joined images already stitched.
Trying to figure out how to create 3d 360 degree spherical panoramic. All my searches come up with older versions. CS6 does not have the 3d menu so where do I find out how?
To resize an image like a panoramic television. The center is resized little, and the edges more. The image will appears distorted less than with the traditional method.
I frequently use Photoshop CC to create panoramic images with Photomerge. I've found that as soon as I start the Photomerge process, my computer becomes absurdly slow. I'm not terribly surprised by this - my primary issue is that the computer remains insanely slow long after I've closed Photoshop CC. The only solution I've found is to restart the computer. Even this can be difficult, because the computer becomes slow enough that it takes minutes to shut down.
I want to make a point clear here: I'm not complaining about how my computer becomes slow while using Photomerge. I believe this is to be expected on a laptop such as this. The problem is that my otherwise fast computer becomes wildly slow even after I'm done and Photoshop is closed. Photoshop seems to run just fine otherwise.
I'm using an otherwise problem-free 15'' Macbook Pro with Mountain Lion (10.8.4). Computer specs: 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 (512 MB). I currently have memory usage set to 80% under performance preferences.
I am facing problems while 'stitching' the panoramic photos that i shot. basically, Photoshop's File>Automate>Photomerge and Edit>Auto Align/Blend Layers works good, but FAIL on the LENS DISTORTION.
i had tried to correct it with Filter>Lens Correction, but still not getting perfect result. see the attached image for the results, were you can see the building looks bent. check/download the source images from [URL]......
I have a Epson R2880 and want to print a series of panoramic prints on it, i have set up the print to be 8x24 inches. When I open the panoramic and give it the size of the paper, CS3 automatically resizes the print, so if i set the image to 8x24 the height of the actual picture is either 8x40 or 3.78x24 .... is there a way to get a real 8x24 print or will CS3 always resize to a fixed set of dimensions ?
I am using Elements 10 with Windows 8. When I select panoramic merge, the software closes down and I get an error message saying that its encountered a problem and closing dow.
I am try to stitch portrait style shots on a panoramic view but it always set up as a landscape image I have used LR4 and bridge with no success. All my landscape style images are ok with no issues. Is it how im taking the pictures or is there a setting to use to set for landscape or portrait.
This is a photoshop request. I have a set of scenic photos I'd like stitched/blended together. The idea is to get the one panoramic image, and then make it into a poster.
How to accomplish a special corner treatment. I'm working with very large panoramic files, that frequently have portions of roof top or other obstruction in the corners. I'm looking to try an effect that is a page curl, but more exaggerated than the typical "Warp/Shadow" effect I've used. I would like the curl to be a cone shaped spiral. I am working with VERY high resolution files (very large), so I should have a lot of detail to use in the edge of the curl.
How to use a 360 panoramic image as a background in 3ds max. Each time I have tried it, the background image appears too close to the camera, making my objects look small. No matter how big the image is in pixel dimensions, it always appear too large in the viewport; there's no setting in 3ds max to scale it back so that it looks farther away from the camera. I seen ones that use a background image and use camera matching to line up the camera, but I need to have the background setup so that it does not matter where the camera is pointing.
I saw a tutorial on youtube and it is something I will like to do on my own. But with the tutorial, I have tried over and over again without getting the same result. How do I do this using PSP X4.
I have a number of panoramic images that I'd like to add to a movie with videostudio but I can't seem to figure out how to pan them properly... the images are long and narrow (as would be expected). is there any way that I can use them with out have a big black boarder top and bottom?
My still camera facilitates the taking of multiple panoramic shots than can be later stitched into one large file - a narrow, long image (about 5 Mb in my case). I can access this photo as with any other photo. However, if I zoom into it with the intent of panning from left to right so the full height of the image fills the screen, the quality goes way down. It is not the photo file itself because I can bring that up in the Windows photo gallery and it zooms up wonderfully. Also, if I zoom any regular photo to the same extent (about 400x) that image remains pretty good and does not have the same drop off in quality. I looked at all of the options I could find, but saw nothing I could do to improve the quality.
How to pan manually from one photo to another, instead of using the panoramic pic? I tried this using the overlay track but of course the overlay photo covers up the main track.
I'm trying to bend a set of panoramic photos around a circle. Most of the discussions I see in this forum are about doing this with text using the Type on a path tool. I'd like to achieve the essentially same thing with a photograph. The warp tool in photoshop seems much too clumsy for my needs. Here is an example of the layout i'm talking about, with black boxes instead of images.