Photoshop :: Action To Convert GIF Image To Horizontal Series Of Images
Apr 26, 2007
I am looking for an action or preferably a way to create one, that takes a GIF file with multiple images (=animation) and puts all images side by side and saves it.
I have a Photoshop CS6 document with 20-some adjustment layers and would like to be able to apply their effect to multiple image files. I'm looking for a way to convert the series of adjustment layers into a single action so that I can batch process a set of images. Can this be done?
Unless I'm missing something, it appears that no trivial solution exisits. For example, there's no option that allows for selecting the adjustment layers, right clicking them, and choosing 'convert to action.' What I want to avoid is having to redo each adjustment layer just for the sake of recording an action.
Also, I understand that I can always "place" (i.e. drag and drop) the image requiring processing into the Photoshop document containing the adjustment layers, saving a merged copy as jpeg, and repeat... but such a manual method would border on insulting to this prowess of a program.
Any method of recording an action that can make use of the document with the adjustment layers and a variable document that will be passed through during the batch process.
So I was oot and aboot yesterday and I took a series of pictures of a drummer in action. It was a rapid series, like five pictures covering five seconds of him rocking out. I want to combine all those five pictures into one ... "master" picture. My idea for the "master" picture is one single picture, where you can see his arm and body movements (and the drum cymbals moving) from all the five pictures.
That's probably a terrible way of describing it, but that's what I want to do.... I tried layering the pictures together as overlays, but while that combined all the images together, the end result was too blurry to make anything out.
I once saw a Star Wars poster wich was made up of screenshots of the movie and when you looked at it from a distance you could see a character of the movie. I was wondering if there is a special technique or even better a filter to recreate this
effect :
Basicly I have an image and loads of other images And I would like the first Image to be build up of all the other images ... (infact the other images will l represent 1 BIG PIXEL of the original image ...)
you know if it's possible to scale a image in differente sizes automatic. f.e. I have a image 1200x2000 an I would like to get 3 new images like 800x1000, 500x700 and 350x500 AUTOMATIC and without programming. It would be possibe with photoshop?
I want to place text in the bottom right of a series of images. The problem is not all images are the same size. Some are verticle and some are horizontal and even those arent all the same size. However, 99% are 768 high. How do I specify a certain margin from right and bottom so I can use the text action on all images regardless of image width?
I have a job to photograph 300 items and use lightroom to number each one with its own product code.
Then I need to add the barcodes to the images so the client can scan them They have a spread sheet with all the data on but can a sript be written to do this action ???
I have been working on a series of drawings for a catalogue. I am using solidworks, creating a sheet, all line thicknesses are changed to 0.05mm and then exporting the sheet as .AI. Every drawing I create is saved using identical settings.Out of say 10 only 3 of them are okay and can be edited as vectors. The rest seem to turn themselves into a series of images.
I want to export a series of images from a video, but only, say, one frame every three or four seconds. One out of every 90 to 120 frames of the video. Can this be done in AE, or do I need to do this in another CC program?
I'm trying to create a series of sphere images that are to be used as an animation, whereas in my case I have a transparent background layer and a layer containing a sphere. Then I want to add a 15 degree rotation for each new image. The problem is that every time I select the rotate tool and click on the image to enter the value, the sphere is moved slightly.
I'm using a Javascript that will export as JPG a series of images from an AI file (that part is working fine), then rename them (that part isn't working). Writing and troubleshooting with Extendscript.
Trying to eliminate as many possible places to go wrong, I came up with the following:
myfile = new File; myfile = myfile.openDlg(); var newName = ""; myfile.rename(newName);
When run targeting Illustrator, it does nothing.
When run targeting ExtendScript, for some reason this blasts the file into oblivion, never to be found again.
I have a series of images taken with different settings and I want to quickly compare them at 1:1 in different areas of the image, center and corners. I have discovered that if I select the series I want to examine and then go to the first image and zoom that image to the position that I wish to when I use the arrow keys to move to each subsequent image will be shown zoomed into the same position
If I don't ever go to any of the other images and zoom anywhere this works just fine. The zoom location is remembered just for the first image. However, if i accidentally or deliberately zoom on one of the other images it will remember that zoom location forever which breaks the technique described above.
how to remove the remembered zoom location from an image like it is when you first import it into LR?
How can i export a series of images in different aspect ratios to the same height?
I wish to make a slider callery for my website. all the images need to be 750 Pixels high, the width does not matter. I have a mixture of square pandscap and protraite images can i do thing as one export or do i have to do it twice? Once for long edge and once for shot edge?
I am trying to create an action converting PSD to transparent GIF with Save for Web option. The gif file is created correctly during my action record session. But when I replay it, the gif file saved from PSD file doesnt have the transparent background. Did I do anything wrong? Or is it possible to do such an operation with Action?
Is there a way in actions or scrip to size a folder of different size horizontal and vertical images at the same time so that the longer edge ( h or V ) is equal - ie - horiz long side 2", shortside whatever on Horizontal - Vert long side 2", shortside whatever on vertical ? at present I am separating H & V and using two different actions .
I am trying to create a simple action/droplet that will open a bunch of PDF files and make them a certain resolution on the open and then save as jpegs to a particular file. The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one.
Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?
I'm using the script export-selection.scm to create a series of PNG files from an existing image. It works fine but I find the fact that it saves the file to a name that it constructs (based on the .xcf file loaded, and whether it is saving a one layer or visible layers, etc) really slows me down, as I have to bounce between gimp and explorer to rename each output file after every save.
I looked at the source to see if I could tweak it so that the filename it created was unique, but I must have missed a crucial episode somewhere, because I couldn't get past first base. you get a filename of MyGimpImageName-sel.png. What I want to do is create filenames called MyGimpImageName-sel-001.png, MyGimpImageName-sel-002.png etc.
An alternative would be to add an edit box to the dialog to allow you to specify the filename.
On a related subject, is it possible to set up a key binding to execute a script? If this could be done, I could roll a version of the script that skipped the dialog altogether and just used the last settings. In combination with the unique filename mod, this would speed up the job considerably.
I need to convert color images of vehicles to monotone images. When done correctly they will look like the car has been primed in preparation for painting.
Sometimes some pics after being imported, have short horizontal lines next to keywords before I do anything with the photos. Is Lightroom somehow suggesting keywords that I should apply to these images?
I want to generate a single image which compares two different images side by side. Can Gimp do this?
There was a tab called "new" which enabled me to generate the white background needed to do the merging. One of those little details the author forgot to mention. They just said " Open the first image as a new layer and move it to the left" without mentioning that you had to find the "new" key and put in the white background first!
I have an image of a car. It is going from left to right horizontally. Is there a way to make the image of the car look as if it is coming right at you?
I want to drag a watermark onto an image and resize it and record the process as an action. I can't seem to make that work. Is it possible? Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains the process?
I ran a batch action. The action performed on all the images, I did a save and close, but then I open the folder and the change did not happen. Tried twice. So next time, I choose instead of save and close to save to new folder. the batch ran action on all images ,and the new folder is empty. I've tried the override save as checked and unchecked.
To prepare the imges for my blog, it has to be 600(width) x 900 (height) for vertical images, and 600(width) x 400(height) for horizontal images. That way the images lineup when they appear on my blog. Is there a way to achieve both dimensions with one export command?
I want to create an action to apply to several images. This had to be the result. But I want to use the action for a portrait or landscape image or 72 or 300 dpi picture.
I've created a simple action that just does auto levels and auto colour on an image, and it works fine. The problem is that it still takes me a while to go through every image and aply the action. Is their a way to set it to do the action to all the images in a certain folder, and then to save the result?