Illustrator :: Command To JOIN Two Overlapping Anchor Points As SMOOTH Join Is Not Working
Jun 21, 2013
The command to JOIN two overlapping anchor points as a SMOOTH join is not working (at least, on Mac).
"The join option only results in a corner join regardless of whether you select anchor points to join or the entire path. However, for overlapping anchor points, if you want the option to select a smooth or corner join, then use Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+Option+J (Mac OS)."
I need to copy and paste path segments in order to create uniform serifs for letters. (For example, specific path curves).
So imagine I have a horizontal segment and a curve segment. I mouseover each one seperately and I can see they have anchor points where I want them to merge afterwards. I drag one towards the other to make them intersect. Then I try to select both anchor points and press CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + J, but it displays this error: "To join, you must select two open endpoints. (...)" Which makes me think I'm not really selecting both anchor points when they're overlapped.
I have the idea that they can't overlap, because my path segment won't detect the anchor point in the other path. They're just visually intersected but not connected.
If I try to join them when they aren't overlapped, they will join but distort the original shape of the path segments. I select them both with the Direct Selection tool, pressing Shift to add the second anchor point to the selection, which won't work when they're overlapped because Shift + Clicking will deselect the anchor that seems on top.
I also tried various shape modes in pathfinder and nothing works.
How can I properly overlap and join / merge them?
(I'm using a white fill so I can see the shape forming as I add more anchor points so I'm sure they aren't joined).
In the above image, I have four symmetrical corners of an ellipse which I'm trying to join together into one ellipse that is perfectly symmetrical. I am trying to line up the anchors perfectly (one corner at time) and then do a join, yet the result is always slightly off. I've been selecting the two points I want to join and using Path -> Average, then Path -> Join to do this, yet as mentioned it's not coming out precise.
I'm seriously stuck trying to join 3 open paths with stroke only, into something of an intersection that is dividing 3 pie slots. However I can't join more than 2 of them, as the screenshot below the third one gets left behind, Join command doesn't work Because I have the opacity down to 70% you can see the ugly overlap in the intersection and I need to join all the 3 points for them to look as they should. If/how this can be done in Illustrator?
I am creating a vector shape and I was wondering how to join points. Here is a sreenshot so that you understand my problem better: Or is this just not possible is photoshop and I have to use Adobe Illustrator ?
I work on a Mac so the shortcuts and menus are for Mac, what it will be on a Windows computer
I was having trouble in Illustrator CS6 joining two points smooth. I read this article ...[URL]... about joining in Illustrator CS5 (which seems to be the same in CS6) ... and noticed it says "A Smooth join is possible only when the end-points are smooth" ... now who came up with this asshat rule (pardon my french)??? I used to be able to force a joining to be smooth no matter what kind of points I had, however, not anymore it seems
This is what I had trouble with:
Smooth joins
Step 1.As you can see in the image below I have two points both with an arm ... they should qualify as smooth end-points, right?
Step 2.So after moving the two paths together I went ahead and selected the two points with my Direct Selection Tool (the white arrow). Notice how only one arm sticks out all of a sudden (this was actually a clue to why I had trouble in the first place but more on this later).
Step 3.I tried to force the two points to join smoothly by using the cmd+opt+shift+J shortcut to get the Average & Join dialog box up and select Smooth ... to no avail.
Step 4.It stil ends up doing this weird joining (this is after I tried to move the point with my Direct Selection Tool).
Step 5.So I used cmd+Z until I was back to square one and then I discovered if I moved one of the end-points there was another one beneath it. Notice that it is the point that was missing an arm in step 2, when I had selected what I thought was only two points, which should have clued me in.
Removing the extra point and placing the two smooth end-points on top of each other again made it possible to make the smooth joining, I had tried to do countless times.
What I wonder about now is the fact that I could get the Average & Join dialog box without having Illustrator complain up a storm about me having selected more than two points? Illustrator used to be very picky about this, which would have made me discover the extra point way sooner.
Shortcuts In the article I also noticed people complaining about the four keys shortcut for the Average & Join dialog box (cmd+opt+shift+J). You can just go ahead and change that in Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts... (cmd+opt+shift+K). Here is how:
Step 1.In the dropdown change Tools to Menu Commands.
Step 2.Go to Other Objects ... there you will find Average & Join. Go ahead and clear the shortcut and press whichever shortcut you wish for. I chose cmd+J, because I wish to use this method more often than Join. After this you get the option to Go To Conflict ... I did that and gave Join the shortcut shift+cmd+J and ended up giving Justify Text Left the shortcut cmd+opt+shift+J ... yeah, I seldom use the shortcut for Justify Text Left anyway.
Step 3.I saved my new custom shortcut set with the name "Adobe Illustrator CS6 Shortcuts" ... that way I can search for the file and take it with me in case I need it on another computer and the name tells me which version it is for.
What setting have I changed: Just today, when I try to move a point, "unite" shapes, or join 2 points, the points jump out of position. I've turned off "snap to grid" and "align new objects to pixel grid". I've even copied and pasted the artwork into a new "default" file. I've also restarted AICS5. I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious.
Imagine a triangle with its top chopped off and the path open at the top. Is there a quick way of selecting those top 2 points and auto extending them to complete the triangle?If I use Object>Path>Average my 2 points move to join in the middle, they don't extend up along the same trajectory to join.
arc was defined with line's end points and radius, so I'm positive that this drawing is continuous.
Steps I take: pedit click do you wish to turn into polyline y j Select objects: 1 found Select objects: 1 found, 2 total [enter] Select objects: 0 segments added to polyline [enter]
I had no problem turning other arcs into polyline...
The outline of this small fish drawing on paper, it seems with one continuous curve, so in XDPX9 that should be logically with Smooth joins and Making curves
According to your experience is there maybe some tactic where to put the control handle points? At the curves or rather where the line is straight? After around some minutes probably in any way can be drew around, I am searching the logic rather which decrease that time.
im in the "getting started maya 2011" in page 104, at Selecting edge loops, is were you are making the helmet with, polygons, but, when i use the snap to grids, something weird happens, all that its selected kind of join together
Do you need to use the join command on an object before making it into a dynamic block? I have these stairs I need to scale down to fit my floorplan, but when I place grips on it in order to scale them down, I can only scale of the block while the rest becomes totally distorted.
While i am using Join Command, I Could not able to select all polylines and also could not able to make those are join together (which those are touching at one point).
I'm trying to Join First and Second Floor walls that are interrupted by floor framing. I've separated sheathing and siding layers and extended these over to the lower wall. All looks good, except for the joint line. In section view, I use Join Geometry tool and it works, the joint is gone. However on Elevation and 3D viiews the line is still there.
I'm just wondering if there's some function to add an anchor point on a path between (exactly in the middle) two anchor points. Like Object > Path > Add Anchor Points, except only between two selected anchor points.
I'm trying to join two images. Both of them are .svg files, but whenever I press Ctrl-J it gives me a error: The selected objects cannot be joined as they are invalid objects(Compound paths, closed paths, text objects, graphs, Live Paint group) You can use the Join command to connect two or more paths, paths in groups;or to close an open paths.
(By the way, I'm using Illustrator cs6 on a trial version)
I'm trying to join two paths with the pen tool. The shape is a coffe mug, took me half an hour to try to combine paths with the pen tool.
I'm trying to join where the little white gap is. I had the same issue opposite but I managed to draw a little curve in there and join the paths. But I can't seem to do it the other side and I don't understand how it works.
Im trying to get the join dialogue to open so I can set to smooth but when I click comm j or shift option comm j it doesn't open. I closed and reopened holding shift control option comm but still doesnt show. How do i get it?
I'm trying to do a poster with a sort of graffiti writings on a wall but I can't reach for any kind of realism. I'd like to see the writing on the wall like it was actually written.I'm using a real photo behind the writings but the image and the text don't connect together, it is simply like a copy-past work. the effect I'd like to reach is like if the writings were printed on the wall but the wall is a photo so I don't know if they can be joined together..
Which is an ellipse which I happened to draw a line inside of. My goal is to be able to join the line with the ellipse so I can make it part of the shape, then I'd like to chop off the top of the ellipse (the part on top of the line).
Having a lot of issues manipulating points on paths in Illustrator CC - this is a fundamental feature of creating vector graphics and it's very annoying I'm paying for this and it's just not working. Eating up a lot of my time simply because I can't select or convert or add the anchor.
kept getting the following error when I try to join two end points.
To join, you must select two open endpoints. If they are not on the same path, they cannot be on text paths nor inside graphs, and if both of them are grouped, they must be in the same group.
Here's what I have. Both paths are in the same group. I zoom to max and both ends are on top of each other. So, why am I kept getting this error message when trying to join them? I tried to Average and there is no error but yet the path is not closed.
Why illustrator changed to having a join instruction (for path nodes) that makes cusp (non-smooth) joins after the join is performed as opposed to the old method of having another dialogue that allowed you to choose what type of join you wanted prior to making the join?
I did the fish body outline. Then I decided I needed to change the path by the head. I want to join the inside line to the body outline and eliminate the path on the head portion. I need the finished outline to e a closed path so I can do a clipping mask. I have tried the "join" cmd but it wants to add a straight line between the bottom and top.
Is there a way to accomplish what I am wanting to do?