Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop - Apply Some Presets At The End To Render?
Aug 13, 2012
I'm running LR3 and CS5 on a MBP Lion, and I'm working directly with RAW files. I have adjusted the images in LR and used 'edit in photoshop' to correct blemishes on some photos. I want to apply some presets at the end to render a couple of different looks (B/W and Vintage) to the final edited image. However, I find that after the file comes back from PS, it looks good, but the photo gets 'normalized' and the develop module tools get reset to zero. Hence my presets totally blow the 'edited in photoshop' image while it works just fine on the original raw.
I have also tried to work on the original image prior to any LR adjustments. Same thing, after coming back from PS, both stacked files look similar, but at the time of running the preset, the 'edited in photoshop' file gets blown out.I do not have any auto adjust settings turned on. No presets running on import/export. What am I doing wrong?
I have Lightroom4.2 ~ month & have taking it slow with the DVD-ROM insrtuctions & book. The presets are fine on the left side of the screen; but when I try to access the presets under edit>preferences, they only show the Adobe logo. (I thought I was following the directons from the DVD closely enough, but they are confusing when they mention to have your presets in your catalog.)
I've seen a procedure for LR4, but it doesn't work for LR5 (the LR4 procedure involved right clicking the preset to save from a context menu after making edits to the existing preset).
I just want rendered TIF files. From Bridge I can open them in ACR and save as TIF but then I have the old rendering rather than the new rendering in LR4.
I am having trouble getting my presets to show up under presets on the left hand side of the screen. They are still in develop presets but there not showing up and Ive tried deleting them and adding them again then closing out of lightroom 4 and going back in but I can not seem to get them to show up again. I must have hit something but there not showing up again
Im using a mel script to automate basic scene parameters. For some reason though, after I run a setAttr on defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer, I cant apply a loaded preset until after I manually open the renderGlobals and select one of the mentalray tabs. Im running "loadNodePresets "basicSet";" as the last line of my scene builder script. What is the proper way to load the preset without manually opening the renderGlobals window?
I have recenty had to reinstall all my software, and manged to find most of my old Lightroom settings in the Lightroom Presets folder (inside the Appdata folder on a PC) but I seem to have lost my custom tone curves.
Do you know which folder they should be in (indise the Lightroom Presets folder)
I STILL don't understand why there are TWO comminty forums for Lightroom;
I want to edit the PDF presets I have already set up in Illustrator CS6. They were set up for a specific print job that I no longer need. For the life of me I cannot find an edit button OR a reset to default list button.
Either I am blind or digging too deeply and haven't found it yet but I'm now at an offical loss.
When I go to create a new Document in Illustrator I'll select a default document type like : Mobile and Devices. Then I go down to the different sizes and bam. The problem. I can't pick a default size that "I" want to use. Yes there are preset sizes but none of them are the ones I want to use. Ok there has to be a text file or something that lets me edit/add new document sizes to illustrator. It shouldn't be this hard. I don't own CS6. I'm on an older version of Illustrator right now. I don't know if you guys fixed this in CS6. But it should be like photoshop or indesign. Why it's different baffles me.
This is a JDI if there ever is one. Make all presets in all programs the same (editing wise) and if possible make a preset manager that allows for one preset to be added or edited and all apps see these presets.
I have a 30 minute project and I want to render a particular 4 min section on its own from my edit timeline. Is there anyway I can do this without rendering the whole 30 minutes, chopping it, rerendering!
When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.
I've done a grading "applying to entire lenght" but after done that I realized that I needed to do some located contentions. Is it possible to edit the grade for not applying it to entire lenght?When I go to the modify tab, edit grading, it does not appears the option "apply to entire lenght?"
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
So I just transferred my Lightroom catalog to a new computer. But none of my presets were transferred. Do I have to do that seperately? Also I'm having trouble even getting to my presets on my old computer. I can see them through Lightroom but can't seem to find them again out of Lightroom. Lightroom 4. Mac.
i upgraded to LR 5.3 this morning, using the Store Presets with this catalog option, as well as the Upgrade wizard. When LR5.3 opened at the end of the process, all of my Import, Export, or Develop presets were gone. all of those folders are empty (for example C:UsersmePicturesLightroomLightroom SettingsDevelop PresetsUser Presets shows "This folder is empty"), and when i open LR 4.4 (the previous install), the presets are gone as well.
I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.
i just bought the new LR 5.0 (now upgrade) - now i want to save all of my presets within my old LR 4.4 (not just the cataloge) and load them into LR 5.0, so everything is how i know and need there a way to do so?
I downloaded the trial version yesterday, but I am not able to use any presets, the default ones or some I downloaded. I put the mouse over them and the image in the navigation bar does not change, nor does the picture change if I click on them. How can I make them work?
I have Photoshop Elements 9 (which I love) and use it to try and give my pics a more 'professional' look, however I find it very time consuming. I was doing some research on Adobe Lightroom and came accross the 'ultimate collection of The best Lightroom Presets'. URL....has anybody used these or other presets? They sound quick and easy to use, just open your photo and apply the effect with minimal editing- is that correct?
I have small children and love taking photos of them and just want to 'professionalise' my photos quickly and easily, is Photoshop Lightroom better that Photoshop for doing?how the Student/Teacher version of Lightroom is different to the full version?
I recently upgraded from LR3 to LR4, and on a different computer (Mac to PC/Windows 7) so I have a feeling I'll be here a lot.
I have transferred everything over to the new computer, and have "installed" the purchased Presets in question (Kevin Kubota Vintage Delish). As far as I can tell, the installation went smoothly and successful, however, when I run LR4, there are still no Presets to choose from.