Illustrator :: Placing AI Files In InDesign - Possible To Include Beyond Artboard Trim Area?
Oct 25, 2012
I'm working on designs in Illustrator and preparing an InDesign document with all of the graphics in one file for the client to review. The artboards are set to the size of a pier sign that will be all wood, but there are left graphics on the wood that will be laser cut and these extend beyond the edge of the wood. When I place the separate artboards in InDesign, they are cropped to the edge and I'd like to show how the left graphics extend beyond it. I've tried different import options but none of them show beyond the trim. (Also, if it makes a difference, the artboard sizes are fairly large—about 60" wide)
I made a box in Illustrator and Extruded and Beveled it. When I placed it to InDesgin it had lines all around the outside of the box. I also made some circuit looking lines in Illustrator then opened it in Photoshop and Beveled and Embossed it, when I placed it in InDesign all of the diagonal lines were blurry. The image was rasterized when I opened it in Photoshop but the resolution is 300 ppi. I have my settings in InDesign set to High Quality and I have tried exporting my file as a PDF but then imperfections are still there.
I have a multi layer doc. Many of the vectors peek out of the artboards dimensions. I need a clean trim to the exact dimensions. I was playing with the shape finder but did not get the results I wanted. What is the best way to trim off any vectors outside the artboard.
When I try to place a .docx file in InDesign CS4, nothing happens. I can work around this by changing the .docx file to an .rtf file, but it doens't seem like I should have to do this to place an MSWord text file.Â
Having issues placing an Ai (eps) file in Photoshop and InDesign and retaining the original appearance. For some reason the graphic is inserting outlines arournd portions of the graphic, but only when placed. If I open in Ai and copy + paste into Photoshop it looks fine. Copy + paste into Id however does not... Â I've discovered I can re-create this appearance in Ai by selecting the image and clicking 'Object > Flatten Transparency'. Â I've instered a screen capture below to give you an idea of what I mean. I think it has something to do with some of the 'Stylize' effects I'm using. There is a subtle drop shadow and feathered gradient in the graphic.
I made a car in Illustrator, saved it as an eps then placed it in Indesign. There is a white shape that keeps showing up, I have looked through all of my layers, selected everything and I can not find it in the Illustrator
I've created an artboard at a certain size. I put some objects within the artboard. But the exported PNG is not the size of the artboard, but is only the size of the graphics on the artboard.
My printer (actually, it's a laser engraver) is reading the entire artboard in addition to the actual image as needing to be run when set for "3D" (aka greyscale) images, as opposed to just going to the image on the artboard. It is running as though it sees the empty space as white and it is trying to "color" it. When it gets to where the image is placed on the artboard, it runs the image (black or greyscale) within/on it. It wastes A LOT of time. I guess, what I really want to know is how to make sure the artboard area is not being picked up and seen as a part of the image. I need it's dimentions to be read, but not any fill except for the actual image(s) on the artboard. I've never had this problem in the past with other machines (by the same manufacturer) using Illustrator. I was using CS5, not CC.
I ran this by the laser company's techs and they say it is an issue with my Illustrator/Adobe set up, not their driver.
Just for clarification, are there any drawbacks to just dragging an image from my desktop onto an artboard instead of placing it? The image will not be autotraced, and will become part of a layout in my AI file.
In InDesign I can press W to show or hide everything around the page I am working on. In Illustrator I can't find a similar option. I am working on something and a lot of things are outside of the actual drawing area. The problem is that I see everything all the time and so I never get a good impression of how the illustration will look when finished/printed! I now have to export a jpg in order to get a good impression! Or I have to add a layer on top of everything and place white blocks around the actual drawing area in order to get a good impression of the actual artwork.
In Illustrator 6, you have to check "include linked files" every time you save a document. If you don't, the next time you open it, you are looking for the missing link. Is there a way that I can set a default so that it automatically checks it each time?
I'm using an iMac and Illustrator CC. I created a text area box. I want to place text from an outside Word document into the area box. When I go to File>Place and locate the text file, I click on Place. When I'm returned to my Illustrator CC document, the original area box is deselected and my cursor is loaded and ready for me to drag out a new area box. Shouldn't the placed text fill the original area box?
difference among placing bounding box, media box, crop box, bleed box, trim box and art box -- maybe even with some pictures or diagrams? (Photoshop Help is not very clear on this topic). Bounding box and media box make sense,
1.) I dragged out vertical and horizontal guides from the rulers and then created a new art board. The new art board now has the horizontal guides carried over from the first art board. How can I have separate guides on each of my art boards? I am using art board rulers. Â 2.) Is there a way to layout vertical and horizontal guides on an art board and copy them over to a new blank art board?
i have around 500 eps formats images with different artboard size. Â i need to resize the artboard to A4 size and the images to be placed in the centre of the artboard.
I have over 400 AI files to process and I need to change the artboard size to the following specifications exactly on all files:  X: 108 px Y: -108 px W: 216 px H: 216 px  Any script for this? I did some digging and came up empty.
I'm doing a print photo book layout in InDesign using photos that I am processing in Lightroom 4 & Photoshop CS6. My question is, do I need to "File > Export" the files from Lightroom before placing them into InDesign? Or are the Lightroom final changes I make embedded in the .tif file?
I have a graphic of a card design and have added a graphic that goes off the outside border on the card. I've included a snapshot of the card showing the ribbon running outside the border. How do I eliminate (trim off) the part outside the border?
I work in InDesign and create documents which often has a lot of illustrator filesin them. Everything seems to work ok and I definitely prefer to put in vector graphics then raster them, however when it comes to creating a PDF of the document it end up being massive. I think it has something to do with the illustrator files that I place into InDesign, but I'm not sure how to make the illustrator files reduce in size when it comes to PDF-ing them from InDesign. Â Is there any simple tricks when saving the illustrator file? Would it be better to save them as PDF's? Or does that not make any difference?
How to make the Getfiled dialog box taller to include more of the file selection area? Where to change number of lines displayed.  The code is not in the Acad.dcl
Like the Acad.dcl one can edit the width of edit text window: See edit_width = 80;
When looking at the list of files in My Pictures, is there a way to get the MPG files to show a graphic or snapshot from the movie, similar to the way a thumbnail works with jpg files? They currently display an image of film with "MPEG" at the bottom.
After selecting the area type tool, I try to click and drag but I get an error message: You must click on a non-compound, non-masking path to create text inside a path. This worked before but I must have screwed something up.Â
I use LR5 to manage RAW/JPG/MOV files from events where I have taken pictures from. Most of the MOV files do either come from my Canon Camera or from my iPhone. Â I regular export the files in a reduced file back to my iPad or iPhone for "public" viewing. Unfortunately LR5 is loosing all metadata from my videos, especially creating date/time and GPS tags. Â Is there any way to include metadata in exported (and compressed) video files ? It works in photo's very well. Â If not, do you know any other program which can compress original video files from my iPhone and keep the metadata ?
I've just started using VS X6 Pro, after not doing much with video for a few years. I previously used VS 10 and 9.
We have a canon P&S camera which produces HD H264 mov files which I am editing for the first time and getting a weird problem. The files play fine on the time line, but when I try to use the multi-trim tool I get two issues:
1. Audio is badly out of sync in the multi trim window, like 1/2 second in a 20sec clip. (again, same clip plays fine on the time line) 2. When I make a multiple trim, the "play trimmed video" button does not work properly. eg if I make two selections from a clip with a gap between them, play trimmed video plays the whole clip to the end, then returns to the start of the second trim selection and plays that.
If I load up an mpeg2 .avi clip, the multi-trim tool works perfectly: audio is in sync and it correctly plays only the trimmed sections.
I have enabled smart proxy on the clips, and following another hint in a thread here, I downgraded quicktime to 7.5.5 but neither worked. Also I have installed sp1.
I've a basic RGB illustrator file - no embedded or linked images, just flat colors and gradients.I'm working in sRGB space and this is reported correctly in the info field at the lower left of the editing window.Some issues:  1. When I look at this file in Bridge it's listed as 'untagged'. However if I re-open it in illustrator it's reported to be sRGB as expected.
2. Despite requesting 'Include All Profiles' on the output page of the PDF save dialog I cannot get a PDF exported that includes the sRGB profile. Â Same issues in both CS6 and CC - Windows 7, 64.