Illustrator :: Random Shapes Showing Up When Placing In Indesign
Oct 23, 2013
I made a car in Illustrator, saved it as an eps then placed it in Indesign. There is a white shape that keeps showing up, I have looked through all of my layers, selected everything and I can not find it in the Illustrator
I am working on a freelance logo and the client kept mentioning that my sample PDF's seem to have "smudge" on part of it, I never saw it and then I asked them to actually SEND me the file while I was not at my primary computer so I can look at it.
It seem that when you zoom in and out the shape changes and gets these random jagged edges. I don't see them on my computer or phone and my client only sees them on her desktops but it does also print out with these weird edges as well. I converted all type to lines and did an export to PDF to show her samples. The first image shows how it is supposed to look and how it did look when I first opened, the other 2 show what happens when it gets zoomed. And it changes too, it isn't the same jagged edges every-time.
Having issues placing an Ai (eps) file in Photoshop and InDesign and retaining the original appearance. For some reason the graphic is inserting outlines arournd portions of the graphic, but only when placed. If I open in Ai and copy + paste into Photoshop it looks fine. Copy + paste into Id however does not...
I've discovered I can re-create this appearance in Ai by selecting the image and clicking 'Object > Flatten Transparency'.
I've instered a screen capture below to give you an idea of what I mean. I think it has something to do with some of the 'Stylize' effects I'm using. There is a subtle drop shadow and feathered gradient in the graphic.
I made a box in Illustrator and Extruded and Beveled it. When I placed it to InDesgin it had lines all around the outside of the box. I also made some circuit looking lines in Illustrator then opened it in Photoshop and Beveled and Embossed it, when I placed it in InDesign all of the diagonal lines were blurry. The image was rasterized when I opened it in Photoshop but the resolution is 300 ppi. I have my settings in InDesign set to High Quality and I have tried exporting my file as a PDF but then imperfections are still there.
I'm working on designs in Illustrator and preparing an InDesign document with all of the graphics in one file for the client to review. The artboards are set to the size of a pier sign that will be all wood, but there are left graphics on the wood that will be laser cut and these extend beyond the edge of the wood. When I place the separate artboards in InDesign, they are cropped to the edge and I'd like to show how the left graphics extend beyond it. I've tried different import options but none of them show beyond the trim. (Also, if it makes a difference, the artboard sizes are fairly large—about 60" wide)
Here is what my artboard looks like. What I'm trying to do is just get the black shapes as one solid logo without the white showing. For example, if I were to place this in another Illustrator project, it would still have the white rectangles with full transperency. I tried a tut online, but when I place the AI file into another project, the WHOLE image is invisible.
If I were to open this AI file in Photoshop, I could use the Magic Wand to delete the white parts and leave just the black shape. I want to be able to resize the black shape and use it on banners, avatars, etc.
Background notes: I am using this for my gaming website and I would like to be able to use this for my logo. (Crossfire)
I have followed the instructions on adobe's pages about placing illustrator files and shapes into Photoshop but I am still getting a pix elation of the AI shape or element once it's been placed as a smart object.
For several months I have had random shapes appear in my files when using vector masks. The scrambled imagery only appears at random and at certain zooms (over 25%) and will disappear upon restart of Photoshop. If I flatten the file, it will retain the scrambled imagery, but otherwise it seems to not actually corrupt the data, just the view on screen. I've been fighting this for months and have replaced drives, video cards, and it still persists.
I have a base image. I want to take "another" image,and place it into various different shapes...are there different shapes that one can use in the system? And if so, where are they....and when one places them into an image, how do you get rid of the background, to place your image in the shape?
When I try to place a .docx file in InDesign CS4, nothing happens. I can work around this by changing the .docx file to an .rtf file, but it doens't seem like I should have to do this to place an MSWord text file.
I'm doing a print photo book layout in InDesign using photos that I am processing in Lightroom 4 & Photoshop CS6. My question is, do I need to "File > Export" the files from Lightroom before placing them into InDesign? Or are the Lightroom final changes I make embedded in the .tif file?
I've found some example code on how to create Leaderline and have been playing around with it. So far so good, but when I create my leaderline and the Mtext generates, it is always preceeded by an "OK" and i can't figure out where it's coming from. I've tried using TrimStart on a number of the strings to no avail. I know it must be something insanely simple but it can't seem to get it.
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;namespace DimensionLibrary{ public class DimensionCommands
Just recently, my pictures located in folders have been coming up in random (not numerical) order when I try to open a file in Photoshop. Instead of bring listed in alpha/numeric order, the files are all mixed up.
If I click on the View Menu box that appears when I open a folder, and go to Details, I can get the images back in correct numerical sequence by clicking on the bar above the file name. However, when I try to open the next file, it has reverted back to a random sequence.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
Layer effects are enabled for the affected layers and the layers show the stroke effect active on the shapes, in a colour and size that would be very visible.
Is there some other overall setting I may have accidentally triggered?
im not too hip with shapefiles/linetypes. but here is my current situation. everything was working fine for the past 2 weeks since our civil2013 install. yesterday i started a new drawing with our template, and now our linetypes are just dashed lines. its not loading the x's for fences, or any of our other custom shapes. i opened an old drawing which was working fine, and it now has the same issue.
the support file path is pointed to a local folder which contains a customised .shx file made by a previous employee here.
I want to create a pattern that does not repeat (as a backrground). I've tried using swatches but this just repeats the same pattern. If you look at this example below, the pattern (behind the hands, log, etc) looks completely random. How would I go about recreating this effect? Would I need to draw the whole thing manually?
First of all, some details as to what we are working on:
Mac OSX 10.6.8 Illustrator CS6 Accessing files on a shared network drive
I have been working on a file for a number of months now with no problems at all. Right at the point of it being signed off today I opened it to prep for printing (outline fonts, check colours etc.). When I opened it I noticed a number of the graphics (embedded graphics, not linked files) and areas of text were missing. Completely missing. No text boxes, no sign of any images having been there, just GONE. I closed the file without saving and opened it in CS5 - neither the graphics or the text appeared in CS5 either.
Nobody except myself and the other guy has access to these files (nor the softare to open them). The file has not been opened since June 6th when I last made a change (and everything was fine!).
This is not the only file we have discovered this problem with - there was another occurence of this with a completely different file yesterday which we put down to a small glitch, but this is now getting worrying. Yesterday it was graph items, so we thought it was something to do with those. Today it is bog standard graphics and text (no font issues either).
Now, I have also noticed something else with this particular file - it is acting more like an imported PDF than an original Illy file in that items are linked together (un-linked by right-clicking and selecting 'release clipping mask'). I don't know if this could be related? It was definitely created from scratch in Illustrator, and none of the items were linked in such way, or imported from another file.
I'm doing an offset path command on a random shape and I need to repeat that in 4mm increments. I noticed that this command is far from accurate. To be as precise as possible I copy the base shape, paste it in front, apply the offset path command +4mm, +8mm etc (since the shape has round edges I chose round and a miter of 5000), and expand appearance. However, at 8mm expansion the round curves become pointy curves and therefore not mimicking the original shape.
I'm trying to spray some leaves that I have added to my symbols on my canvas, But they end up being sprayed all in the same direction, I want them to be sprayed randomly not all in one direction as the first original leaf, Basically I want to get such a illustration:
I have a problem with Adobe CS6 Illustrator both 32 and 64 bit has this error. It keeps crashing randomly and i get the message Adobe Illustrator has stopped working.All updates are installed for illustrator.
difference among placing bounding box, media box, crop box, bleed box, trim box and art box -- maybe even with some pictures or diagrams? (Photoshop Help is not very clear on this topic). Bounding box and media box make sense,