Illustrator :: How To Edit New Document Size Presets
Jul 3, 2012
When I go to create a new Document in Illustrator I'll select a default document type like : Mobile and Devices. Then I go down to the different sizes and bam. The problem. I can't pick a default size that "I" want to use. Yes there are preset sizes but none of them are the ones I want to use. Ok there has to be a text file or something that lets me edit/add new document sizes to illustrator. It shouldn't be this hard. I don't own CS6. I'm on an older version of Illustrator right now. I don't know if you guys fixed this in CS6. But it should be like photoshop or indesign. Why it's different baffles me.
This is a JDI if there ever is one. Make all presets in all programs the same (editing wise) and if possible make a preset manager that allows for one preset to be added or edited and all apps see these presets.
I've never had this issue before, but recently when I create a new document preset and go through the process of saving it, it simply doesn't save (File > New > Preset: Custom > Save Preset > Ok). I've tried reinstalling CS6, removing all other custom things I had (textures, brushes, etc.) but not matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me get custom new document presets to save anymore.
I want to edit the PDF presets I have already set up in Illustrator CS6. They were set up for a specific print job that I no longer need. For the life of me I cannot find an edit button OR a reset to default list button.
Either I am blind or digging too deeply and haven't found it yet but I'm now at an offical loss.
I've currently undertaken a project for truck design. They have requested for the final design to be 10% of the final size at 300 dpi and they will be using a large format printer, so no panel printing.
Here's the problem- even at 10% it is too large for the document restrictions.
The 24 ton truck at 10% of the final size is 1,278 meters by 228 meters.
All my Adobe programs won't even let me touch this final size, they limit me completely.
How do I create a final output size of 1,278 meters with the preset limitations and keeping a final output of 300 dpi?
When I do double click to open a file of Illustrator, the application starts with a little interface and then a dialog box that says "Not enough space for the window, increase the size of the document and try again" appears.
I need setting up the size of a new document. It will not allow me to choose a (Custom) size only the presets and there is not one there for a business card.
Apparently, in the CS3 is impossible to do any scripting and using any actions. Can it be done using plugins sdk, without creating a new document? I tried using the functions SetPageSetup and SetCropBox but no effect
When I choose "New Document" in Illustrator CS4 and try to change the document size the "custom" option isn´t available. The only available options are standar sizes.
Why is the pixel ratio of a project in illustrator different than that of the same pixel ratio of a project in Photoshop? Example: A project can in Illustrator can have an artboard of 950px X 950px and be 12in and in Photoshop that same pixel ratio will be 4 3/4in.
Whenever I maximize a document in Illu. CS6 it overrides the application menu! It simply covers my whole screen making it impossible to reach my menues unless i drag the documents corners to make it smaller or click the minimize icon.
I am trying to create a document size 6040mm x 350mm (for a sticker to run along the front of an eatery counter) but Illustrator keeps saying that it exceeds the canvas size. is there a way to increase the maximum canvas size or will I just need to design the document in two halves?
I'm designing some screens for an retina display iPad and I just want the illustrator document on my 27" thunderbold monitor (at 109 ppi) to have the same physical dimensions as the physical iPad screen (7.75" x 5.81"). Maybe its so obvious that no one talks about how to do it. I do feel a little embarassed that I haven't figured this out.
Regardless of whenther I enter the doucment dimensions in inches or in pixels the resulting document is never the same pysicial size as the iPad's screen. And since Illustrator deals in vectors it doesn't have any notion of PPI that I can use to bring inches and pixels into alignement so that what I see on my monitor is the same physical size as what's in the iPad.
All i want is the AI document displayed on my monitor to be the exact same size as my iPad's screen.
I have Lightroom4.2 ~ month & have taking it slow with the DVD-ROM insrtuctions & book. The presets are fine on the left side of the screen; but when I try to access the presets under edit>preferences, they only show the Adobe logo. (I thought I was following the directons from the DVD closely enough, but they are confusing when they mention to have your presets in your catalog.)
I've seen a procedure for LR4, but it doesn't work for LR5 (the LR4 procedure involved right clicking the preset to save from a context menu after making edits to the existing preset).
I'm running LR3 and CS5 on a MBP Lion, and I'm working directly with RAW files. I have adjusted the images in LR and used 'edit in photoshop' to correct blemishes on some photos. I want to apply some presets at the end to render a couple of different looks (B/W and Vintage) to the final edited image. However, I find that after the file comes back from PS, it looks good, but the photo gets 'normalized' and the develop module tools get reset to zero. Hence my presets totally blow the 'edited in photoshop' image while it works just fine on the original raw.
I have also tried to work on the original image prior to any LR adjustments. Same thing, after coming back from PS, both stacked files look similar, but at the time of running the preset, the 'edited in photoshop' file gets blown out.I do not have any auto adjust settings turned on. No presets running on import/export. What am I doing wrong?
how do i match on screen document size to view print size? when i create a new document and put in its dimensions when i press view print size it appears alot smaller on screen
On the old Photoshop Elements 2.0, when I opened New, there were several presets for the size, like A4, A3 etcetera. On Elements 12 I can't find these options. Do I simply have to type in 21 cm and 29,7 cm for A4
I have tried many times to create custom size documents inPSE 10 without success. For example from the File Menu I select New Document and key in sizes required making any other adjustments. I name the file and close the document.When I open a document to select a custom preset that I have created the Custom Box displays but the dropdown "size" box (where I need to select my preset) is Greyed out.
Seems I am not the only one who is having difficulty with something that is normally straightforward and I wonder if the problem is down to an oversight or bug.
I want to edit a smart object but without opening it in a blank file. so I can see what I am doing in relative to all the other objects in the file something like "edit in place".
How do I go back and re edit a document that I've already exported? It will not allow me to use any of the basic tools such as the blemish tool, skin softening tool, etc....
My InDesign CS6 cannot function hardly at all when I try to edit this one 10 page document. It has a lot of graphics, but still, what should I do? Do you think the file is corrupt? My InDesign works well with all other documents. I have seen this before with some 4 pg documents that have a lot of pictures. Should I be making them as books rather than documents? I've never used the book setting before.
I am working on a large price list document of 200 pages. Basically it's a very long table which spans the whole 200 pages and is formated to show in two columns on each page.My InDesign is working fine normally, and it allowed me to create this document ok yesterday, however, after quitting out of the document yesterday, it will no longer allow me to open it. When I try to go back into the document it crashes with the Indesign CC has stopped working error. I don't think the file is corrupt as I took a backup of it straight after quitting out of it and the backup also won't allow me back in it. (I took the backup because I had the same issue when I tried to create a similar document just after CC was launched)
Ive looked at Windows Even Viewer and the error that it shows is as follows: InDesign.exe 5297b4c4 Public.dll [code]....
I dont get this crash with any other documents I work on.
When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.
I am having trouble getting my presets to show up under presets on the left hand side of the screen. They are still in develop presets but there not showing up and Ive tried deleting them and adding them again then closing out of lightroom 4 and going back in but I can not seem to get them to show up again. I must have hit something but there not showing up again