Background: I work IT here at a trophy shop and we do a lot of artwork for plaques and acrylic/glass awards. I am versed in IT but not CorelDraw in-particular.
Problem: One artist tells me that her CorelDraw seems to randomly crash and display "Recovery manager wizard" "Application has become unstable" and after files are saved the application closes out.
The "X"'s in the minimize, maximize, close space are missing from drawings and the recovery manager. I have to close Acad and restart to get them to reappear.
Had a crash eariler today and saved the A.R.M. file through the dialog box. Where again does it save to or what file type is it? I've searched the Corel Program folder but don't see it, isn't it in the user folder or some temp folder for CorelDraw?
I was subject to a 10 minute power outage and lost the computer. when power returned, I tried to recover my corelDraw X4 file. No Luck. Inspite of the "backup" being scheduled every 5 minutes. the one backup file was 1 hour old. The documentation said that the CorelDraw system stored a recovery file elsewhere and that I should go to the "File Recovery Dialog Box and "Click" the recovery file. Where is this "File Recovery Dialog Box" ?
I modified the "Prepress" pdf preset to show crop marks and saved this pdf preset as "Cropmarks". However when I use the "Collect for Output" wizard, the new pdf preset (i.e. "Cropmarks") does not show up as an option in the dropdown.
Is there a way to make it available/show up in the "Collect for Output" wizard?
How has a pattern like this been achieved. They are not uniform and the same image is twisted around into different positions but evenly spaced to form a pattern.
I have SP3 installed along with the hotfix. I have less than 500 fonts installed as well as ran a repair and F8 my desktop. I still get random closes when I save, print, or export a pdf. Are there any specific fixes out there?
When I am exporting a jpg from CorelDraw X6, I keep getting random columns of white pixels to the right of the graphic image. If I switch the matte color in the export dialogue to black, I get random amounts of black pixels. In X4, when I would export a jpg, the resulting file would be cropped right to the image edge, with no extra pixels. I'm getting anywhere from 1 to as many as 8 columns of extra pixels on the right hand side, which is problematic for utilizing the resulting files for page layout.
I achieve the same results when choosing "Export for Office" and "Export for Web".
I'm running a 64-bit install on a Win 7 64-bit box.
Question: How can I get the objects to appear in the Object Manager?
I have the CorelDraw 6X suite. The objects in the Object Manager window are not showing up. It's supposed to have curves, images, and text there. Instead, it has got just the following:
Master Guides (all pages)
Desktop Guides Layer 1 Document Grid
I have been using CorelDraw since about 1999. My first CorelDraw program was CorelDraw 9. Then about six or eight months ago I purchased CorelDraw 6X
This is the first time anything like this has ever happened.
I must have pressed something, the details of the object in the object manager docker is not showing up, i always used it when selecting objects instead of selecting it from the document itself, how do i bring it back?
This issue is difficult to describe on paper. When I'm working in the OM when I edit an object on a layer, the screen flashes.. The screen pauses, blips a flash of light, the bottom layer briefly appears and then goes back to the layer I'm working on. I'm using Draw X3 and there are over 20 layers.
the 'layers only' toggle of the object manager will go blank; the toggle where the master layer and all objects are listed still works, just the layers only listing goes blank. All files opened after the event will do the same, requires a shutting down of CorelDraw and restart to bring things back to normal.
Just as of today, as I begin adding objects &/or text to a graphic, absolutely nothing is 'showing up' in the Object Manager under Layer 1. It seems like always in the past, whenever I added a shape or text or curve or anything, a new line would be added under whatever Layer I was working in, detailing the object's properties.
Is there some simple config-setting that I tripped without knowing it?
Just installed X6. However, even though I installed Symbols and Objects from the content install, symbol manager does not see the symbols library on my hard drive. I guess it expects me to add a library, but where this symbols library is. Am I supposed to install the entire content package (I really don't want to clutter my hard drive with thousands of unwanted images) in order for symbol manager to be able to automatically find where the symbols are?
I open the symbol manager and click on local or network symbols, add library and go to c: users/public/ public documents/ Corel/ CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5/ extras/ content/ clipart and click on any of the folders or files and then click on "ok" and I get absolutely nothing.
Nothing appears in the symbol preview at anytime. I think I am doing this according to the instructions. I know the clip art is there because I can navigate to it through windows and open them.
I just updated my CorelDraw for X6 to X6.2 and now my object manager will not display the detailed information about the curves. It use to show the fill color, "CMYK, 0,88,77,50" outline fill color CMYK 0,0,0,100"
Now it just shows the curved symbol. Would like to get this back.
My list of objects in the Object Manager docker have disappeared and I can't see how to get them back. With the layer manager view I can see the layers but no way can I display the objects (which I normally use a lot).
I have the object manager pane visible at the right of my screen. It shows the layers and status of those layers in my drawing. It has the + icon that allows each layer to be expanded to show every line in that layer. The trouble I am having is that each an every time I do something in the drawing to a line it prompts the Object Manager list to expand to the full list of lines. Clicking the - icon closes this down to just the layer name.
Thing is, how do I stop it expanding the the list to the line level of detail in the first place. I rarely need that level of detail and waste lots of time closing the view down.
The most annoying in the style sheets, view manager since x3 is still existed in the x6 as style sheet sets having unnecessary styles which i have not created besides color styles & view manager as well. Are they not considered anyhow ?
Default style set is ok and Styles is also ok to create our own but Why this nuisance of style sets which are having a lot of dump. Truly view manager is unnecessary docker i think but have lots of zoomed data.
We are using CorelDRAW 15.2.686.0 on our fleet and are noticing that Object Manager has some weird behaviour when you add objects to a page after you copy/paste an object onto a page.
Below shows me adding some rectangles to a page and object manager showing them:
Then when I copy paste an image into the document this object and any subsequent objects are not shown in the Object Manager:
As you see I have more objects than are shown in the Object Manager!
If I go to the Window Menu, then Dockers, then untick the Object Manager box, then once again go back and tick it, then all the objects on my page now show in Object Manager!
Is there a quick and easy way to delete all symbols in the Symbol Manager docker? I know there is a macro that converts symbols to objects but the macro does not affect this part the document that has ANOTHER set of Symbols....know what I mean? Maybe a macro that digs and wipes out all symbols in the docker?
It takes a REALLY long time just to delete them one by one...even multi-selecting did not work.
The latest version has built upon the QuickSwap module (select 2 images and then swap them with one click) by adding a QuickSwapSize module which not only swaps 2 images, but also swaps their sizes.The macro also has the original module SwapImage module which pops up a userform and allows the user to choose how the 2 images are swapped (e.g. swap the position of their top left corners, bottom right corners, etc). Here is a screen capture of how the modules appear in the Macro Manager docker, assign shortcut buttons/keystrokes to make them one click away:
Refer to the video below to see the intented use of this macro: cs_setInnerHtml('video_c5045c1a-10b0-489c-93f4-a1189f25d9d2','');
Bitstream font manager will not open. I have un-installed it, reinstalled it, uninstalled the complete suite and then reinstalled it. Was there not an issue last year with a Microsoft Security update that disabled Type1 fonts, but I'm sure Bitsream did still work. Today I had an update for "Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer" but I restored XP before today's update to try and eliminate that as being the problem. Last week I had problems with "User Profiles" being corrupted (no cdr files were listed that I could see) due to overheating hard drives but that was sorted out and everything has been fine untill today.
When I open any of my cdr files, the view manager opens over 400 views. It takes quite a while to open any file. If I take the time to delete all of the views after opening the file, (it seems that they have to be deleted 1 by 1) and I resave the file, the views stay deleted. The ironic thing is that I have never even used the view manager, or saved any views.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?