Illustrator :: Placing Word Text In A Predefined Text Area Box In CC
Jul 11, 2013
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
I wrote the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" in Times New Roman regular 12 pt. in Illustrator CS2. The file was saved as a pdf at "press quality." I wrote the same sentence with the exact some font in InCopy CS2 and exported it as a pdf at press quality. As shown in a zoomed-in screenshot from the respective pdfs, the text from Illustrator (top example below) is slightly different than the text from InCopy (bottom example below):
Is it just an unavoidable artifact of the way pdfs are rendered? I realize it's a minor gripe, but even slight bugs/features like this would never be tolerated in a professional publishing environment. What am I not understanding about vector images and/or pdfs?
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
how to place an image into illustrator via scripting with javascript, however I am having difficulties with text files. My code is:
var myDoc = app.activeDocument; var Layer1 = myDoc.layers[0]; function getTextFile() { return File.openDialog('Please select the text file to be imported:', undefined, undefined); } var myTextfile = getTextFile(); var myPlacedFile = Layer1.placedItems.add(); myPlacedFile.file = myTextfile;
But when I select a text file, it says it is an unsupported format. I'm assuming it has something to do with the extra options that come with importing a text document, specific for .txt and .doc for example.
For what it's worth I was working on an alternate method by read() ing in the contents of the .txt file and setting them equal to the contents of a textFrame, however it imported the text without carriage returns/newlines and I haven't been able to result that issue.
when i add a text to and make it full justify, it leaves lot of spacing and some lines have more spacing between words than other in short it does not look good , how can i make it proper looking
The problem just came today while i tried to copy/paste text from Ms Word. As I usually do it asks me about formatting options before pasting text but today its not working the way it should. It simply pastes plain text without all formatting I did to my document in Ms Word. I even tried to repair my software but nothing worked.
I'm trying to copy editable text from a Word file into the text editor for GIMP. Before I upgraded to 2.8, this was possible, but now it seems not. I'm on 2.8.4 using OSX Mavericks on a Macbook Pro.
I'm a terrible speller and since GIMP doesn't support spell check, this was always my workaround.
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
I want the same size on all text within a given area, I produce wall stickers where the width should be 20 cm, andI want the words to fill the whole, no matter if the word is 4 letters or 12 letters.
Illustrator: For some reason it's not possible to alter a text area with the Direct Tool once I've drawn it, I can only move the entire object. Same goes for objcts. All corner points stay marked, no matter what I do. I've been working with Illustrator for years, I can't find the mistake, I've checked all the settings.
I'm trying to rotate text inside an text area type.That is, rotate the text (so its e.g. 30 degrees going across the screen), but the area it is within does not rotate.
Everything I try when rotating rotates the entire area + the text in side, which makes the positioning of the shape my text is in wrong.I am after being able to change the inside text angle and content whenever needed.
I'm working on designs in Illustrator and preparing an InDesign document with all of the graphics in one file for the client to review. The artboards are set to the size of a pier sign that will be all wood, but there are left graphics on the wood that will be laser cut and these extend beyond the edge of the wood. When I place the separate artboards in InDesign, they are cropped to the edge and I'd like to show how the left graphics extend beyond it. I've tried different import options but none of them show beyond the trim. (Also, if it makes a difference, the artboard sizes are fairly large—about 60" wide)
I'm using Illustrator CS6 with a file that someone else produced. Many of the area text bounding boxes are way bigger than they need to be. In Freehand, I used to be able to double-click on a corner of the bounding box and the box would automatically resize itself to just fit around the text (loved that feature!). Is there something similar in Illustrator? Or do I need to go through and manually resize all the bounding boxes by dragging them smaller?
I'm having this strange issue with the Photoshop type tool in Photoshop CS5. It might be, although I'm not sure, a bug. The tool itself is working and lets me add text and edit. But the box that shows up when editing text (and the blinking line that shows where I am in the text) - has gone invisible. I am having this issue in only one document. - I tested the type tool on other documents, and everything was normal. I've looked up shotcuts and hotkeys to check if I've tapped a key or something, but it doesn't appear to be so.
Now about the document; it does have quite the amount of text layers, and a lot of text in them. I've tried resetting the type tool, and I've restarted the program.
When I restart the program, the tool works as it's supposed to - but after editing or adding a new text layer, the editing area is gone again! Is this a bug, or have I touched keys that do odd things?
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
I endlessly find that I have text line objects which I later wish had been proper text areas (because I want to control the size of their bounding box, for example).
Is there any sensible way to convert a text line object into a text area object - it's a bore to do it by creating a new text object and then cutting and pasting the text, and it is seemingly a trivial thing for the software to do automatically.
Alternatively, is there an option (perhaps a hidden one) to have all text objects created as areas rather than lines?
Is it possible to change the alignment of text within a text area?
By default the text is located top left. Horizontal justification can make this top center or top right, but how about bottom left / center / right or even middle left / center / right?
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
I'm trying to place text to a "curvy" path. I took some screen shots to show you want I'm talking about.
I created a simple curvy path 1 point on each end. (I noticed I drew in a node in the middle of the curve as well. But that actually doesn't exist in the path. I created the text a reasonable size and clicked "Text Along Path". As you can see, it never starts at the beginning of the path. Ever. I have sized the font up, and it gets a little closer to the beginning, but obviously the end of the address flies off the path. I've sized down the text and it will start even further to the middle of the path.
I am trying to do something but it doesnt seem to work.
I have made a background paper in Photoshop. I want to copy a text from a word document and paste it into the paper in PS.
I have tried several things, but nothing works. Then I tried to make the paper a png, and insert it into word to copy in the text there instead, and I couldnt get that to work either.
I want to place a word into a square box and it should be in the centre of the box. How can I center it? I want equal spaces in between the word and the box for all four sides.
it's possible to copy and paste form Word and keep the formatting. I've tired using the text tool but the formatting is lost and I've tried direct pasting but it results in a huge size. Resizing the result leaves the print blurry.
I'm trying to add formatted text to an image size of 490 x 680.
placing text on a sphere. I've seperated a golf ball from a different picture and would like to place text on it, any ideas on making it look as if it was there when the picture was taken?