Illustrator :: Why Is There A Limit To PNG Export Image Sizes
Jun 26, 2012
This came to my attention around the CS4 era, but I've recently noticed still remains with CS6 - but just why is there a limit as to what image sizes we can export PNG files at [AKA around the 8000x8000 area at 400dpi for me]?
Surely as long as we have the computing power [and RAM] than we should be able to export beyond the 10000/400dpi pixels range [or does it depend on the computer]?
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too. Â When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected. Â If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
i'm currently using LR 4.0 and found a problem with file export.  I have two tiff files: Tiff 1: 283MB, full resolution ( 2336 x 3504 ) Tiff 2: 233MB, full resolution ( 2336 x 3504 )  Export witht: 574 x 1000 image width JPG 1: 168kb JPG 2: 194kb Both jpegs have 600px x 887px (fram with mogrify plugin#) and 100%jpg quality.  Whe I set a limit to file size of 154kb, I receive following: JPG 1: 102kb JPG 2: with error ( couldn't create jpg which fit's the file size limit of 154kb )  If I export the second tiff manually with 90% jpg quality and no filesize, I get: JPG 1: 114kb JPG 2: 135kb  So it seems that the "limit file size" isn't really working.Also it seems that Valus between 92 and 100 ends in: same as 100.
I take a large number of event images and the usual client request for images being sent to the press is image size rather than resolution, dimensions or other requirements. Â Clearly in LR3 if the client has requested 3MB jpg the easy option is to after processing take my Canon 5d mkii RAW file and just hit export to max 3MB jpg. Â My question is is it better - ie image quality better - to export by resizing longest edge to approx 3000 px and exporting to jpg which results in a similar file size, though different pixel dimensions? Or are they effectively the same?
Lightroom 4.1 / Mountain Lion  Settings for Image Sizing: Resize to fit - Long Edge - 960 pixels - 300ppi - Don´t enlarge  Portrait results: Width_640 x Height_960Landscape results: Width_1440 x Height_960 Lowering ppi to 240 results in the dimensions coming out right  A fellow photographer tested the same on Windows 7 and gets expected results.  I saw what appears to be the same issue in a thread from april 2011, but that thread died without a solution.  Is this a bug in the Mac version? Does it have to do with the ppi and is LR4.1 actually doing it right?
To prepare the imges for my blog, it has to be 600(width) x 900 (height) for vertical images, and 600(width) x 400(height) for horizontal images. That way the images lineup when they appear on my blog. Is there a way to achieve both dimensions with one export command?
I need to turn a B&W photo into screen print art without using a line screen (just block colours) - essentially I'm creating a 3 colour black and white images using:
- PANTONE 4625 C - PANTONE Warm Gray 6 C - PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C  Using a bunch of techniques (unsharp mask, tritone and posterize) I have line art that looks great with a posterize level of 4. But I've noticed that Photoshop is using my Tritone colours to mix itself an extra tone - and if I switch to a level of 3, Photoshop chooses to remove the level that PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C uses which deletes all the highlight detail.  Is there a way I can specify colours that Posterize uses?Or is there a different approch I can use to split the tones into the ones in the Tritone?  I've tried playing with the curves in the Tritone window to try and influence the colours photoshop uses (so no colour mixing) but maybe I need to somehow save the Tritone layers into the channels pallate?
I'm trying to create a 283.28" by 85" document, but the 283.28" part keeps automatically changing to 227.54". Is there some kind of size limit? What am I missing?
I have been designing for a lot of mobile sites these days, in particular: iphone retina display (640w). Most of the time these designs can be long in the tooth with the height of these documents - exceeding 8000 pixels at times. I noticed that 8000 pixels is the threshold limit for the "save for web" export. Anything greater than 8000 pixels will be downgraded in quality on retina devices by scaling the image. The jpg will still be the correct height and width, but when viewed on an iphone, you can easily see the degradation. Images and text are blurry.This is no bueno when trying to show a client what their site will look like on an iphone.  A preference to be changed? Am I missing something to get the full quality of my design comp in order to preserve retina display quality?
I'm trying to create an Action that will resize images to a constant and absolute width (600px), and save as a JPEG with a filesize of less than 160kb. I've tried Image>Image size... and Save for web with only partial sucess. Image Size does not allow you to set the filesize as a parameter - you can only set the dimensions and resolution and hope that it comes out under 160kb. Save for Web does have an optimise feature, which does work for an individual image, but not for a batch. The optimisation is done by adjusting the quality of the jpeg, but when you save this as an action, it does not record this as "optimise the image for 160kb". Instead it saves just the quality % used when recording the action. Any other images processed by that action will just be saved at that %, regardless of their filesize. Is there a way to write the action so that Save for Web will dynamically optimise each image? I'm using CS3 Extended.
I am trying to increase the memory limit to my raster options and it wont let me change the size. I have plenty of available memory(mb) to use, but after i restart civil 3d and go back to the same options menu, its back to what it was..
When I tried to scale an object to more than 200%, I kept getting the message that this would make some objects too large. I tried making my artboard larger but still got the same message. Am I doing something wrong?
I'm having a bit of problem with my CS6 Illustrator and it started in illustrator CS5, I can create an eps file within Illustrator save it as CS6, but when i go to open it again i get an error " Can't open the illustration. The illustration exceeds an implementation limit. I get an option to click ok and when i do i get a blank artboard with nothing on it. Â I can see the artwork preview in the finder window when i select the eps file, I can open it in photoshop, convert it in preivew and if i place the file back into illustrator i can see the artwork and click embed to edit it.
I want to point out I am currently exporting my image by going to File>Export>.PNG>(72PPI+Transparent).The issue im running into is; for example when I am exporting text, I am also exporting a certain amount of area around my image. How can I export the exact outline of my image?
When I wanted to use my text image for a website I was building I noticed I couldn't get the image to center. I opened the image in paint and noticed I was exporting the area around my image as well and not just the image itself. Â I would like to export the text outline only. As you can see in paint I am exporting a fixed area around my image.
I am designing images for printing on vinyl, with the print shop requiring 72 ppi .tiff files.Producing the file in Illustrator (.ai) and printing it produces a clear image on paper without pixellation. Â However, when I export to .tiff @ 72 ppi, the result is heavy pixellation which I cannot print.How do I avoid this pixelation when exporting to .tiff in Illustrator CS6?
I have created an image on illusrator CS6 and am ready to save it. Â I have saved it as a pdf format and the image stays as a sharp vector image and not blurry at all. Â But I also want to keep the image as a jpeg. So when I go to export the image from illustrator CS6 as a jpeg, the end result comes out blurry and not sharp anymore, but more jagged on the edges of the image. Â Is there anything I can do to keep my file as a jpeg with it staying as a sharp crisp image?
I've got some letters with a black inside stroke. These are 3D letters, therefore the stroke must be in the inside otherwise it spills out the edges if I put it outside or centered. Â I've tried adjusting the cap/limit and all other options on the stroke menu without luck How can I fix these corner errors? I'm on Illustrator CS5.
I've created an image file in Illustrator and exported it as a .png file. The dimensions are 1000x200 but when I export it the file size changes and becomes bigger. I therefore have to change the file size in Fireworks making sure that the quality is kept as Photoshop does not do it for me. Previously when I exported the files the backgrounds appeared transparent after saving but maybe I've changed a setting by accident that has changed this. I'm selecting the 'Save as' and Flattened png option at 32bit in FW.
In Illustrator CS5+, I'm looping through the objects in a document, exporting each of them to an image using exportArtBoardasImage(). They need to be trimmed afterwards, as they generally have a tonne of whitespace. Normally, I run an ImageMagick shell script (mogrify -trim). It'd be awesome if I could reproduce this functionality from within illustrator. I've seen people handle this by copy-and-pasting each object into a new file, sizing the artboard to that object, exporting, then closing the file. I'd rather not do this, as it's *way* too slow.Â
I wish to limit the user input of and edittext to only allow a positive number, float or int. I do not yet know my Regex good enough to do this. I realize that I must get better at regex but in the meantime how to do this ? Â I have used this so far on the edittext: Â function checkTextInput() { if (this.text.match(/[^0-9.]/g)) { this.text = this.text.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""); }Â }
 Which matches 000.0001 ...1 which is not desired.  Desired is 0.n .n n.n
I have a bit of a problem with apple script, I'm creating a Text item and setting the stroke to 0.4pt then i want the stroke miter limit to be set to 2 but it wont work i get :-  Adobe Illustrator got an error: Can’t set properties of text frame 1 of layer 1 of document 1 to {stroke miter limit:2}. (error -10006) but im am able to apply a stroke miter limit of 2 on a path item, is there a way of converting the text frame to a path item then applying the stroke miter limit to it.  on TicketFront_(posX, posY)     tell application "Adobe Illustrator"          activate          set ticketItem to make new text frame in theDoc with properties {contents:{"Some Text"}, position:{(35.7 + posX) * 2.834645, (173.5 - posY) * 2.834645}}          set properties of the text of ticketItem to {text font:text font "Raleway-Thin", size:5.54, justification:center, fill color:{class:spot color info, tint:100.0, spot:spot "PANTONE 4535 U" of document 1}, stroke color:{class:spot color info, tint:100.0, spot:spot "PANTONE 4535 U" of document 1}, horizontal scale:126.46, stroke weight:0.4} [code]...
ive also tryed putting convert to paths ticketItem in the script which converts the text to paths but the stroke miter limit still dont work.
I have a designer that created this beautiful (but complicated) design in illustrator and now we're trying to get it exported to html. The thing is, most of the images that are in tds we want to be background images so that we can put stuff on top of it. So we need the exported html to generate the image size correctly. For example, I don't want
The problem is that illustrator for whatever reason is generating the images slightly too small (I guess to make the image size smaller?), then is stretching them using width and height attributes. As I'm sure you guys are aware of, the background attribute has no way of specifying a width and height.
Is there a way to make an Action for batch processing to take a folder of various file sizes of photos and make them all retain there proportions but end up the same final size?
I am wanting to put on web quite a few photos but do not want to down size each one at a time. If I want them all to be about 200kb, how can I do that where a 5mb pic or a 500kb pic could all be processed with the same action to end up the same size?
I have a whole directory of images which I took with my digital camera. I want to post them on my site, however I would like to reduce their size to fit the html pages. I know how to perform this task for individual photos, but since my directory consists of many images, this task will be very time consuming.
I was wondering if there is any way to have photoshop make the same image size reduction on all images, by running some sort of script or any other way. If there is such a way, does photoshop also save the new smaller images?
If I use 250ppi and 2000x2500 but then change that to be able to print a larger image (300ppi 3000x4200 - 10x14x print, for example), what exactly happens to the image when I increases pixels and ppi? Does it improve/degrade the quality?
I am trying to resize one image to 4 different sizes. So far I have an action created to do all of this, with only one minor problem. Whenever it saves the images, they are always saved as the wrong file name. I was wondering if there would be a way to keep the original file name, but then add a suffix to it- all within the action. Â If it's not possible to automatically add a suffix, how do I keep the original file name when it's saving within the action? Â I found an older post (URL...) that was very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish, but the question was never fully resolved.
I tend to always have a few pictures in rotation that I end up cropping multiple times when I am printing. Pictures where today I need to print a 4x6 and tomorrow it's a 5x7 of the same picture, etc. I am trying to figure out a way to save the file with that cropping. Ideally there would be a way that if I also modified anything else in the image that would also show up in the other versions. I know there is Create Virtual Copy, and that could work if I could then figure out how to change the file name so it would show that it was cropped for 5x7 or whatever.
Ok, this is probably a stupid question, but how do I align the type of different sizes. The F's don't align. Â I realize this is probably designed in the typeface. Â Here's a screen shot: [URL]