Is it possible to create AND save predefined document sizes instead of the standard US-letter, US-legal, A4, A3…? And DELETE these for video and screen sizes, ect., which I don`t need? I need my own standard sizes (print) for a daily working basis like business cards -> 85x55, postcard ->... A4). So that I don`t have to type the measures again and again manually within a new document or existing artwork. I normally combine all printproduct (drawingareas) for a client in ONE AI file.
Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.
When I choose "New Document" in Illustrator CS4 and try to change the document size the "custom" option isn´t available. The only available options are standar sizes.
I have an image with five layers and I need to know the width of all five layers so I know what sizes to put them at on the web as a picture banner (I have a limited width space).
Is there an option that lets you find out the width and height of a selected layer? I know of tricks to do this, like copying it and making a new image and checking the size there, but I want to know if there is a way to do this without creating a new image and just inside your own image your working on.
In relation to Photoshop, in the status bar at the bottom it displays what it calls “document sizes”. How to clarify can this be used to determin the quality of a jpeg file ?
For example if I open up a jpeg with no compression (file size on disk is 4.57mb) it displays Doc:34.5M/34.5M however if I open the same file with compression set at 5 (file size on disk is 748kb) and ‘document size’ doesn’t change. How does the document size relate to jpeg compression etc...?
We have some patterns that our customers can choose from to put sandblast film on their windows. Not sure about the english term for it, but this is what i mean:
We are looking for a flexible way to make the vector file from a predefined pattern.
Like the example below, when resizing the outer rectangle (= the window), the number of squares should be adjusted automatically. And the squares need to be centered in the window all the time.
I'm not such an expert in using patterns in illustrator, but i believe there is no way to define settings that control the pattern i believe? Like pattern brushes in illustrator, in which settings can be set like scale the pattern or scale the space inbetween, center the pattern,...
The square pattern below is just an example, see some other examples that i would like to easily control the thickness of lines, number of circles, space between stripes, horizontal and vertical scale of the pattern,...
I've read several times that the only way to get a custom book size in the book module is to edit/create one in Illustrator or Scribus. In this interview with Kevin Tieskoetter he mentions that he would be documenting this process, so I imagine it's allready doable.
"All of the templates we ship with Lightroom are made using Illustrator, and I'll be documenting the process for creating those. We've also successfully made templates using InDesign and the freeware tool called Scribus, so if you need templates in different sizes, you'll have a range of options."
I want to try this. But where do I find the files that I'm to edit? Where do they reside on my computer? I'm using a Mac OSX 10.6.8 and can't seems to find anything that resembles tenplate files.
When printing on Epson printers (4800,4880,4900) in the Photoshop print settings dialogue box it won't allow me to print at a custom paper size using the sheet or manual feed settings. The paper feed option defaults to Roll Paper when I create the custom paper size, and then when I change it and try and save the settings it just reverts back to roll paper.
If I try and send a print after this then the printer won't accept it because it's being told to print on a roll instead of sheet. Why is this?? I'm using CS6 and OS 10.7 and I've never experienced this problem with any previous Photoshop/ Mac OS X before.
I'm on a Mac running OSX 10.8.3 and lately I've been losing presets when Photoshop CS6 crashes or I have some other unrelated problem. First it was brushes-I lost the palette of brushes I had built over years and had to drag in an old set from a networked computer. Then it was Workspaces; same tedious solution. Now, after I had to reinstall the OS two days ago, I've lost the custom size presets under File/New/Presets/Custom. But it isn't clear where these presets reside in the system: the prefs, the app plugins, or the settings. Where are they stored, and why all these preferences or presets seem to be more volatile in CS6 than they were previously? Or is this all a fig newton of my imagination?
I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.
The Plotter is connected to network.
I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.
I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?
and for all of us thousands of users who DO NOT LIVE in the United States to be able to use our own photo-book vendors (who the hell is Blurb anyway?), and for you to give us a SIMPLE ability to be able to define custom page sizes.
But no, we have to go through five versions of lightroom, and STILL NOT have this really simple feature which would make the lives of literally thousands of hard working photographers easier.
Adobe, and all you wonderful people who made this marvellous piece of software, realise this: there exist many, many, many people who have bought your software -- who have no idea what Blurb is, and have no inclination of using it. enable custom page sizes so that we may use local vendors -- who have thoughtfully set page sizes that do not match the inbuilt ones.
I am using CS 2 on a Mac. I've created about 40 custom paper sizes. They display in random order in the drop down menu. Is this normal and is there any way to organize them?
Trying to change the printable area of custom paper sizes?
I've plotter that allows me to create 5 custom paper sizes for each pc3 file, however after create them, i cant always access to change their printable area, you know adjusting their margins, and the strange thing is that this error doesn’t happen all the time,sometimes after a while trying they work, but just for a couple of times, after that the problem remains.
To be more clear, you can see on the image that it doesn’t recognize the custom paper size i have selected, however it works from time to time, allowing me to edit those margins, and after save them, they work just fine and i can use those paper sizes with no problems.
I've tried to edit the pc3 file through windows, and a message appears saying that an unknown error has occurred.
So in CS5 we were able to print to the custom sizes we created in the print screen for our HP Z3200, but for some reason we haven't been able to use the custom sizes in CS6, you click on a custom size and when you say ok from the printer settings and it goes back into Photoshop print settings it binks back to 8.5x11. You can use the standard sizes that came with the HP print software, but not any custom sizes you create. Is there a setting somewhere in Photoshop that I need to change?
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
Is there any way to extend the "new document" presets as to include custom background or multi layered file ?I find myself using the same layer folders tree and it would be awesome to be able to start right away with a blank document already loaded with this tree.If complete multi layered file is not possible, something like being able to choose the background from a picture (instead of white/color/transparent) would be a great time saver.
I've never had this issue before, but recently when I create a new document preset and go through the process of saving it, it simply doesn't save (File > New > Preset: Custom > Save Preset > Ok). I've tried reinstalling CS6, removing all other custom things I had (textures, brushes, etc.) but not matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me get custom new document presets to save anymore.
I'm changing computers and need to transfer over my custom document output settings in Bridge but don't know how to locate them. I have several types of custom documents.
Can we place a custom menu and commands in Adobe Illustrator and invoke custom actions? The need for us is to call a C# DLL from these menu commands. I see C++ support but none on COM or NET support.
Is there a way to resize multiple items of different sizes all at once? Say I have five boxes measuring 1", 2", 3", 4" and 5" but i want them all to measure 6", is there a way to resize them all at once?
This came to my attention around the CS4 era, but I've recently noticed still remains with CS6 - but just why is there a limit as to what image sizes we can export PNG files at [AKA around the 8000x8000 area at 400dpi for me]?
Surely as long as we have the computing power [and RAM] than we should be able to export beyond the 10000/400dpi pixels range [or does it depend on the computer]?
I am doing design exhibitions with interior design. The interior designer sends me an AutoCAD file. The AutoCAD can calculate ratios from the actual sizes, how about the Illustrator? Can it calculate in the same way? For example, draw the line 2 meters from ratio 1:30. Now, we have to compare and calculate length in manual way which is inconvenience for us.
1. how do you make it so it is a multi-page document for printing? 2. can you have artboards that are different sizes as part of the same file? 3. what is the point of changing the order of artboards? 4. do you use extra artboards for coming up with ideas off of the main canvas? because it seems you could also do this just outside the boundaries of the main artboard.
My coworker and I both have the same version of Illustratir (CS6) and both use Lion on iMacs, but today noticed something weird. He saved a file similar to a file I had done before as both an eps and a pdf and his file size was more than twice what my file sizes usually are. I thought it was odd, so I copied everything from his file into a new file (same dimensions) and saved out an eps and pdf (default settings), and like I thought, my files were less than half the size of his.
Why would two machines be saving identical files at different sizes? Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing? Everything in the file is vector, if it matters. There's not even any editable text.
I am making very detailed artwork in Illustrator that ultimately has to be uploaded to a website as a pdf file. This artwork takes ages to save and when converted to pdf format, even at the lowest quality pdf, the files are huge. What is the best way to get the file size down? Turning the files into low res jpegs somewhat defeats the purpose of making detailed vector art in the first place.
The artwork has a lot of repeated elements that could be turned into symbols but I'm told this doesn't fix the problem of huge pdfs.
I am creating a restaurant menu which has a lot of different sized text. Is there a way to mass change the sizes of the fonts all in one go?I'd like to be able to reduce all the lines by 1pt in one go, is there a way to do that?