Illustrator :: Why Can't Create Custom Size In New Document In CS4
Jul 26, 2013I just recently re-installed CS4 onto another computer and now I can't select "Custom" in the size when creating a new document.
View 1 RepliesI just recently re-installed CS4 onto another computer and now I can't select "Custom" in the size when creating a new document.
View 1 RepliesWhen I choose "New Document" in Illustrator CS4 and try to change the document size the "custom" option isn´t available. The only available options are standar sizes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've never had this issue before, but recently when I create a new document preset and go through the process of saving it, it simply doesn't save (File > New > Preset: Custom > Save Preset > Ok). I've tried reinstalling CS6, removing all other custom things I had (textures, brushes, etc.) but not matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me get custom new document presets to save anymore.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I set up a custom document profile in Illustrator CC and save it for future use?
I do not see any way to save it.
Is it possible to create AND save predefined document sizes instead of the standard US-letter, US-legal, A4, A3…? And DELETE these for video and screen sizes, ect., which I don`t need? I need my own standard sizes (print) for a daily working basis like business cards -> 85x55, postcard ->... A4). So that I don`t have to type the measures again and again manually within a new document or existing artwork. I normally combine all printproduct (drawingareas) for a client in ONE AI file.
(AI CS6)
when I create a new blank document, it size always become multiply of 10 (example Page size A4 = 2100mm x 2970mm) and in the document, when I draw a new object, it will automatical multiply with 10, too. I'm using Windows 7, and I never seen this problem before, when I using Windows XP!
I thought I used to be able to select a shape and then select a size and then just click and there is was. Now a dialog box pops up ("create custom shape")and asks for a size every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to create a new Document in Illustrator I'll select a default document type like : Mobile and Devices. Then I go down to the different sizes and bam. The problem. I can't pick a default size that "I" want to use. Yes there are preset sizes but none of them are the ones I want to use. Ok there has to be a text file or something that lets me edit/add new document sizes to illustrator. It shouldn't be this hard. I don't own CS6. I'm on an older version of Illustrator right now. I don't know if you guys fixed this in CS6. But it should be like photoshop or indesign. Why it's different baffles me.
This is a JDI if there ever is one. Make all presets in all programs the same (editing wise) and if possible make a preset manager that allows for one preset to be added or edited and all apps see these presets.
I've currently undertaken a project for truck design. They have requested for the final design to be 10% of the final size at 300 dpi and they will be using a large format printer, so no panel printing.
Here's the problem- even at 10% it is too large for the document restrictions.
The 24 ton truck at 10% of the final size is 1,278 meters by 228 meters.
All my Adobe programs won't even let me touch this final size, they limit me completely.
How do I create a final output size of 1,278 meters with the preset limitations and keeping a final output of 300 dpi?
When I do double click to open a file of Illustrator, the application starts with a little interface and then a dialog box that says "Not enough space for the window, increase the size of the document and try again" appears.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need setting up the size of a new document. It will not allow me to choose a (Custom) size only the presets and there is not one there for a business card.
View 2 Replies View RelatedApparently, in the CS3 is impossible to do any scripting and using any actions. Can it be done using plugins sdk, without creating a new document? I tried using the functions SetPageSetup and SetCropBox but no effect
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy is the pixel ratio of a project in illustrator different than that of the same pixel ratio of a project in Photoshop? Example: A project can in Illustrator can have an artboard of 950px X 950px and be 12in and in Photoshop that same pixel ratio will be 4 3/4in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to find all instances of text in a document at a given point size i.e. all 6 pt. type? Possibly a script?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhenever I maximize a document in Illu. CS6 it overrides the application menu! It simply covers my whole screen making it impossible to reach my menues unless i drag the documents corners to make it smaller or click the minimize icon.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a document size 6040mm x 350mm (for a sticker to run along the front of an eatery counter) but Illustrator keeps saying that it exceeds the canvas size. is there a way to increase the maximum canvas size or will I just need to design the document in two halves?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn InDesign it is possible to create links within a 'document', i.e. non-web hyperlinks.
Is it possible do to this in Illustrator?
I'm putting together some design specs and I want to create a clickable table of contents that will navigate to a different section of the document. IE. artboard #27
From what I've seen thus far it looks like I can add links but only to websites and they are only clickable in PDF mode.
Is it possible at the very least to make my clickable TOC when converting my document to a PDF? and, is it possible to make it clickable even if it is in .ai format?
I'm designing some screens for an retina display iPad and I just want the illustrator document on my 27" thunderbold monitor (at 109 ppi) to have the same physical dimensions as the physical iPad screen (7.75" x 5.81"). Maybe its so obvious that no one talks about how to do it. I do feel a little embarassed that I haven't figured this out.
Regardless of whenther I enter the doucment dimensions in inches or in pixels the resulting document is never the same pysicial size as the iPad's screen. And since Illustrator deals in vectors it doesn't have any notion of PPI that I can use to bring inches and pixels into alignement so that what I see on my monitor is the same physical size as what's in the iPad.
All i want is the AI document displayed on my monitor to be the exact same size as my iPad's screen.
Downloaded an image from iStockPhoto. Opened up in Illustrator and removed the black background because I want to set my own values for the black background in InDesign.
Noticed that there are several "bubbles" of black background behind the main image that contain radial gradients.
These "bubbles" fade from a dark blue in the center out to black on the edge. Again, I want to be able to set this "black" to the value of black that I want to use for the background of the card. When I click on one of the bubbles, I see in my Gradient palette that it's a radial gradient and the value on the left of the slider is 100, 75, 0, 50 which I can see in the Color palette. But I can't change anything there. On the right of the slider in the Gradient palette is the "black" which is 80, 50, 0, 100.
So, how do I modify the value of that black? If I choose "new swatch" in the swatches palette, it just creates a new swatch called "New Gradient Swatch 1" It shows Process Color for the color type below which is greyed out as well as everything below that. how do I go about changing the black on that gradient?
I recently u[graded from a very old Illustrator version to CS6 and I noticed the crop tool is missing. It used to be really easy in the old version to drag the crop tool around the area in question and crop marks would be generated automatically. Then I could save and print just that area only. Now this tool is gone and I am having trouble with finding a way to define the area I want to save or print. When i generate crop marks and then save, all i get is a file with plenty of white around it that also shows the crop marks....
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i create a new document with multiple artboards of a certain template?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want create a big document with Illustrator CS6 (approximatly 12000 mm x 1600 mm) but the maximum in Illustrator is 5779 x 5779 mm.
How can I do it ?
Where can I changes datas to do it ?
I use CS4 and when working in Illustrator ( and later taking into a book in InDesign) how do I maintain custom page size with bleed in Illustrator when saving as PDF . I have been told my files are not print ready and have no bleed even though I set a bleed and accurate (custom)page size initially. It seems I lose these when I save as a PDF for Printers to use.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to print a document with partial UV-spots, and cannot figure out how to make my Illustrator document ready for print!
The online print center guides me to: create a 'seperate print channel' for the specific elements in my document i want covered, with either a '5th color or a special color' set for 'over-print and 100% color'.
I've recently picked up Illustrator CS5, when I save a file (or print) as a PostScript file. My aim is to convert the file to a PDF using Distiller and in the Print dialogue box, the PPD field in past versions says something along the lines of Adobe PDF 8.0. In CS5, I do not have the option to select that from the PPD drop down menu (Nor can I find the file to add to the list). Additionally, I can't make a 'custom sized pdf,' only preset paper sizes. I've had to resort to opening my files in CS3 to convert them to PostScript files. I forsee this becoming a problem once I start diving into some of Illustrator CS5's new features.
I get the feeling the program didn't install with an Adobe PDF plug-in and I can't seem to find a substitute online that isn't from 1999 (!). Is there a way to get that plug-in file that my copy of CS3 is using into my CS5?
1) I'm trying to do is to create an ellipse that has less steep curves at its corners (essentially making it a little more rectangular). I realize that if you create an ellipse, then use the direction tool, you can pull on the guidelines to make the curves less steep and achieve the affect I want. However, I was wondering, is there a feature when I can just enter in an amount and it will adjust all four corners to that amount without me having to fineagle with the direction tool?
2) Is it possible to create my own custom type of elipse where when I use the ellipse tool, and drag it out to make an elipse, it will already have these corners that I'd like?
I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed)
- Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name
- Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill
- Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
make new document
set topLayer to make new layer ¬
at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"}
set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬
at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"}
end tell
All of the sudden I can't create a customer profile when creating a new document. Earlier I selecting the print profile. I tried opening a new document and creating a custom profile but that option is grayed out.
I created custom brushes yesterday but they don't appear today. Is that because of the profile that the brushes were created with and without that profile I won't see the brushes?
Is there a way to create an object/group in Illustrator and then copy it across one document in multiple places (multiple art boards, etc.) - allowing the designer to then update the original and seeing the changes cascade to all copies?
I know this can be done using InDesign by linking an Illustrator file and making subsequent updates to that Illustrator file. But I do not want to use InDesign, I want to use Illustrator. What I want is much like creating Symbols in Flash, updating one will cascade throughout the file.