Illustrator :: Vectors Turn Into A Series Of Images

Jan 20, 2013

I have been working on a series of drawings for a catalogue. I am using solidworks, creating a sheet, all line thicknesses are changed to 0.05mm and then exporting the sheet as .AI. Every drawing I create is saved using identical settings.Out of say 10 only 3 of them are okay and can be edited as vectors. The rest seem to turn themselves into a series of images.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Export JPG A Series Of Images From AI File

Dec 13, 2012

I'm using a Javascript that will export as JPG a series of images from an AI file (that part is working fine), then rename them (that part isn't working). Writing and troubleshooting with Extendscript.
Trying to eliminate as many possible places to go wrong, I came up with the following:
myfile = new File; myfile = myfile.openDlg();
var newName = "";
When run targeting Illustrator, it does nothing.

When run targeting ExtendScript, for some reason this blasts the file into oblivion, never to be found again.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Some Series Of Fonts Turn Italic By Default

Feb 12, 2013

I am using Corel X6 on Windows 8 (64bit),

I am facing some problem with few font series. Like the series of fonts called "Heavenetica" has turned italic.

Nothing happens even if I click Italic option again, I tried un-installing and re-installing the fonts, but still the same. The same fonts work and look fine in other software.

I recently upgraded to windows 8, this problem was not there in corel X6 in windows 7.

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Illustrator :: How To Turn JPGs Into Vectored Images

Jul 3, 2013

I am new to Illustrator. I am using CS6. I used Image Trace to turn some .jpgs into vectored images. My printer is saying they are not vectored images but rather that they look like .jpgs that were placed in Illustrator. Every tutorial that I have read and Youtube video that I have watched says that Image Tracing something makes it a vectored image. What am I not getting? Is there something further that must be done after Image trace to turn something into a vectored file?

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Photoshop :: Scale Images In Series (automatic)

Jul 25, 2011

you know if it's possible to scale a image in differente sizes automatic. f.e. I have a image 1200x2000 an I would like to get 3 new images like 800x1000, 500x700 and 350x500 AUTOMATIC and without programming. It would be possibe with photoshop?

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After Effects :: How To Export A Series Of Images From A Video

Sep 19, 2013

I want to export a series of images from a video, but only, say, one frame every three or four seconds. One out of every 90 to 120 frames of the video. Can this be done in AE, or do I need to do this in another CC program?

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Photoshop :: Placing Text On Right Bottom Of Series Of Images

Jun 6, 2009

I want to place text in the bottom right of a series of images. The problem is not all images are the same size. Some are verticle and some are horizontal and even those arent all the same size. However, 99% are 768 high. How do I specify a certain margin from right and bottom so I can use the text action on all images regardless of image width?

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GIMP :: Create Series Of Sphere Images Used As Animation

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a series of sphere images that are to be used as an animation, whereas in my case I have a transparent background layer and a layer containing a sphere. Then I want to add a 15 degree rotation for each new image. The problem is that every time I select the rotate tool and click on the image to enter the value, the sphere is moved slightly.

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Paint.NET :: How To Overlay Series Of Images To Get One Combination Image

May 2, 2011

So I was oot and aboot yesterday and I took a series of pictures of a drummer in action. It was a rapid series, like five pictures covering five seconds of him rocking out. I want to combine all those five pictures into one ... "master" picture. My idea for the "master" picture is one single picture, where you can see his arm and body movements (and the drum cymbals moving) from all the five pictures.

That's probably a terrible way of describing it, but that's what I want to do.... I tried layering the pictures together as overlays, but while that combined all the images together, the end result was too blurry to make anything out.

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Lightroom :: Series Of Images - Reset Zoom Position?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a series of images taken with different settings and I want to quickly compare them at 1:1 in different areas of the image, center and corners. I have discovered that if I select the series I want to examine and then go to the first image and zoom that image to the position that I wish to when I use the arrow keys to move to each subsequent image will be shown zoomed into the same position
If I don't ever go to any of the other images and zoom anywhere this works just fine. The zoom location is remembered just for the first image. However, if i accidentally or deliberately zoom on one of the other images it will remember that zoom location forever which breaks the technique described above.
how to remove the remembered zoom location from an image like it is when you first import it into LR?

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Photoshop :: How To Add Bar Code 39 To A Series Of Images From Excel Spread Sheet

Sep 24, 2013

I have a job to photograph 300 items and use lightroom to number each one with its own product code.

Then I need to add the barcodes to the images so the client can scan them
They have a spread sheet with all the data on but can a sript be written to do this action ???

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Photoshop :: Action To Convert GIF Image To Horizontal Series Of Images

Apr 26, 2007

I am looking for an action or preferably a way to create one, that takes a GIF file with multiple images (=animation) and puts all images side by side and saves it.

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Lightroom :: How To Export A Series Of Images In Different Aspect Ratios To Same Height

Dec 18, 2012

How can i export a series of images in different aspect ratios to the same height?
I wish to make a slider callery for my website. all the images need to be 750 Pixels high, the width does not matter.  I have a mixture of square pandscap and protraite images can i do thing as one export or do i have to do it twice?  Once for long edge and once for shot edge?

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Photoshop :: Vectors In PS And From Illustrator

Sep 5, 2008

I am creating vector shape layers i can still see pixels, is this right? i know photoshop is a raster program but i was under the impression vector shape layers worked like vectors. The same goes for when i copy and past layer from illsutrator into photoshop as smart objects, should i be able to see pixels?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Sketches To Become Vectors

Jun 7, 2013

Have Illustrator CS6, Medium Baboo tablet. I can draw well but it seems almost impossible to get the quality of my sketch work to go to Illustrator in a way I am happy with. I do not like what I see from scanner to Imagetrace either. This is largely due to my inexperience in the process from sketch to vector to t-shirt. how you approach this process from a pad of paper to Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Get Vectors Mathematical Formula?

Sep 30, 2012

For a project, I'm needing the mathematical equations/formulas/matrices of a vector. Vectors are all essentially mathematical... thingies so is there some way that I can get the mathematical calculations that are used to make up a vector object in Illustrator? Or any third party program or script that can pull these formulas for me?

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Illustrator :: Vectors Rendering Pixilated In CC CS6

Jan 30, 2014

I'm wondering why all my vector images are rendering pixilated in my CC CS6 Illustrator (v 17.1).  I'm using a macbook with retina and am assuming that's the issue but can't find any info on what settings/etc I need to adjust/download to make it display properly.

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Illustrator :: 3D Revolve Is Smoothing Vectors

Mar 20, 2014

Got a problem trying to wrap a vector illustration of a map around a sphere to create a globe for a logo (as per this tutorial: [URL] ....) except I don't want to make it look 3d with the shading options.
Basically when I do this, the map loses all it's detail almost as if Illustrator simplifies the map. I can't seem to work out at all how to make this while retaining the detail and export it as an eps.

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Illustrator :: Got Trace To Work Now How To Select Vectors

Dec 12, 2012

I'm using CS5 on a PC.
I got live trace to finally trace the image I want to use. But I am unable to select the vectors now, they are stuck. The tracing is a sublayer of layer one. Is there a simple trick I'm missing?

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Illustrator :: Get Black People Business Vectors?

Jul 4, 2013

How can i get black people business vectors?

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Illustrator :: How To Export AI 5.1 Files To After Effects As Vectors

Mar 4, 2013

This may have a simple solution (and probably does), but I can't find it. What I'm trying to do is to import an AI 5.1 file into AE 5.5 as original vectors. I need to be able to scale up to about 12,000 percent and then back down to 100 percent for the effect of an extreme closeup being zoomed out of. The point of vectors, of course, is that you can do this without losing resolution... but no matter what I try, AI files keep being imported as raster files. When they're scaled up enough, the pixilation starts.

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Illustrator :: How To Trim Vectors To Artboard Dimensions

Aug 26, 2013

I have a multi layer doc. Many of the vectors peek out of the artboards dimensions. I need a clean trim to the exact dimensions. I was playing with the shape finder but did not get the results I wanted.  What is the best way to trim off any vectors outside the artboard.

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Incrementally Scale Series Of Objects?

Aug 7, 2012

I have a series of triangles along a curved path in Illustrator CS6 (mac, if that makes a difference).  I want to make the triangles large as the approach the middle of the path, and smaller towards the ends.  The triangles' lower-most corner must remain locked to the path.  I've tried pattern brushes, but not only do they distort the triangles, but there's also no way to scale the triangles reliably (to my knowledge). 

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Illustrator :: How To Make A Series Of Lines That Run Horizontally

Jun 1, 2013

Hard to explain this one, but I want to make a series of lines that run horizontally, but as they descend downwards, the spacing between them gets thinner.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Series Of Hexagonal Pillar

Jun 11, 2013

how I can create a series of hexagonal pillar.

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Illustrator :: Importing Flash Vectors / Missing Lines

Dec 24, 2013

So I have done many hours of animation in flash over the years.  And what I am trying to do is import some of the characters I have created in Flash into Illustrator and convert them to PSD.  This is for a print project that I am working on.  The reason I want to get the images to photoshop is so I can add some effects and coloring techniques I simply can not do in Illustator or Flash.Here is the method I am using. 

1) Select the vector image in Flash and Export Selection to Adobe FXG. 
2) Open FXG in Illustartor
3) Export to PSD
4) Open in Photoshop and Color.
The problem I am having is the line art that was drawn with the pencil tool in Flash simply vanishes when imported to Illustartor.  Also a lot of the line art that was draw with the pencil tool is gradient filled or the image I am trying to export may have multiple color Pencil Lines.  So  just trying to outline the images in AI does not provide the look or effect I want.

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Illustrator :: When Scaling Vectors In CS6 It Modifies Path Of Drawing

Nov 23, 2012

I have an image of this.
What can i do?

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Illustrator :: Easy Way To Drag And Drop Vectors Between Programs?

Jul 12, 2013

In CS5, I was fairly easily able to do this by dragging a vector directly from illustrator to fireworks, but vectors drug back to illustrator would be rasterized. I recall photoshop did some of this stuff, but I don't remember so much as this use case is rarely necessary for photoshop for me. Nonetheless, Illustrator CC and Fireworks CS6 don't seem to support this feature at all.
I've always dreamt that adobe bridge would have this sort of functionality (since it's the only useful feature I could picture bridge having), but I haven't seen any evidence to support this wish.
Is there a good way to drag & drop or copy & paste vectors between the new versions of illustrator, fireworks, and photoshop? Maybe there are clipboard settings that allow this to happen or a program that accepts clipboard vectors, quickly converts them to something common like svg, then allows you to drag a temp .svg file into another program?
[by the way, I know I could just export .svg files from illustrator, then place them into a fireworks file, but this feels like an unnecessarily clunky workflow]

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Illustrator :: Series Of Lines - Join With Round Corners

Apr 3, 2013

I've got a series of lines that all join perfectly with round corners except 1 of them. See attached. I can't figure out why.

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Illustrator :: Excel Data Points Do Not Move To Adobe As Vectors (Mac OS X)

Aug 25, 2013

On my Mac OS X (2010), running Excel 2011 and Adobe CS6, I'm having major issues with the points in a scatter plot not rendering as vectors once moved to an Adobe program. The entire plot will transfer as a vector, except the data points themselves! Oddly, even the shapes in the legend are vectors! When I save a plot from a powerpoint presentation as a pdf, the data points look pixelated in the pdf. When I copy paste the plot into illustrator, same thing. It is totally infuriating.

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Illustrator :: How To Fill / Join Or Outline A Group Of Vectors For Masking

Jan 28, 2013

Using CS6 I have a bitmap I traced, which worked great. Now I want to create a mask similar to this horse head decal. Since the white isn't actually a shape I keep getting the error that I have to join the shapes. But it's a collection of black vectors that make up the image. What would be the best way to create an outline, or a fill that I could use to mask with? In photoshop I remember you paint a mask area.Which would be ideal. Is there a simular way to to this wiht CS6?

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