CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Fill Circle Object With Bitmap Image?
Apr 29, 2011
is there a quick way to fill a circle/ellipse/polygon object with a bitmap image/ photo? I have a bunch of photos i would like to put into these objects and would like to have them filled/fitted into the objects and clipped by the outer extent. I guess a picture fill of some sort? Or a mask?
I need to remove a background from an object which I have imported into Photo Paint and by using the Wand have removed the white background. But when I go to export it and save it as a png file it puts the white background back in with the saved file. I need the object to have a transparent background so that I can place it overtop other objects and not see the white of the background.
I need to remove a background from an object which I have imported into Photo Paint and by using the Wand have removed the white background. But when I go to export it and save it as a png file it puts the white background back in with the saved file.
I need the object to have a transparent background so that I can place it over top other objects and not see the white of the background.
When I try to convert any object to a bitmap, the resolution is highlighted but doesn't workif I want to change the existing resolution. I have to RESELECT the numbers to export to another resolution as if the resoltion WASN'T highlighted.
If I have a bitmap image that has been cropped to an irregular shape (say a star or pear etc) is there any way in CorelDraw to replace the image without having to crop and position the bitmap all over again. I thought It would be as simple as clicking edit bitmap & pasting the new image once in corel photo paint but that does not seem to be the case.
edit: also is it possible to swap the image with a higher resolution version.
I have recently created a macro in coreldraw x6 but after running this macro When I export through Publish to PDF bitmap in the document deleted in PDF file.
I'm using X5. I need to recolor the attached image from its current color to CMYK 15, 85, 53, 54. Is there a simple way to do this and retain the light colored styrations throughout the image?
I created a bitmap in draw 15" x 131" then right clicked the image and selected "Edit Bitmap". The image grew to 19" X 131"... I did this again just to verify and got the same results. I resamled the image back to 15". This is a big concern as we process all our printed images this way.
I just upgraded to X5 the other day and started working with it. All seemed pretty normal until I drew a rectangle with a hairline and no fill. I typed in some text and went to click off of it to start a separate line of text only to find out when clicking inside this shape, and any other shape I made, it would select the shape.
I exported a graphic as a 600 dpi bitmap. However the saved image is 600.125 dpi. Why the non-whole number size? And how can I export to a whole number? I get either or
My corel x5 opens with object properties are set with x no fill and on opening a new document and creating a shape, it has no fill.
My boss opens corel x5 and his object properties are set with x no fill but on opening a new document his properties change and a blue color shows in his fill, and of course when he creates a shape it is filled with this blue color.
Yes, he can just change the properties to x no fill each time he opens a new document but i wondered if we can change it and have it set at x no fill as the default ? I have tried everything I can think of but it seems to want to keep this blue color as the default.
I am using Coreldraw 6X on a trial basis ( my previous cad is all mechanical/ 3D based such as autocad and 123D). I have a problem with an object which is basically an outline of an animal in CDR format, and cannot find a way to fill in the outline areas.
I design t-shirts and one of our biggest customers sells signature shirts. Below is an example of the problem I'm having. The second image is the original and the first one is what happens after I convert to a bitmap and outline trace.
There are always at least 2-3 names with missing letters or filled in letters. I've adjusted the detail etc while tracing but doesn't seem to work. I'm on the verge of losing a very important customer. We've also had to redo several orders because the "glitch" wasn't caught before production.
I need to fill the object with oblique lines of one color - strips rotated 45deg. Among them is empty, that is to be visible below the bottom (lower layer) of this texture. Somehow I can not figure out how to do it: ps textures are useless/complex and other standard off are not "leaky". So far I have dealt with manually, copy lines and trimming.
I added a patten fill to my libray, saved my default setting so it would stay, now everytime I draw an object it is automatically filled with that pattern fill...I even deleted the pattern fill from the library, saved default settings again, restarted corel, and it still fills an object.
what is the best way to close an object consisting of multiple individual lines to enable a fill color? So far I've just been retracing the objects, but there has to be an easier way.
Is there a way by which i can create an elliptical shaped radial fill into any object in coreldraw x6? Currently coreldraw has similar fill tools like in adobe illustrator. Both support linear and radial fills, but adobe illustrator has a way by which the circular radial fill can be squeezed, and be given more of an elliptical radial fill shape.Cann we have some way by which we can squeeze the radial gradient fill into more of an elliptical shape in coreldraw? That fucntion greatly supports more natural looking radial fills into objects. Can it be possibly done without using mesh tools? i am attaching an adobe illustrator screenshot to point out what i am asking for.
not being able to change colors of an object while using the Interactive Fill Tool? That is, change an existing color or add/delect a color to the gradient. I have to delect and reselect the object to change colors. I have to do this each and every time want to make a color change. Without this functionality I am not sure what the point of the tool is.
I am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
I am trying to do a bitmap trace of an image. The resulting vector is OK, except that, between every shape of a single color, there is a line, and that line is made a color, either transparent, or a specified color - and thickness.
The preview creates a desired result, but the end product is the problem. When I click on the vector, I can change the color of the lines between the colors in the vector, and in the dockers, I can change the thickness to "none" but a line still exists between the shapes. The previews are just fine, what can I do to make this guy not look like a puzzle? Its as if the shapes in the vector do not touch each other. The previews show no lines between the shapes/colors, except in the final output.
I know my code below wont work, just putting here to hopefully explain more exactly what im trying to do
Sub FindbyFill() Dim sh As Shape dim findColor ActiveSlection.GetColor = findColor For Each sh In ActiveLayer.Shapes If sh.FillColor = findColor Then ActiveSlection + sh End If Next sh
I still use Corel Draw 12 and my question is is there an easy or automatic way to make the outline color of an object the same color as the fill color? I do it the hard way of trial and error until I get the right outline color from the color dock/pallette.