Illustrator :: Make Vector File From Predefined Pattern - Scaling Space
Jul 29, 2010
We have some patterns that our customers can choose from to put sandblast film on their windows. Not sure about the english term for it, but this is what i mean:
We are looking for a flexible way to make the vector file from a predefined pattern.
Like the example below, when resizing the outer rectangle (= the window), the number of squares should be adjusted automatically. And the squares need to be centered in the window all the time.
I'm not such an expert in using patterns in illustrator, but i believe there is no way to define settings that control the pattern i believe? Like pattern brushes in illustrator, in which settings can be set like scale the pattern or scale the space inbetween, center the pattern,...
The square pattern below is just an example, see some other examples that i would like to easily control the thickness of lines, number of circles, space between stripes, horizontal and vertical scale of the pattern,...
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Jan 6, 2014
Im making a logo for a client and am having a nightmare of a time trying to properly use the clipping masks in illustrator CS5. I copied and pasted the logo I made behind itself with a different color just for a drop shadow-like effect. And now I'm trying to apply this diagonal line pattern I created over top the "shadow" I made to give it some texture.
Here's an example of what I'm going for, only imagine the line pattern on the text instead of banner.
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Nov 25, 2013
I have an image and some vector graphics over the top. When I goto scale the group the vector scales and the image doesnt. Nothing is locked and I have received the image.
OSX 10.8.3
Illustrator CS6
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Sep 28, 2012
How to create a circular pattern around the predefined Z axis.
Dim oCompdef As ComponentDefinition
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch
Dim oPart As PartFeatures
Dim oProfile As Profile
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Jan 2, 2012
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
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Dec 5, 2012
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
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Apr 30, 2012
I am having trouble scaling my drawing between model space and paper space. I have it drawn in model space at 1:1, and I set the viewport scale in paperspace to 1:15. However, it does not show up as 1:15. I have drawn a 50' line in model space. The viewport is 4" wide in paperspace, so you should be able to see the whole line in the viewport at a 1:15 scale, with some space on each side. However, it does not. I can only see a small fraction of the line.
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Mar 8, 2012
Basically I want to put a picture onto a video game controller.
I am trying to do the sticker part of this (the second step):
How to use the outline of the controller he provided as an overlay (is this even the right term?) onto an image so I know where to cut out.
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Jun 24, 2010
Would it be possible to make a dynamic block for titleblocks with various layouts predefined in it?
To clarify, I currently have several titleblocks set up for the corresponding papersizes that i use, each one of these is a seperate block.
If i used a Dynamic Block could i incorporate several "layouts" into one block and one drawing?
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Apr 20, 2013
I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary. So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.
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Sep 29, 2012
Certainly elements - not all - of my illustrator file (cs5, MacOS) distorts when I down scale it's size.
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Dec 29, 2013
the printing press for signboard is looking for an vector of my design there are waiting for me right now. I send them the .eps format. I use pen tool for making different curves and shapes. How can I make it to a vector?
Here is the .eps file
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Feb 16, 2004
how to make a pattern out of an existing file in PS 7.0
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Jan 29, 2013
I created a character in illustrator that I plan to use in animations and on the web. When I shrink the vector to the size of, for example, a small avi picture for social media, I significantly lose line quality. How can I maintain the quality of detail? Is there a specific way that I should save or setup the document?
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May 29, 2012
how to make a pattern in illustrator from a placed image ?
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Jan 21, 2013
I am not so familiar with illustrator so how to make more effectively and fast. I have got designed pattern with pen tool. And now I would like to add two different "relief" pattern to it- you can see it on my picture- the red one. How to do that?
1. adapt shapes to background grey shape of flower?
2. keep same direction of each pattern- line?
3. keep same distance from each other?
How to do that? is it there some way?
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Jun 7, 2012
Pasting an AI element into Photoshop as a smart object. On paste and then selecting smart object, the transform controls read 100%/100%. After hitting return to paste, the transform controls are disprorportionate, like 92.08%x x 102.07%h.
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Oct 14, 2012
Is it possible to create AND save predefined document sizes instead of the standard US-letter, US-legal, A4, A3…? And DELETE these for video and screen sizes, ect., which I don`t need? I need my own standard sizes (print) for a daily working basis like business cards -> 85x55, postcard ->... A4). So that I don`t have to type the measures again and again manually within a new document or existing artwork. I normally combine all printproduct (drawingareas) for a client in ONE AI file.
(AI CS6)
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Aug 21, 2012
Using CS4 on XP.
I recently did a tutorial as I wanted to learn how to make vector backgrounds (for large printing purposes and to save on file size)
I was wondering if this particular tutorial I did can cause the banding when professionally printed.
This is the link: [URL]....
What it is is simply making a shape with a gradient. Adding a solid color rectangle behind that shape, Selecting the shape and rectangle and creating an opacity mask. This creates a nice blend effect and I hope it looks as smooth on screen as it does in print.
Dealing with this situation of "banding", what worked for me is adding a curve layer to the top of my layers and adjusting the sliders all the way to the right in order to see on screen the "banding" more clearly. Is there a way to do this in Illustrator? They also recommended designing in 16-bit, however I think these graphcis I will be creating are very large (for booth displays) and I imagine the file would be outrageous in size.
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Jan 8, 2014
I need to make a vector "painting" of this picture (this is a lowres version of the image) :
I guess I will really have to repaint it in that way so the rabbit and cat and letters don't show up on the new, vectorized image.
Main question: HOW do I do this in Illustrator since we will need it for posters or banners or flyers... It has to be rescalable to any possible size...
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Jan 18, 2014
I was just wondering what would be the finest way to convert a comic character (like Gaston Lagaffe or Tintin or...) into a vector for personal use?
The idea is just a poster or canvas with a cat of a famous comic series just for my office decoration.
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Nov 2, 2012
I followed this tutorial to create 3D Christmas lights, and all was going well until I reached one of the final steps- release clipping mask in order to proceed with making a pattern brush. The "Release" option is simply not available, I'm only allowed to "Make."
My questions:
- What might have I missed/what should I look for to enable making a pattern brush with 3d objects?
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May 6, 2013
I really want to make a small honeycomb swatch pattern (the polygons should be small - 2 px x 2px) , but I just cannot get it to work. What I did is make one small polygon, and went to: Object>pattern>make and applied the following settings:
You will see that on the shoulder of the t-shirt, the pattern is kinda trasparent - the bottom layer is visible-I don't want it to be.The bottom pattern(on the side of the t-shirt) you will see came out fine, except that the polygons are too big and I cannot get it any smaller.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am trying to make a hatch pattern in Illustrator CS6 with the pattern tool so I can apply a clean, single lined hatch to various shapes (some small some big - but the hatch needs to remain at the same seamless scale). I understand that there is a Basic Graphics_Lines Pattern under the Swatches Palette, but I don't understand how to edit it with the Pattern Options dialogue box.
I must be missing something, because I wouldn't think making a single line at 45° repeat at the same spacing for a shape fill would be that difficult. I shouldn't have to make a line with the pan tool at a stroke of 1000 with a 0.1-3 dash and make a clipping mask should I?
Basically I don't know how to make a pattern's lines match up when I do the 5x5 or 3x3. I tried doing 1x1 and the result is that of the image with the red stroke...still not aligning. Do I need to get mathematical with the size of the line I'm drawing and its stroke to allow H and V Spacing to work?
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Aug 5, 2013
I noticed when I made a pattern one time that when I scaled it down it was blurry. I wasn't sure why that was as I assumed that it would loose quality when you scaled it up not down. When I saved it as a jpeg and previewed it, it was still blurry.
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Mar 9, 2014
I've made a pattern brush that I'm using to simulate a woods line for a boardgame map:
Shown above is the unstroked bounding box as well. To use this brush, I draw an outline of a woods mass with the pencil tool, then apply the brush and Expand Appearance. At that point I'm hoping the brush sections will join into one closed path so that I can fill it with a woodsy green, but instead the fill gets applied to each section of brush independently:
The join points seem fine - it's not like the two ends of the brush don't line up at all: EDIT - Actually, that's not just one point in the middle there - that's the ends of both paths lying almost on top of each other. It's possible to separate the two and then ctrl-J join them. Problem is, I want that single path automatically.
So how to get Illustrator to treat the resulting path as one closed path instead of a compound path?
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Oct 8, 2013
I have an Adobe Illustrator CS6 document with body copy set using 6.5 pt. Helvetica Neue LT Std. - Bold Condensed & Light Condensed.
After saving the file as a PDF in Illustrator using the [Smallest File Size] setting, closing the file, and opening the newly saved PDF in Illustrator - the 6.5 pt. text is now 5.53 pt. with a vertical scaling of 117.65%.
This PDF is for client review purposes - on screen or laser print - not for reproduction. We try to keep the file size as small as possible to make downloading and e-mail attachments manageable.
In this case, my client is opening the PDF in Illustrator to double-check the text point sizes for legal & regulatory purposes.
If I save the same Illustrator file as a PDF using other settings like [High Quality Print], the text size is unchanged.
I was able to repeat the issue using Helvetica LT Std in place of Helvetica Neue LT Std.
I have attached some screen shots for reference.
Illustrator Source screen shot
Acrobat PDF screen shot
I found this older thread from 2011 where someone had the same issue - but was never resolved: [URL] ....
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Jul 15, 2011
I have created hatch in the same drawing but some hatch appears denser than other hatch yet they are all the same type of hatch, scale etc
I have changed the measurement variable from 0 - 1 but no luck
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Feb 22, 2013
When set up my drawing in paper space it is just a big cluster. When i scale it, the drawing disappears. However, when i hit scale to fit it returns but the drawing is still in a cluster.
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Mar 6, 2013
I am working from a drawing in model space (previously drawn by a client) and I have imported it into model space, working in 1:1.
I am now trying to view my work in paper space - the problem i am having is that i now need to scale this drawing. Most of the scales i will be working with are either A1 1:50 or A3 1:100.
I have read some previous posts and can see that i need to be amending the page setup on the layout tabs - if i select paper A1 and customise the scale to 0.02 (1:50), will that then automatically scale any viewport I insert into that layout?
Or do I need to still scale the viewport (as well as the page setup) that I insert and if so. How to scale it so that the viewport doesnt look minute or massive?
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Sep 14, 2013
Is there a way to make a custom vector brush smoothly meet at beginning and ending of the stroke, such as with a circle? I'm trying to create smooth circles with a brush and Wacom. I want a brush rather than a mathmatically perfect circle with a perfect stroke weight-thickness, but I don't like how the two beginning and ending join up. i like the slight variations of human imperfections one gets when using a vector brush, but there must be a way to make the joing points look more smooth, rather than an after-thought prgramming fault, right? Is it possible?
The image below shows my attempts to make as smooth a joint as possible, but it still looks too much like it wasn't meant-to-be.
I'm using Ai CS4, Mac OS10.8.4
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