CorelDRAW X5 :: Text Upside Down In Tables
Oct 22, 2010
Occasionally the text is upside down in tables (mirrored, not 180 degrees). This seems to mostly happen after I copy another table and edit the information. The mirrored text actually is hidden until you double click the cell to edit it. Now, after playing around with one of these cases I can't even select the text at all, it is completely hidden and I can't type anything in the cell.
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Nov 7, 2013
I am attaching text to a path, but on the bottom of the ellipse, the text is upside down in relation to the text at the top of the ellipse. I am going nuts to try and resolve this. I have CD6 The Official Guide at my side, and no luck.
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Jun 3, 2012
I know, if I select Vertical Text (ctrl+.) then I can write wertical text. But the text is writting Up to Down.
I want write vertical text Down to Up. How?
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Dec 5, 2003
Suddenly, I must have hit something, all new text added to my drawing when using Multi-line mode is Upside down. When using single line mode new text is backward. When looking at the properties the text is NOT shown as upside down or backward and my text style is set to Standard and has not changed. This problem is isolated to the current drawing. If I open a new drawing text is entered correctly.
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Feb 1, 2013
I have just upgraded to Draw X6 and am having a problem importing multichannel photoshop .dcs or Illustrator .eps (with placed bitmap) files. When importing, the graphic appears upside down. Other oddities in this situation:
-This only happens to rastered images, not vector.
-If I try to flip it right-side-up the image goes blank as if it didn't get a screen refresh. But remains blank even with a manual refresh or zooming in/out, etc.
-In wireframe view it looks correct.
-It prints correctly also
Luckily, I can print the file correctly.
CorelDraw X6 - v16.1.0.843 32 bit
Windows 7 Home Premium - current update 32 bit
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May 10, 2012
I'm having a problem in one project. When I enter the text mode there is a cross-hair with a t on an arc. When I type text it's upside down. I've tried adjusting the direction, changing fonts still doesn't work. It doesn't happen on any other projects.
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Aug 17, 2011
All of a sudden this morning when I dimension something, my dimension text is upside down. It is only on one drawing and only on new dimensions. why nad how to correct?
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Dec 2, 2013
i was asked to assist with plotting some coordinated on a drawing, the catch is i need to re orientate the UCS with Y+ at the top of the screen, X+ to the right, Y- to the bottom and X- to the left..
I managed to get this part right, that was the easy part.....
However when i went to put any Dimension or even Text on the drawing it was Backwards and Upside Down.
I have added a small screenshot for reference ....
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Jul 14, 2011
Any way to produce tables, as in an invoice/form, where the outside border has rounded corners? Quite often my print customers want their invoice or statement to have rounded rather than square cornered boxes. When the whole form needs to be done as a table I can't do this. Masking it out works on a solid fill, but not on an outline.
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Oct 22, 2012
Long ago, everything was done in Imperial and now we are converting to Metric, the issue is that the drawings we have no schedule of members and we (a colleague and I) are constantly discovering new members, this is causing no end of trouble with our numbering system.
What we would like to do is set up a master-table with 5 categories (UB, UC, PFC, EA and UA) and then have the labels for all the members dependent on this table. If we were to change the value in the table, the label would automatically update. Is this at all possible? I looked into the Xref and RText commands and they seem close but not quite there. Ideally the table would be in a separate dwg so we can work on drawings at the same time.
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Jan 6, 2014
We are moving to a new drafting standard which uses .STB plots rather than .CTB. I'm wondering if there is any way of changing the layer of the text within the cells. I want the title to be at a certain thickness, the headers to be a different thickness, and the data to be a different thickness again when plotting. This is easy to do when using .CTB plot styles, but is there a way to do it when using .STB?
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Apr 7, 2012
Using X6 64 bit on Windows Ultimate. Tables appear blank until a manual screen refresh?
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Jul 23, 2013
There doesnt seem to be a way to control the lineweight of text in a table. I have changed the color of the text and I have applied a lineweight to the table but the text is way too light. I spent a bunch of time putting info into tables and it looks like total crap and I cant seem to change it. What is up with this?
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Nov 26, 2012
I am trying to create calendar pages in CS5 and am wondering if there is an easy way to create 7 x 5 block text tables.
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Apr 25, 2013
Is there any way to control the line spacing when you have text within a cell of a table? Specifically I want to change the spacing to act similar to 'EXACTLY 1.0' like in the MTEXT editor. Please see the included dwg.
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Aug 23, 2012
Recently found another bug in X6. This time it is in the Pantone conversion tables when converting to cmyk. I had a job that had been updated over the years and the file was last used in X5. The colour in question was PMS 7406. The file opened fine & was converted to cmyk and sent to the printer unchecked. What could possibly go wrong - this file had been used countless times before without incident. Pantone 7406 breaks down to 18% magenta and 100% yellow (as per Pantone's own specification). X5 converted it to 17% magenta and 100% yellow. Near enough - I'm not going to quibble over 1%. However, opening the X5 file in X6 caused it to use the 'Pantone previous version' colour table (and you don't get any notification that it is doing it). Result is that it now converts the colour to 18% cyan, 24% magenta and 100% yellow. Where the #@**# did it get the cyan from? We are now talking about a completely different color!
It gets worse. If you create a new object in X6 and fill it with PMS 7406 (using the Pantone + colour table) and then convert it to cmyk, you get 6% cyan, 22% magenta and 100% yellow. Again, this is not the correct break down of this colour. Pantone is a world standard with known conversion to cmyk figures. InDesign can get it right, Illustrator can get it right, then why can't Corel? And how many other Pantone colours are wrong? I have used Draw for 20 years and this is the worst bungle yet (apart from version 4). For a program that tells the world it is a professional program to screw up like this beggars belief.
If we have to check every single Pantone to cmyk conversion against the Pantone specifications, then it just isn't worth using Corel in printing. Add this to the font problems in Font Navigator and the scale error in Barcode Generator and it make X6 pretty much useless in the print industry. Throwing in freebies like fonts, second rate web creators and Photo Paint are not much use when the flagship program is sinking.
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Dec 12, 2012
I am using x6 to create datasheets & need to insert tables to hold the data.Most of the time when doing anything to a table ...combining cells, splitting cells or almost anything, nothing actually works & x6 ends up crashing.
When starting a table, i click on the table icon, go up to the columns & rows box & type the numbers that i want ...but whatever i type, a 3 x 3 table appears.
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May 30, 2013
Consider the following
(if (ssget "_X" '((0 . "ACAD_TABLE")(1 . "PIPE LIST")))(progn (vlax-for a (setq ss (vla-get-ActiveSelectionSet (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (repeat (setq r (vla-get-rows a))(setq r (1- r) c -1)(repeat (vla-get-columns a)
(if (eq "*PL*" (vlax-invoke a 'GetText r (setq c (1+ c)))) (vlax-invoke a 'SetText r c "THREAD ONE END"))))) (vla-delete ss)));progn);if
Basically, it replaces this text inside a table:
1 1/2" NPTM - A53 - 3000LB - A-53 - 3000 LB
thread both ends.
But I'm limited to the size of pipe, it's material and its pressure rating. I can't change how the text in the field is populated. It would be nice if, it did a search for NPTM, and when that string exists in the string, change it to "thread both ends".
Essentially right now, I have 46 lines (and growing) of different scenarios. I just want the NPTM to trigger the string change.
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Oct 12, 2012
I've cut and "paste special" a table from excel to autocad, and would like to edit several (not all) cell's text color from the default (in this case white) to the bylayer color.
When I set up my table style I specified the text to be bylayer, however apparently a paste from excel ignores the setting.
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Apr 27, 2012
I decided to use Data Link Tables for my Excel sheet instead of OLELinks. The appearance is far sharper, and I am also pleased there is no background color transfered. What IS the problem is when I update the table, its goes from 12" Wide by 12" Tall table @ 7/16" Text W/O borders back to 3" Wide by 10" Tall with varying text size to fit and gains back all borders except diagonals (of which none are present on the Excel file).
So, any way to default the format when I refresh so that it holds each cell at the 6"X1" dimensions with no border.
With that, If there is a way to have a stencil for making the range links with Excel, that would be useful. I use the exact same 4 or 6 ranges (2 formats) in every dwg.
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Apr 14, 2008
When I go to file and click open the pictures are upside down in the open box but the file names are right side up.
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Feb 14, 2009
I was sent the floor plan of a building and I am drawing the rcp. I am trying to add some dimensions but they are upside down. The ucs is at world and mirrtext is at 0. I don't know what to do now!
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Apr 15, 2008
When importing images into lightroom the previews are upside down. Once imported they are rightside up.
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Feb 14, 2011
I am currently using 3D Max 2011 and am having a problem constraining an object to a path. I modeled a lot of the work in CAD and brought it into Max. My problem is that when I contrain the object to the spline it wont rotate through the course of spline. I have checked the "follow" toggle and "allow upside down" but it doesn't make a difference.
Also, I tried to set a different pivot it point for the object to use for the constaint but it still used the default pivot. I made sure use working pivot was active..For the working pivot shot, I had to delet the path constraint in order to show the location
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Mar 8, 2013
how to rotate stuff upside down that i download from revitcity.
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Nov 4, 2005
I'm placing a single glass door in my curtain walls, and they keep coming in upside down, with the door handle 4 feet off the ground. How can I make them right side up?
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May 15, 2013
I have created an alignment in Civil 3D 2013, from 100+00 to 6740+00 and Station 5040+00 thru 5400+00 are upside down both in the respected drawing and the alignment itself. I have checked and double checked all the settings and they all seem to be correct. This has really got me dumb founded.
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Dec 12, 2013
I have two viewports, one that is not rotated at 1:50 scale, the other rotated at 1:20 scale, and using associative dimensioning, therefore viewing the same model object with two associative scales. The rotated viewport is showing the dimenions upsidedown since it is rotated more than 180deg. If I modify the dimension properties to Left to Right instead of Right to Left, it rotates my other unmodified viewport. The only way right now to have the dimensions showing properly, is to print the first pages with the unmodified viewports, then modify the dimension properties, and then print the rotated viewport pages.
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Oct 17, 2013
In illustrator, when I have two artboards to create a double-sided document, the second one must be upside down for both sides on my print-out to be pointing the same way.Is that normal? and if yes, why this quirk?
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Nov 12, 2012
When I upload my slideshow PSE10 to my gallery page, some of the pics in the slide show are turned upside down or to the side. How can I fix this?
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Sep 26, 2013
I created a custom door tag I have been using for several years now based on the standard size description (3068). I have always had the constraint set to object so it will be read at 0 or 90 degrees. I am now using ACA2014 and now it puts the tag in at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. how to correct it back so the text is not upside down? I could always set it to zero but I don't like the look.
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