Illustrator :: How To Fill / Join Or Outline A Group Of Vectors For Masking
Jan 28, 2013
Using CS6 I have a bitmap I traced, which worked great. Now I want to create a mask similar to this horse head decal. Since the white isn't actually a shape I keep getting the error that I have to join the shapes. But it's a collection of black vectors that make up the image. What would be the best way to create an outline, or a fill that I could use to mask with? In photoshop I remember you paint a mask area.Which would be ideal. Is there a simular way to to this wiht CS6?
I am a bit of a newbie to illustrator cs6. I have been using the image trace function so that I can edit my hand drawn pictures. I 'Place' the scan of my drawing and then go to Object>Image Trace>Make and Expand. The problem I have is when I want to join two lines together to close the shape (as below).
I have tried simply dragging the anchor points and reshaping the line so it appeared to be closed, I have tried closing it with the pen tool and I have tried to 'path>join' them but this box comes up.
I want to be able to fill my image traces with colour easily, can this be done?
Is there any way to create a thicker line stroke to the border of the object without tracing the object manually. The object in placed in a group and it has closed and unclosed paths.
How can i outline a visual shape made of a group of elements (vector shapes) without outlining the individual elements or merging them togather. I would normally go by merging them togather but client requested they be unmerged.
I made a path and filled it with black. When I zoom in to make anchor adjustments, the fill and the path outline are offset making it very difficult to adjust and align filled paths. This happens all the time.
i can find no way of doing this short of taking the pen tool and connecting all the points to get an overall shape.this gets even harder because a lot of the desks have round parts on their outline.
I realize that one can use a Bitmap as a Fill for some shape and that one can tile it.But is there also a way to create some Vector-Shapes as an interactive Fill for some other shape - while having the Input retain editable?
The command to JOIN two overlapping anchor points as a SMOOTH join is not working (at least, on Mac).
"The join option only results in a corner join regardless of whether you select anchor points to join or the entire path. However, for overlapping anchor points, if you want the option to select a smooth or corner join, then use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+Option+J (Mac OS)."
Have an issue when importing pdf files into both X5 and X6. Fonts have been converted to outline and without Ghost script installed overlapping vectors fill in with white! With Ghost script installed center of fonts like e,b,p etc fill in with font color. Convert to eps prior to importing still has the issue? Also had some objects reposition on import but fixed if converted to eps? Processing a lot of client files for output to image so this is a real problem.
Is there a way to create a hollow circle (or ring) that has a fill, but does not actually fill the circle with the color, just makes the outline?
Here is an image of what I need:
I am having the above laser cut out of acrylic. The laser needs to have everything that is black use a Fill and no Outline. The way it is in the file now, there is no Fill on the circle, but there is a black Outline. If I tell it to have a black Fill and no Outline (like the laser needs) I end up with a solid black circle which the laser will engrave as a solid circle instead of the "ring".
Create new document, create rectangle, set outline to none, fill to none - and export to AI. (I use v8)The object is not exported if both outline and fill are set to none.
Is there an option or a workaround that will eliminate the white boarders in a Corel trace? Whenever I do a trace, when I move the trace off the top of the original image, I see a white boarder around each color. Is there any way - when tracing - to tell Corel to use the fill color as the border color for each element of the trace?This would make the trace immediately usable without hand selecting each color cell.
I have Designer Pro 7. Is there a way to get the outline of an object to take on the graduated fill transparency of an object? The line goes transparent with the object's fill when a linear transparency is applied, but remains opaque with a graduated one. I understand that I could turn the outline into an object and then apply the transparency but if I have to edit the object later, I would have to repeat the process.
When you save a file that has a FILL % set for a group of layers (so the fill% is set on the Group, not on each individual layer) it will not save it.
When you next open the file, it will have forgotten what the fill was set to. Is this a bug, or am I using something that I shouldn't be using, in fill on a group?
What would be the best approach to draw a mountain outline using a vector approach & fill, but be able to adjust the outline later via a vector approach? (i.e. outline shouldn't get rasterized)
So the approach would need to be able to: * create the outline & selection with a vector based approach * vector selection has to be effectively saved for later * modification later should support getting access to the original handles of the vector selection (say with Pen tool) and make adjustment * after adjustement of the vector area is made, the fill should automatically occur on the extended or contracted area
approach/which tools to use in CS6 to be able to do this?
I have been working on a document and reached a point where whenever I entered regular text, it showed as an outline of broken red lines (like a regular guidline). Changing fill and color etc has no effect. I can open a new document and enter text with normal results,but not in the existing document.
if I have a group of areas that I want filled... I can select uniform, fountain, and postscript... but why doesn't pattern work for a group? This would be useful and seems like a bug. Why would I have to apply the fill to each part of the group? Groups are supposed to be useful for manipulating multiple objects in this way.
I have a question regard removing the outline from a portion of an object or making that portion invisible and still fill the object in its original shape Say for instance I have a circle or a rectangle and I converted them to a curve. I want to be able to make part of the outline invisible and still fill it in its original shape.
I am using Coreldraw 6X on a trial basis ( my previous cad is all mechanical/ 3D based such as autocad and 123D). I have a problem with an object which is basically an outline of an animal in CDR format, and cannot find a way to fill in the outline areas.
how do you create a square with a transparent fill (it has to go around part of a photograph)? I am using DP7. I can create the square with no fill, but how to get a black outline around it (to show that it's a square).
how to draw and big fat line - about 24 pt - with rounded ends, then give that line an outline of its own so I can change the 'fill ' - the original line colour - and get an outlined line?
And just for fun, I want the 'fill' to be semi-transparent!