Photoshop :: Vector Scaling Off In CS6?

Jun 7, 2012

Pasting an AI element into Photoshop as a smart object. On paste and then selecting smart object, the transform controls read 100%/100%. After hitting return to paste, the transform controls are disprorportionate, like 92.08%x  x 102.07%h.

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Illustrator :: Scaling Group - Vector Scales But Image Doesn't

Nov 25, 2013

I have an image and some vector graphics over the top. When I goto scale the group the vector scales and the image doesnt. Nothing is locked and I have received the image.
OSX 10.8.3
Illustrator CS6

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Illustrator :: Make Vector File From Predefined Pattern - Scaling Space

Jul 29, 2010

We have some patterns that our customers can choose from to put sandblast film on their windows. Not sure about the english term for it, but this is what i mean:
We are looking for a flexible way to make the vector file from a predefined pattern.

Like the example below, when resizing the outer rectangle (= the window), the number of squares should be adjusted automatically. And the squares need to be centered in the window all the time.

I'm not such an expert in using patterns in illustrator, but i believe there is no way to define settings that control the pattern i believe? Like pattern brushes in illustrator, in which settings can be set like scale the pattern or scale the space inbetween, center the pattern,...

The square pattern below is just an example, see some other examples that i would like to easily control the thickness of lines, number of circles, space between stripes, horizontal and vertical scale of the pattern,...

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Edge Animate CC :: Get Responsive Scaling AND Adaptive Scaling Combined?

Feb 21, 2014

New Responsive Scaling feature is great.
It's enabled me to add an Edge Animate file to my responsive Wordpress site using the Edge Suite Plugin.
Only problem for me is that although the 3.7MB file I’ve created scales perfectly on all devices it struggles to play on smartphones. (I assume it's too big and too power hungry to play smoothly on smartphones - even since I've added a pre-loader.)
So, in an ideal world, what I need is a separate low res Edge Animate file that only plays on smartphones.
Failing that, I’d be happy with a 'Down-level Stage' image which could replace the Edge Animate animation.
For a moment I thought I’d found a solution when I came across this Adobe TV movie: [URL]
Unfortunately this clever solution only works when the new Responsive Scaling feature is NOT selected. As soon as it is selected, the animation no longer changes from one layout size to another when the browser window is reduced.
I don’t mind whether the fix is in Edge Animate, Wordpress or the Edge Suite Plugin - I just want a solution!

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Photoshop :: Joint Two Separate Vector Images Into One Vector Image

Jan 14, 2006

I am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.

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Photoshop :: Convert Selection Or Vector Path To Vector Shape?

Jul 27, 2007

Is this possible? I'm in Windows, Photoshop 7.0. I also have a pretty early version of Illustrator, not sure which one.

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Photoshop :: Scaling, Scaling...

Aug 19, 2006

We are designing some web graphics for a friend. By "we" I mean me and a guy who lives on the opposite coast.

He did the initial page layout/design as a PhotoShop tif, at 300 dpi, in layers and about 5 inches wide. The idea, on his end, was that it would be a small file size and, therefore, faster to download on my end. With me so far?

Anyway, I'm suppose to convert it to 800 ppi wide, 72 dpi, jpg. Sounds easy enough. Or not Do all the scaling and now the graphics don't look right. None of the layer effects are right!

How do I scale his graphic, for my purposes and, once it's the size I need it, have everything look the way he created it?

Example: Text at that 5 inch wide, 300 dpi size with a one point stroke on it looked find when the graphic was 5 inch wide and 300 dpi, but at 800 ppi wide and 72 dpi, it's all wrong

Is there a preference or something I should be clicking somewhere and I'm just missing it?

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Photoshop :: Vector Smart Object Does Not STAY Vector

Sep 10, 2008

When I save my photoshop file as an .eps, I can have all the text from the Photoshop file remain vector, but a Vector Smart Object does not remain vector. Is there a way to have it remain vector?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Wrapping Image / Vector Or Vector Group Around Cylinder?

Jul 29, 2012

I am having trouble doing this in my current software, Serif Drawplus, PSE, Photoplus, (I have Gimp but haven't used it ever yet).  And I am considering buying X6 for use in other projects.  So, can x6 do this in either Photo Paint with a bitmap, or in X6 with a group of Vectors?

I want to wrap a bottle with a logo.  The mesh warps aren't working for me in the above applications, and envelope warping will not work either.  Transform-Warp is not present in PSE.  I mention that because I see a tutorial for PS using that.  How would Corel X6 Suite do this?  I am considering buying the software once some questions I have about it are cleared up.  I wish Corel would make the manual and tutorial videos public.  I'd rather download the trial for actually using it rather than trying to see if some feature is present, or a workaround for a feature a competitor has.

I am also hoping to make in this project, some 10-20 different bottles with the logo on, of different sized bottles and different rotations of the bottles.  Plan D is acquainting myself with Blender, but lets hope I don't have to go that far!

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Paint Shop Pro :: Joining Vector Nodes In Vector Layer?

Dec 24, 2011

I am "vector tracing" a logo in PSP, and exporting it to Motionstudio 3D for an explosion effect. I am currently able to do this with no issue, but the explosion effect (specifically the size and shape of the particles) is based on connecting the nodes in a vector object. For example, if I have a capital L made up of 10 nodes, the subsequent explosion effect with separate the L into particles based on the 10 nodes. What I want to do is have the various nodes that comprise the traced letter connect with constituent nodes in the center/surface-area of the letter to form a "grid" (in PSP) so that the subsequent explosion (after export to Motionstudio) is comprised of more/smaller particles. Is there a way of not only having a vector object with "fill", but also having that "fill" made up of other vector data?

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Photoshop :: Vector SmartObjects: Using As Vector...

Sep 25, 2008

I have pasted a vector graphic from AI CS3 to PSP CS3 as SmartObject. Is it possible to use this vector graphic (without rasterizing) as the vector layer mask? If so, how to do this?

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Illustrator :: Layered Vector AI File With Raster (Photoshop) Layers Included As Vector Layers?

Apr 20, 2013

I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be  "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary.  So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.

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Illustrator :: Getting Vector Halftone From Grey Vector Elements

Jul 18, 2012

I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?

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Photoshop :: Scaling In CS6

Jan 29, 2013

I'm having a scaling issue in PS CS6. I'm on a new Matchbook with Retina display and OS X Mountain Lion.
What happens is when I open up an image thats say 500X500 pixels and view it at 100% it's displaying it at around 300X300 scale. When I view the same image on the web at 100% (via safari, chrome, Firefox) i'm seeing the image at the correct size. Why is it showing so small in CS6.

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Photoshop :: Scaling 3D Objects In CS6

May 20, 2012

How do you scale 3D objects in CS6?  The scale tool has disappeared in CS6 as opposed to CS5.  There's got to be an easy way, I just can't figure it out. 

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Photoshop :: Scaling 3D Materials

Dec 24, 2012

I am working on some fairly basic 3D extrusions. I am applying materials to the different objects (eg. Marble), however, when the marble is placed it is too large. I want to scale the overall pattern/material down.
How do I go about doing this?

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Photoshop :: Scaling My Ruler

Apr 25, 2006

when my ruler is set 1:1 that the scale does not give an accurate reading when I place a ruler on screen and measure it. Can this be corrected or am I just being daft.

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Photoshop :: Scaling Without Antialiasing ?

Nov 1, 2004

Is it possible in PShop 7 to scale a layer without the antialiasing blurring?

When I'm creating non-smooth icons pixel by pixel, sometimes by mistake I draw them bigger or smaller and then I try to resize them it blurrs the thing up!

It would be nice to have that antialias effect turned off at will when resizing.
Does anybody know how?

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Photoshop :: Scaling Down An Image

Feb 22, 2005

way to scale down an immage and make it not look so distorted

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Photoshop :: Pattern Tool Scaling

Aug 5, 2013

I noticed when I made a pattern one time that when I scaled it down it was blurry. I wasn't sure why that was as I assumed that it would loose quality when you scaled it up not down. When I saved it as a jpeg and previewed it, it was still blurry.

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Photoshop :: Smart Objects And Scaling

Nov 13, 2013

In Photoshop CC, smart objects that have a layer mask, always say they're at 100% (width and Height) even if they've been resized. If there is NO mask, the correct size appears. I hate this. It wasn't like this before, at least in CS4. Any reasons for this?

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Photoshop :: Scaling Multiple GIFs

Nov 15, 2006

i am trying to scale down about at least 80 GIFs but i need to do them all together because each GIF is not the same size. But i need to retain the proportions. thats why i have to do them together. Does anyone know if you can do that in PS and if so how.

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Photoshop :: Scaling A Small Image

Aug 21, 2006

I have two extremely small images that I need to scale up. Unfortunately i can't post them but i need to know if anyone has any ideas on how to go about making them look more presentable.

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Photoshop :: How To Disable Scaling Up When Adding Opacity

Oct 8, 2012

Let's say for an example I'd like to cover a complicated section of my painting with a 50% opacity color, which can only be covered by using a brush, because the area is too restricted to use the paint bucket or any other tool.

How do I disable opacity scaling up to 75% where the brush strokes overlap, because it's impossible to cover the entire area in a single motion (without canceling the action by filing the pen for example).

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Photoshop :: Scaling Image To Fit A Specific Area

Feb 24, 2012

My goal is to replace the top magazine cover (Needlework) in the following image.How do you embed the the 2nd image to fit a spefiic area in the 1st image. I have tried using the ctrl-t function and still is not fitting exactly.

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Photoshop :: Scaling Objects When Imported 3D Files?

Apr 3, 2013

is there a workaround to prevent Photoshop modify the scale of 3D objects when importing them ?
In fact, PS try to optimize thesize of the object regarding the size of the picture...I should prefer either the opposite or nothing at all, to allow me to define the definition and the resolution of the file to allow me to print at scale 1:1 the different views of my model in orthographic view...
In addition it could also render different object imported one by one (at their respective scale) and merge in a single layer...

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Photoshop :: Scaling A Layer In CS6 And File Size?

Jan 26, 2013

Why should scaling a layer in photoshop CS6, have an effect on the size of the file?

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Photoshop :: CS2 / Does Multiple Scaling Cause Resolution Loss

Jun 20, 2013

I had an 18MP picture (3456x5184 pixles) and I was trying to fit it into an A1 canvas of a 100 dpi so I used free transformation to scale it down. Later on, I have decided to make the canvas of 150 dpi instead of 100. Would increasing the resolution now make my picture look pixelated on the canvas? I know that the original photo would look alright on a 150 dpi.

I'm using photoshop CS2.

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Photoshop :: Scaling Patterns In CC - Result Is Blurry

Apr 25, 2013

Scaling on a pattern layer sucks. When you scale a layer up or down (anything other than 100%), the end result is blurry and ugly. Here's an example: URL....
I would love to be able to choose the scaling algorithm used. In this case, the raster layer was scaled down with a bicubic algorithm, which worked fine for it.

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Photoshop :: How To Have 1 Image With Content Aware Scaling

Apr 11, 2013

My knowledge (lack of, really) with content aware scaling is that 1st you create a new layer of the background and then rescale accordingly. I did the following: -

1- Created a 2nd layer
2- used quick selection tool on my main subject ( a person) and named it.
3- deselected the selection
4- Edit menu --> Content aware scale
5- resized it to something smaller (chose my previous named selection channel).
6- Pressed "Enter"

The result is that I can now see 2 images; the smaller sitting on the larger. What now? All I want is the smaller image. If I throw away the original layer what I end up is the new layer with  the white and gray default background showing as part of the image (which ends up being printed as well or if saved looking as is with the grey-white. Is what I should do the obvious--cut out via cropping the un-needed (gray-white) part?

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Photoshop :: Font Size - Type Scaling With 13.0.2

Dec 13, 2012

If I transform a type with the transform tool or "command t" the font size displayed when highlighted doesn't update to larger font size. If the layer is selected the correct font size is displayed. I updated a coworkers's photoshop and he experienced the same issue.

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