Illustrator :: How To Insert AI Graphic Into MS Word And Graphic Text Still Be Searchable
Oct 22, 2013
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
I've got a number of multi-line text elements in my document and I want to decorate them with some icons that further describe the content. If I can find a font that contains all the icons I need, it's pretty simple. I just add the glyphs from that font in the normal text flow. Maybe change their colour. Â But what if I can't find a font and need to use other graphics sources for the icons? They're not in the text flow and I'd need to align them to the font baseline by hand, and update it whenever I change the text length or font size. Â I'm looking for a way to insert a graphic directly in the text flow, much like adding an image inline in MS Word or HTML. Maybe it will be necessary to adjust the graphic size or the vertical alignment a bit, too. Â How can I do that in Illustrator CS6/Windows?
How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?
ive got a red sock and a white sock, and i want to place the colors black red yellow onto the red sock, so that it looks as realistic as poissible. problem is that i cant get the structure of the sock onto the new colors (i tried diffrent blending modes, displace).
I'm thinking that I learned this once in a tutorial but is this possible? I know you can use the SAVE FOR WEB and make a link but can you also do something else to just make the text IN the graphic so that it's selectable or still becomes visible to search engines or searches? I made a graphic in Illustrator but really want the text to be selectable on the site still....
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. It is a button with rounded corners. It will be going on a black background when put into an iphone app. So as to not have the little white corners show up from the rectangular export window, I made the button on top of a black rectangle, slightly larger than the button. I then selected the black to be transparant during the dialogs of exporting to png. When viewed in an image viewer the black is indeed transparent and does not show up. All looks fine.Â
To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears. Why doesn't it just lay on top of the other graphic?
I would like to resize a letter using the transform tool in Photoshop. I am thinking the best way to do this would be to change it to a graphic.. I am using layers so do I need to flaten the image first then bring it into my layout to do this? Which means I could scale it before or after bringing into my layout...
I can't get the text to repel under my graphic. I took the attached out of a much larger web page, it behaves here just like it does on the other document - that is the text won't repel. I must be missing something, usually this works perfectly for me, but for some reason it isn't here.
I want to create a new order. when  using the order,It will create a  ellipse and a DTEXT .I mean the ellipse and the DTEXT are a whole. when move the ellipse the DTEXT will alse move.However, users can edit the  DTEXT.
In a layout for an ebook I have some important black and white bitmap illustrations in tiff., 300 dpi. These have appeared ok on print, but on screen, reading the same pdf-file, they're unacceptable, especially some texts in fontsize 5-6 pt are unclear. I have to convert the drawings, or at least the texts, to vector graphics. Can I open these tiff.s in Photoshop, change only the texts to vector graphics and then save in a format, that can be inserted in the Word2010 layout?
how to sort (alphabetically, for instance) the Graphic and Text styles in the Graphic and Text Docker? I need the styles "Roads-county", "Roads-State" & "Roads-US" near each other and "apples" listed first.
I created 4 graphics in Illustrator CS3, downloaded them onto a CD cover template and saved as an .ai file which looks fine. When I attempt to then save it as a pdf, one of the graphics drops out.
I try to place a jpg or psd graphic inside a normal Illustrator document. Illustrator tells me the graph has no color profile (what is not correct - it has) but whatever option I choose nothing happens - no graphic is placed, I get no cursor to place the graphic. Or Illustrator just crashes. This used to work just fine in earlier version... I use CS6 cloud version.
I have to recreate a "starburst" for a graphic and am not sure how to do it and where to start.  Attached is an image of the type of starbrust I am trying to recreate.
Or Illustrator "brush"?  Using Illustrator CS5 for the PC.
This is probably only task I will need from Gimp but I do need it in step by step.
I am the leader of a program at church and there is a logo for it. I am endeavoring to take that logo saved on my HD reduce its size ( I know How ) then add text to bottom and save it as a signature in pictures to use with the group.
Using InDesign CC, I want to wrap text around a graphic that is anchored into the paragraph. I'm able to do this if the graphic is anchored into the left side of the paragraph by choosing Inline or Above Line and adjusting the Y distance.
However, I need to anchor the graphic on the right side of the paragraph so that the right edge of the graphic aligns to the right edge of the paragraph, as shown below. Is that possible?
Why Can't I make a New Graphic Style in Illustrator CC? Nothing works. I've tried several options to make a Graphic Style. Even tried to copy another and change it.
I'm on a Mac and have Illustrator CS6. Whenever I try to open up Graphic Styles, it freezes.I deleted preferences and even did the disk permissions repair, then restarted. Nothing. I tried to create multiple types of documents too (print, web, etc), but whenever I try to open styles after creating that document, it freezes. Â These are the vanilla default graphic styles..It might freeze for other tools, but I'm not sure, haven't gotten that far in the investigation.
Using CS6 just installed on a Dell running Windows 7. I have placed a few EPS graphics and find that some of the image is not visible. I noted this a few weeks back on prior use on a different computer running a version of MacOS. A third at that time did display these image files completely. I believe that was CS4 but will check on Monday. I will test with other EPS files from other programs.
I have sent an image to a printer in eps & Ai format., but he is requesting the the logo be in an outlined vector graphic, And send it to them again in pdf format. Â I have re-opened the pdf that I sent them in Illustrator and find the logo is composed of many shapes and when I use the 'direct selection tool' to select any letter within the logo, it shows an outline with many anchor points. These anchor points can be moved or re-shaped using the 're-shape' tool. Â Also I can select any shape within the logo & resize and it does not seem to lose any quality at all. Â Am I mistaken in thinking that this is already an outlined vector logo or is there more to it?
I must have hit something by mistake but I can no longer drag the corner of a graphic to resize. The selection dots on the corners are now solid blue rather than white which they were when it worked.
I'm designing a game for iPad and am using Illustrator CS3 to create the graphics. I created lots of card sized graphics and gave them all the 'RGB Parchment' graphic style which comes with Illustrator.
The document in the picture is (part of) an illustrator file that I created these cards in. If I take one out to another document to edit it and save it as a .png - it comes back different. As you can see in the picture, in the centre are two mock ups I made for a card. The left is an illustrator file 'placed' in the document and the right is the same file but exported as a .png and then placed in.
The .png keeps the transparencies but the shadow is completely different, it's a horrible brown as well as the shape being slightly different and the quality quite low. I sent the whole mock up picture (which is much bigger) to my iPad and I can still see the lower quality in the right, .png card.
If I want to bring graphics into some software to build the app I can't bring in illustrator files so I cant to create them as .pngs but when they're so different / low quality I don't know what to do. I just want to be able to use that 'RGB Parchement' graphic style and not have it changed so much when I export it.
I would like a method of overlaying a text block on a picture and have the text change to a different (most contrasting) colour so that it stays readable. Is this possible - maybe with a Boolean function? If so how do I do it.
I am new to CS4, and not too familiar with Photoshop or After Effects, and I was wondering how would be best to do this: 1 - I need to mask the label on the cover of the Blush jar, where it says "MICA BELLA cosmetices" and replace it with another name. The photo moves from left to right in the video so whatever change I make has to move with it. In fact there are a few photos in which I need to do the same, and the jars are at different locations and angles. 2 - Also, at the botton of the pic, below the white line I need to put another word to cover "MICA BELLA" and I'm wondering how best to copy the color scheme across the lettering. I do not know how the original was created.
I have inherited a site tempate, and am trying to change the logo to emulate the text already present on graphics on the site. The site is at [URL]. I have played with varying the shadow on the lefthand text image but it just can't emulate that on the right which was supplied with the site layout. I can't get the shadow to have the same soft blur as the text on the right.
Need to clean up the extraneous colors around the text and the graphic in this file. Can't see them so much on the screen, but they really stand out when printed. Any way to easily do that?