CorelDRAW X5 :: Way To Produce Tables As In Invoice / Form
Jul 14, 2011
Any way to produce tables, as in an invoice/form, where the outside border has rounded corners? Quite often my print customers want their invoice or statement to have rounded rather than square cornered boxes. When the whole form needs to be done as a table I can't do this. Masking it out works on a solid fill, but not on an outline.
Occasionally the text is upside down in tables (mirrored, not 180 degrees). This seems to mostly happen after I copy another table and edit the information. The mirrored text actually is hidden until you double click the cell to edit it. Now, after playing around with one of these cases I can't even select the text at all, it is completely hidden and I can't type anything in the cell.
Recently found another bug in X6. This time it is in the Pantone conversion tables when converting to cmyk. I had a job that had been updated over the years and the file was last used in X5. The colour in question was PMS 7406. The file opened fine & was converted to cmyk and sent to the printer unchecked. What could possibly go wrong - this file had been used countless times before without incident. Pantone 7406 breaks down to 18% magenta and 100% yellow (as per Pantone's own specification). X5 converted it to 17% magenta and 100% yellow. Near enough - I'm not going to quibble over 1%. However, opening the X5 file in X6 caused it to use the 'Pantone previous version' colour table (and you don't get any notification that it is doing it). Result is that it now converts the colour to 18% cyan, 24% magenta and 100% yellow. Where the #@**# did it get the cyan from? We are now talking about a completely different color!
It gets worse. If you create a new object in X6 and fill it with PMS 7406 (using the Pantone + colour table) and then convert it to cmyk, you get 6% cyan, 22% magenta and 100% yellow. Again, this is not the correct break down of this colour. Pantone is a world standard with known conversion to cmyk figures. InDesign can get it right, Illustrator can get it right, then why can't Corel? And how many other Pantone colours are wrong? I have used Draw for 20 years and this is the worst bungle yet (apart from version 4). For a program that tells the world it is a professional program to screw up like this beggars belief.
If we have to check every single Pantone to cmyk conversion against the Pantone specifications, then it just isn't worth using Corel in printing. Add this to the font problems in Font Navigator and the scale error in Barcode Generator and it make X6 pretty much useless in the print industry. Throwing in freebies like fonts, second rate web creators and Photo Paint are not much use when the flagship program is sinking.
I am using x6 to create datasheets & need to insert tables to hold the data.Most of the time when doing anything to a table ...combining cells, splitting cells or almost anything, nothing actually works & x6 ends up crashing.
When starting a table, i click on the table icon, go up to the columns & rows box & type the numbers that i want ...but whatever i type, a 3 x 3 table appears.
One of the features I was really looking forward to in CS6 was creating fillable forms with ONE application. I created a form following the step by step instructions in classroom in a book for CS6. When I opened the exported form in Reader X, I get a "This operation is not permitted" error. I opened the completed "end" document in the lesson to make sure I didn't commit an error, and I got the same message when exporting. I have looked for places in menus to modify security restrictions and I can't find any. I installed the updates and that didn't solve the issue.
I saw one solution posted which is to open the document in Acrobat, then do a "save as" option. Is there anything we can do that doesn't involve buying additional software? If this is not the case, then Adobe seriously needs to change its training and advertising about this functionality.
I have built a VBA form for generating stripes at random from a user defined palette (with a few parameters decided by the user) via a user form.
I now need to include an option of displaying the palette (maybe by using a method to include this in the form or by shifting the focus to the coreldraw window/palette) and then the ability for the user to pick colors from this palette (which will then be passed to the script for further processing).
I am trying to do this tutorial: [URL]....... but I have a trouble at Step 3 : Creating Web Header - rather: Now go to the " Shape Tool ", double click on the bottom middle line to create a custom node / corners.
I've got an admission form in pdf format. I tried everything every converter but it didn't gave a perfect result, then i tried to import pdf into coreldraw x6 & it looks perfect but the problem is I need to provide this document in editable doc format. I've pasted link below to find both pdf & cdr file.
Still on the basics, here's a demo video that includes adding a macro form and sizing of some selected shapes. I had fun doing this one but it's hard trying to squeeze everything into a short video (to keep video file size low).
I am working on a form (global) and have added a picture with a parameter and a picture folder underneath. So that the picture displayed on my form will change depending on the parameter value.Here comes the trick. Only text parameters can be used!On the form editor only 'Text parameter' can be selected to drive the picture selection. I actually need an integer, so that i can use my User/Excel parameters from Inventor.
I can work this around with an iLogic rule to equal the value of my string Picture Parameter with the relevant integer Inventor parameter, but the rules need to be run before the pic and the form updates (by pressing the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the form and then the assy updates too. So this takes a couple of minutes)... whereas if it was an option on the form editor then the update would be instant without waiting for everything to update...
Is there a particular reason why the Picture Parameter only can be a text parameter?
I’ve just produced a short video, intended for Youtube, but in the ‘Share – create video file’ step can find no options to produce an mp4 file in 16:9. My preferences were set to 16:9 right from the start and all the material is either originally 16:9 or cropped to 16:9, so it would be nice to produce the video as 16:9. I tried a few other file type options that I thought might be suitable for uploading but can’t find anything on offer that would produce a small file size in 16:9.
I would like to produce high quality video files from VideoStudio X4. I can produce MP4 files 1280*720 (16:9), 25 FPS, but how do i produce similar quality (and aspect ratio) in FLV format?
I want to produce three positive transparency (C M Y) "films" that I can lay on top of each other over a white light for demonstration purposes (to simulate the behaviour of a slide film). Obviously each film has to be printed in its own colour (Y, M, C).
I am currently deciding whether to invest money in buying Revit LT. I think that I need to do 3D views of interiors as my clients are being asked to provide them for presentation purposes. I would like to know if it is possible to produce decent 3D views in Architecture and render (even in a basic format) them too. If I can do this then I don't need to spend money on Revit LT or similar but maybe just some money on training.
I was wondering, after I make a walkthrough in Revit, Is there a way that I can produce the walk-through into a video which I can open separately (like with windows media player rather than through Revit). If so, how?
I wanted to give a little presentation of the building I had created by showing people a walkthrough of the model, however I thought it would look unprofessional if I have to present it within Revit.
My images after being processed in LR show clearly different colours in other applications e.g. Picassa on the same computer with properly calibrated screen by Spyder 4 Pro.
We are currently working on an architecutre project for which we have to make printed curtains/screens. The maximum of one Curtain is about 180 meters (600ft). Over the 180 meters we have a pattern, which makes it not so easy to split files into pieces (color gradients, a.m.m.)
Our printing company suggested us to produce everything in a 1:10 scale (1 meter is 10 centimeters) and in 600dpi and they will scale it up with their rip unit and print it than in 1:1. Final print resolution is therefore 60dpi.
As a start we are doing a 25 meters x 2,5 meters file - which is already super hard on the computer. (all new macs with 16gb ram and adobe creative cloud)
Is there any way of working like with videos - online and offline files? So that we work on a smaller scale and then repeat all the steps on the larger images.
We want to get our workflow optimized as we have to produce 3000 meters of image.
Photoshop CC cannot produce 2 equal batch results ! its skips images at random and even worse skips parts of the batch commands! This makes PSD CC absolute useless in a professional environment, and that Adobe have not fixed this huge bug in the last 5 updates they have done in less than a month is an outrage.
Joined the recent webinar on X4 and very impressed with the product. I currently use Photoimpact X3 but looking to change to the new product.
How do I import photos of all different sizes and output to a 800 x 600 photo suitable for import to a digital photoframe? In Photoimpact, I set up a new image that is 800 x 600, make changes to the photo (crop, hue, etc), resize so that the minimum ht or wdth is 600 or 800, right click, copy, move to new image, paste, then move the image about until I am happy with the finished photo and save to a file that will subsequently be copied to a USB pen drive.
We are trying to find a way to produce a BMP/PNG/ tiff file Heightmap (Hillshade?), I was able to produce something, but it isnt good enough quality (attached). What is the best workflow to achieve a good quality image?
I want to produce three positive transparency (C M Y) "films" that I can lay on top of each other over a white light for demonstration purposes (to simulate the behaviour of a slide film). Obviously each film has to be printed in its own colour (Y, M, C).
I am trying to start a line of nutritional supplements and need some advice on producing the labels. I have already used photoshop to produce a 1486 px wide by 600 pixels height that will be a 1.5"x3.5" label. I need to do this as inexpensively as possible and it is going on a plastic bottle. It should look like the glossy labels vitamin bottles have not regular white address labels. I will also be doing this for a 2X4 label.
My thoughts were to order a glossy type label that I can laser the logos onto at office depot or something. Anyone have any specific details with product info for me?
I have a drawing and i don't use alignment in this drawing , what i need is to produce (view frame groups). Can i produce the groups without alignment.
I want to produce a brush that draws a row of buntings all attached to a rope or tape either using a graphic or a jpg. I have tried everything I know but for the life of me cannot get it to work. I can get the little flags to draw but not from a continuous line.