Photoshop :: CS6 File / New/presets / Custom Sizes Were Kept?
May 6, 2013
I'm on a Mac running OSX 10.8.3 and lately I've been losing presets when Photoshop CS6 crashes or I have some other unrelated problem. First it was brushes-I lost the palette of brushes I had built over years and had to drag in an old set from a networked computer. Then it was Workspaces; same tedious solution. Now, after I had to reinstall the OS two days ago, I've lost the custom size presets under File/New/Presets/Custom. But it isn't clear where these presets reside in the system: the prefs, the app plugins, or the settings. Where are they stored, and why all these preferences or presets seem to be more volatile in CS6 than they were previously? Or is this all a fig newton of my imagination?
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Jul 2, 2012
When i apply a preset to a photo, then export it ... the file i end up with is significanatly smaller than my original file ? These same presets resulted in as large / or in most cases larger files sizes in previous versions of lightroom ...
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Sep 7, 2012
When printing on Epson printers (4800,4880,4900) in the Photoshop print settings dialogue box it won't allow me to print at a custom paper size using the sheet or manual feed settings. The paper feed option defaults to Roll Paper when I create the custom paper size, and then when I change it and try and save the settings it just reverts back to roll paper.
If I try and send a print after this then the printer won't accept it because it's being told to print on a roll instead of sheet. Why is this?? I'm using CS6 and OS 10.7 and I've never experienced this problem with any previous Photoshop/ Mac OS X before.
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May 8, 2012
How do I ensure custom presets will be available when I install CS6 upgrade? (Photoshop)
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Sep 26, 2008
I read on Photoshop Help that custom brush presets are stored in a preferences file within the Documents and Settings folder. I had a few custom brush presets that I'd built up over a few years in CS2 on a computer (with 2 harddrives) that died 2 weeks ago. The data on the two harddrives were succesfully transferred to a new computer (in a folder called "Old Drive" which still contains all the CS2 settings). To recover those custom brush presets can I just copy the "Brushes.psp" file from the old Settings folder to the new CS2 Settings folder (which does not currently have a Brushes.psp file because I haven't made any new brushes yet)?
For that matter can I copy and paste all the individual old settings (Actions Palette, Contours, Favorites,Patterns, Color Settings, Custom Shapes,New Doc Sizes, PluginCache, and Styles) into the new to recover what I had before? What am I likely to mess up by doing that? Could I just copy and paste the old folder "Adobe Photoshop CS2 Settings" into the new folder?
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May 21, 2012
I am using CS 2 on a Mac. I've created about 40 custom paper sizes. They display in random order in the drop down menu. Is this normal and is there any way to organize them?
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May 9, 2013
I've never had this issue before, but recently when I create a new document preset and go through the process of saving it, it simply doesn't save (File > New > Preset: Custom > Save Preset > Ok). I've tried reinstalling CS6, removing all other custom things I had (textures, brushes, etc.) but not matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me get custom new document presets to save anymore.
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Apr 24, 2012
I have tried many times to create custom size documents inPSE 10 without success. For example from the File Menu I select New Document and key in sizes required making any other adjustments. I name the file and close the document.When I open a document to select a custom preset that I have created the Custom Box displays but the dropdown "size" box (where I need to select my preset) is Greyed out.
Seems I am not the only one who is having difficulty with something that is normally straightforward and I wonder if the problem is down to an oversight or bug.
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Aug 13, 2012
I've read several times that the only way to get a custom book size in the book module is to edit/create one in Illustrator or Scribus. In this interview with Kevin Tieskoetter he mentions that he would be documenting this process, so I imagine it's allready doable.
"All of the templates we ship with Lightroom are made using Illustrator, and I'll be documenting the process for creating those. We've also successfully made templates using InDesign and the freeware tool called Scribus, so if you need templates in different sizes, you'll have a range of options."
I want to try this. But where do I find the files that I'm to edit? Where do they reside on my computer? I'm using a Mac OSX 10.6.8 and can't seems to find anything that resembles tenplate files.
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Dec 31, 2012
So in CS5 we were able to print to the custom sizes we created in the print screen for our HP Z3200, but for some reason we haven't been able to use the custom sizes in CS6, you click on a custom size and when you say ok from the printer settings and it goes back into Photoshop print settings it binks back to 8.5x11. You can use the standard sizes that came with the HP print software, but not any custom sizes you create. Is there a setting somewhere in Photoshop that I need to change?
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May 28, 2013
How do I migrate my saved custom HDR presets on my laptop to my main computer? Both have ps6.
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Oct 14, 2012
Is it possible to create AND save predefined document sizes instead of the standard US-letter, US-legal, A4, A3…? And DELETE these for video and screen sizes, ect., which I don`t need? I need my own standard sizes (print) for a daily working basis like business cards -> 85x55, postcard ->... A4). So that I don`t have to type the measures again and again manually within a new document or existing artwork. I normally combine all printproduct (drawingareas) for a client in ONE AI file.
(AI CS6)
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Mar 9, 2012
LR4 will not save a custom preset. I am experiencing this issue in the Book module for Layout presets, in the identity plate setup. Even in export I am not able to see my saved preset, I mean it does not even exist. After I save a preset in export and I go to export with preset my new preset does not exist.
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Sep 23, 2004
I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.
The Plotter is connected to network.
I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.
I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?
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Sep 2, 2013
and for all of us thousands of users who DO NOT LIVE in the United States to be able to use our own photo-book vendors (who the hell is Blurb anyway?), and for you to give us a SIMPLE ability to be able to define custom page sizes.
But no, we have to go through five versions of lightroom, and STILL NOT have this really simple feature which would make the lives of literally thousands of hard working photographers easier.
Adobe, and all you wonderful people who made this marvellous piece of software, realise this: there exist many, many, many people who have bought your software -- who have no idea what Blurb is, and have no inclination of using it. enable custom page sizes so that we may use local vendors -- who have thoughtfully set page sizes that do not match the inbuilt ones.
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Mar 21, 2012
Trying to change the printable area of custom paper sizes?
I've plotter that allows me to create 5 custom paper sizes for each pc3 file, however after create them, i cant always access to change their printable area, you know adjusting their margins, and the strange thing is that this error doesn’t happen all the time,sometimes after a while trying they work, but just for a couple of times, after that the problem remains.
To be more clear, you can see on the image that it doesn’t recognize the custom paper size i have selected, however it works from time to time, allowing me to edit those margins, and after save them, they work just fine and i can use those paper sizes with no problems.
I've tried to edit the pc3 file through windows, and a message appears saying that an unknown error has occurred.
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Jan 3, 2013
I had to reinstall CS6 and am now looking for my old AI Image Trace custom presets. I'd like to restore them if possible from a Time Machine backup so I don't have to recreate a setting, but I can't seem to find where those are located.
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Dec 25, 2013
That would be a HUGE WORKFLOW!
E.g. PS like possibility for own mapping. ESPECIALLY for mapping of any kind of of own custom presets.
Please note that MANY of us use WACOM tablets or similar. With PS any tablet works like a charm. There is quite some space for improvement yet.
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Jul 5, 2013
Our 18MB 14-bit Canon camera produces RAW images (converted to uncompressed DNG) that are about 22MB. On a Win7-64bit CS6 workstation, the PSD file that is created from the DNGs has the following sizes (single layer, no masks/paths, maximum compatibility):
16 bit, DNG as smart object: 207MB (10x of the DNG)16 bit, DNG as rasterized layer: 187MB (8.5x of the DNG)8-bit (less information than the DNG), DNG as smart object: 115MB (5.2x of DNG)8-bit (less information than the DNG), DNG as rasterized layer: 95MB (4.3x of DNG)
a blank 8-bit image with a white background layer saves as 818KB, adding a few scribbles with the brush tool saves the file at about 30MB.
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Mar 5, 2012
I would like to use pics from my digital camera on the web.How can I reduce file sizes for use on the web.Everyone seems to have a maximum file size when uploading.
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Oct 15, 2005
This question may seem obvious to some of you but I'd like to understand this issue. I've been taking digital photos in Raw format for use in photoshop, I'd eventually like to send them in to a stock photography site and the one I'm thinking of applying to, Alamy, demands file sizes of 48MB+ per photo in TIFF. I've been uploading them from my camera onto my hard drive and they end up just short of this required file size, around 46MB. Unfortunately a 1GB flash card full of Raw images, when converted to this size, eats up a lot of memory. I don't think I can use all the images for stock photography anyway so I started looking at how I can affect file sizes under "Image"-"Image size" so I can clear up some memory and I've noticed I can play around with the image size if I change the resolution. Currently the 46MB photos are at a resolution of 2000, if I change them to 300, the resulting file size is just over 1MB, which is great because the ones I can't use, I can still store at a reduced size and clear some space on the old hard drive. But I've noticed I can take the same converted 1MB image, change the resolution to 3000 and end up with a 105MB image. OK "So what's your problem?" you might ask. Well, where's all this extra resolution coming from? I can make it go up and down as I please and I have no idea how this is even possible. Shouldn't reducing resolution from 46MB to 1MB forever reduce the quality of the image? How is it possible to go back to the original size or even increase it?
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Mar 22, 2008
Gif 64 dittered default CS2=2.63KB CS3=4.83KB
JPG CS2Low=1.42KB CS3=4.03KB
JPG CS2Medium=1.90KB CS3=4.51KB
JPG CS2High=3.38KB CS3=5.99KB
Is there any solution besides keep using CS2 for web?
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May 8, 2013
When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.
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Sep 11, 2012
After finally getting X6 to be stable and usable I have two things I'd like to mention..
First, I've been using a 3rd party file manager called Ztree for years and one of its most wonderful capabilities is to copy paths to the clipboard which alleviates opening/saving frustrations with the typical Windoze Explorer dialogs. Anyway, one of the first problems I noticed with X6 is that Paste no longer works in the Open Drawing dialog, while it worked just fine in X5 and as far as I can remember, all previous versions. I sure would like to get that back.
My second complaint is the File/Export routine and specifically the presets. I do a lot of exporting to PNG and JPG and use multiple presets for fixed size/print resolution image output in both file formats. During the typical export session, I essentially export multiple different drawings all of which are exactly the same size/resolution in CD and in the past (X4 and prior as I recall,) was able to just hit <Enter> when the Export dialog appeared once the preset was set to the one I needed for that session.
In X6 though (and to some degree in X5,) even though the correct preset is listed, CD doesn't appear to recognize it, i.e., the math for the size/dpi conversion doesn't take place which forces me to waste time selecting "Original" or some other preset first, waiting for CD to render the new version, and THEN selecting the conversion preset that was pre-selected when I first opened the export dialog.
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Mar 27, 2013
I work with 2 different Mac Pro towers. The one at my home has Photoshop cs4 and the one at my studio has Photoshop cs6. The other day I noticed that Finder on my studio computer shows the file size to be twice as big as the finder on my home computer. The pixel dimension size doesn't change, just the file size. It shows up that way after I save it on my studio computer. If I take that file home and resave it on that computer then the Finder shows the smaller file size again. I guess the questions I have are: Is the file size is actually increasing and if so, what could be causing that to happen? Photoshop shows the files to be the same size, but in the Finder window is where I see the difference.
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May 30, 2013
I am using meta data "description" menu to add meta data to web images.The basics:title
That is about it for my far and like I say it is just for web images at this point. At any rate to me surprise I did not realize how much the meta data added to file size.I had assumed it was minimal but in fact that is not the case. Meta data ends up adding a lot.
So is there a way in Photoshop to see what the final file size will be with the meta data included as I have found, so far, is the image itself file size when I view the
"Saving for Web & Devices" menu screen.Also tried the "Info" menu and neither indicate the meta data additions into an images file size.
One of the reasons is, of course, that I would like to get as many keywords in there as possible, as an example lets say this was the logo or site's header and they have a lot of different products.
The more keywords the better the SEO results will be. I am sure this statement in itself is disputable but as of now 5/2013 it appears that way as far as SE's are concerned.Tested this extensively and the result were remarkable, but that is another story.
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Aug 7, 2013
I recently upgraded from cs5 to cloud and all of my psd / psb files have doubled in size. I thought it might have something to do with the sync to the cloud, but I don't believe this to be the case. I messed around with the file handling section under preferences but nothing has really made any difference.
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Jun 22, 2006
Im currently trying to produce some banners that are quite large 80 inches x 34. I dont know how to scale that down to a managable canvas in photoshop but at the same time not loose any quality.
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Jul 28, 2013
It appears the PSE Editor does not display .PSB files. Is that correct? What are the file size limitations?
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Feb 25, 2013
When I capture the same vedio from DV Camcorder without Split Scenes, the single file size is 25GB; with Split Scenes(Timecode), the total file size is about 12GB in the folder.
What is the pros/cons of the two methods?
I am using Premiere Elements 11, Win7;
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Feb 22, 2014
I'm using Elements 11. In order to add watermarks to many JPG pics at once, I use the function "Process Multiple Files".
I select a source folder and a destination folder, and adds a three digit serial number to each file. I do NOT tick the checkbox marked "Change picture size". After that I define the watermark I want printed on my pics and hits OK. All the files in the source folder are processed and saved, with a new name in the destination folder. Fair and square.
But. The file size of the new file is heavily reduced, compared to the original. It goes from 10 MB down to 500 KB (in general). Why is that? Is there any way I can prevent it?
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