Illustrator :: Easy Way To Drag And Drop Vectors Between Programs?
Jul 12, 2013
In CS5, I was fairly easily able to do this by dragging a vector directly from illustrator to fireworks, but vectors drug back to illustrator would be rasterized. I recall photoshop did some of this stuff, but I don't remember so much as this use case is rarely necessary for photoshop for me. Nonetheless, Illustrator CC and Fireworks CS6 don't seem to support this feature at all.
I've always dreamt that adobe bridge would have this sort of functionality (since it's the only useful feature I could picture bridge having), but I haven't seen any evidence to support this wish.
Is there a good way to drag & drop or copy & paste vectors between the new versions of illustrator, fireworks, and photoshop? Maybe there are clipboard settings that allow this to happen or a program that accepts clipboard vectors, quickly converts them to something common like svg, then allows you to drag a temp .svg file into another program?
[by the way, I know I could just export .svg files from illustrator, then place them into a fireworks file, but this feels like an unnecessarily clunky workflow]
I just upgrade to Windows8 x64 and I'm using Illustrator 64 CS6.  I am trying to drag and drop a TIF file off my desktop in to a document like I have so many times before in Illustrator but my cursor is showing the 'No' symbol (circle with line thru it).  It is working in Photoshop tho.
I'm working on a memory experiment and I want to create a file with a drag and drop feature. I set an image as layer 1, and several images as layer 2. I would like to create a file where people can drag and drop on of the images from layer two onto a slot in layer one. Ideally I would like it to remain stable if the place an image in the slot (meaning if they try to place one of the images from layer 2 into layer 1, I want it to align perfectly).
When dragging and dropping an image from FF 20/21 into AIÂ CS6, it forces elements on the art board to be displaced.The image dragged into the app will plop into the middle of the art board, and anything in the file just gets moved. Â Where it gets moved to is inconsistent- but it appears to always move on a diagonal.
I'm running Windows 7 here at work and I can't drag and drop scenes into the max viewport, or texture maps into the material editor or any sort of the dragging and dropping that I can do on my home computer or any of the other computers that run max here at work.
I'm using 3ds max design 2011, I'm running it as administrator and everything is up to date. I also can't drag and drop into photoshop, but I can drag and drop to the desktop and from one folder to another. So either both of my programs, on this computer only, had some setting disabled, or it's the OS. But like I said, I can drag and drop within Windows just fine.
I'm having this problem since the last time I formatted my computer. Basically, when I try to drag an image into photoshop, the cursors changes into a circle with a slash in it (unavailable).
I can open files by right clicking and choosing "Open with -> Adobe Photoshop CS6", and I can also open with "File > Open..." (ctrl+O)
I've searched for a soltion for this and nothing worked. This is what I've tried doing so far:
- Resetting the preferences (ctrl+alt+shift) - Running with administative rights - Running without administrative rights - Making sure I have premissions for the files - Making sure the files are not set as read-only - Changing the scratch disk option (Preference -> Performance) Â None of these worked. Â Here are my PC specs: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit SP1 CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 @ 2.50GHz RAM: 4.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 400MHz Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. G31M-ES2L Graphic Card: 1024MB GeForce GT 240 (nVidia)
My Adobe PhotoDeLuxe was unfortunately deleted and I had to buy Photoshop, which is far less convenient for my needs. How can I drag and drop, or copy and paste, an image I have modified in Photoshop directly into another programme, in my case usually MS Publisher ? Â Is there a way that, when I double click an image in My Pictures, I do not have to watch a long list of the people who designed Photoshop before I can actually use it?
I've been using photoshop cs6 Extended for almost a year now and never have had any problems with it. Recently however, I purchased a desktop with Windows 8, and when I reinstalled Photoshop on that, I have had problems since. When I move to drag something onto photoshop (Whenetheir it's from the internet or a folder on my Computer), A black Stop icon that represents my mouse refuses to let me. I can still open files normally with the "Open" tab in Photoshop I've already tried the following:
Running as both adminstrator and non-adminstartor Made sure "Clip thumbnails to document bounds" is checked" Resetting Photoshop Preferences Made sure none of files I wanted to drap and drop were "Read only" In addition, When I'm moving files, the background for some reasons flickers My OS is Windows 8 and my Version of photoshop is cs6 extended.  Â
I want to drag and drop a csv file containing some coordinates into autocad and the result to be dbpoints objects.
I know how to create a command to point to the file and to do this but I would like the command to be called when I drag and drop the file into autocad.
I'm using CS4 and haven't had this problem before. After loading various actions, I am unable to drag and drop them into one of my sets. The actions either drop above or below the set. I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I could always drag an image from a browser window onto photoshop and work further with it. But now this trick doesn't work anymore. When I drag now onto PS, PS show a dialog box with sizes and stuff and when I click 'ok', I only get a white canvas with the wrong sizes and when I paste (maybe the image 'hangs' in the clipboard) it pastes nothing..
when you drag and drop from firefox into photoshop, more than half the time you get an error message.
firefox 3.0 is coming out (beta was released), and Firefox DISABLED draging an image into photoshop as a NEW image, you can only drag images into other already open images
we NEED the ability to drag in images as new photos,
when you drag and drop from firefox into photoshop, more than half the time you get an error message.
Well firefox 3.0 is coming out (beta was released), and Firefox DISABLED draging an image into photoshop as a NEW image, you can only drag images into other already open images.
I don't know what made it stop but at this point it's beginning to bug me to no end. I can no longer simply drag a file into Photoshop. I now have to go to "file --> open" in order to get anything into. Is there anything I can do to restore the ability to drag and drop? Just to let you know I reset the preferences already and that did nothing. The other thing is I'm running Windows 7, however I've never had an issue with PS on it. I'm using CS4.
I was able to drag/drop 1 photo into the canvas but unable to drag anymore into same canvas. I have several layers with 1 photo, border effects, and type. but, cannot drag any additional jpg photos into project.
I made a web browser based model library for our assets for internal use. Ppl could "upload" their stuff to this site, add categories, tags, etc... and it worked very well. Since we moved to 2013 dragging and dropping from the web browser into max is not possible anymore. The files that were cataloged in the system had a local file link to the file on our server. So you saw the image of a model, and it was hyperlinked to the file like "file://///sever/library/maxfile.max", and if you dragged and dropped that image onto the MAX viewport, it brought up the import/merge file dialog. Not anymore.
I have everything running in admin mode, and I can drag and drop files from windows explorer, but that`s a big setback compared to the browser based system.
Since upgrading from LR4 to 5 I've been unable to drag and drop images int ofolders. am trying to create a book in hte book module but as drag.drop doesn't work its impossible
I'm in Lightroom 4 on Mac OS 10.7, and in Grid view I can't drag photos from one folder to another folder. I am dragging the photo thumbnail, not the frame. Have trashed all Lightroom preferences, restarted, etc.
Background: Windows 7 64bit, LR3, CS5, other 3rd party applications, Canon Camera RAW files  Is there a way to open the Camera RAW files in CS5 right from LR3?Sometimes I want to manipulate the original RAW file in CS5 without having LR3 convert it to a PSD or TIFF format first.  Drag-and-drop from LR3 to another application does not work. I have to use the export option which converts the RAW file before handing it off.Â
This is not convenient when I want to use LR as a slide box or sorter for other applications. This would also solve the CS5 issue if I could just drag the RAW file and drop it on the CS5 icon.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 and when I drag and drop a color image from one screen to another, all the color disappears and the color image becomes B&W. Additionally, when I tried to use my brush tool to color the B&W image, the only color that works is gray - even though I used the color picker to select an exact match brush color.
In CS4 when I had multiple files open and wanted to copy a layer to another file I would display the files on the desktop as tiled. That enabled me to drag and drop layers to other files, new files, whatever. How do I do this in CS6?
I loved an ability in Photoshop 5 to just drug and drop layer onto different doc tab to paste it. But seems like i cant do this anymore in Photoshop 6. Are the copy/paste and arrange docs the only ways to move layers in to a new location in cs6?
I'm using Photoshop CS3 and when I'm trying to drag and drop an smart filter to arrange it inside a set of smart filters apply to the same smart object, I find a bug with a warning message that says "Could not complete your request because of a program error".
I use to be able to easily drag and drop files from the internet into photoshop. now i have to copy the image to my clipboard, and then do new image, paste it in.
an error received when attempting to drag a photo from the internet into CS3? Only happens when dragging from Firefox (havent tried explorer) into CS3. Can drag photos from photo manager into CS#....
"Drag and Drop operation could not be completed because file c/documents and settings/XXXX/local settings/temp/4709916056bd.jpg is not ready"