One of my users has been complaining that his "right click stops working". I have verified the problem myself, and find it very odd. It seems to be exclusive to his machine, which is a Windows XP 32 bit, I think with 4GB RAM and a decent gaming graphics card running IV 2012.
After he's been working about half of the day he suddenly is unable to right click and bring up his context menu. He then has to save his work and reboot his machine. After this he'll be good again for a few hours.
I asked him if he can bring up his context menu on other applications when IV's stops working. He didn't know but said he would try it the next time he has the problem.
I'm trying to add to a right click menu for an Inventor addin using C#. I'm basing mine off of a VB sample. However, it appears VB allows the add command to be missing values, whereas C# will not allow any empty values.The 3 commas in a row are where the error occurs. C# error is simple "argument missing".
Not only do I find the Marking Menu extremely annoying, but it's buggy as well. It cuts off the context menu in certain zones of he screen - see attached. If the object I right click on is low enough, it will bump the menu up. The classic context menu works just fine. I find this happening more than not when trying to suppress a part for a LOD.
When I have an assembly open and I right click on a part, there is about a 4 to 5 second delay until I get the context menu. The second time that I right click on the same part, the menu comes up almost instantly.
Does not matter if it is a "large" or "small" assembly. See the same lag. Here is a link to a short video [URL]
I have tried using different projects files and disabled the "Quick File Open" in app options. Neither made any difference.
Hardware setting set to "Performance". Using nvidia driver 257.21 and running a GTS 250 card. I have the advantage sub pack #2 installed.
I have a patterned extrusion in a part. I need to supress the first occurrence in this pattern but the option to do so in the context menu is not available when right clicking the 1st occurence The remaining occurrences are suppressible. Is this normal behavior when patterning in a part file?
Can I create popup button control underneath another pop button control?
I can do this with .net controls, but I can't seem to get this to work with Inventor. Whenever I try to add a command bar to another command bar.Controls I get an Invalid Parameter error.
Here is what I am referring to. I would like to be able to add a menu below a menu.
I have dual monitors. I have my Inventor on the left hand screen. When I click on the drop-down in the model browser, the menu which should appear on under the drop-down arrow appears on the right monitor. Pretty frustrating to have to move the pointer all the way across the screen to click the menu.
I have tried resetting the menus, toggling the model browser on/off. Nothing changes.
I select a component in my assembly, right click to get the context menu, and suddenly my component is no longer selected. I get the generic context menu. I have to select the part from the model tree to get the specific context menu. What did I turn on... or off to get this annoying behavior? Who did I anger... I've been good, I promise!
AutoCAD 2013; AuoCAD Electrical 2013; IV 2013 Professional: Tube and Pipe, Frame Generator, Content Center; Vault Professional 2013: Client, ECO
Can I add context menu from C# module to AutoCAD objects (for example - line). So, I want to create C# class library and load it from AutoCad by netload command. In code I want to add context menu.
According to this [URL] article I tried to add context menu to my object:
ContextMenuExtension nodeContextMenu = new ContextMenuExtension(); .... Application.AddObjectContextMenuExtension(RXClass.GetClass(typeof(DBPoint)), nodeContextMenu);
Next, I found selected object: private static ObjectId GetSelectedObject() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; [Code] ........
Ok, I found it and tried to change properties of selected object:
using (Transactiontx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { DBPoint point = tx.GetObject(selectedObject, OpenMode.ForWrite) asDBPoint;
At this line Autocad has been crashed. This line works if I open object ForRead, but I can't open it ForWrite or call UpgradeOpen. Is it possible to change object from context menu?
I'm using Architecture 2012 and all of a sudden the right-click context menus are no longer specific to the selected objects. If I pick a door/window tag, I no longer get the specific options to anchor it to a specific door/window. This is typical of all objects now. All that ever pops up is the basic context menu.
We have a drawing with an xRef in model space and it is exposed through a paperspace viewport.
While in PS, we activate the viewport so that we can then select the xRef and with that done, we right-click on the mouse and now we have the issue.
On all computers but one, we see the pop-up menu on the left of the attached pic, but on that one computer we see the menu on the right. The difference is marked off in red and as you can see, the section with the xRef options is missing for that one guy. Why?
We are all using the same enterprise customization file and each user has their own main customization file. I have checked his main customization file and don't see anything that would be causing this.
Switching from 2010 win xp to 2014 win 7. I need my specific user interface , and cant replicate it because of this issue :
I used to press context menu key on keybard to make edit menus pop up . In 2014 even though its same settings (show context menus and time sentive click) i ve lost this ability .
Either menus dont appear at all or they are replaced by the small command line context menu. I think this suggest new command line features are messing with right click options any variable i can turn off , or else to go back to normal.
I recently got version CS5 [12.1] of photoshop, installed 64 bit version of it. But the "open with " in right click context menu doesn't show photoshop among the listed programs. i tried reinstalling it but the problem is still there.I did 'Choose default program and navigated to the Photoshop .exe for the 64bit version. (Default path is C:Program Files, Adobe.....) but photoshop doesn't come. nothing happens, the list of programs remains the same.
For as long as I can remember, across all versions of Autocad, I've had problems picking the right item on the popup menu for object snap (shift-right click). It frequently picks the item below the intended one, i.e. it will pick Parallel rather than Perpendicular. Trying a second time works every time. This problem has been so consistent that I don't believe it is user error. The item is highlighted, after all. There is no way I'm repeatedly missing it. Is it possible to calibrate the mouse in Autocad?
is there any possibility to use inventor commands like "AppContextual_ContinueCmd" in addin? I need to add to RadialMarkingMenu commands for continue or cancel during selection.
private void UIEvents_OnRadialMarkingMenu(Inventor.ObjectsEnumerator toEntities, Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum toSelDevice, Inventor.RadialMarkingMenu toRadialMenu, Inventor.NameValueMap toAddInfo) { if (toSelDevice == Inventor.SelectionDeviceEnum.kGraphicsWindowSelection) { toRadialMenu.EastControl = this.oApp.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions["AppContextual_CancelCmd"]; toRadialMenu.WestControl = this.oApp.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions["AppContextual_ContinueCmd"]; } } The menu is correctly shown , command " AppContextual_CancelCmd" send Esc to events,
How to catch "AppContextual_ContinueCmd". is this possible?
I have developed a script that act on the layers individually so it would be great if I could add a new command in the layer context menu (the one that has Blending Options..., Duplicate and Delete Group, Copy,Paste and Clear Style and add or remove colors from the "eye" icon, etc...
I know that you can add the script to File/Scripts submenu but if I had access to it directly from that context menu, it would be much better. I have seen a script that adds a new top menu item to the menu bar of the ESTK so I am hopeful it can be done something similar in PS.
After installing photoshop CS6 from CD onto Windows 7x64; my context menu > New > bitmap is no longer available. registry settings are intact and I've used Bridge ro reassociate .bmp with mspaint but the option still does not appear. The installation of photoshop is the only change to the computer in several months.
I can workaround by creating new txt files and changing the extension but this adds a step to a (non photoshop related) workflow that's been in place and worked well for years.
how to customise your context menu to make it like some past versions of PSP, The person asking was using PSP X5 so I reset X5 to the default by holding down the shift key as I double clicked the X5 desktop icon. The X5 default layers context menu shows this:
In X3 I had the layers context menu like this:
In addition a sub context layer is present when we look at the New Mask Layer -
To start customising first Save your current workspace - File > Workspace > Save
then do View > Customise
In the Customise dialog box select Menu and under 'Select context menu' choose Layer Palette
The current Layer Context menu shows up in a new window. The Customise and Layer Palette context window can be dragged into new positions.
Any of the commands can be dragged over onto that Layer Palette context window and positioned where you want. Any of the commands already there can be dragged around to change their order or even removed by dragging out of the the Layer Palette context window. This can be a slow process to drag commands separately amd make a sub menu, so for these complex menu items there is a faster way.
Click the Layers menu item on the Menu bar , and holding the control key down drag the New Mask Layer down and into a position in the Layer Palette context menu and release. Here you can see the New Mask Layer and its sub menu have been placed in one action.
And after Closing the Customise Dialog box I can now see that the New Mask Layer context menu is working well
how to control what is loaded into the marking menu and keyboard customization.
I have made my own custom setting for marking menu and keyboard but have had to export it to the desktop and then re-import it inventor start up otherwise I loose all my custom setting.
Is there a folder / file where I can set my cutomized setting and get it to load on inventor start.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1 Vault Pro 2014 Windows 7 x64 2.53 Xeon Quadro FX 3800 24GB RAM
How do I remove "Open with Corel Paintshop Pro X4" from the right click context menu in explorer? I have one for every version I have installed and it makes the right click menu toooo long.