Illustrator :: Best Way To Transform Object Into A Circle?
Feb 26, 2013Let's say I have a long rectangle I want to warp into a circle.
View 2 RepliesLet's say I have a long rectangle I want to warp into a circle.
View 2 RepliesI have a .pdf output from a program I use at work. The .pdf can be opened in illustrator (IL) and I have about a bezillion of objects which are mostly all paths (0.5 stroke and no fill of course).
Due to the large number of objects, IL crashes after a while.
Is there a way to transform/join the paths from one row into one object? I tried rasterize, but the problem is that I can't change the color of the according row afterwards - and I need to be able to change the color later.
Stuff I tried that didn't work"
- Object>Paths>clean up
- Object>Paths>simplify
I am trying to "skew" an object. I use the Free Transform tool, then click and hold on a handle, then hold down Control, and drag the handle where I want it. This works fine. BUT the second I let go of either the mouse or the Control button, it pops back to its original location/shape. How do I make the transformation "stick"? I'm sure I'm being really dense and missing something very simple.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to move specific anchor points on a path a few pixels up from their current position, while keeping everything else where it is, so it'll transform the figure's shape. I'm trying to do it precise by changing it's dimensions, rather than clicking and dragging. does- work when I direct select the points I want and drag them. Problems with that:
1) I have very little control. If I want the point moved up by whole pixels, I pretty much have to get lucky because it's always in decimal points.
2) With shapes bordering each other (parts of a complex shape), if I want to move their location to scrunch something (Half circle in a larger half circle, wanting to flatten out the base), if I lift those points up, they leave a gap. As if the top border of the outer circle has another anchor point under the lower of the one above that, and I can't click on it to move everything while they're still touching. I can take screenshots if needed. I'm following a tutorial to get used to the program.
Alternately, I suppose if you have a shortcut for constraining the drag to whole pixels instead of fractions, that's great too. In Photoshop and the like, holding Shift would give me precision, but that's not the case in this tool or perhaps program.
I want to rotate object along circle with special step angle. If i choose TRANSFORM i don't type special angle, but i can choose pivot point. I don't know how name this point, i name this pivot point, the point concerning which object rotates. And if i choose TRANSFORM OPTION i can type special angle, but i can't choose pivot point. More precisely, i don't know how do that. I choose object, then transform, set pivot and then open pivot option, type angle but object rotate around own pivot!!!
View 2 Replies View RelatedPs CS6
OSX 10.6.8
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.
I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu. A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.
A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.
In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.
I have made this planet and I want its ring to look as it's spinning around it, So the upper of the ring should go behind the actual planet! How can I do that? Also how can I add some volume to the ring to make it look a bit more realistic?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to make a transformation of an object in the CC so that would have been like in CS5?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI working on the Photoshop with Smart Object with link to Illustrator. How can i transform perspective for Smart Object in Photoshop? There are accessible to me only Scale Rotate and Skew, others is gray out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe transform tools work once, then I have to quit and reopen for it to work the next time I place a smart object.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to transform an object my screen goes blank, how can I correct this?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I wanted to flip an object and it lost its shape that I could do something like go under Path and Convert to Object or something to that affect (I took Inkscape off my pc to make room or I would go check).
I made a Fork at an angle which I've decided I don't like (it took me forever to get it just right), and when I change its placement it looks quite odd and loses its proper perspective/shape.
I wanna know how to transform an object in a transformer.
I wanna create an animation like the movie transformers. (Transform a car in a transformers)
I would really like to know if there is any way I can manage to to transform both a layer object and a path at the same time....or if there is any workaround to achieve this.
In a nutshell, say for example I spend a VERY long time creating an intricate path around a very detailed object, and then at the very end notice just how crooked and out of perspective it is, and would like to straighten it.
Of course I could transform and correct the object, and then carefully transform the path - but it just won't be exact, and I will have to spend a long time adjusting the path and making SURE it is perfect.
Isn't there any way I could get to transform them together?
Usually of course I do all the correction to straighten and correct perspective beforehand, but in some instances after I am done creating the path I then notice that the image could have used further adjustments.
I have photoshop cc currently and it works fine other than when i try to transform an object. The view of the document flickers, the background goes through alll the possibe colors and the work space flickers from the image to a complete black block... Is it my computer or the program?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI know you can use map-transform tool (I think it is a poor tool...)
I need to adjust old data (image scannings, a pdf I have received, a drawing somebody gives me , etc)
I'd like to have a dialog box to adding points (original and destination) and have the oportunitiy to review the scale, the moving data, the weight on transform for evry point, a way to include/exclude .....
I imagined that civil 3d should have this....
Have I to search again a lisp tool ?
how to create an icon.
The problem is I can't click to transform just like him... how he does that ? All he did was select a corner and click outside the object.. the object will be transformed
how to transform by dragging the four corner,
Ps CS6
OS X 10.6.8
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object cannot be repeated on another target.
"Edit > Transform > Again" fails to transform any target after a Transform is applied to a Smart Object.
In 3DS MAX 2011 my transform gizmo jumps to the origin every time I go into sub-object mode making it very difficult to edit. I have been through the help file looking for fixes without success. I have major deadlines to meet this week and this is severely hampering progress. How to reset the gizmo? When I pick an object the gizmo is in its proper location, it's only when I go to sub-object mode that it leaps away to the origin.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI pasted a vector object into PS CS6 (13.0.1 x32) today directly from Illustrator CS6 (16.0.1 x32), and selected "Paste as Smart Object" (Windows XP Pro SP3).
I then tried to warp the pasted object using the Free Transform tool by dragging one of the corner handles with CTRL held down (Windows).
This usually warpsdistorts the object, but instead, this launched a skew operation.
If I paste as Shape Layer or as Pixels then apply Free Transform, <Ctrl + corner handle drag> performs a warpdistort operation. Also, if I rasterise the pasted AI object, and then convert to a Smart Object I can warpdistort.
Is it not possible to paste an Illustrator vector in as a Smart Object, and then warpdistort it directly using this technique?
Why does making a selection inside of a smart object (say with the rectangular marquis tool) disable Free Transform?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is a detail shot of an ongoing project for a Group Challenge. The supplied image was the door and steps, and you can see what theme I am going with. The entire guitar has been constructed as PS illustrations. The strings are a four layer smart object bent from the Nut to the tuning pegs with Puppet warp, but I need to curve the strings around the pegs to look like they have been wound.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'd like to put a circle dead center around an object. How would I do this?
Also (related), I'd like to at times use Corel Draw more like a CAD program and specify the radius when I round corners on a rectangle or give dimensions when I create a new shape (line, rectangle, circle etc). Is this possible?
And in CAD, many times I'll use the divide and break feature to align centers some objects created along a straight line. Is this possible in Corel Draw?
It is my understanding that in Photoshop Elements I am able to place a circle around a moving object or person and have that circle stay with/track the moving object or person as the video plays? Is this correct??
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View 2 Replies View Relatedis there a quick way to fill a circle/ellipse/polygon object with a bitmap image/ photo? I have a bunch of photos i would like to put into these objects and would like to have them filled/fitted into the objects and clipped by the outer extent. I guess a picture fill of some sort? Or a mask?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to locate exact center of a circle in after effects? I made a perfect circle in photo editing program and since layer's boundaries corresponded to circle's edges, i thought that anchor point in after effects will be exactly at the center. but it's not the case - the anchor point is at the center of a composition!
I imported the circle .psd layer together with other layers as a composition, does this have any importance? As i said,the circle layer boundaries corresond with circles edges, not with canvas' edges in my photo editing program. But whe i solo the circle layer, i see that the anchor point is at the center of a composition, not the layer.
So now i have to place anchor point at the center manualy, and it's pretty difficult to do it perfectly. when i rotate the circle, it wobbles and wobbles.
When an object for instance is selected with the Selection Tool, is there a keyboard shortcut to get to the Transform X and Y Value etc.? Now I need to click in the X or Y Value boxes, which means grabbing the mouse and so... Can this be done faster?
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View 9 Replies View RelatedIn Illustrator CS5.1; My Transform pallette suddenly switched units from pixels to inches, I assume by an inadvertent keystroke. How do I change back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI accidentally hit something turning off my ctrl + t shortcut for free transform tool. This now will open and close my text tab. How do I get this back to free transform?
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