AutoCad 2D :: Add Some Dimensions But They Are Upside Down?
Feb 14, 2009
I was sent the floor plan of a building and I am drawing the rcp. I am trying to add some dimensions but they are upside down. The ucs is at world and mirrtext is at 0. I don't know what to do now!
I have two viewports, one that is not rotated at 1:50 scale, the other rotated at 1:20 scale, and using associative dimensioning, therefore viewing the same model object with two associative scales. The rotated viewport is showing the dimenions upsidedown since it is rotated more than 180deg. If I modify the dimension properties to Left to Right instead of Right to Left, it rotates my other unmodified viewport. The only way right now to have the dimensions showing properly, is to print the first pages with the unmodified viewports, then modify the dimension properties, and then print the rotated viewport pages.
i was asked to assist with plotting some coordinated on a drawing, the catch is i need to re orientate the UCS with Y+ at the top of the screen, X+ to the right, Y- to the bottom and X- to the left..
I managed to get this part right, that was the easy part.....
However when i went to put any Dimension or even Text on the drawing it was Backwards and Upside Down.
I have added a small screenshot for reference ....
All of a sudden this morning when I dimension something, my dimension text is upside down. It is only on one drawing and only on new dimensions. why nad how to correct?
I have created an alignment in Civil 3D 2013, from 100+00 to 6740+00 and Station 5040+00 thru 5400+00 are upside down both in the respected drawing and the alignment itself. I have checked and double checked all the settings and they all seem to be correct. This has really got me dumb founded.
I created a custom door tag I have been using for several years now based on the standard size description (3068). I have always had the constraint set to object so it will be read at 0 or 90 degrees. I am now using ACA2014 and now it puts the tag in at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. how to correct it back so the text is not upside down? I could always set it to zero but I don't like the look.
I'm having an issue with draping a google earth image onto a surface that was imported at the same time. The image flips over and shrinks down into one corner. Not sure shat I'm doing wrong, if it's just a setup problem or an actual bug or something. I have the image attached.
I was adding a lot of aligned dimensions to a drawing and some where along the way they changed from aligned dimensions to rotated dimensions, even in the same string of dimensions.
Occasionally the text is upside down in tables (mirrored, not 180 degrees). This seems to mostly happen after I copy another table and edit the information. The mirrored text actually is hidden until you double click the cell to edit it. Now, after playing around with one of these cases I can't even select the text at all, it is completely hidden and I can't type anything in the cell.
I'm having a problem in one project. When I enter the text mode there is a cross-hair with a t on an arc. When I type text it's upside down. I've tried adjusting the direction, changing fonts still doesn't work. It doesn't happen on any other projects.
I am currently using 3D Max 2011 and am having a problem constraining an object to a path. I modeled a lot of the work in CAD and brought it into Max. My problem is that when I contrain the object to the spline it wont rotate through the course of spline. I have checked the "follow" toggle and "allow upside down" but it doesn't make a difference.
Also, I tried to set a different pivot it point for the object to use for the constaint but it still used the default pivot. I made sure use working pivot was active..For the working pivot shot, I had to delet the path constraint in order to show the location
I have just upgraded to Draw X6 and am having a problem importing multichannel photoshop .dcs or Illustrator .eps (with placed bitmap) files. When importing, the graphic appears upside down. Other oddities in this situation:
-This only happens to rastered images, not vector.
-If I try to flip it right-side-up the image goes blank as if it didn't get a screen refresh. But remains blank even with a manual refresh or zooming in/out, etc. -In wireframe view it looks correct. -It prints correctly also
I'm placing a single glass door in my curtain walls, and they keep coming in upside down, with the door handle 4 feet off the ground. How can I make them right side up?
In illustrator, when I have two artboards to create a double-sided document, the second one must be upside down for both sides on my print-out to be pointing the same way.Is that normal? and if yes, why this quirk?
I am attaching text to a path, but on the bottom of the ellipse, the text is upside down in relation to the text at the top of the ellipse. I am going nuts to try and resolve this. I have CD6 The Official Guide at my side, and no luck.
how I can turn just one word in a sentence upside down, as opposed to all flipped. Im trying to make one word stand out whilst designing in a text sentence window.
Suddenly, I must have hit something, all new text added to my drawing when using Multi-line mode is Upside down. When using single line mode new text is backward. When looking at the properties the text is NOT shown as upside down or backward and my text style is set to Standard and has not changed. This problem is isolated to the current drawing. If I open a new drawing text is entered correctly.
I am using a custom page size (31x31) and need the plots to be upside down for binding on the left margin. In autocad 2010 and 2012, the OOTB DWF6 ePlot.pc3 and DWG To PDF.pc3 will not do this. I have tried PLOTROTMODE but nothing changes it. Plot upside-down in the plot dialog box does not work.
I can rotate the viewport 180 to get what I want but I don't want to do that.
I'm thinking of upgrading from the Bamboo to the Intuous 5 touch Medium. However, I'd like to know if there is a setting or preference to flip it upside down and use it. I am a lefty and want to be able to rest my palm on the left side of the tablet. As is, looks like this one has some buttons on the left, and I am concerned that they would be sensitive enough to pick up on the weight of my palm at times and cause problems.
Can it be flipped upside down (re-oriented) and used so built in buttons on the right-hand side? Looks like this one is wireless, so it might be a possibility?
In the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.
i am adding some new stuff to a print we got for my building. my issue is that when in model space i go to add a new dimension and the arrows are huge and the measurement is way off. the old dimension are smaller but say there length is greater. i have the dimstyle set right i believe. even when i take my new dimension and match properties the length is still wrong.
I export my ipt to an stl (and I make sure that I click on options before I convert and make sure the units are in mm) yet the units are still off. I am using Inventor 2013.
It seems like most people were able to solve their problem by clicking on options but even that seems like it is not working for me.