Illustrator :: Custom Menu And Commands In Adobe And Invoke Custom Actions
Oct 21, 2013
Can we place a custom menu and commands in Adobe Illustrator and invoke custom actions? The need for us is to call a C# DLL from these menu commands. I see C++ support but none on COM or NET support.
I loaded my legacy actions to Photoshop CC. They worked as usual until I loaded the PShop updater today. One of my own custom actions is F5 which adds a darken only layer. F5 now deletes the currently selected layer. I have looked though the keyboard command menus, and see MANY key command options.
I still am not seeing an F5 command to delete layer. Not sure how many other key commands have been added. I can foresee some very uninted results with actions I have spec'd that may now be superseded by new key commands. There seems to be a legacy option, but the interface to all of this seems a bit complex.
How do I add custom menu items to the main menu in Illustrator?
I would like to build my own menu with scripts that I use alot. This is a powerful feature that I use alot in other programs, but I have not seen any examples of this in illustrator.
I just spent two days automating a large project with Illustrator CS6 actions. I suppose I should have expected Illustrator to crash at some point during this process but I didn't and, of course, it did. Upon starting Illustrator back up after the crash, I found that all dozen or so of my complex actions were gone.
I did a bit of googling and it seems that AI doesn't save these to disk anywhere; rather it just keeps them in memory until they're explicitly saved. That is, creating an action doesn't seem to actually store it anywhere.
Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.
Initiated a project with the AutoDesk .net templates for I've kept the Extension Application loader that's part of the template, however commands that reside within my other classes aren't recognized. The extension is running because it's responding properly to events that trigger, however I can't call my custom command names from the command line. Could this be a function of the namespace that the commands are in?
Namespace IWC ' This class is instantiated by AutoCAD once and kept alive for the ' duration of the session. If you don't do any one time initialization ' then you should remove this class. Public Class MyPlugin Implements IExtensionApplication Public Sub Initialize() Implements IExtensionApplication.Initialize Dim NewLayer = New IWCLayer NewLayer.IWCLayerSysStart() End Sub Public Sub Terminate() Implements IExtensionApplication.Terminate MsgBox("Layer System Terminating", [code].......
I created a command that I no longer use. I actually made a spelling error upon creating it "SUPECLOSE" and I want to delete it.
This is how I created this command: I typed in ALIASEDIT in order to add a new alias to a command.
I then clicked on the "Add" button.
In the "Alias:" field, I typed in "xx"
And in the "AutoCAD Command:" field, I typed in "SUPECLOSE" - which isn't actually an autoCAD command. "SUPERCLOSE" is the command I use to run a custom LISP routine that I created. Upon hitting pressing "OK" to this, AutoCAD prompted me with: "'SUPECLOSE' is a new command, Do you want to add this to your list of commands?"
I said yes. And then shortly afterwards realized the spelling error I had made. Problem is...I don't know how to access this list and delete the new command that I had just created (which does nothing).
Ok, I'd want to have other (others) custom command "create section view2" and optionally call it from an icon.
These commands are saved with the drawing? ( I think yes). Would be there a possiblity to have easy access to this elements to deal with them ? Is it impossible?
Having custom commands cloned and customized from existing
Did an export of custom settings from a Windows 7 64 bit LT 2011 installation, imported those to the new Windows 8 LT 2011 installation. This was done using the Start>Programs menu. (I ditched the "Metro" stuff.)
The setup looks mostly the same, but when I go to use it, the icons don't match the commands. I have toolbars down the left and right sides with many icons. The icon for Hatch runs the Polygon command. The Move icon runs the Offset command. Lots of them are screwed up.
(CS6 - 64 bit) Anyhow, somehow my blur gallery (Tilt-Shift, Iris and Field) got screwed up. Whenever I brought them up, they wouldn't work and I couldn't get out of the gallery.
I called tech support and after taking control of my computer, he reset my Preferences and all was well - or so I've thought. Now I find I've lost my custom Actions and Panels.Is there a way to retreive these and other things I may have lost, or must I start from square one?
is there a menu which has the icons for endpoint and midpoint. If not is there a way to create and icon that corresponds to these commands? I use these commands continuously and get tired of typing them in.
I'm wanting to load a png file into photoshop & use a customised menu bar or perhaps a plugin to supply some specific image information as I work. The image is a game height-map. The pixel hex value represents the height of the terrain.
I wanting to load my map (image) into PS & display a new menu bar containing this information in textboxes & the like:
1. The hex value of the pixel the mouse is hovering over.
2. The corresponding height related to that hex value. This would be a customised calcuated field (textbox).
3. A combo or spinbox with height values, so that you would select the desired height to pain onto the map, and the pain fill tool would automatically select the corresponding color to pain based on custom calculated conversion of height to correcponsing hex (color) value.
Do I need to write a plugin? or maybe ctionscript with a custom toolbar?
My company recently upgraded to Autocad 2013 from 2008. I was using a custom dimension cui file for sizing dimensions according to scale. I have reloaded the file into 2013. However, I am having to reload the file daily because it does not function without reloading. Is there any work around for this?
how to control what is loaded into the marking menu and keyboard customization.
I have made my own custom setting for marking menu and keyboard but have had to export it to the desktop and then re-import it inventor start up otherwise I loose all my custom setting.
Is there a folder / file where I can set my cutomized setting and get it to load on inventor start.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1 Vault Pro 2014 Windows 7 x64 2.53 Xeon Quadro FX 3800 24GB RAM
I have code that adds my own custom menu group to a contextmenu when right-clicking with a particular object selected (in this case a dimension). Works great!
My questions are:
1) How can I get my custom menu item located where I want it rather than appearing where it wants in the contextmenu?
2) Can I add my own custom menu item to an existing context menu group? For example: It you right-click on a dimension string in AutoCAD 2012, you get a group of dimension commands: Dimension Style, Precision, Etc... Is it possible to add my menu item to that group? If so, how can I do this. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere! Below is my code for adding my own menu group.
Private Sub AddObject_RightClickMenu() Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Try m_ObjectMenu = New ContextMenuExtension m_ObjectMenu.Title = "Dimension Objects Menu" Dim mnuItem As MenuItem = New MenuItem("Extension Line Toggle") AddHandler mnuItem.Click, AddressOf run_dimExtEdit_WhenClicked m_ObjectMenu.MenuItems.Add(mnuItem) ' create an rxclass Dim dimensionClass As RXClass = RXObject.GetClass(GetType(Dimension)) ' adding the object menu Application.AddObjectContextMenuExtension(dimensionClass, m_ObjectMenu) Catch ex As System.Exception ed.WriteMessage("Error Adding Object Menu: " + ex.Message) End TryEnd Sub
how can save my custom menu to cuix file after creating it by vba using ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) and if i can create new cuix file "AMRCuix" and every time i will load it.
When inserting a content center part for which we have to choose a material, we would like to have a custom material as a default (material with name: "No material selected"). So when selecting no material for this part (for example when the user forgets to select a specific material), the default material (in this case material "No material selected") will be active. In this way, we can see in one view across the BOM which parts have no material assigned yet.
How can this be achieved in the content center (editor)?
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2014, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
I have been using AutoCAD 2006. Our company is switching to AutoCAD 2012 LT. I want to be able to add my custom toolbar buttons from the 2006 to the 2012 LT custom Ribbon Tabs & Panels. I have figured out how to make the custom ribbon, tab and panel. I just haven’t figured out what I need to do to get the old stuff to where I can add them to the panels.
I have custom 2006 buttons with and without flyouts.
When I drag a previous custom command into an existing custom tool bar and edit the custom command (then rename the command in the Name and Command Name) it also changes the previous custom command that I originally drug into the toolbar. What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to create custom Materials in Inventor 2013. I have been able to create the custom appearances I want use on the materials and store them in the Inventor Materials Library.
After creating the custom appearance, Ive created new materials. When I try to change to new material appearance from default to my custom appearance, upon hitting the 'apply' button I get an error message which reads, 'failed to updated style'.
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
I'm changing computers and need to transfer over my custom document output settings in Bridge but don't know how to locate them. I have several types of custom documents.
I'm working on creating a disc menu in VS Pro X4. I've customized several parts of my menu (background, music, text, etc.), but I can't figure out how to change the little highlight icons that appear next to the selected menu options. Is it even possible to customize these?
I tryed searching for this on google and the forums but I never got a strait answer, what I need is to save some skin colors that I made into swatches, but I dont have the time or patience to delete all the other swatches in my pallette, anyone know a way of just saving my swatches i made.
My ultimate goal is to have a virtual human model that I can re-size parametrically to reflect real-world measurements. I've used MAX to make architectural models and scenes so I know how to manipulate basic shapes in MAX.
how to make some sort of basic-custom geometric shape and control that shape parametrically, like the built-in "Box", "Sphere" and "Cylinder" objects.