AutoCAD .NET :: Custom Menu In Default ContextMenu Group?

Oct 28, 2011

I have code that adds my own custom menu group to a contextmenu when right-clicking with a particular object selected (in this case a dimension).  Works great!

My questions are:

1) How can I get my custom menu item located where I want it rather than appearing where it wants in the contextmenu?

2) Can I add my own custom menu item to an existing context menu group?  For example:  It you right-click on a dimension string in AutoCAD 2012, you get a group of dimension commands: Dimension Style, Precision, Etc...  Is it possible to add my menu item to that group?  If so, how can I do this.  I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere!  Below is my code for adding my own menu group.
Private Sub AddObject_RightClickMenu() Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Try m_ObjectMenu = New ContextMenuExtension m_ObjectMenu.Title = "Dimension Objects Menu" Dim mnuItem As MenuItem = New MenuItem("Extension Line Toggle") AddHandler mnuItem.Click, AddressOf run_dimExtEdit_WhenClicked m_ObjectMenu.MenuItems.Add(mnuItem) ' create an rxclass Dim dimensionClass As RXClass = RXObject.GetClass(GetType(Dimension)) ' adding the object menu Application.AddObjectContextMenuExtension(dimensionClass, m_ObjectMenu) Catch ex As System.Exception ed.WriteMessage("Error Adding Object Menu: " + ex.Message) End TryEnd Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default (custom) Material For Custom Content Center Parts

Feb 21, 2013

When inserting a content center part for which we have to choose a material, we would like to have a custom material as a default (material with name: "No material selected"). So when selecting no material for this part (for example when the user forgets to select a specific material), the default material (in this case material "No material selected") will be active. In this way, we can see in one view across the BOM which parts have no material assigned yet.

How can this be achieved in the content center (editor)?

Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2014, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Add Script (custom Menu Items) To Main Menu?

Jan 23, 2013

How do I add custom menu items to the main menu in Illustrator?

I would like to build my own menu with scripts that I use alot. This is a powerful feature that I use alot in other programs, but I have not seen any examples of this in illustrator.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Menu Group Edit Not Saving?

Jul 17, 2011

Why my menu group is not saving in the following code.

The following code adds a menu item to the Toolbar Test in a menu group named TEST. However when I exit and re-enter AutoCAD the menu is not saved. I have also tried saveas with no luck.

I am compiling the code **** a .net dll and then running it via lisp. 

<LispFunction("TestAddToolbarItem_dotNet")> _


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Illustrator :: Custom Menu And Commands In Adobe And Invoke Custom Actions

Oct 21, 2013

Can we place a custom menu and commands in Adobe Illustrator and invoke custom actions? The need for us is to call a C# DLL from these menu commands. I see C++ support but none on COM or NET support.

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AutoCad :: Extending Context Menu Of Layer Group?

Jan 7, 2013

extend the context menu of "Layer Group". We have a "save" option for single layer but i want the same for layer group

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set A Default Point Group?

Jan 20, 2012

How do I set a Default Point Group?  When creating points manually, I want them to automatically go into a certain/current point group, but since I don't know the point range prior to creating the points, I am having to continuously update the "include" points catergory.  I can set the default/current layer, default point style, etc, can I do the same with point group?  I understand about the "all points" group and the description keys that can be utilized in the other individual point groups to group information , but Is there a better way?  Under the point creation toolbar, there is a point group template, but when I create a point group thru there, it doesn't do anything but create the point group.  None of the newly created points go into that group....  what is the point of that option? 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Expand / Collapse Custom Palette's Group?

Nov 28, 2012

I'm writing code that able user to show my custom palette.

Everything is working fine, but ... I want to make some of my groupbox to be expandable/collapsible, like here (3D visualization):


I think that using groupbox control is bad idea, so how can I make some container with my controls (label and textbox) and make this container expandable/collapsible?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import Survey Data Default Point Group Styles

May 3, 2012

When you use the Import Survey Data wizard it automatically creates a point group that goes to the top of the list. This used to be created with a standard point style and description, but something has changed and I'm getting a different symbol and label that I definitely don't want as the default. I would think that this would be controled by the CreatePointGroup settings, but that isn't working for me. I can't find any other settings that would override or control this.

(running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)

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AutoCAD LT :: Custom PID Icon Menu

Jul 22, 2013

is there a menu which has the icons for endpoint and midpoint. If not is there a way to create and icon that corresponds to these commands? I use these commands continuously and get tired of typing them in.

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Photoshop :: Dragging All Layers In A Group By Default

Nov 20, 2008

I recently upgraded to CS3, and I'm getting quite frustrated at it.

I am used to having to select a layer from the layer panel to move it around. Now, whenever I click on something in the image, it auto chooses that layer and let's me move that around. I'd rather not have it set this way. I like to be able to click anywhere while my chosen layer is selected and be able to move it.

It's especially frustrating when I have things in groups. Instead of just moving the layer clicked, it moves the entire group.

Is there a fix to this in the preferences somewhere? I've scoured the menus and can't find anything relevant to this 'feature'.

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Photoshop Elements :: Group Custom Name Keyword Tag - Mac 10

Feb 26, 2013

Under the preferences tab for camera or card reader I see a checkbox which i have selected for Make "Group Custom Name" keyword tag.  How is this feature accessed to modify this and use this tag?  I cannot find the specific field. Will it show up in the Organizer on the right side with the keyword tags? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Custom CUI Menu Reload?

Mar 22, 2013

My company recently upgraded to Autocad 2013 from 2008.  I was using a custom dimension cui file for sizing dimensions according to scale.  I have reloaded the file into 2013.  However, I am having to reload the file daily because it does not function without reloading.  Is there any work around for this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Group Shot Crashes After Selecting Option From Menu?

Jul 14, 2013

Photoshop Elements 10 - Group Shot Crashes after I select the option from the menu.  I am using Windows XP.  Is there a workaround or is there a way to fix this? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Marking Menu / Keyboard Custom?

Jul 5, 2012

how to control what is loaded into the marking menu and keyboard customization.

I have made my own custom setting for marking menu and keyboard but have had to export it to the desktop and then re-import it inventor start up otherwise I loose all my custom setting.

Is there a folder  / file where I can set my cutomized setting and get it to load on inventor start.

Inventor Pro 2014 SP1
Vault Pro 2014
Windows 7 x64
2.53 Xeon
Quadro FX 3800

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AutoCAD VB :: Save Custom Menu To Cuix File?

Feb 10, 2013

how can save my custom menu to cuix file after creating it by vba using ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) and if i can create new cuix file  "AMRCuix" and every time i will load it.

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Photoshop :: How To Change Default Blending Mode For Group From Layers

Jul 3, 2013

I see that the new default blending mode when you create a Group From Layers is Pass Through. I will never use this configuration, and would prefer to set my default to Normal.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Multi-Value Menu In Drawing IProperties?

Jul 10, 2012

how to make a multi-value drop down menu in drawing iProperties? 

I want to make a list with aluminum extrusion sizes where I can pick it's name from a list of names. Similar to the custom iProperties "Design State".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA - Adding Custom Command To Context Menu?

Jul 18, 2012

How can I add custom command (macro) to a context menu in Inventor 2010 via VBA?

(I searched the forum and got it to the point when I'm able to add commands that are built in Inventor)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Property Format Default?

Oct 25, 2013

In the parameters window you can right click a value and choose a custom property format.

We always change everything to fraactional instead of decimal.

Is there a way to set this as default?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Menu That Reflects Each Clients Colors / Symbols And Layering

Mar 31, 2012

I work all across the country with different architects and engineers on a contract basis. Typically I create a custom menu that reflects each clients colors, symbols, layering ect. But now I have just upgraded to Acad 2012 and don't know how to create a custom menu in 2012 for each client. Is it even possible? What I have found is the customize button but when I modify a command for a specific client it makes the same change for all clients, as all that I was doing was modifying a workspace, and only modifying the command. What I have done in the past is to take the Acad.mns and copy it and rename it client-name-Acad.mns and make the necessary changes that the clients standards required. Can I still do something like that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Save Out Custom Style To Default Location

Feb 18, 2012

I created a template and changed some style properties. I can not save to master location and when I open the template is tells me it is going to override my custom style.

How do I save out my custom style to the defalut location?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Menu Will Not Stay Loaded Between Restarts On 2005

Aug 2, 2012

This is related to AutoCAD 2005 only:

I have a custom menu file which is NOT located in the support path but rather is on a server drive for all AC 2005 user's to access. When I load this menu in AC 2005 and then restart, it is gone and has to be reloaded. This is happening for all 2005 users in this office. With AC 2009 we use CUI and that custom file is also located on the server, not in the support path, but the 2009 machines are working fine. It is only the AC 2005 users who keep loosing their menu item each morning.

I have done extensive searching on this and it appears to be a common problem but the thing which is also common to all the posts and articles I read on it is that none of them offer a resolution which actually works.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheet Set - Adding Space To Default Custom Property

Jul 18, 2013

I'm tasked with setting up a new dwt file to be used along with the Sheet Set Manager.

I've got as far as adding in my own custom properties at both the Sheet Set level (things like project name, site name, etc.), and at the Sheet level (drawing title).

But more specifically, at the Sheet Level, I want to be able to facilitate having a multi-line drawing title. Things start to get a little cloudy.

In order to be able to control where the line breaks are, I've simply created 5 fields (3 for an odd number of lines, 2 for even), and I want to set their Default Value so they don't display anything, i.e. a space or blank of some kind, instead of the four dots. So when I want to add the title I go to the Sheet properties and change the value.

I thought it'd be as simple as adding the ASCII code for a space (U+00A0) into the Default Value, but that seems to display the text U+00A0 instead of the space.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Printable List Of All Configured (default And Custom) Shortcut Keys?

Aug 26, 2011

Is there a printable list of all configured (default and custom) shortcut keys?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Default Unit String Unchecked In Parameters Custom Property Format

Aug 24, 2013

I have generated frame that has 100 members in it. Is there a quicker way of changing G_L unit to a mm so that I don't have to go into all 100 parts to change the custom properties? also I do not need unit string to be appear in my BOM.

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Photoshop :: How To Show All Menu Items By Default?

Aug 18, 2009

Photoshop hides some of the menu items. Often I don't know exactly what I'm looking for and need to be able to see everything. It also restricts the use of keyboard shortcuts. I'd like, for example, to be able to go Alt-I-M-C to change the image to CMYK, but since the CMYK option is hidden it doesn't recognise the last bit and I have to use my mouse.It's a small niggle,

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Photoshop :: How To Create Custom Features Menu

Oct 29, 2013

I'm wanting to load a png file into photoshop & use a customised menu bar or perhaps a plugin to supply some specific image information as I work. The image is a game height-map. The pixel hex value represents the height of the terrain.
I wanting to load my map (image) into PS & display a new menu bar containing this information in textboxes & the like:
1. The hex value of the pixel the mouse is hovering over.

2. The corresponding height related to that hex value. This would be a customised calcuated field (textbox).

3. A combo or spinbox with height values, so that you would select the desired height to pain onto the map, and the pain fill tool would automatically select the corresponding color to pain based on custom calculated conversion of height to correcponsing hex (color) value.
Do I need to write a plugin? or maybe ctionscript with a custom toolbar?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Dropdowns Of Menu Bar Not Looking Same As Default?

May 16, 2012

My dropdowns of menu bar not looking same as default. There should be a line after Revert, Send to, Collect for output in File menu and same with other menus but I am not able to see that default line. That is not effecting me any way but eyes are set on default view which I like it.

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Illustrator SDK :: Disable The Default Menu Groups / Items?

Dec 5, 2011

I was wondering whether we can disable/enable any menu item/group in Illustrator? I am working on Illustrator CS4, 5 on windows. To be more specific, can we disable the kSaveMenuGroup, so that the save options appear disabled..?? I tried using the methods described in AIMenuSuite structure reference. But, this only disabled the pre-defined groups added by the plugins.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Load Custom Menu Setup On Mac?

May 18, 2011

How to load a custom menu setup on mac? At the command line , where is the command line location on mac?

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